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The Statue of Liberty, giant idol to Babylonian/Roman goddess, welcome to the new Roman Empire.

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 03:51 PM
There is a thread here in ats that i believe is quite epic. I m sure you have probably ran across it before but if not, here is the linky
enjoy going back to often as i do

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by MasterGemini

Judging by your initial reactive post you are just denying to save face.

Face it, you spoke too soon and now you look exceptionally foolish.

This is what is referred to as the sin of pride:

your post is extremely rude..which is kind of ironic when afterwards you talk about sin.. your just another hypocrite who has made yourself look foolish..

i was merely pointing out there seemed to be inaccuracies in the op and link.. libertas and venus are 2 seperate entities and venus represents ishtar.. not libertas.. i wasnt sure at first so i checked and it turned out there was a problem with this theory.. yourself and the op just seem to have ignored this significant point.. (which is ignorance btw)

if your going to come back with some other random or rude comment than i suggest you dont bother to reply.. i dont feed the trolls.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

This is how badly asleep the american peoples are, they have a huge idol in front of them to an unknown goddess and they think it's a symbol for freedom when instead they are enslaved to the "Queen of Heaven" and don't even know it.

For one thing, some of us Americans are no asleep, and know what is going on. The Goddess is always put down and stomped on by Christianity, for they would rather have a "Lord" that is out there some place, instead of embracing the God/Goddess within us all. The Queen of Heaven wants no slaves, for She is Love everlasting, She is Wisdom, and it is Her that gave birth to all Gods. Read your bible, the God in there is not representative of freedom in any way whatsoever....

The Biblical God sanctioned slavery (Ex. 21:20-21, Deut. 15:17)
He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39:10, Ex. 3:22) He made false prophecies (Jonah 3:4. Gen. 5:10) He killed (Num. 16:35, 21:6, Deut. 32:39, 1 Sam. 2:26, Psalm 135:10) He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8:2, 13:3, 2 Chron. 32:31) He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3:16, 20:1) He supported human sacrifice (Ex. 22:29-30, Ezek. 20:26) He ordered cannibalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19:9)
He demanded virgins as a part of war plunder (Num. 31:31-36) He sanctioned violation of the enemy's women (Deut. 21:10-14)

There are many more time the Biblical God shows very plainly that he is not about Freedom of the Body, or the Soul, but is, in fact, a Lord, a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler. This God in not my ruler, nor my master, and I feel sorry for those who choose to be slaves to this God.

The God and Goddess, Father and Mother, and the Conspiracy to keep us from Knowing

Let's All Face It, We Are God/Goddess

Mankind has "subdued the Earth," and took from her many things, including, coal and minerals to power production of machines, then oil to run the machines pumped from the Earth like blood from a woman, and the thirst for the oil became a worldwide thirst, and like so many Vampires the human race consumed the oil at a fantastic rate. They still do. They still dig for the coal too, along with minerals that make nuclear bombs that can blow up the Earth in one big mushroom cloud in space. One is left to wonder that these things, as Earth begins it's final destructive mode, one wonders, is MAN grateful to Mother for all he has taken from Her? Whom does MAN thank when he eats the food and wears the clothes that comes from Mother Earth? Does he thank Her, or some outside entity that He cannot see, hear, or touch, a being that lives in a fantasy world of fear and sexual repression, a control freak who warns of severe punishment if MAN detours from his path of destruction, or lets Woman become the Queen of his house.

Modern Organized Religion has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex. For centuries, Christianity has had an exceptionally unhealthy fixation on sex, to the exclusion of almost everything else (except power, money, and the infliction of cruelty). This stems from the numerous "thou shalt nots" relating to sex in the Bible. That the Ten Commandments contain a commandment forbidding the coveting of one’s neighbor’s wife, but do not even mention slavery, torture, or cruelty—which were abundantly common in the time the Commandments were written— speaks volumes about their writer’s preoccupation with sex (and women as property).

Religion produces great misery among its own adherents through its insistence that sex (except the very narrow variety it sanctions) is evil, against God’s law. Religion proscribes sex between unmarried people, sex outside of marriage, homosexual relations, bestiality, and even “impure” sexual thoughts. Indulging in such things can and will, in the conventional Religious view, lead straight to Hell. Sex made the Universe, some think and theorize, the mating of a God and a Goddess made all of this. Somehow, this makes perfect sense to me.

From my years of study and research it is clear to me that Mother Earth is in Her death throes right now, and could, at any time, go into full destruction mode, and end one cycle while beginning a new one, all in seven days time, just like the Bible says.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

The OP I believe was referring to the "goddess archetype" in regards to your dissent.

