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Q'UO: The Yahweh We Know An Imposter And A Negative Entity?

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:19 PM
This is actually from a channelling of a principle called the Q'uo which consists of Ra, Hatonn and a fifth density race called Latwii done by the Members of L & L Research from 1972 to 2011.
The group has these sessions that have been going on for over 40 years and these are hundreds of thousands of pages I recommend to any seeker. Their language is known to be complex and philosophical so just read through it at your own pace.
I put lots of time this year researching these historical and mythical entities (Yahweh, Lucifer etc) and I came to find this part here kinda interesting. I always encourage folks after reading alternative information not to zealously go into the defense of these entities (Yahweh, Allah etc etc), they are gods so the least they can do is defend themselves.
Anyways I didnt put this up to start a debate on whether channeling is real or not etc etc, I want to hear from open minded people who this info resonates with them so Maturity is encouraged.
L$L Research Transcripts

We are aware of the many questions that those at this meeting do have, and as you have requested information on that entity that you call Yahweh we shall attempt to speak along these lines to your satisfaction. This is history and also a mythology and the one function is as important as the other. Because of these historical and mythological coincidences of meaning and value it takes a careful and subtle intelligence to find one’s true and clarified way through the many by-lanes of cultural detail and distortion. We say this because your query concerns that which your peoples see as a god or the God. Within another mythological system—that being the extraterrestrial model—this entity is a Guardian. The god-like qualities of each entity are precisely those of the entity, Yahweh. The qualities of Creator within all beings are the same.

The entity, Yahweh, as the one known as Jim surmised within his question, was indeed one who had the plan of enabling those who wished to transfer to your planet with that move. The concept seemed to them fairly direct; that is, to improve the intelligence and the curiosity and the physical and emotional strength of the type of physical vehicle which had been the native physical vehicle for those within the Martian sphere. The entity which succeeded the first Yahweh—calling itself by the same name and using the same frequency of light to express—simply continued to offer aid and comfort when it wished but with the ever increasing distortions towards belligerency and aggressiveness that is the hallmark of a negatively oriented being or culture. The echoes of this action which was transmitted long ago redounds even now and shall continue to echo and re-echo as long as there are those within third density within this sphere who wish to claim power and who seek a god of power.

Now, let us look at the promise first made and the promise that took its place. The hunger which many among your peoples have had revolves around knowing what is right. It is instinctive within your physical vehicle to watch out for the safety and the comfort of the body, the mind and the spirit. The continual proclamations and greatly detailed taboos, prohibitions and schedules of sacrifice that characterized the relationship of your so-called Old Testament God constituted an order, a structure, a logic within which entities felt comfortable living. Through this structure they knew what was right. The tendency was to enunciate finer and finer points of law until all possible actions with ethical consequences or consequences of safety and health were covered and the entities within this system were safe.

We ask you to look about you within your present world scene and see the entities about you looking for a way to be safe. Look upon your leaders who wish to prohibit freedom in order to guarantee safety. The spirit of Yahweh is strong and it survives. It is part of that mixture of light and dark which makes up all that is. In other words, we are saying that entities continue to have a choice between the many laws of moral rectitude in such a logic as Yahweh’s. They can also choose a logic and a path which is not rational or linear, which does not hold, which does not insist, and which is not aggressive. This spirit exists within each entity, for each of you is the universe. You are looking out at a world that is actually interior. Such is the illusion created by flesh.

edit on 7-10-2011 by traveller4 because: bad link

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:36 PM
Yeah I saw this a long time ago.
Yahweh never really inspired a warm fuzzy feeling in me.
He seems to be pretty much a war god that is way to into animal sacrifice and bloodshed.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Yahweh was a controlling huge ego idiot

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:39 PM
As you said, you don't want to make this a debate about whether channelling is real or not. Personally I think you made a big mistake by not making that the very first sentence in your post and making it bold, italic and underlined for emphasis. What I am saying is, you will probably get a lot of debate and arguments about that, before this thread runs it's course.

I, however, have no knowledge of channelling nor channellors so I won't be the one to debate with you.

I don't know if channelling is real or not, and I suspect nobody can really ever make a claim that "YES IT IS REAL!" or "NO IT CERTAINLY ISN'T!"

However, the actual words written there make PERFECT sense.

Absolutely PERFECT sense.

So I'd say whether or not the method for obtaining these words are valid, the words themselves hold within them a lot of truth and it's something that the devout (or the zealots) would do well to consider.... and I don't just mean briefly consider for one second before bashing the concept. As you said, the least an almighty God could do is defend itself; it should have no problem with you using the mind you were given, if that is what happened in the first place.

