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75% Of The Earth's Surface Is Water And We Don't Even Know Where It Came From!

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 08:56 PM
lets keep in mind that there are around 326 million, trillion gallons of water on earth!!! and some parts of the oceans are over 7 miles deep!!!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Section69
Seems to me that it is a chemical reaction. We have Oxygen in our atmosphere and Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, they simply have to touch to produce water. I don't know exactly how, but I am guessing it is less complicated than we might think.
if this were true, then the process should still be going on and it is'nt. because all the water that was somehow originally formed, or put here on earth,is still here more,no less...

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Where It Came From: Let just make it simple, depending on your definition of what's a comet or planet... I'll go with Earth was once a comet.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by buildingthenations
you clearly know it has to come from God, theres no other explanation. Read Genesis in the Bible
okay, maybe it was god. but then tell me what or who is god?...if there is a god, he/she/it is an advanced alien or aliens, who terra formed our world and one of the ingredients for their science project for sustaining life,was water and water has been proven to have been here from almost the very beginning of earths formation! >
edit on 18-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by blocula
this fact is more than a little strange and mysterious and as usual the bigger more profound questions about our reality and existence are all but ignored by the mainstream and replaced by the trivial and the mundane.the oceans of the world have an average depth of two miles! and in some areas are over seven miles deep! and if you factor in all the rivers,ponds,lakes and inland seas,around 75% of the earth's surface is made of water and that deos not include the polar ice things,you and i and everything else,are made of mostly water as well and we can't live very long without it.yet we don't even know where it came from or when it was formed >>> and here are some water facts and trivia >>>

the same water that napoleon drank at waterloo,is the very same water that i am drinking right now.the rain that fell on the pyramids thousands of years ago,still falls from the sky today.because the earth is not losing or gaining any less or more water then it originally had,whenever or however it was formed.if all this massive amount of water originated during some known or unknown natural process,then we should be continuously gaining more water,but we are not and it has been recently proven that earth's water did not come from comets.below i have listed some theories and ideas,of my own and others,that "try to explain" the origin of water on earth

................"there are somethig like 326 million trillion gallons of water on earth" !!!..................

"water came from god"...i doubt this very much.that does not explain the origin of our water at all.we really dont know the answer,so we just say god did it and if there even is a god,where did god get the water from and how did he/she/it make it.this just basically proves the origin of our water is still a mystery...

"water came from a naturally occuring process"...if so,this natural process is no longer happening,because there is'nt any more or less water here now than there ever was...

"water came from space"...this was a long held theory,that has recently been disproven.the composition of earth's water and the water in comets are not the same...

"water came from aliens"...when they found and then terra formed earth into a habital place for life.this is my favorite theory and it explains how there is only a certain amount of water on someone or something turned the water making process on and then just turned it off when they felt it was filled enough...

"water is a fuel source for alien species"...advanced species of aliens may use water as fuel for their starships as they voyage through this part of the is an interstellar gas station along their cosmic trade routes.a fuel dump for alien explorers and it is true that a lot of ufo's and flying saucers are seen coming out of,going into,or hoovering over water...

"water is a mystery"...yes it is...
edit on 18-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

It came from the constant bombardment of meteorites during the formation of the earth which carried water molecules. Old news.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by blocula
this fact is more than a little strange and mysterious and as usual the bigger more profound questions about our reality and existence are all but ignored by the mainstream and replaced by the trivial and the mundane.the oceans of the world have an average depth of two miles! and in some areas are over seven miles deep! and if you factor in all the rivers,ponds,lakes and inland seas,around 75% of the earth's surface is made of water and that deos not include the polar ice things,you and i and everything else,are made of mostly water as well and we can't live very long without it.yet we don't even know where it came from or when it was formed >>> and here are some water facts and trivia >>>

the same water that napoleon drank at waterloo,is the very same water that i am drinking right now.the rain that fell on the pyramids thousands of years ago,still falls from the sky today.because the earth is not losing or gaining any less or more water then it originally had,whenever or however it was formed.if all this massive amount of water originated during some known or unknown natural process,then we should be continuously gaining more water,but we are not and it has been recently proven that earth's water did not come from comets.below i have listed some theories and ideas,of my own and others,that "try to explain" the origin of water on earth

................"there are somethig like 326 million trillion gallons of water on earth" !!!..................

"water came from god"...i doubt this very much.that does not explain the origin of our water at all.we really dont know the answer,so we just say god did it and if there even is a god,where did god get the water from and how did he/she/it make it.this just basically proves the origin of our water is still a mystery...

"water came from a naturally occuring process"...if so,this natural process is no longer happening,because there is'nt any more or less water here now than there ever was...

"water came from space"...this was a long held theory,that has recently been disproven.the composition of earth's water and the water in comets are not the same...

