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Why The Afterlife is a Fact.

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by humphreysjim

3) an exact replica of you generated in a parallel Universe would truly be "you"

How so?

Why can we not detect ourselves experiencing it at this very moment?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:27 AM
First of all, about non-existence, we can only speculate about it as there are no mechanisms that can effectively record what is going on in THAT part of creation.

Science says nothing can rise from nothing. From there, you have a reasonable scientific statement that tells you there is something before and after.

From what humanity has perceived about death through the ages is that mostly, no one can remember what was going on before birth. Heck, almost no one remembers their birth, much less what was going on in the womb, so what about what was before conception?

My dad used to tell me, when I was young, that God was like an electric central, and we were the electricity. We would, as electricity, activate a bulb of light. Once the bulb is dead, the electricity is still there, but unused. You then have the bulb replaced, and electricity can, again, manifest itself.

I think it is a good analogy of "life" before and after Life...

And, logically, YOU cannot survive the process of dying because YOU is the product of the ego, manifested by the activation of biological life, influenced by its environment.

That is why we have two words to describe people; there is person, which means a mask, something we wear in our life, and there is the individual, which represents our very core.

Notice it is made of INDIVI, for indivisible, and DUAL, because we are made of perishable matter and everlasting energy. And since we know matter transforms, rather than perish, the energy linked with it cannot really be erased, but also transformed, or transferred... So in a way, science indirectly tells us "we" survive the process of dying as it is simply a... metamorphose.

Nothing says a core consciousness can not be manifest during that process. Nothing can measure that, yet.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:30 AM
If I have a ship, and every day, I replace a piece of wood used to make the ship, with a new one, at which point will it cease to e the original ship and become a new ship?

That's essentially what happens to us, as we age.

Are we becoming a different person every moment of every day?

It seems like it, and yet we continue to experience ourselves as "I", as the same "consciousness", even if we sleep and then wake up, losing consciousness. Even is we have a NDE and our brain becomes all but dead, we still awake as "I".

Is "I" then, nothing more than an illusion, or is "I" something more than our material parts?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Fight4YourSoul
reply to post by smithjustinb

I agree that there is a after life but I also believe there is a heaven and hell. What would be the purpose of the after life if your soul goes into the land of nowhere? makes no sense to me.

What greater heaven could exist than to be freed from the shackles of our physical prison?

What worse hell can you imagine than to be forced back through another cycle to learn the lessons missed on the previous trip?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by humphreysjim

3) an exact replica of you generated in a parallel Universe would truly be "you"

How so?

Why can we not detect ourselves experiencing it at this very moment?

As I said in that post, that would have to be an assumption we would make.

I don't know the answer to that question, because I don't understand precisely what consciousness is, and I don't think anyone else does, either.

I can't imagine what it would feel like to experience more than one consciousness.

How/Why would an exact duplicate of myself in a parallel Universe not be me?
edit on 7-10-2011 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb


and my topics get closed when I actually provide some kind of point, lol, this website really does behave strangely.

Anyhow, ''Before you were born, you were dead'' What? I am not asking what because I don't understand, I do but just, WHAT!

If we are not born/created, whatever you wanna call it, we are not in existence at all. So nothing can be dead, if it is not yet here. It makes perfect nonsense to say once a person dies that we are born again, so what happens to everyone else chances? new life, new brains, new visions, new souls? Hmmmm. Your saying to me that all people living now just keep receiving new chances, who gave the people alive now such a high privilege?

When I read something like this, it makes me think someone is fearing death, grieving for a lost one or wishes that life isnt as basic and straight forward as it is.

I do understand however that life isnt as obvious as it may seem, I think we under value the power that humans have between one another, our connections between one brain/soul/energy to another, more of a sense, we feel anothers pain.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by humphreysjim

How/Why would an exact duplicate of myself in a parallel Universe not be me?

Because a duplicate cannot also be it's original.

I could take a $20 from your desk and replace it with an exact replica. The $20 I've taken is not simultaneously the $20 I've replaced.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by humphreysjim

I heard we had every cells of our body changed every 7 years, that means when you are 7, your body uses totally new cells that replaced those that first were in you at birth... ( It's done over time, not over night! ) So that would indicate the consciousness is partly independent of the body?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:43 AM
The Hopi and most other aboriginal groups (I'm Metis) believe that this is not our first civilization. The story goes that we are currently reaching the end of the third civilization and that each before was destroyed not out of necessity or accident, but that it's part of our spiritual growth. Having said that I am not a doomsayer, just stating this as a prelude to an idea.

