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Is obama a true American who stands for true democracy or is he trying to leave Americans defenseles

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

They were told to go shopping and to not pay attention or else they'd be labeled as Anti American for which like sheep did blindly and without hesitation. What is occurring nowadays is the culmination of 30+ years of deregulation but this group puts up Reagan as God and I think most GOP'r want to sleep with him or something.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by demonologist842012

I can tell you how to lower diseases in this country,but,
I would be labled a racist! Many diseases were already
eradicated in this country before the influx of illegals from
south of the border.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 06:50 AM
Obama is a mere figure, a mouth piece, puppett for the powers that be. So was Bush. so will the next president be and so on. Do i blame him? Sure. Hes got free will, and he could have tried to fix this country if he had wanted (though TPTB could have "hurt" him.) but he chose not to.
The game is now being played in our faces, and they care little what happens now.
He, of course is bringing us to our knees. Thats the game plan.
Those of you still with faith that a Ron paul will save us are in for a rude awakening, my friends.
We are done.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Remember when we used to say that Bush policies were opening the door for other presidents to abuse power?, we were right, didn't we.

But while corporate got their entire food in the door under Bush policies, they whole agenda started back in the seventies, took a good hold with Regan and is culminating with Obama.

Goldman Sach runs America and perhaps the world, with their minions. It seems more and more that the only way to get out of the mess we Americans has allowed this nation to into is with a full scale protest and if that doesn't work we may have to come to terms that it will have to escalate into more.

The Uber rich are not going to give up their power back to the people that easy.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:49 AM
The globalists have been leaving the United States as defenseless as possible despite overspending its military budget and facing a credit rating drop and ballooning total debt.

This has spiritual implications as well, given that Lord Jesus is judging the United States for its litany of national sins and straying far away from the word of God, since 1963, when the Bible and public prayer were banned from public schools.

Obama is merely Satan's puppet in his drive to deliver to the devil his most treasured gift - a new world order.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by ironfalcon

Jesus Christ is sympathetic to the American people and absolutely cannot stand what is being done to the people under the guise of greed as if you remember your CCD classes that he WILL ALWAYS BACK THE PLIGHT OF THE COMMON MAN AND HOLDS NO ALLEGIANCE OR RESERVATION TO CORPORATIOINS!

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by marg6043

When it comes to the national debt, Bush added 4 trillions Obama has added so far 3 trillions.

Well Obama hasn't reached that apex yet, because he is still in his first term...If Bush added 4 trillion in 2 terms, how do you think Obama would do? It's kind of crazy if you ask me. If things aren't getting better for us, and he has already lost 3 trillion then where is all this money really going? Obviously not to us here in the U.S.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

This has nothing to do with a birth certificate, and it never did, the birth certificate was a distraction. This is about Article 2 , of The Constitution Of The United States and actual facts, and history and Supreme Court Cases. It is not possible for a person born with a foreign citizen parent to be "Natural Born Citizen" as the term used in Article 2 was intended and historically always been used. Is a very simple thing to understand, our founding fathers saw fit to put in requirements that the Commander in Chief, The President would not have divided loyalties by requiring that they be "Natural Born Citizens". If a US Citizen woman had sex with or married the Ambassador of Russia or China etc. the child would have divided loyalties in time of war or other things, a mans loyalties has always been influenced by the father. And that is the reason the Constitution includes the requirement of "Natural Born Citizen" for the president, so that there would not be divided loyalties from the parents foreign citizenship. Nobama did not and does not meet the Constitutional requirements of Article 2, is all a fraud and he is an impostor.

Do the research and read the facts, is a matter of record , and is available if you look, a person with a foreign citizen parent is not eligible or legally allowed to hold the office of President.

edit on 5-10-2011 by dpage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by dpage

Regardless of where the parents were born the rules are as long as the minor is a legal US citizen by birth that is all that matters. Quit with this birther crap as it makes you look real ill informed.

He is the 7th POTUS to have at least one foreign born parent and if it did not qualify to them it does not mean jack squat here. Stop playing the race card.

