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Can you prove evolution wrong

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Daedal

I can't speak for him, but I know this - unless Christianity learns how to embrace the love of Jesus Christ as all-inclusive, and realize that Jesus himself said that people won't be able to point in any particular direction at his return and say "there he is!", then Christianity itself, as a doctrine, will become a house divided against itself, by dividing itself against the larger humanity within which it is emersed, and relative to which it is SUPPOSED to be loving, and love to be love, after all, must be freely received, and freely given as it was freely recieved. The LOVE of Christ, not the doctrine, must rule, for Christ himself to rule over the all, which he does, as LOVE. Until Christians can get that through their thick sculls, they will be working at ODDS AGAINST the return of Christ as a spiritiual reality (as a new heaven and a new earth aka a new age), and not as in preparation (like a Bride to be), but as a stumbling block, as an obstacle, even as an upturned spear! We MUST learn how to recieve the love of the Lord, and extend it, without having to neccessarily win converts to a DOCTRINE of Christianity, which violates the principal and tenet of Christian love to begin with!
Did he not say "forgive them father for they know not what they do" in relataion to self righteous Jewish elite and the Roman soldiers surrounding his very cross?!
Christian love is NOT CONDITIONAL!
We must get this through our Christian minds, and kick the devil OUT of those minds, who LOVES the doctrine of exclusivity... we must THINK, as Christ thinks, not as men or demons think! For the love of GOD!

As a Christian - Christianity, as an EXCLUSIVE club, is not the type of club I want to belong to!

Jesus was obviously speaking from a point of spiritual realization when he said that to come to the father we must go through him and him alone ie: by his LOVE, and understanding.

Such idiots we are and have been - I blame the Pope and American Christian Conservative Fundamentalist Literalism for this outrage against the all-inclusive love, of Jesus Christ.

edit on 22-9-2011 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

All inclusiveness was not taught by Christ,be ye separate.Are you speaking to the christian faith or an assumer of beliefs.


17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

And also to say that no one will see him or know who he is is also misleading too Believers.
Revelations 1:7

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

So I must ask are you presuming to know what christians believe or are you deliberately misleading?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 10:25 PM
i will and wont believe in a evolution process thats just a theory.. siply because someone tells us ohh, this is what happens.. doesnt make since to me

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by sacgamer25

Evolution and the origins of earth cannot be tested by scientific method.

Science requires that observations can be replicated. The observations on which evolution is based, including comparative anatomy, genetics, and fossils, are replicable. In many cases, you can repeat the observations yourself.
Repeatable experiments, including experiments about mutations and natural selection in the laboratory and in the field, also support evolution.
Industrial melanism can be observe all over the world. Natural selection happening under your very eyes.
All need to do is open them.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 10:40 PM
Sometimes pictures have to be taken more seriously especially if they are consistently documented

Here is angel Gabriel

This shows the various disk gods possibly inspired by the proximity of each civilization to each other.

The Egyptian sun god Aton possibly inspired from the Assyrian god Antum and popularized as the one and only Egyptian god under Akhanton

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Daedal

I can't speak for him, but I know this - unless Christianity learns how to embrace the love of Jesus Christ as all-inclusive,

It wasn't all inclusive. Christ was most angry with the Pharisee's of the day -- even so much as calling them white washed tombs. I don't know where you get this idea.

Second, when Christ returns, his robe will be dipped in blood. You need to study the role of the kinsman redeemer, and pay special close attention to what he did not read in Isaiah. ie , "the day of vengeance of the lord our God"

and realize that Jesus himself said that people won't be able to point in any particular direction at his return and say "there he is!",

That was a warning not to believe that Christ had returned when he hadn't. See any other supposed "christ like" figures claiming to be christ today. It was also a warning that these individuals would be able to preform miracles.

then Christianity itself, as a doctrine, will become a house divided against itself, by dividing itself against the larger humanity within which it is emersed, and relative to which it is SUPPOSED to be loving, and love to be love, after all, must be freely received, and freely given as it was freely recieved.

We are to love the lord our God with all our Soul, Heart, Strength, and Mind. In addition we are to love thy neighbor as thyself. However, we are to be separate from the world, and sin. Those that reject the scripture, and God's word, are the ones that are attempting to divide the true church (and it isn't in a building). Your entire post is reminiscent of what i would consider a "wolf in sheep's clothing"

The LOVE of Christ, not the doctrine, must rule, for Christ himself to rule over the all, which he does, as LOVE.