I have read previously in some book somewhere a long time ago that we are postulated as wave form phenomenon. What if the vibrational frequency generated through sex allows a life to find it's way through and adhere to the physical again, thus inhabiting the newly fertilized egg? Saying that, if it were tru then there would have to be some sort of universal depository from which all life flows.

Funny, this sounds more like new age propoganda, which I don't subscribe to.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Morg234

Why would you come back in the same type of 3d body if 3d body at all. IF NOT FORCED TO OR TO ASSIST others ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE OUT GROWN THIS LIL UNIVERSE? just sayen?
edit on 10/7/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by humphreysjim

How/Why would an exact duplicate of myself in a parallel Universe not be me?

Because a duplicate cannot also be it's original.

I could take a $20 from your desk and replace it with an exact replica. The $20 I've taken is not simultaneously the $20 I've replaced.

Well, you couldn't replace the bill with an exact replicate because an exact replica would not exist on this earth.

Structurally, I am talking about something absolutely identical in every way. If consciousness is nothing more than the material parts of the body, why is one version me, and the other not?

If we invent a teleporting machine that breaks the individual down into information, and reconstructs the person at another destination, does the original person essentially die?
edit on 7-10-2011 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by humphreysjim
Well, you couldn't replace the bill with an exact replicate because an exact replica would not exist on this earth.

Why not? Exact replicas can only exist in other universes?

Let's say that's true. Same argument, modified: I'll still switch the $20 except this time I'll take the $20 from your universe and replace it with an exact replica from my universe.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:00 AM
i think that god created all souls way before adam and eve. i think we had a different body that we used [a spirit body] that we will go back to after this flesh body life....i think that before adam 1 third of those souls rebeled against god with satans help...instead of god destroying those souls back then..he put us in this flesh body born with no memory from the past we have a second chance to love him and choose eternal life from this point on or refuse far as the kids remembering things from a past life, i think that a familiar spirit is involved .those familiar spirits have knowlege of peoples lives past lived, and they can posess children and adults if you let them....

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
Its simple.

Before you were born, you were dead, and now you are alive. So when you die again, it makes perfect logic sense that you will have another opprotunity for life.

Now, that doesn't mean that there is a heaven or hell, it simply means there is definitely life after death as before this life, you were dead, or not alive (same thing), and now you're alive. Life after death.
edit on 6-10-2011 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

To put it another way using different words:
There is non-existence before and after life. The fact that non-existence preceded life implies the FACT that life can arise from non-existence. Since this is the case, then the period of non-existence after this life has the opportunity for another life arising. It's simple and it's obvious.
edit on 6-10-2011 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2011 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

before i was born i did not exist, so i could not have been dead. your logic is flawed. do you need the birds and bees explained to you
all life on earth comes from something, you are trying to create a formula so you can have the answer you want, 2+2 does not equal squirrel no matter how you do the math

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Outgrow the Universe?

You and I are made up of self-replicating matter, the crucial feature that differentiates us from, a lamppost for example. Simple as that. Humans have comparatively astounding self-awareness and sentience, something that has been gained naturally over time, however. It does not equate to our consciousnesses always having been divine.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by akushla99

* I would like to add some words to this thread concerning life after death. What I am about to tell you is a true life experience that happened to me in 2004. It may or may not be long, but I will make it as short as possible.

In the early part of 2004, my doctor sent me to an ENT doctor because I kept getting strep throat, probably 6 times per year. The ENT doctor told me my tonsils were extremely large and asked if I have sleep apnea. I affirmed. He then recommend a tonsillectomy to minimized the impact of the apnea and to stop the strep symptoms. We scheduled surgery for the next week.

First of all, I do not condone any adult with having a tonsillectomy. It was the most painfully thing I have ever dealt with in my entire life. I was not able to take down fluids because I could not swallow. Obviously, I could not eat neither. I was sent home to recover the same day. As each day passed, the pain did not subside. I slept all day so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain. I became extremely dehydrated and more and more hungry as each day passed. On the 5th day, my seven year old son woke me up in the morning to tell me my two year old daughter was getting into things. This is where the story begins.