Fact remains is that if you were born in the USA and your dad was say, French born, you could run because you were born in the US and not your father. That is just continuing to play decisive politics. Quit with the Birther crud and OccupyWallStreet! It was a distraction then like it is now, meant to divide this nation,
edit on 5-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

You are very wrong my friend, this is not birther anything, this is about the Constitution. The Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett, specifically construed Article 2 Section 1 by defining – as natural-born citizens – those persons born in the US to parents who were citizens.

There has never been any Supreme Court Decision otherwise , and the matter has been discussed on the House Floor and is a matter of record. The Intention of our founding fathers in writing Article 2 was that the office of President be held to the highest standard to guard against divided loyalties.

John Jay wrote to George Washington specifically about it before the Constitution was written.

Founder John Jay wrote to George Washington, then Presiding Officer of the Constitutional Convention, on July 25th, 1787:

“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.

edit on 5-10-2011 by dpage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by demonologist842012

Why don't you ask him?

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

It is about having a " Foreign Citizen Parent" , not a foreign born parent, there is a big big difference. Obamas father was not a US Citizen and had no intention of becoming one.
edit on 5-10-2011 by dpage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

Exactly, we may need yearly stimulus to boost the economy, but the one thing that should make all of us worry is the unaccounted debt that the Federal Reserve have without any congress approval.

The Federal Reserve have added 16 trillions so far and they do not have to be transparent as were that money went and the exact amount.

So far critics has a tentative brake down of that money, most of it went to pay for EU Bailouts after the 2008 crash.

US is the biggest funder of the IMF through the IMF it can loan money at will, while it only keeps 17% of the quote in the IMF bank at any time, any other amounts are kept by the FED in the US until needed, this allows the Fed to move large amounts of money without tax payer knowledge, congress approval or President signature.

And is not of the peoples business what they do with that money that is why they are not allowing anybody to see their books.

edit on 5-10-2011 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by demonologist842012
Obama is the American president but he will not say the pledge of allegance to the flag.

Your "proof" that Obama refuses to say the pledge is CLEARLY labeled FALSE in your own source...

Obama was muslim and switched to christianity while running for president.

There is NO evidence that Obama EVER practiced Islam or called himself a Muslim.

People thought obama was trying to take away every ones right to bear arms.

People thought something? So what? It has no bearing on reality.

So far, you're batting 1000. On being wrong... I'm not inclined to take your post seriously...

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by dpage

The following have had at least 1 foreign born parent :
Thomas Jefferson‘s mother was born in England
Andrew Jackson‘s parents were both born in Ireland
James Buchanan had an Irish father
Chester A. Arthur had an Irish father
Woodrow Wilson‘s mother was English
Herbert Hoover had a Canadian-born mother
Barack Obama had a Kenyan born father

If none of them were subjected to this rule neither is Obama. Since when do you righties suddenly care about The Constitution when your God 43 was attacking it left and right y'all said nothing but have the audacity to complain now? Hypocrites! His mother never relinquished either her's or Obama's US Citizenship effectively killing your argument.

Since Obama was born on US soil he is a legitimate American citizen. Someone born in Peurtro Rico or Guam is eligible to run for POTUS!
edit on 5-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic


Welcome darlin! How are you?

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by lbndhr

Trust me am not for the Republicans they are garbage too, Im more of a Ron Paul, and for Funding MY Wars, well my brother served in both and im against them and ironically so is he Bush is Neo con loser from Bohimian Grove Skull and Bones. I call it down the middle and Obama is Destroying Our Country. They ALL are.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Is not about having a foreign born parent, it is about about having citizen parents. A parent that is a foreign citizen can not have a "Natural Born Citizen" as the framers of the constitution intended and which has never been changed or interpreted different by any process or any Supreme Court Ruling or Congress, on the contrary, the records of the House of Representatives, and other Supreme Court cases agree that Natural Born Citizen means having both Parents as Citizens.< br />

From Free Republic:
There has been much debate over what constitutes a natural born citizen. Much of the debate has been misinformed calling the concept of natural born an obscure technicality or an overight by the writers of the Constitution. Neither of these characterizations are true.

