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Republican: the party of ignorance and greed?

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
reply to post by spiritualzombie

I have watched all the republican debates so far and the most disconcerting things said so far hasn't come from any candidate but the reaction from the crowd.
edit on 24-9-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

Yeah, I'm with you on that one.

- The host mentions that Rick Perry's state has a grotesque amount of executions and the crowd starts howling and gesticulating.
- The soldier that came out and asked that frothy mix of goo (I think his name is Richard something...) if he would bring back DADT. He said yes and the crowd cheered...
- When the host cornered Dr. Paul about healthcare and said something like "so if they didn't have healthcare, you would just let them die?" and the crowd went nuts again.

So, judging by the crowd, they want somebody who will kill more potentially innocent convicts, turn down brave men and women in the military because of their lifestyles, and to let all poor people die when they get sick. Gee... vas der somevun in de past vith dis policy before?

But, political trolling aside, both sides have their demons for sure and I only participate in the illusion for fun. Democrats are also screwed up, don't get me wrong.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by IceFlower
reply to post by spiritualzombie

I think it's about time you accepted your own ignorance and stop insulting others.

You made a thread in order to start a discussion - or was your intent simply to feel good about yourself by claiming everyone else is not as enlightened as you?

You're right, it was to engage in a discussion.

One thing I wonder is... do you think this republican platform of ignorance will be a permanent stance or will they one day return to a more reasonable ideology that doesn't require a denial of facts?? For instance... more Ron Paul style honesty and less FOX News, Rush, Palin style misinformation? Honest question...
edit on 24-9-2011 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie

You're right, it was to engage in a discussion.

One thing I wonder is... do you think this republican platform of ignorance will be a permanent stance or will they one day return to a more reasonable ideology that doesn't require a denial of facts?? For instance... more Ron Paul style honesty and less FOX News, Rush, Palin style misinformation? Honest question...
edit on 24-9-2011 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

The above reminds me of that saying; "How long has it been since you've stopped beating your wife?"

Having a discussion with someone who defines the narritive in such a format is embracing ignorance.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Yes, I will deny ignorance.



And again, another Republicans are Evil thread?

Come on. You must be looking for some stars and flags.

Is it evil to be a party that denies logic and reason? To even vilify science while wholly embracing corporations? I consider these things to be a combination of ignorance and greed. The hive-like mentality indicates this is a widespread trait and even a prerequisite to being Republican. And right now, your inability to face the question honestly, and without spin, has placed your own ignorance on full display.

I understand it's uncomfortable to be shown when you are wrong, and the natural reaction is to be defensive. I would really like if we could honestly discuss this ignorance requirement and why it has become so prevalant in the Republican party.

Who is villifying science here? Oh you mean those pesky religious people who want to keep the Ten Commandments in front of the Courthouse to remind us of Divine Justice not dependent on the fickleness of humanist relativity? The ones who accept technology and advancement instead of environmentalist eco-extremist who want us to go back to caves for housing or want us to live without air conditioning because Gaia got angry at the parasites? Those people?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

there is one side that constantly takes the platform of supporting corporations over people, of supporting war over peace

Interesting, do you perceive Obama's stand with NATO on Libya to be peace loving or war loving? Do you view his giving tax payer dollars to a Solar company who goes bankrupt supporting corporations or people? He is Democrat, not Republican. He is Leftist, not centrist. So, let's hear you blameshift out of that.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie

Yes, how absurd to hold Bush responsible for anything despite him being the man on watch when we had our first homeland attack in 60 years, engaged in a never ending war on terrorism, and tanked our economy on his exit.
Ok, let's argue this from the limited perspective you seem to advocate. Obama has had 3 years to try it his way. He had complete control over congress for 2 of those years. Thus, where we are now is no longer JUST Bush's fault. Obama and his party must share responsibility.

Originally posted by spiritualzombieThis is the ridiculous absurd mind-boggling level of ignorance I'm talking about.
I am sorry, but ignorance is believing that either party, much less one man, is completely responsible for the mess we are in. Deny Ignorance. BOTH parties have looted the treasury, and BOTH parties laugh at us for our inability to hold them responsible. BOTH parties serve only their true masters, and "we ain't them". We are serfs upon the land at best. We exist to serve them and their masters. Unless we actually work to end the two party illusion, and embrace the Constitution as originally written, we will all end up as chattel.

