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The UK should have a Stolen Valour Act - We've just been had by a lowlife impersonating a Military

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posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by stellify

Try playing Fluffy Bunnies. It is similar. Put the bowl of marshmallows in the middle of a circle of people. Pass the bowl round and put one mallow in your mouth, do not eat or swallow. Say" Fluffy Bunnies Running Around the Field", without swallowing, splitting the mallows out or choking to death. The last one left with their mallows still in thier mouth or still alive wins.
edit on 19/9/2011 by TheLoneArcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/9/2011 by TheLoneArcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/9/2011 by TheLoneArcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 10:35 AM
i work at a defence establishment, and we continually recieve warnings about known military impersonaters, the number of these individuals is truly staggering. In fact the one you are describing sounds familiar u2u me if you wish me to confirm this and you are comfortable doing so.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

Amen, but maybe a blanket party thrown by some of my
friends like Dave, a REAL Royal Marine Sergeant with
lots of COMBAT decorations-- like in Granada and
other places where they were shot at. Got soap?
I'm sure he for one would love to share some decorations.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 03:11 PM
as a former marine, who has fought in viet nam, grenada, desert storm, afghanistan, iraq, kuwait, and participated in various black operations in central and south america and have been awarded the medal of honor 3 times, captured saddam hussien and participated in the assassination of bin laden i find offence to anyone who steals the valor of any soldier.

i'm also an honorary field marshal in the royal british army and a 5 star general in the american military.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 07:53 PM
Actually, the US should get rid of this stupid law. We already have fraud laws to take care of this in cases when people misrepresent themselves to take advantage of someone else, we don't need to pile more regulations on top of it.

There's a reason a federal judge tried to overturn this law and declared it unconstitutional. To protect free speech you have to protect all speech, especially the lies and the stuff no one wants to hear, otherwise it's not really free speech at all. There are very few universal truths, most truths are subjective, so freedom of speech also has to apply to what is untrue. Once you start declaring lies to be illegal, you have a small authority policing what is 'true' and 'false' for everyone, when it is up to that person to decide what is true for them. The truth of some things is more apparent than others, but it's not up to the government to decide what I can say or believe. Period.

The UK has different laws of course, so it may hold up better there's but I don't see this as something you want to have either way.
edit on 19-9-2011 by Akasirus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:01 PM
If idiots want to give him stuff just because he said he was in the military, then THEY are the stupid ones.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by stellify

There's a few paras just back from a hard tour of Afghanistan who could be available to dispense retribution...

*redacted* bloody lies for Queen and Country *redacted* killers and murderers for both sides makes me *redacted*

Otherwise, as another poster said: cheats and liars and those who love control get to the top, and it's always at the cost of someone else.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by aorAki

Originally posted by stellify

There's a few paras just back from a hard tour of Afghanistan who could be available to dispense retribution...

*redacted* bloody lies for Queen and Country *redacted* killers and murderers for both sides makes me *redacted*

Otherwise, as another poster said: cheats and liars and those who love control get to the top, and it's always at the cost of someone else.

The justification of war is not a topic for this thread. So, I'll leave that.

As to the other aspect - you've got a point.

But it's an overly simplistic one, which by adopting removes the need for you to think through the problem. If your way of coping with complexity is to throw a blanket statement out, reinforcing someone else's simplistic opinion...and that makes you comfortable...then more power to you.

I am assuming that you live on your own, in the woods without any need for human contact or money...oh wait, you're on ATS... you're interacting with humans who may or may not be lying. Including me. So you have a need to interact with have a need to make money to pay for your internet have a need to respond to other humans and to express yourself. That makes you part of society in my book and subject to its moral codes and protections.

Due to the fact that we're forced to interact as part of our society and dominant culture, moral codes and laws have emerged to offer a framework for conflict resolution and determining rights. Some are written, some are spoken some are unspoken. Most people have a moral framework they work to. You may even have one. It'll be different to mine, but it will likely have a common basis.

This person's actions do not fit my moral framework, but they may fit yours. Different strokes...I accept that.

Granted - people also use these common laws and moral frameworks to protect to further their own position. Yes, I have lied...who hasn't?

The reality is that there are degrees of lying - it's trying to establish which degrees of lying cause damage to other people.

This man is by no means cream rising to the top of society through lying. He's actually pathetic.

However, his degree of untruth has strong potential to bring disrepute to the charities he is working with - these charities are doing some good and everyone who is involved in fundraising for them will be his victims.

edit on 20-9-2011 by stellify because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by randomname
as a former marine, who has fought in viet nam, grenada, desert storm, afghanistan, iraq, kuwait, and participated in various black operations in central and south america and have been awarded the medal of honor 3 times, captured saddam hussien and participated in the assassination of bin laden i find offence to anyone who steals the valor of any soldier.

i'm also an honorary field marshal in the royal british army and a 5 star general in the american military.

I'd love to employ you....and give you lots of things for nothing.

U2U me your CV and salary expectations.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by JustinSee

I'll direct you to my comments to the guy with the dog avatar.

Same response. Cant be bothered typing it all out again.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 02:37 PM
I'll get off my high horse and say that the 'impersonator' sounds like someone who anyone would be mad to employ given his obvious track record of deception.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by aorAki
I'll get off my high horse and say that the 'impersonator' sounds like someone who anyone would be mad to employ given his obvious track record of deception.

Wholeheartedly agree - employer didn't check references which should have uncovered some inconsistency.

Then it became groupthink since everyone thought he must be who he says he is if the company is paying to let him go off on tour. No one thought he may just be heading offshore on a diving support vessel!


A lot of people feel very stupid.

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