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Republican: the party of ignorance and greed?

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posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by FallenWun

Actually it is just that I noticed what a hard time you are having understanding my plain English so sometimes I make certain words stand out so that maybe you can at least grasp the main ideas. I am just trying to help. If you take it as screaming then there is definitely something wrong with your computer unless I am ignorant as to what screaming actually is.

I have no problem understanding your plain English or anyone else's for that matter.

What I did do was post material that explained my conservative stance on education.
Sure Wikipedia is a source.

Here is a good timeline on the long term development of the Dept of Energy(which is actually not DOE-thats Dept of Energy)

1979: After much opposition, Congress narrowly passes legislation to split off a new Department of Education from the existing Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The NEA and the American Federation of Teachers provide powerful lobbying support for the creation of the new department. The Department of Education begins operations in 1980 with 6,400 employees.7

Interestingly, Prez Reagan opposed the legislation

1980: When campaigning for president, Ronald Reagan calls the Department of Education "President Carter's new bureaucratic boondoggle" and promises to abolish it.8
•1981: Reagan's first budget consolidates some education grants into broader block grants and restrains education spending.
•1982: Reagan crafts a proposal to eliminate the Department of Education, but it goes nowhere on Capitol Hill.

More opposition from the Republican Party

1996: As in 1980, the Republican Party platform in 1996 includes the promise to abolish the Department of Education. However, the party's presidential candidate, Bob Dole, is a poor salesman for such limited-government reforms.

2002: The No Child Left Behind Act is signed into law by President George W. Bush. It is 650 pages in length and represents a major new federal thrust into the classroom.14 The law triggers a huge expansion in the department's K–12 spending: from $20 billion in 2000 to $37 billion by 2005.15 State officials complain bitterly about the onerous regulations of No Child Left Behind related to such items as student testing, teacher qualifications, Spanish language tests, and after-school tutoring.

Michael Savage says Bush Jr is a fiscal socialist.

I do not agree with a number of Bush Jrs. policies and have known he is a member of the elite Skull and Bones, a 3rd gen bonesman. Interestingly I have posted before on how Kerry and Bush, both Bonesmen, were the quintessential depiction of Hegelian dialectic of left and right in the arena of our election of the highest office in the land.
I have also posted that Antony Sutton exposed the agenda of Skull and Bones for control of education.
My stance is that while Republicans mainly prefer less govt intrusion, the control of education is on both sides of the aisle and ny statement is embedded also right here in this thread.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by sorgfelt

When 90+% of scientists agree that global warming is real

I'm not too sure that is an accurate number. There are plenty of dissenting scientists and even the IPCC is inaccurate in it's depiction of the so-called scientific consensus.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

What jobs??? Show me proof anything the republicans have done to creates jobs??

Churches and religion in the US make upto $400 billion a year, all untaxed. This is the topic for another thread.

Honestly I'm not a democrat or republican, I'm a independent. But I know enough about politics that If I was to win a huge lottery or got a huge inheritance I would register as a republican the next day. In my view the republicans cater to the wealthy and the religious of which I'm not one.

I have no problem with my tax money being spent on feeding and housing the poor. I do have a problem with my tax money being used for corporate welfare, nation building and unjust wars, the police state and a general zero tolerant society.

edit on 25-9-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
reply to post by Xtrozero

What jobs??? Show me proof anything the republicans have done to creates jobs??

Churches and religion in the US make upto $400 billion a year, all untaxed. This is the topic for another thread.

Honestly I'm not a democrat or republican, I'm a independent. But I know enough about politics that If I was to win a huge lottery or got a huge inheritance I would register as a republican the next day. In my view the republicans cater to the wealthy and the religious of which I'm not one.

I have no problem with my tax money being spent on feeding and housing the poor. I do have a problem with my tax money being used for corporate welfare, nation building and unjust wars, the police state and a general zero tolerant society.

edit on 25-9-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Dick Gephardt are three Democrats who are Catholic by religion, although I think they adhere to a more Progressive agenda and are not true to the religious values of Catholicism. Gephardt was 3rd District in my hometown, and I remember he was confronted in a Town Hall meeting about his change from pro-life to pro-choice.
Also an acquaintance of mine from Brazil is also Catholic and says that Marxism has been spreading through the Church. It is sad to see.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:43 PM
What difference does it make which is the falser of the 2 parties, They were both invented to create a structure of opposing rhetorics to keep the mindless distracted in sterile debate. Politics is irrelevant, MONEY is the real power, and it's going cannibal.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by sorgfelt

The one thing that gets me is that those rich, undertaxed people that the Republicans support have gotten rich by off-shoring our jobs and laying off possibly overpaid U.S. citizens

Is GE Republican? Just wondering as they have now joined the ranks of corporations moving operations overseas.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Well, GE didn't mind funding the madman Obama's election........