Originally posted by spiritualzombieSeriously, you don't see Bush's impact on where we are today?????? Were you born in 2009??? Republicans, please, stand up to this ignorance. If you recognize your responsibility, please indicate it so the rest of the world can begin to take you seriously.
Wake up. Bush was no more the cause of this mess than Obama is. You can't just blame one person. Wake up! Congress controls the budget. Even a small minority could have worked to obstruct the system and force change. The Tea Party is trying to inject some kind of fiscal sanity into our budgeting process and are being truly vilified for doing so. This shows us that democrats or republicans in the minority could have effectively opposed much of the spending that got us here. They never did. Why not? Why has Obama not brought the troops home despite his promise to do so? WAKE UP! Obama could bring the troops home and stop the wars at any time. He is supposedly the commander and chief. So, why doesn't he? Wake up before it is too late.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by spiritualzombie

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Yes, I will deny ignorance.



And again, another Republicans are Evil thread?

Come on. You must be looking for some stars and flags.

Is it evil to be a party that denies logic and reason? To even vilify science while wholly embracing corporations? I consider these things to be a combination of ignorance and greed. The hive-like mentality indicates this is a widespread trait and even a prerequisite to being Republican. And right now, your inability to face the question honestly, and without spin, has placed your own ignorance on full display.

I understand it's uncomfortable to be shown when you are wrong, and the natural reaction is to be defensive. I would really like if we could honestly discuss this ignorance requirement and why it has become so prevalant in the Republican party.

Who is villifying science here? Oh you mean those pesky religious people who want to keep the Ten Commandments in front of the Courthouse to remind us of Divine Justice not dependent on the fickleness of humanist relativity? The ones who accept technology and advancement instead of environmentalist eco-extremist who want us to go back to caves for housing or want us to live without air conditioning because Gaia got angry at the parasites? Those people?

I'm talking about embracing clean energy alternatives... not living without air conditioning, but finding other methods to build a more efficient A/C unit the runs on a cleaner source of fuel.

It's so weird how we all grew up hearing about how man had an impact on the environment... chloroflourocarbons (however you spell it
destroying the ozone and all that, the build up of CO2, the shrinking of Antarctica... how we needed to change our ways to prevent global warming and greenhouse gasses from building up... But it's like we ignored it collectively and now that it's actually showing itself in the real world it's suddenly up for debate.

And why is this? Why would we not want to have a cleaner healthier planet? Because greed controls the world. You think Environmentalists control the world? Ha! Just take a look around... the planet is filthy... gas guzzlers everywhere.... non stop drilling... come on people... why do you think price of oil dictates the economy rather than the price of solar panels?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie
From the denials of global warming and man's impact on the environment, to their constant loyalty toward corporations and support for war in oil rich nations, blind nationalism, hatred and distrust of outsiders, while always saving judgement and cynicism for the poor, the needy, the sick, the peace loving, and environmentally conscious. Does the mainstream republican base rely solely on a mixture of ignorance and greed?

There is something extremely disturbing about this hive mentality. In fact if you notice in debates and other discussions... republicans who do not embrace the hive mentality are shunned from the group.

I don't understand how any free-thinking, socially conscious person can embrace this twisted mentality? In order to support today's Republican party must a person also embrace Ignorance and/or Greed?

7 of the 10 richest Congressmen are Democrats. Greedy Republicans what?

Our sitting Democrat president, and the Democrat-controlled Senate continue to wage war on sovereign nations for their oil. Real peace loving there, huh?

You say Republicans are a hive mentality? It's not Republicans that celebrate kollectivism. Republicans tend toward an individualist, personal responsibility mindset. Republicans tend to not take away from the many and give to the few, even if the many can't really afford it, no matter how much rich Democrats tell them they can.

You're beyond ignorant. Grow up and wean yourself off of what mother government is spoon feeding you.


posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by spiritualzombie

there is one side that constantly takes the platform of supporting corporations over people, of supporting war over peace

Interesting, do you perceive Obama's stand with NATO on Libya to be peace loving or war loving? Do you view his giving tax payer dollars to a Solar company who goes bankrupt supporting corporations or people? He is Democrat, not Republican. He is Leftist, not centrist. So, let's hear you blameshift out of that.

Obama is absolutely playing the same expansionist and lockdown of the state game Bush was playing. he is no different. What IS different are the people who voted for him, who actually believe in taking responsibility for the environment, people who actually want to stop the wars and have been disappointed in Obama, people who do not support Obama's decision to continue the puppet master policies.