Ancient Archetypes and Modern Manifestations -- The Goddess

I would like to discuss the notion of the Goddess, not as a quaint superstitious half-forgotten relic of ancient civilizations, but as a key to understanding and rediscovering a forgotten aspect of history and as a framework for re-establishing circulation to and from a lost part of our Psyches and our Selves.

We have had perhaps 5000 years of a patriarchal God, but previous to the cultures of the Babylonians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks, Hindus, Chinese and Celts, there is great evidence that matriarchal based civilizations existed where those peoples later located. An agricultural revolution replacing the hunter-gatherer societies may in part account for this transformation. These earlier civilizations worshipped the Goddess, not as a power from above or outside of ourselves, but as an externalization of interior states and a projection of aspects of our Psyche, Soul or Self; and as a personification of Energy that shapes and maintains the Earth. [But see Hayden, 1998, for an archaeological perspective. Ed.]

A popular Christian belief is that all the pagan gods are in fact fallen angels so any worship other than God is associated with that.

As I am sure you know the real religions were never taught to the masses, the esoteric teachings that is.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by MasterGemini
reply to post by Misterlondon

The OP I believe was referring to the "goddess archetype" in regards to your dissent.

my dissent? im not going to bite...

i can see how YOU are talking about the goddess archetype, but i fail to see how this thread is about the goddess archetype..

the thread is clearly about the statue if liberty being an idol to Babylonian goddess Ishtar.. here is the opening paragraph.

Yes, its true. That very jolly green giant we have standing tall in front of God and everybody off the coast of Long Island, New York is a massive tribute to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar also known as the Roman goddess Libertas.

and the second line clearly states it is a tribute to ishtar aka libertas.. as ive already pointed out, i believe this to be incorrect.
the statue of liberty does represent the roman goddess libertas.. (the roman goddess of liberty and freedom) but this goddess does not represent ishtar.. that would be venus.
so on that basis, in my opinion this theory falls apart instantly.. although i did look at the links.. they are not from credible sources and the second one contains many inaccuracies. the ats link supplied also talks about ishtar.

so im just pointing that out.. if yourself or the op can explain to me how this still works then im all ears. if not then im not going to waste my time here..

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

I have read many of the OP's posts.

Apologies for speaking for you OP

Their beliefs seem based on the Bible, where any worship outside of God is pagan and to the nasty fallen angels (who are the spirits pagans pray to).

Illuminati Trinity ( Positive and negative uniting and resulting in creation, the third aspect)

That means all the pagan gods are Legion
Legion (demon)

Legion is a group of demons referred to in the Christian Bible. The New Testament outlines an encounter where Jesus healed a man from Gadarenes possessed by demons while traveling, known as Exorcising the Gerasenes demonic.

edit on 18-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

The FreemanTV video I linked to about Columbia goddess covers a lot of this sort of thing. Also the second video.

I know they are long, but they are well researched and it is easy to go find and verify their sources on your own.
edit on 18-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by MasterGemini
reply to post by Misterlondon

I have read many of the OP's posts.

Apologies for speaking for you OP

Their beliefs seem based on the Bible, where any worship outside of God is pagan and to the nasty fallen angels (who are the spirits pagans pray to).

Illuminati Trinity ( Positive and negative uniting and resulting in creation, the third aspect)

That means all the pagan gods are Legion
Legion (demon)

Legion is a group of demons referred to in the Christian Bible. The New Testament outlines an encounter where Jesus healed a man from Gadarenes possessed by demons while traveling, known as Exorcising the Gerasenes demonic.

edit on 18-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

The FreemanTV video I linked to about Columbia goddess covers a lot of this sort of thing. Also the second video.

I know they are long, but they are well researched and it is easy to go find and verify their sources on your own.
edit on 18-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

Yeah you are pretty close to it. To us anything other than Yahweh is a fallen angel or "elohim". The ancient peoples believed in other "elohim" which means gods or goddesses.

I have often wondered and argued about the nature of the Lord "Yahweh", that perhaps all the old multi-god religions orgininated from the same religion. You have to think about the nature of the ancient peoples, sometimes they might have thought angels or fallen angels were gods because to people in those times any "being" with supernatural or otherworldly abilities to them would be a "god". Yet out of all these pantheons of multi-god religions there always seemed to be a "King" or "Lord" more powerful than all the others combined that sat on his throne and meted out justice.

The fact of the matter is, as far as written history and religious books are concerned, monotheism didn't hit the scene till around Abraham's time, in which Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham and told him that he would be the god of Abraham and HIS decendants. Where christianity comes into play is we have been adopted into the family of Abraham through Jesus Christ, whom is our messiah, so he is our God.