LOL!!! As if the bottomfeeding Democrats are not in bed with Corporations as well. It's a joke. Both parties are corrupt and the entire left vs right circus side show is set up in order to keep the sheople squabbling with eachother while the puppet masters direct the show. Wake and read between the lies. ~SheopleNation

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by SeventhSeal

How is that?
I forgot so many more bigoted statements for you to agree with.

Republicans cheer on Executions.
Republicans cheer on letting those without insurance die in the street.
Republicans boo a marine in Iraq simply because he's gay.
Republicans were voted into Congress to work on the economy and decided to inflict their religious ideologies upon the American public.
Republicans praised, loved, respected, trusted the federal government when it introduced the Patriot Act and lead the country into a Middle East occupation, killing over 100,000 people since 2001. The same Republicans turned against the government when a Democrat entered office and provided the same ideas and treatment the previous Administration. I wonder why. Oh could it be because of Fox News propaganda and...PERHAPS...maybe his skin color? Nah. What am I saying? I'm just a Libertarian who actually thinks most Republicans are bitter about a Black man entering office. I mean, hell, only the liberals could be racist right? They voted for Obama based on his skin color, but there is NO way Republicans can be racist. Right?


Oh, here we go again.
Another shared brain johnny come lately.

No, Reps do not cheer those things. I don't see parades in the streets for those things.

Please do your homework and state correctly.

I'm guessing you missed the debates and the last 4 years of hypocrisy then.

Oh well.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Let the right-wingers whine and deny their roots all they want, but what you've said is largely true, OP.

It's funny how so many Republicans swear up and down that they're different and diverse... but whenever you actually talk to them, it's the SAME DAMN SCRIPT OVER AND OVER of lies/propaganda/BS/ideology.

Keep in mind, people, prejudice/stereotypes are wrong... but sometimes people willfully (whether consciously or not) conform themselves to stereotypes in order to fit in with a certain group. I've seen this FAR more prevalent amongst right-wingers (who ironically claim to be staunch individualists... while not really understanding individualism) than left-wingers. The left-wing truly is more broad/deep/diverse than the right-wing upon examination, and just because Fox News paints things as black and white and claims to be "fair and balanced" doesn't make it so. I will admit... right-wingers are starting to wake up a little bit more, but this is a volatile time in their intellectual adolescence, and they can either be steered towards true Libertarianism (and away from statism/Capitalism) or they will be steered, with fear/ignorance, towards neo-Fascism. I've seen far too much of the latter for my liking.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by mastahunta

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by mastahunta

Originally posted by MidnightTide

Funny about those who call themselves liberal/ Democrat - I thought being liberal ment you were tolerant of others beliefs and thoughts, that you favored individual freedoms......guess there aren't many "liberals" here on ATS because they are often the ones who start the insults when someone doesn't agree with them.

The insulting amount of ignorance conveyed by the conservatives is equivalent to insulting
me with clear intent. I think unspoken intentional and covert manipulation is very insulting,
I guess the liberals have the gaul to refrain from double speech and innuendo.
edit on 25-9-2011 by mastahunta because: (no reason given)

No, it's just that conservatives are finally beginning to speak out. It's time for the silent majority to be heard. The push back has begun and you won't stop it.

The only thing you are going to push is the private agenda of business, you might also push
out some of the current dignities afforded to the working class.But in the end you guys are
not going to push back anything of consequence because you represent the powerful interests
that silently rule with their money. That's your albatross and without some sense realization
you have already lost.

Ok and the ONLY thing you are going to push is Big Government, Statism, Progressive policies stemming from Socialism and Marixsm and the stealing of my money to pay for entitlements while trying to defund the military. How do you like my side of this argument?
edit on 25-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Big government by itself is not the only problem. The really big one is taxation without representation. Didn't the republicans repeal the glass-steagel act that led banks that were only doing banking, to become investment bankers?

Didn't they encourage house flipping and phoney paperwork that led to many homeowners defaulting 5-10 years later? Or the MERS system to package the same mortgage in more than one CDS and "save time" with all the paper work.

The republicans started the financial mess, then came 9-11 which they failed to stop, then came the patriot act and homeland security, then two wars, then corporate bailouts, etc. What more needs to be said? Yeah lets blame Obama cause hes black and we hate reverant wright.

If anything Obama has done more to save this country then all the republicans combined in the nations history. The worst president of all time was not nixon(he was ok) but reagan and then bush sr with bush jr. The trio of evil!