The "god" of this world is not Yeshua, it's someone else. Christ will return and rule, only when certain conditions are met. Until that time, we're just passing through.

Until Christians can get that through their thick sculls, they will be working at ODDS AGAINST the return of Christ as a spiritiual reality (as a new heaven and a new earth aka a new age),

Actually, that will hasten his return. The love of many will grow cold near the end.

and not as in preparation (like a Bride to be), but as a stumbling block, as an obstacle, even as an upturned spear! We MUST learn how to recieve the love of the Lord, and extend it, without having to neccessarily win converts to a DOCTRINE of Christianity, which violates the principal and tenet of Christian love to begin with!

Then you make Christ a liar, and his death in vain. He came for his lost sheep, Israel first, gentiles second. You must be born again to enter the kingdom and the gospel must be preached to all.

Did he not say "forgive them father for they know not what they do" in relataion to self righteous Jewish elite and the Roman soldiers surrounding his very cross?!

Has to do with manslaughter vs premeditated murder issues in the Mosaic law, and the concept of a Kinsman redeemer and cities of refuge. Nothing to what you imply.

Christian love is NOT CONDITIONAL!

Actually it is. You might want to study the differences between election and grace vs moral integrity and relational love.

We must get this through our Christian minds, and kick the devil OUT of those minds, who LOVES the doctrine of exclusivity... we must THINK, as Christ thinks, not as men or demons think! For the love of GOD!

Interesting, I didn't know people like me who actually believe what God said, and have studied scripture extensively are possessed with a devil in our heads. I'm pretty sure scripture says that this kind of foundation is encouraged, and a byproduct of being born again and spirit filled.

As a Christian - Christianity, as an EXCLUSIVE club, is not the type of club I want to belong to!

My membership card is in the Lambs book of life. I hope that's where yours is too.

Jesus was obviously speaking from a point of spiritual realization when he said that to come to the father we must go through him and him alone ie: by his LOVE, and understanding.

Heh, no. He was not speaking for spiritual realization. The apostles clarified that heresy in their epistles.

Such idiots we are and have been - I blame the Pope and American Christian Conservative Fundamentalist Literalism for this outrage against the all-inclusive love, of Jesus Christ.

You speak of unconditional love, yet claim I am an Idiot, demon possessed, and should receive all 'blame' for being a fundamental literalist.


edit on 22-9-2011 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by jademegjosh

We have evolved a great deal. If you compare even men of the 13th and 14th centuries to modern men you find vast differences. For example we are much taller now than back then. This may be considered a good thing in the “survival of the fittest.” However we also have evolved into some traits that would seem worse as well. Things like eye sight are on the decline, and genetic diseases are on the rise. This is due to the fact these traits are no longer life threatening, or at least far less so. Thus they have a better chance to be passed on to our offspring. This sort of goes against the “Survival of the Fittest” axiom, but it is still true. The original idea was that if a change in a species helped it survive in some way it would tend to be passed on to offspring and thus gradually make a change. However humans have stepped outside of the natural selection process. With the advent of technology, we no longer need claws to hunt, or fur to keep warm. We do not need long necks to get the fruit at the top of the tree etc. So these traits that may have helped in the past are now meaningless in human survival. Thus traits that may not be so beneficial are passed on.

Have we morphed into a new species since the middle ages? No obviously not, but that has only been 800 years. We do not have any real records to compare to for earlier humans as record keeping was very rare. And records showing us human forms, like size etc. are even rarer. The Egyptians, Aztecs, etc., were also much smaller than us, in height and width as well. They were a much slimmer and shorter build than modern men. So yes man has “evolved” into a taller more muscular form than even people of 800 years ago, and far more so than people of ancient civilizations we can compare to. If you extend this then people further back may have been even smaller… Now you look at the fossil records they have found of very early humanoids, and yes indeed they get smaller and smaller in skeletal records. So in this 1 very specific aspect you can see humans have evolved greatly over time. There are other points as well. Like vision getting worse, genetic diseases on the rise, the ratio of arm and leg length to the overall height, the ratio of skull size to the rest of the body. There are many of these sorts of things you can look at but with only a few examples to see and only in fossil form it is hard to just look at one of them and compare. This gets us closer and closer to the physical size of chimps.