"water came from aliens"...when they found and then terra formed earth into a habital place for life.this is my favorite theory and it explains how there is only a certain amount of water on someone or something turned the water making process on and then just turned it off when they felt it was filled enough...

"water is a fuel source for alien species"...advanced species of aliens may use water as fuel for their starships as they voyage through this part of the is an interstellar gas station along their cosmic trade routes.a fuel dump for alien explorers and it is true that a lot of ufo's and flying saucers are seen coming out of,going into,or hoovering over water...

"water is a mystery"...yes it is...
edit on 18-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Actually I think there is less water because didn't early astronauts dump waste plus the moisture in liquid gas which was used to steer the crafts.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by blocula

maybe the whole planet surface was frozen over long ago from being so cold as it shot through the darkness of space.

then perhaps Earth was slowing in movement over a long period of time. and the earth finally ceased moving on it's path when it came within a given distance of a few planets (or the Sun) with gravitational pull great enough to hold it where it is spinning now.

slowly but surely the nice warm Sun heated the planet earth. a little water dissipated from the heat. volcanos and what-not, after a period there is land here and there.

so the question turns into where did the land come from. but scientists already have theories on that.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by Section69
Seems to me that it is a chemical reaction. We have Oxygen in our atmosphere and Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, they simply have to touch to produce water. I don't know exactly how, but I am guessing it is less complicated than we might think.
if this were true, then the process should still be going on and it is'nt. because all the water that was somehow originally formed, or put here on earth,is still here more,no less...

Maybe there is an absence of hydrogen so the reaction would not be occurring right now. Maybe there are hydrogen storms in space that hit our planet from time to time. We just don't know. All I am trying to do is figure out how the water got there.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:01 PM
I didn't have a chance to read through this whole thread but bible talks about the firmament that separated the waters above from the waters below pre-flood era. Now there has been studies conducted with hydrogen being compressed and cooled to -400 degrees or absolute zero and it turns into a metal that is also translucent and glows pink. The bible talks about the sky used to glow pink and that type of light is best for plants to grow and animals to function. I believe when the flood happened, god caused the pressure to release and the hydrogen to combine with the oxygen of our atmosphere and flood the earth. It would make sense to me that before the flood, the reason why people lived so long is that they we not subject to radiation in mass amounts from the sun as we are in these days.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by blocula

A fun fact for people to wrap their brain around.

There are more molecules in a teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in the ocean.

Theories abound - Comets, was always present, etc...

Its not hard to make water.. 2 elements are required.

Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements in the galaxy... Whats to say a massive comet holding a massive amount of oxygen, or some other compound containing oxygen, hit the planet, interacted with the hydrogen and boom?

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:21 PM
Perhaps water to came to Earth via asteroids. Here is a quote.......

"It might seem implausible that our planet's water supply arrived incrementally as cargo on board comets or asteroids. But here's how it may have happened. More than four billion years ago, after a massive collision between Earth and another large object created the moon, our planet was completely dessicated. Then, during the Late Heavy Bombardment period that followed, during which lots of asteroids hit Earth, the ice that the objects carried became our store of water."


posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
Perhaps water to came to Earth via asteroids. Here is a quote.......

"It might seem implausible that our planet's water supply arrived incrementally as cargo on board comets or asteroids. But here's how it may have happened. More than four billion years ago, after a massive collision between Earth and another large object created the moon, our planet was completely dessicated. Then, during the Late Heavy Bombardment period that followed, during which lots of asteroids hit Earth, the ice that the objects carried became our store of water."


I agree, here's a bit more:

The cometary hypothesis for the origin of Earth's water has a serious problem, however, that was recognized when scientists were able to measure their D/H ratios. Deuterium (D) is an isotope of hydrogen (H) that has a neutron, as well as a proton, in its nucleus. The D/ H ratio in Earth's oceans is 1.56¥10-4. The D/H ratio in the three comets that have been studied (Halley, Hyakatake, and Hale-Bopp) is about twice that value. One might be able to explain the difference between comets and Earth's water if comets had less D than Earth because the normal, lighter isotope of hydrogen escapes more rapidly to space. But if the starting material had more deuterium than Earth's water, it is difficult to see how the D/H ratio could have been reduced to its current value.

So let's focus on asteroids....

This leaves the asteroid belt as the most likely source of Earth's water. The water in meteorites (which come from the asteroid belt) has a wide range of D/H values, but the average is close to that for Earth's water. There are some problems with this theory, too-specifically in trying to explain the concentrations of noble gases, which are different in Earth's atmosphere than in meteorites. However, the asteroid theory has gained a lot of supporters in the past few years. A question that remains controversial is whether most of this water came in during the heavy bombardment period or during the main accretion period.