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:18 PM
Wake up from the false left vs right paradigm aka Divide & Conquer tactics, Republican & Democrat, Liberal & Conservative are PRODUCTS that have been created for the masses to give the illusion of choice in the Political arena. They no longer exist as they did when the founders were around.

The SAME Agenda has been in place for years, call it conspiracy, New World Order / Illuminati / Bilderberg whatever... but it has controlled & infiltrated and Paid for both sides of the the Political Agenda through "Think Tanks", Lobbying groups, Corporations, Privatization of the Central Banking Cartels and so forth.

Stop getting distracted by the R vs D aspect, behind closed doors there is ONE party, agenda, way of doing business.

Obama is a Puppet doing exactly as he is told, just like Bush and those before... The Last President who openly spoke out against the Conspiracy and tried to shut down the Federal Reserve was eliminated. Since then not one has stood up, they tow the line, because thats the deal they are given for the "power" to become a Puppet and spokesperson to Millions of sheep who will follow and not question for the most part

as long as people keep believing there is a difference then they win, they have the population fighting over it while we are all lead to the slaughter and scammed

edit on 25-9-2011 by awakened1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2011 by awakened1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Our government was supposedly set up with 3 co-equal branches to create balance, in case one branch got too extreme, the other two could oppose it and supposedly bring balance and everybody is happy. This no longer happens. I laugh when I see people blame republicans. Why? Because they are able to do so much damage because they are largely unopposed. The democrats claim to be the "other" party, when in reality they have the same lobbyists and are just as corrupt as the republicans, actually more corrupt because they claim to be for working people when in reality they are no less corporate lapdogs than the republicans. . The iconic hero of the dems, Bill Clinton, was the guy who pushed through NAFTA, and was no friend to the working class. Obama is in the pocket of Wall Street and has been since day one. The only difference between the republicans and the democrats is that the republicans actually tailor their agenda to their constituency, affluent business owners and conservatives, while the dems say whatever needs to be said to be elected and then largely throw their voters under the bus after the election. I am not a republican, I am an independent, so please don't think I am siding with either side. In reality, there are no sides, There is just one party pretending to be two.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:31 PM
Yes, everyone, we all know that the right-left paradigm is BS... partially manufactured to keep us fighting each other instead of the wealthy/powerful elites. HOWEVER, we must not ignore or forget that, even WITHIN the paradigm, there are lesser evils. And everyone I've ever met with an impressive intellect has, 90% of the time, realized that Republicans are the WORST and Democrats are the LESSER evil. Does anyone I know feel that Democrats AREN'T corrupt too? HELL NO. We all know that Dems are corrupt, but... just AS corrupt/beholden to elites?? No, not quite.

Dems are a bad option, yes, but Republicans are a TERRIBLE option.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO VOTE REPUBLICAN, and only very LITTLE reason to vote Democrat.


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:31 PM
(Whoops! Double-post...)
edit on 25-9-2011 by NoHierarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by mastahunta


why the hell would anyone get a job when all they have to do is go get a government check?

Yet most people try to earn an honest living, even on minimum wage which should be like $20 an hour. You see minimum wage should not only be based on inflation but also on the dramatic increase of production the last 40 years.

You continously misdiagnose everything throwing the blame on laziness as though corporations are not outsourcing jobs and excessive automation means nothing. I mean seriously maybe you should go meet the rothschild family in london and have some fine french champagne together.

education is another factor in wealth creation just how many college graduates are on welfare

and consider for a moment that social security and medicare and medicaid have destroy wealth and job creation

How? Every single country on this rock called earth has social security, medicaid and medicare except the "wealthiest" nation called usa and the seond being australia. Don't you see this as a problem? People who play wall street are not satisfied with a meager return of 5% each year investing in BIg Pharma they want as much as possible.

Clearly there is a conflict of interest. Also try not being able to afford private health insurance and you will be getting billed for years on end in the form of deductions from your paycheck.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by mastahunta

OH baloney. That is more liberal nonsense trying to stave off the conservative movement by trying to paint the Progressive Party as always being for equality and the conservatives as being racists nazis. The Nazi movement was always a faction of the left, no matter how much you try to pin it on the Right. Eugenics was from the Progressive movement.
Here's an interesting historical account of the abolitionist movement, and note the Christian involvement.

Abolitionists could not end slavery even after the Peoublican victory (1860). Ir was the secession of the Southern states and Civil War that made this possible. Lincoln Issuyed the Emancipastion Proclamation (1863). With out southern Congressmen, the Republicans were able to pass Constitutiona;l Amendments enshrining the Emancimation Proclamation in the Constitution with the 13th Amendment.