We are naturally inquisitive and that curiosity has led us to do some marvelous things as the human race. To think a God would try to stifle that is foolish, as far as I am concerned.

I think life is the way the universe experiences itself. We are the senses of the universe. We are the eyes and ears of God and also the brain. That is what I think. God is just the eternity you see when you look up into the night sky. We are all God just as God is all of us. Everything there is, from the tiniest grain of sand to the largest galaxy in the universe, is all God.

My two cents anyway.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:42 PM
I don't really see how your question in title correlates to the Transcripts so i will just answer the title question.
In the biblical texts Yahweh is pretty much always negative and I can't see how people get a picture of this entity that is in anyway connected to the Jesus character.

# he is an Angry God.
#he orders killing of women, children and animals for things they have no control over being born in the wrong place.
# he says "I am a jealous God. We don't usually think of jealousy as a good thing.
# he orders the torture of those that love him in order to prove a point to an advisory or to himself...Job.
Asking Abraham to butcher his son.
#he says he is a God of anger and war.
#he requires blood, sacrifice of innocent animals to constantly prove loyalty from his worshipers.
# he says he created all but he favors Men over Women, Jews over non Jews etc. We don't usually consider this behavior good as favoring one of our own children over another would be hurtful and cruel.

I could go on and on, all the old Gods in all the old writings around the planet seem to be like this, the only ones who represent our own ideas of GOOD are human deities or those claiming to teach in the name of a God. Jesus, Buddha etc.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Sigh, the Gnostics have known this for thousands of years. Just read Nag Hammadi.

Second liiiiine

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by DieBravely

Wise words, you have a good approach. Check the link I put up and or google the Ra Material, I have fished good knowledge from the literature

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Seventhdoor
Sigh, the Gnostics have known this for thousands of years. Just read Nag Hammadi.

Second liiiiine

To bad the Gnostics didn't survive Christianity might be a completely different religion then it is today.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:15 PM
Ra stuff is a complete load of old crap.

But the "Yahweh we know" is indeed an imposter.

He used to be a minor god in the Ugaritic pantheon.

There is one Ugaritic text which seems to indicate that among the inhabitants of Ugarit, Yahweh was viewed as another son of El. KTU 1.1 IV 14 says:
sm . bny . yw . ilt
“The name of the son of god, Yahweh.”

This text seems to show that Yahweh was known at Ugarit, though not as the Lord but as one of the many sons of El.



posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:18 PM
You lost me at "chaneling"

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:28 PM
Why is this thread in the "Aliens &UFOs" forum?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
I don't really see how your question in title correlates to the Transcripts so i will just answer the title question.
In the biblical texts Yahweh is pretty much always negative and I can't see how people get a picture of this entity that is in anyway connected to the Jesus character.

# he is an Angry God.
#he orders killing of women, children and animals for things they have no control over being born in the wrong place.
# he says "I am a jealous God. We don't usually think of jealousy as a good thing.
# he orders the torture of those that love him in order to prove a point to an advisory or to himself...Job.
Asking Abraham to butcher his son.
#he says he is a God of anger and war.
#he requires blood, sacrifice of innocent animals to constantly prove loyalty from his worshipers.
# he says he created all but he favors Men over Women, Jews over non Jews etc. We don't usually consider this behavior good as favoring one of our own children over another would be hurtful and cruel.

I could go on and on, all the old Gods in all the old writings around the planet seem to be like this, the only ones who represent our own ideas of GOOD are human deities or those claiming to teach in the name of a God. Jesus, Buddha etc.

Yup. And those who worship this angry and jealous god are really worshiping a sort of devil. An insane one, in fact, that thinks it is God. The Synagogue of Satan, if you will. Hmmm.

The Big Lie is pretending the Old and New Testaments are in any way talking about the same god.

And yes, the Gnostics have known this for centuries. Now you know it too.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by ELahrairah
Yeah I saw this a long time ago.
Yahweh never really inspired a warm fuzzy feeling in me.
He seems to be pretty much a war god that is way to into animal sacrifice and bloodshed.

Never got past the old testament did you..

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

# he is an Angry God.

Yeah, that's for sure!

#he orders killing of women, children and animals for things they have no control over being born in the wrong place.

When I was a kid a wondered about that, maybe god does play dice?