I got out of bed and felt like I was going to pass out. I looked in the bathroom mirror and I was white as a ghost. I noticed a bad taste in my mouth and I kept painfully swallowing uncontrollably, so I spit in the sink. I was shocked to see bright red blood. I immediately went to the kitchen a gargled ice water to stop the bleeding. It didn't work, so I called my ex-wife to pick up the children so I could go to the surgical center. While waiting for her to arrive, I became nauseous and I vomited in the toilet. I vomited out so much blood and clots, that I was sure I may die if I did not get help soon. After she arrived, I told the children I love them and quickly got in my car and drove to the surgical center. On my way there, I again became nauseous, so I reached for a 44 ounce Big Gulp cup on the floorboard and literally filled it to about two inches from the top. After arriving at the office, I showed a nurse the filled cup. She said, "Oh my God! Let me get the doctor!!"

A couple minutes later, the doctor asked me to go into the room and lay down. He took a look into my mouth and said, "Mr. Wiggs, you are not bleeding, you are hemorrhaging." He asked one of the nurses to tell the other doctors to immediately stop their surgeries and get down here to help. While waiting for the other doctors, four nurses came in to help him. They were starting IV's, placing electrodes on my chest and hooking me up to monitors. While they were doing this, I felt my body becoming heavy and an indescribable feeling of doom. I said to the doctor, "I'm going out!" All went black and I heard the doctor scream,"Code 1, get them in here now!" Although, I lost consciousness, I was able to hear my heart beat go from a slow rhythmic beating to flatline. This is where the story gets interesting!

All I could see was black void space that suddenly made me appear standing at the bottom of a cavern, surrounded by cliffs. The cliffs were black and the sky above them was bright red. I looked up to my left and saw what appeared to be two native Americans holding spears to their side and sitting on top of two large horses. Suddenly everything became dark again. I felt an intense burning coming from my naval. It felt as if someone stuck a lit cigarette in it. Slowly...the intense burning spread evenly throughout my body. My conscious became desperate and I began speaking, "God, please don't let me die! My children need me...Father please help me! Jesus, Jehovah, whoever is listening, please let me be with my children!" I was trying to cover every base possible, hoping, yearning that I could go back home.

This is when I felt myself being pulled at the speed of light, through the darkness and I suddenly stopped. Directly in front of me, I saw a pin prick of pure, bright white light. It slowly got larger and larger as it approached me. As it became closer, the burning throughout my body slowly began to diminish. Then, my naval felt as if a piece of ice was dropped in it. That cold feeling spread from my naval to through my body and the feeling was indescribable. When the light completely enveloped my body, I remember thinking how beautiful it was. I began feeling the most euphoric, calming, loving, joyous, stress free emotions, that I believed I was standing in the light of God. I WILL CONTINUE ON THE NEXT POST BELOW>

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:33 AM
None of us will know the answer until we die. Why even bother clouding this "life" with what will happen after it? This life, this universe, is everything. It is 1 and it is 0, the beginning and the end. When we die our consciousness seems to stop. Our atoms will become earth again, and from those atoms plants and animals will arise. We know nothing about what happens after death other than people who have actually died and been brought back to life, and even then it's entirely possible everything they experienced at that time was the rush of '___' into their brain. Anybody bothering with the afterlife now isn't living life to its fullest and needs to slow down.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:39 AM
Well i believe in afterlife but in a different way because i think there is some logic here and it is just my own opinion.
i was thinking why some people are born with health problems or born with something missing in there body like some people born and they are not able to walk and some people born blind why why God is punishing them by that did if they have only lived one life then they should not be punished for anything if this is there first time to live so i think they have lived many lives before and they are just paying for their sins that have committed in there past lives and i think that the number of people does not decrease or increase and it stay at the same number and the life is just like a circle you live then you die then you born again till the judgment day come and God will make his decisions about who will go into heaven and who will go into the hell .
i am just sharing my opinion nothing more at all
edit on 7-10-2011 by darksmasher99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Decision

Originally posted by Fight4YourSoul
reply to post by smithjustinb

I agree that there is a after life but I also believe there is a heaven and hell. What would be the purpose of the after life if your soul goes into the land of nowhere? makes no sense to me.

What greater heaven could exist than to be freed from the shackles of our physical prison?

What worse hell can you imagine than to be forced back through another cycle to learn the lessons missed on the previous trip?

If living conditions improve, they could become heavenly, and I would want to be around to experience that in a future life.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:43 AM
Most people don't remember that before you were born there was something that you needed so you chose the aspects of your life to help you get it.

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