You will not find a crowd at an Obama rally cheering for the deaths of the sick and poor, cheering for more war, screaming for guns and land mines along the borders to kill any family who dares enter illegally.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie

You will not find a crowd at an Obama rally cheering for the deaths of the sick and poor, cheering for more war, screaming for guns and land mines along the borders to kill any family who dares enter illegally.

Oh, really?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Seriously, the death of Osama Bin Laden... that's your one example of Obama supporters cheering death? That's a weak hand, my friend.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

guess he never heard of solyndra and lightsquared

talk about ignorance

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie
reply to post by beezzer

Seriously, the death of Osama Bin Laden... that's your one example of Obama supporters cheering death? That's a weak hand, my friend.
Ummm.... Obama supporters cheering, supporting death. Do you actually mean to say that you believe Obama supporters do not believe in the slaughter of millions? We all know that they do support the wholesale, industrialized slaughter of millions each and every year. Actually, if you come out and oppose an Obama supporter's right to choose to kill for convenience you are labeled evil and a "neanderthal" among other appellations. Do you deny this fact?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:51 PM
I'm curious - do you work spiritualzombie? or do you sponge off the american taxpayers?

Land mines on the border!!!!!! I'm all for it!
edit on 24-9-2011 by IceFlower because: spelling

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie
reply to post by beezzer

Seriously, the death of Osama Bin Laden... that's your one example of Obama supporters cheering death? That's a weak hand, my friend.

Then counter it. I just invalidated your point.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Great OP!

People don’t want to accept the simple reality that the GOP are negative because OF THE ISSUES THEY SUPPORT!

Of course some democrats are personally bad people but at least they support human-centered policies. AND THAT IS WHAT POLITICS IS ALL ABOUT!

Some people can’t get that simple truth through their very obtuse sculls

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Friend i can tell you are literally on the verge of an awakening. It might come after the next election.

To start i am a liberal at heart. Come from a liberal family. Born and raised in a big city. University, hippy youth, traveled to India, dreadlocks and '___'. Live and let live. Share with those who need it. Respect one another and unite with a common goal of raising the entire human race up through responsibility to each other and the earth. Greed is societal death. But i was never really a political person. I was more interested in personal freedom through self awareness, understanding self. Becoming true.

When i first heard about Obama i became interested. I was all over fox news prior to the election pumping Obama. Loved him. I was a true believer. He represented everything Bush wasn't. Hated Bush. Evil, potentially the anti-christ if there ever was one. War monger, idiot. Just evil, ignorant, crass so full of himself. I couldn't understand for the life of me who in the hell would support this idiot and what he was doing? The wars, patriot act, debt.. just insanity.

To me politics is a side show. Who cares? It is a distraction from true freedom. If you believe these people/government are keeping you from true freedom (enlightenment) etc. then you are way off track. Anyone is free to do what they want if they are willing to manage the consequences.

But i am also curious. One night not long after Obama's win i stumbled on some Republican website. I couldn't tell you what it was but it was not ANYTHING i believed to be republican values. I read page after page about liberty and freedom and started to form a real understanding of what made the United States as a culture and society DIFFERENT than an other in history. This stuff resonated with me. It was beyond political. It is philosophical and 100% true. Calling it republican is dangerous because the label scares most people like me.

You need to understand what real freedom and liberty is. There is no better cornerstone in which to build a society. Without freedom and liberty you have tyranny. There is NO OTHER WAY.

When you look at the GOP right now there is not a true republican in the bunch. Ron Paul comes close.

Here is my point. the Government is BROKEN. Obama is George Bush. They are characters. Do not look at what they say. Because they sell you ideals that they have no intention of manifesting. They are puppets.

You look at the republican side show and say "Look how ignorant they are!!". But that side show is NOT REPUBLICAN. The same way a real republican looks at the Liberal side show and says "Look how stupid they are!" and you know that's not LIBERAL.

Dude, the liberal side show is a bunch of lies, it is fascism. It is the most CORPORATELY corrupted government in the HISTORY of the USA. Obama's entire cabinet is WALL STREET. And the GOP coming in will make it EVEN WORSE. Because they ARE THE SAME. There is one thing BOTH of these parties hate. And that is FREEDOM and LIBERTY. They HATE it.