Now does this prove we evolved from apes? No and in fact that is not even the point of evolution. The point is we evolved from a life form, and apes also evolved from that same life form. It is never implied we evolved from apes. In fact you could just as easily say apes evolved from men and be just as accurate. So yes, apes and men can coexist. They do not need to be mutually exclusive. When you compare the DNA of apes to men, Chimpanzees to be more specific; it is 98% the same. Horses, zebras, and donkeys share about 99% DNA. Horses, donkey, and zebras are all inter-breed able. This similarity would show that chimps and humans specifically have a very close relation, and thus their common ancestor is probably not as far in the past as say humans and apes.

Proof? No. Enough to convict someone of murder in court, and execute them? Yes, by a long shot.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:02 PM
I would like to point specifically to the paragraph at the bottom of the Graham Phillips site

All these images include a disk, and some incorporate a star, and all have tails or an array of lines that seem to represent some kind of luminous appendage.  What kind of heavenly body can appear as a bright star or shining disk and has a tail?    Fortunately, ancient Chinese records survive to tell us precisely what inspired their new deity Lao-Tien-Yeh, The Great God.  It was the name given to a comet that appeared in the skies in 1486 BC.

Now a comet well that could be a lot of things but look at what the Arabians considered a comet in 1479

UFO in Hamburg

Here are some more pictures

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by jrkelly77

How do these disrupt the theory, they in fact prove it more solidly. If these things exist it is because at some point in the past they had common ancestors, and down the line they keep some of the odd bits of DNA, and the trait in question remains even when the rest if the form changes drastically.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by byeluvolk

Well proof to convict someone of murder isn't that hard you just need two people claiming they saw this person murder another.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by CharlesBronson

See my post above. It explains this in great detail.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:09 PM
Good job at changing the title LOl

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by CharlesBronson

Ah I was going to respond to this but I see humphreysjim has covered it already.
edit on 22-9-2011 by byeluvolk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:10 PM
The crux of the problem here is that if God-folk are correct, by design it cannot be proven through scientific means. Ever. If this life is a test, a trial, a learning ground, having scientific proof of God would invalidate the process. By that same design, Spiritual Proof can be had by all, but only through unique and personal means...means which provide evidence not from the 5 senses, but from something else.

The debate will never be resolved...Nonbelievers can't sway believers, and vice versa, unless the person is open to the idea of change (n either direction).

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by vedatruth

I will put my stamp on this one.. Yes men will eventually evolve into a new species. Does this mean Homo sapiens will cease to exist? Not necessarily, but a new species will eventually develop alongside and possibly co-exist. However due to the nature of man, I am sure these two species will end up going to war with one another and one of them will indeed be wiped out.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by kman420

Just because some species evolves does not mean the common ancestor has to die off. This is the biggest misconception of evolution. If an insect is a common ancestor to a new species this insect does not have to then die off. The original species can still coexist alongside all the new species that have branched off from it. Thus you will see the original species continue through the fossil histories virtually unchanged while new species will come and go. Evolution in no way implies extinction.

As for snakes with legs…

Snakes being a reptile would share a very close relation to say lizards. There are species of snakes like “Anguis fragilis” that actually are a “lizard”. This is not a snake at all but a legless lizard.

Here is a good link specifically talking about snakes vs. lizards via evolution.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:35 PM
This thread is proof the evolution doesn't exist... Are the smartest, strongest most likely to survive people actually present on this thread???

It seems unlikely...

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:46 PM
When I was in school I distinctly remember the curriculum on Darwin as being referred to as his THEORY of evolution. How all you atheists try to spin it as scientific fact is just downright ridiculous.

The Big Bang THEORY? Has science proven that as well? Not yet...

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Veda is not a book written by man.
As far as myself, I can change your viewpoint in one hour if we are face to face.
It is hard to do that over Internet.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
For all the people saying "aliens" did it. Could i ask you if aliens created humans who created the aliens?

Could have been survivors of a civilization that moved to another star system, or they themselves were part of a selection process to create more intelligent life on another star system.

IMO there is no beginning, and no end, "life finds a way" and our spirits seek to experience life in it's many flavors and colors.

We are just experiencing one cycle of the infinite cycles the universe and multiverses go through.

What many people see as the end is nothing more than the end of a cycle from which a new one will begin.

According to the Vedas mankind has existed on Earth for millions of years. We fought battles which put most of mankind back to the stone age.

It is very possible that some of the ufos people see are from survivors of past human civilizations who either saw what was to happen and evaded or escaped the wars, or were just lucky enough to escape the wars and destruction.

According to many cultures we go through life cycles, and I agree with them.

As for how long has life existed? imo always. There was no beginning, and there will be no end. Life will find a way.

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