I'm not saying you cant worship other gods or godesses, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, you have made your choice and i have made mine as does everyone else have to make theirs. I serve Yahweh, if you wish to serve Astarte or Astaroth that is your decision.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 07:16 PM
mastergemini.. thanks for the reply and explanation.. i hadn't come across the op's previous posts so i was taking it as i read it.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I'm not saying you cant worship other gods or godesses, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, you have made your choice and i have made mine as does everyone else have to make theirs. I serve Yahweh

Friend, you can "serve" any "Lord" you wish, but Yahweh? Better have a read over HERE. Yahweh is a Dragon, friend, one of the Reptilians we often speak of in here. You want to serve that?

To me, that which is Divinity is my Father, and my Mother, and that is what I call them. They are not my "Lords" nor are they my "Masters." They are my friends and Creators. The Draco and Reptilians are my enemies.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:51 PM
This is America and we don't have just one religion here. As much as many Christians would like for the US to be Christian they need to accept that this country is home to a wide variety of faiths. And Christians really need to stop the whole persecution pity party they got going can't be the largest faith in the US and claim to be persecuted..just doesn't work that way. Face it, you're gonna see/hear other Gods or Goddesses or even no mention of God in your life here in America. Thats what we're about..we are not about forcing the "Lord" down anyones throat and those who do are not real Christians.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 02:04 PM
About the statue of Liberty, I urge anyone who has interest to read this thread:

It contains how it was founded, who sponsored it, who came up with the idea, where the notion came from and what it represents.

Originally posted by Misterlondon

Babylonian goddess Ishtar also known as the Roman goddess Libertas.

do you have anything that can verify this? i dont believe this is correct information..

She was imported from the romans, the Romans got it from the Babylonians and part from greeks , greeks got it from the Babylonians as well.

Here is a ishtar statue with the torch just like liberty lady.

The designer wanted initialy to design statue of liberty to make her with a cup of wine in her hand(just like Ishtar)
but went for the torch with a flame in the end. This was described by the designer that the torch can also be representative of a cup of wine.

More on this.

The Torch: This item was originally designed to be a golden cup filled with the wine of freedom. This golden
cup remained in the planning and was actually made.

The rest:

However, before completion and shipping of the entire
statue, the New York Port authorities asked if there could be some sort of modification to allow for an eternal
flame or light to be designed into the statue so that ships could use her as a night time navigational aid. Bartholdi
consented to make modifications to the basic cup design to allow for a natural gas flame to be utilized.

This can be compared to the mother of harlots.(Ishtar)

The golden cup from the bible sounds something like this:

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

The spikes. Ishtar left, libertas right

edit on 19-9-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I'm not saying you cant worship other gods or godesses, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, you have made your choice and i have made mine as does everyone else have to make theirs. I serve Yahweh

Friend, you can "serve" any "Lord" you wish, but Yahweh? Better have a read over HERE. Yahweh is a Dragon, friend, one of the Reptilians we often speak of in here. You want to serve that?

To me, that which is Divinity is my Father, and my Mother, and that is what I call them. They are not my "Lords" nor are they my "Masters." They are my friends and Creators. The Draco and Reptilians are my enemies.

No one knows what God looks like. No one has ever seen his face and lived to tell the tale. Moses was the only one allowed to see his back because to look on God's face being in an imperfect body would destroy you. So whoever made up stories that he is a reptilian is lying out of their ass.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Who is "Lady Liberty"?
Who designed "Lady Liberty"?

'Lady Liberty' was also known as being "Libertas". ------- (link) ------- ( )
Freemasons designed "Lady Liberty" as it was proven in (Meltzer's Decoded).

Yes this women Statue represents Freedom and Liberty, but we must dig deeper.

Use comparative mythology and you will find the answer.
Who did "Libertas" compare to?
-What mythological deities was known for being "Libertas"?

So stop being ignorant and claiming "Lady Liberty" or "Statue of Freedom" is Persephone or whoever without having evidence of it, and DO NOT be ignorant to believe what they say Statues are supposed to represent unless you do your own research.

It could also be that the Masons designing the statue could possibly have had a different thought in there mind when creating the Symbol. (Is that not possible)? :p

Why don't you all dig deeper and find out the roots of the "Freemasonry" and the Founding of This country???

Who was the "Wife" of one of the Founders?
You will find out that this bitch standing in New York representing this countries Freedom and Liberty was actually the Wife, a Whore, a Witch, and a Queen of the Underworld.

After researching that you will find the true answers.

The Statue of Liberty (IS) Persephone from all of the research and comparing i have done.

Now its time for you to do the same if you want to find the true Roots of certain subjects instead of relieing on what everyone has to say.
After finding out who this women is you will find out why the "Pyramid and Eye" is on our dollar bill along with why December 25 was decided to be the day to represent the "Son of God" (Christmas), and many other secrets the Government doesn't want us to know.

Enough Said.

edit on 27-11-2011 by DrSaturn because: I re-read my post

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