The Abolitionist movement in America was built around Protestant churches in the northern states. At first Quakers were the most prominent voice, but other religious groups in the North also began to question slavery. Southern churches, however, saw no religious problem with slavery. Southern slaves, however, saw considerable paralells with the bondage of the people of Israel in Egypt and their plight.

American Southern culture is not liberal, it is conservative, lying here will not change the reality.
The confederacy was anti federal government, pro state's rights, the ideas you represent are an
extenuation of that sentiment, why can't you own it? Lincoln and the North East represented the
large, statist government... Now I am not saying you are a racist, I am spitting in the face
of the propagandists who claim that liberalism is the ideology that drove the confederacy,
in fact I piss on that idea while I'm at it.

Now you, personally, do share one thing in common with the Nazi's, you share similar propaganda.
Both you and Adolf, share/d idea that communists are engineering a take over of the country
by covert secret actions. In fact Adolf blamed the Reichstag fire on the Communists which
eventually secured his ultimate seat of power. But more importantly, was the years of propaganda,
that illegals,liberals, jews, homosexuals and communists were behind all the woes of the
German state. You are an agent spreading the seeds of a very similar story aren't you?
The only difference is the players and fact that you don't seem to be an anti
semite or homophobe.
edit on 25-9-2011 by mastahunta because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

What is the point of voting when EITHER OPTION will result in the same outcome? If you vote Democrat, things get worse, if you vote republican, things get worse. And I dont agree with the lesser of the evils argument. Who really is the worse evil? The republicans who are out to destroy the working class, or the dems, who pretend to side with the working class, then as soon as they get in office, pursue the same agenda, furthering the interests of the uber wealthy and corporations? Whats the diffference? Really? The only difference between the repubs and the dems is the repubs are selling us out a little faster.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by FallenWun

In the pursuit of denying ignorance

Don't you ever get sick of that mantra?

I like it personally myself. Do you ascribe to the opposite position?
You blaming everything on a communist plot has stifled your ability to make a
genuine argument.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by mastahunta

But you see, the financial powers you align yourself with wield the big government and control
the status of statism. I guess it is best to re implement the regressive policies of slavery, eliminate
the right to vote for women and maybe burning people at the stake,policy stemming from Vlad
the Impaler, Khan or garden variety troglodytes.

How are you guys gonna stop big government if you are completely aligned with their finical interests,
their funders and backers?

The people who blame democrats for wanting big government continously fail to acknowledge republican administrations spend 2 to 3 times as much as democratic administrations. And here is the link going back at least several decades.

Of course this information is hard to find cause they delete anything that does not suit their agenda
It took me like 20 minutes of searching.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by mastahunta


why the hell would anyone get a job when all they have to do is go get a government check?

thats part of the problem

education is another factor in wealth creation just how many college graduates are on welfare

and consider for a moment that social security and medicare and medicaid have destroy wealth and job creation

that first one is a multi trillion dollar industry of long term wealth creation that now the government controls and control the entire financial well being of over 65 to 75 million americans who could be living better off on iras 401ks an inusrance annuity investments and back in the day money markets cds and other financial investments use to create more wealth to millions of americans

cant do that today back in the day a person could throw 100k in the bank and earn 6 percent a month off it for the rest of their life and that would in turn keep up with inflation.

no financial investment vehicle that americans use does that anymore and why that is is because of financial regulations that have destroy the wealth making abilities that millions of americans could use to depend on and which in turn made them less dependent on that government.

medicare and medicaid same thing regulation rules and regs and ramapant fraud and abuse couple to the fact that they can never be self sufiicient or will ever become a profit based model.

which is why private insurance will always be better of that government based model systems with the caviat that private could be a hell of alot better and a hell of alot cheaper when government gets the hell out of the way and let them provide that good and service and create a competition based model where more people are providing quality care and quality prices.

liberal policies since 1935 have been the root cause of this entire nations financial and social decline thats the truth.

power and control and free market WHAT? how dare you even suggest a a thing.

you want to even being to fix this country and start thinking about those people thats is what is going to have to be done.

there is no free market and that is stangling this country to death.

edit on 25-9-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Se the difference between you and me is that you seem to think people are pretty low down.
I think most ordinary people work not only to survive, but to add meaning to their lives.

New Flash, people invest money even though they are entitled to some money by a certain age.
In fact, between Europe and the US, even with entitlements, the investment load per year
is in the trillions. So don't go telling us that the poor bankers are tossing off strangers
just to make rent , cause that is a load of crap.

The law of supply and demand does not exist in Oligopoly, Insurance and Oil
will never never behave like the pizza market or the car market, never.

And guess what?since 1935, this country became the super power of the world and the wealthiest
nation in the history of mankind, so put that in your toilet and grab a spoon!
edit on 25-9-2011 by mastahunta because: (no reason given)

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