# he says "I am a jealous God. We don't usually think of jealousy as a good thing.

Now, this is something that tells a lot about who god is, or is not!
Why now would the creator of the Universe, of you and me and everything you see possibly feel jealous?
If an entity made everything and OWNS everything how can anything or anybody have something that you don't?
Sorry, this ain't no god, this YAHWEH is a flesh and blood being with anger issues and with the limitations of a flesh and blood being.
An all powerful creator and destroyer cannot feel jealousy, this being would be above that, above petty human emotions.

# he orders the torture of those that love him in order to prove a point to an advisory or to himself...Job.
Asking Abraham to butcher his son.

The aliens pretending to be gods must have had a good milk-nostril spraying laugh over this one;
"Hey, look how gullible these idiots are, they will do anything we tell them".
"So what test are we going to do"
"say something like, 'I YOUR LORD GOD COMMANDETH THOU TO KILL YOUR SON' and say it in your deepest voice and try not to laugh when you tell good ole' abe this!

(sprays milk)
"lets see the look on his face!"

#he requires blood, sacrifice of innocent animals to constantly prove loyalty from his worshipers.

I really don't get this, I must assume they used the gullible humans as their personal chefs, and they liked their meat well done.
Sacrifices, DUMB, DUMB, DUMB! Of what use is a sacrifice to a god?

This stuff just seems to me like an experiment to see just how far a human will go if they think a god is communicating with them.
I guess that would include the loonies alive today that take orders from god, those who think god is talking to them.
Sounds crazy.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Toadmund

And don't leave out impartiality...why "create" all kinds of people then say you are the god to only one group?
Why "create" them male and female then treat one as though it is favored over the other.

Then along comes "God's Son" he says, yes NOW my Father will accept the lowly other men and women we created "gentiles" as part of his Sheeple flock!

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Perhaps those 'other people' the Gentiles or whoever were created by another god, or alien being?
If there was one 'god' and this god was perfection immaculate why would this god create something or some peoples it desired less?

I like to entertain the ancient alien theory because to me it really explains the old testament god in a way that makes more sense.

Yahweh and the other gods seem to have flesh and blood emotions, methinks if there was a spiritual god it would be impartial to all creation, it would just create and destroy and not care. Just look at events on planet earth now where is god why doesn't it stop this BS? Why does god ignore peoples prayers?

That's if there is such a god.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 11:53 PM
There was a sect Gnostic Christianity that believed
the old testament god was a false god that stole light from the real God who was outside of the material existence.
This false god created this world and trapped spirit in it and proclaimed himself lord over it.
yet the world he created was a pale imitation of the spiritual reality where everything is perfect.
The world he created was a world of bodies death and decay life needed to take life in order to live in it and everything in it eventually turned to dust.
These group of Gnostic's believed Jesus was a messenger from the true God of light and perfection and that he came here to teach gnosis and how to awaken the light within so people could escape this material world and return to the real one.

Unfortunately when Constantine made his version of Christianity the official state religion this and many other
interpretations where branded heretical and would cost you your life if you practiced them.

They where all but lost to history that is until the Nag hammadi manuscripts where rediscovered in the mid 20th century.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Everytime someone asks me if I believe in GOD....I say....YES....Someone is out to get me! Split Infinity

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:28 AM
there is but one God, our 'Supreme Creator' in whatever language.

once you start throwing around names God supposedly calls himself based on this or that Bible,

who really knows.

the best test is what the name means in its respective language. if it doesnt mean supreme creator in some context, then its potentially not God you're submitting to!

on a side note, i just saw the movie "Bhagbaan" with a friend and we were discussing the difference in meaning between BhagVaan (Creator) and BhagBaan (Caretaker). cool stuff, noble ancient languages like Sanskrit!!!

may Supreme God bless!

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by ignant

there is but one God, our 'Supreme Creator' in whatever language.

once you start throwing around names God supposedly calls himself based on this or that Bible,

who really knows.

the best test is what the name means in its respective language. if it doesnt mean supreme creator in some context, then its potentially not God you're submitting to!

on a side note, i just saw the movie "Bhagbaan" with a friend and we were discussing the difference in meaning between BhagVaan (Creator) and BhagBaan (Caretaker). cool stuff, noble ancient languages like Sanskrit!!!

may Supreme God bless!

I have no problem with a person who has or needs to believe in God. What does kind of irritate me is when a person starts using some ancient written Religious text as proof. Religion is a construct of Man. Statement s in certain books such as the one....Man was created in Gods image. Why would God have a Human form?

It's all rediculous. Even more stupid is assigning a God....GENDER. Dumb and Dumber. Split Infinity

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