Many times the true meaning of consitutional wording must be determined by looking at the era and the circumstances, and, in some cases, terminology in other sections of the constitution, the inclusion or exclusion of supporting verbage, and even writings other than the Constitution.

Article 2, section 1 of the Constitution states, "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president; neither shall any person be eligible who shall not attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United Satates."

The addition of a grandfather clause in this paragraph says a lot as to the meaning of natural born. The first thing it says is that being born in the US is not enough to be natural born, otherwise the grandfather clause would not be necessary. The writers and delegates, having been born in the US, wanted to be eligible for the presidency, but most were the children of British subjects. Knowing that that eliminated them from being natural born and, thus, from eligibility, they included the grandfather clause which expired when the last person alive at the time of the ratification of the Constitution died. So, being a native born citizen is not the same as being natural born. If it were the framers would not have included the clause.

When asked to define natural born citizen, John Bingham, the author of the 14th ammendment which extended the bill of rights to former slaves, stated, "Any human born to parents who are US citizens and are under no other jurisdiction or authority." The Naturalization Act of 1790, also passed by this congress, declared "And the children of citizens of the US shall be considered as natural born, provided that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been a resident of the US." Neither of these definitions, one from US law, mentions birthplace, only the parents' citizenship.

This concept of citizenship by blood as opposed to citizenship by geography is a concept with a long history in British common law. A law passed in 1677 says that natural born citizens are those persons born to British citizens, including those born overseas. Alexander Porter wrote an article over 100 years ago in which he declares that the framers drew upon this difference in the law of heredity and territorial allegiance to define a third class of citizen applicable only to the eligibility to hold the office of president. According to Morse, "the framers thought it wise to provide that the president should at least be the child of citizens owing allegiance only to the US at the time of birth."

edit on 8-10-2011 by dpage because: spelling error

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by dpage

The following have had at least 1 foreign born parent :
Thomas Jefferson‘s mother was born in England
Andrew Jackson‘s parents were both born in Ireland
James Buchanan had an Irish father
Chester A. Arthur had an Irish father
Woodrow Wilson‘s mother was English
Herbert Hoover had a Canadian-born mother
Barack Obama had a Kenyan born father

If none of them were subjected to this rule neither is Obama. Since when do you righties suddenly care about The Constitution when your God 43 was attacking it left and right y'all said nothing but have the audacity to complain now? Hypocrites! His mother never relinquished either her's or Obama's US Citizenship effectively killing your argument.

Since Obama was born on US soil he is a legitimate American citizen. Someone born in Peurtro Rico or Guam is eligible to run for POTUS!
edit on 5-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

Of the Presidents you cited all the Parents were Citizens of the United States except for Barrack Obama -Father not Citizen, and Chester Arthur - father not citizen, it is fact and the evidence shows that Chester Arthur changed facts about his heritage and that his father was not a citizen at the time , Chester Arthur was a British Subject and knew the requirements of Article 2, and committed fraud, same it appears as our current POTUS has done.


December 6, 2008 6:36 PM

[I have collaborated on this with my sister and historian Greg Dehler, author of "Chester Allan Arthur", Published by Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated, 2006 ISBN 1600210791, 9781600210792 192 pages. ]

I’ve been forwarded the actual naturalization record for William Arthur on microfiche, obtained from the Library of Congress. He was naturalized in New York State and became a United States citizen in August 1843.

Chester Arthur perpetrated a fraud as to his eligibility to be Vice President by spreading various lies about his parents’ heritage. President Arthur’s father, William Arthur, became a United States citizen in August 1843. But Chester Arthur was born in 1829. Therefore, he was a British Citizen by descent, and a dual citizen at birth, if not his whole life.

He wasn’t a “natural born citizen” and he knew it.

edit on 8-10-2011 by dpage because: (no reason given)

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