If you do not give freedom and liberty to the individual you cannot have a healthy society. If you believe a government is required to control people than you have not experienced true freedom. If you understand freedom then you NEED everyone around you to have it.

Carbon Offsets are an absolute 100% scam. Carbon Tax? How about glutton tax? Or War tax? How about violence tax? I can tell you that Carbon taxes will not help the environment ONE BIT. Again we have an ideal that has been hijacked (environmental responsibility) to profit a select group both financial and politically. If you think republicans do not care about the earth you are dead wrong. Many of them are naturalists and actually live and work the land. They love and NEED the environment. But isn't it a joke that we have the UN literally mandating a tax to reduce carbon while there has never been a tax mandated to stop war or reduce starvation? Just open your eyes. Again helping the earth is great, the scum that are pushing this tax could care less about the earth. THEY ARE THE ONES DESTROYING IT!!! They are the ones with the plastic addiction.. where i can't go to the store and buy anything without it being ENCASED in plastic. The oil companies LOVE the carbon tax and stand to make billions. Go research it. I am a software developer creating software to calculate carbon for fortune 500 companies. I can't say more other than it is a sham. I am a sham for participating in it.

Anyway, you will wake up one day and realize the Liberal party you have aligned yourself with is not anywhere near good enough. In fact they are as bad as the republican party. Which is what everyone means when they say they are the same. They are both equally terrible.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Great OP!

People don’t want to accept the simple reality that the GOP are negative because OF THE ISSUES THEY SUPPORT!

Of course some democrats are personally bad people but at least they support human-centered policies. AND THAT IS WHAT POLITICS IS ALL ABOUT!

Some people can’t get that simple truth through their very obtuse sculls

GOP and this country is founded on liberty and freedom:

"Liberty is a Right that identifies the condition in which human beings are able to govern themselves, to behave according to their own free will, and take responsibility for their actions. "

Which is funny because it's really a liberal philosophy at heart. If the federal government does not put liberty on the front burner then what are they promoting? If you want someone to control you because you think people shouldn't be free then shut up and let the GOP control you. But by nature you and every other person in the world is a libertarian. They just might not know it.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 10:48 PM
Founded in Northern States in 1854 by anti-slavery activists, modernizers, ex-Whigs and ex-Free Soilers, the Republican Party quickly became the principal opposition to the dominant Democratic Party and the briefly popular Know Nothing Party. The main cause was opposition to the Kansas Nebraska Act, which repealed the Missouri Compromise by which slavery was kept out of Kansas. The Republicans saw the expansion of slavery as a great evil. The first public meeting where the name "Republican" was suggested for a new anti-slavery party was held on March 20, 1854 in a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin.[4] The first official party convention was held on July 6, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. By 1858, the Republicans dominated nearly all Northern states. The Republican Party first came to power in 1860 with the election of Lincoln to the Presidency and Republicans in control of Congress and the northern states. It oversaw the saving of the union, the destruction of slavery, and the provision of equal rights to all men in the American Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877.[5] The Republicans' initial base was in the Northeast and the upper Midwest. With the realignment of parties and voters in the Third Party System, the strong run of John C. Fremont in the 1856 Presidential election demonstrated it dominated most northern states. Early Republican ideology was reflected in the 1856 slogan "free labor, free land, free men."[6] "Free labor" referred to the Republican opposition to slave labor and belief in independent artisans and businessmen. "Free land" referred to Republican opposition to plantation system whereby the rich could buy up all the good farm land and work it with slaves, leaving the yeoman independent farmers the leftovers. The Party had the goal of containing the expansion of slavery, which would cause the collapse of the Slave Power and the expansion of freedom.[7] Lincoln, representing the fast-growing western states, won the Republican nomination in 1860 and subsequently won the presidency. The party took on the mission of saving the Union and destroying slavery during the American Civil War and over Reconstruction. In the election of 1864, it united with pro-war Democrats to nominate Lincoln on the National Union Party ticket.

read it if you want to know what the republican party is.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Good hell, another Evil republican thread?

Yep, all Republicans and Conservatives are Satan's Spawns.
All want to kill brown people, make grandma eat out of the neighbors garbage cans, give babies M16s and chant "USA USA USA" at NASCAR events.

How original...

Those are not things I pointed out. Care to deny your ignorance and actually comment on the realities or is cynicism and sarcasm your only refuge?

Care to actually come up with a remotely original topic of discussion:

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