Planetary scientists have been working on this question for a number of years, and the answers have kept changing, at least until recently. We are pretty certain the the water did not originate at the same distance from the Sun that the Earth is now, that is, 1 AU (Astronomical Unit). The solar nebula, from which all the planets formed, is thought to have been too hot at this distance for water to condense, and water vapor does not react fast enough with rocks to form hydrated minerals. Thus, the water is thought to have originated farther away from the Sun, either in the asteroid belt (2-3.5 AU) or out in the giant planets region (5-30 AU), where comets are thought to have formed.


Everyone who said water is nothing more than hydrogen and oxygen bonded together is correct. However, no one is absolutely positive how exactly water formed. We weren't around then.

To answer the OP, we don't know. Perhaps someday we will.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel

Originally posted by blocula
Posted Via ATS Mobile:

people see aliens...who has seen god??? one...
*snort* There's more people who claim visitiation by God as there are people who claim visitation by Aliens. I don't have to beilieve in either, but to state this is not researching the evidence that exists.
edit on 18-9-2011 by CynicalDrivel because: double [/q
who has claimed to have seen god? if there even is a god, he/she/it is an alien,if not an alien...then what? most likely, fanatically religious,emotionally hysterical,sexually repressed nuns,are the people who say they have seen christ, or angels, or the virgin mary,...but god?...i don't think would they even know it was god? when no one even knows what god looks like!
1. I did not state that I have to believe in any of it. I just stated that more people claim visitation by God (not all of it is seeing Him, by the way) than for Aliens, and that I find you to not have a thorough understanding of all the information out there. 2. Considering that these folks see Christ as God, that can be added together. 3. It's kind of impossible, with the given information, to properly prove aliens or God by their visiting people. (as in there's evidence, just not irrefutable evidence). 4. UFOs don't count unless you see the aliens inside because the UFO is just unidentified, not automatically belonging to any given Alien. 5. The thing is you're dealing with enough proof for yourself to post this conclusion, but not enough proof to sway those who want concrete evidence. It's a "Where's the body" sort of thing.

But I'd rather just agree to disagree since this is irrelevant to the point at hand.

Originally posted by LiveEquation

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
]Nah, I got that, but what was stated in this part that I called ILLOGICAL IS NOT A CHEMICAL REACTION. So my statement still stands as it is an illogical set of reasoning.

Hahahahahahahaha, condensation is not a chemical reaction? LMAO!!!

You're confusing Condensation with Condensation Reaction.

A condensation reaction is a chemical reaction in which two molecules or moieties (functional groups) combine to form one single molecule, together with the loss of a small molecule.

Condensation is the change of the physical state of matter from gaseous phase into liquid phase, and is the reverse of evaporation.[1]
Wiki, again When water accretes to itself it is not forming a new molecule in a chemical reaction. Once again, when heating and cooling only changes the STATE of the water, yet does NOT MAKE SOMETHING NEW, there has been no chemical reaction. Still back to illogical.

Now, can a Chemical Reaction occur within water condensing onto something? Sure, that's fine and dandy, but that's not at all what you used as "evidence" for your conclusion.

Originally posted by Section69
Seems to me that it is a chemical reaction. We have Oxygen in our atmosphere and Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, they simply have to touch to produce water. I don't know exactly how, but I am guessing it is less complicated than we might think.
Yet it doesn't happen just because Hydrogen and Oxygen happen to bump into each other. It requires a bit more than their presence, but not too much. Chemical reactions are fairly common.

Originally posted by patternfinder
hmm, this is in genesis 1 "God moved upon the face of the waters." this in biblical terms "moved upon" means "copulated with" so, that's kind of weird.......
Not in my experience. Every time a kid is born in Genesis, where something is mentioned directly before it (as in having the kid is a consequence of that word) is some of the the word knew. So procreation is knowing your partner.

Originally posted by pikestaff
I wonder sometimes on where all the ice came from, the rings around Saturn, the Ort cloud, ice on Mars and the moon, the ice moons, comets.
It either has existed from the beginning of time or came about by a chemical reaction. That is fact. Just which chemical reaction was it, and where was this chemical reaction located at? If it existed from the begining of time, there's a lot of theories out there that are wrong (Big Bang, etc.). I'm quite sure this is not the answer you were looking for, lol.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
The old stories tell about water from below that flood the world mostly not from the skies.
Erm, a little more complicated than that, lol.


Genesis 1:6-8 6 Then God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 7 God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so. 8 God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.


Genesis 7:11-12 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. 12 The rain fell upon the earth for forty days and forty nights.

In both, water from above and below are mentioned, and neither have any mention of precedence, although order of presentation means something to the Greek and Hebrew languages. The more important, greater, or cause comes first. The trouble in this case is trying to decide if there was more water below than above, or if the water below is more important to the narrator, or even if the waters below breaking the world forced the waters suspended above to fall as rain. The general Creationist conclusion is that the last is the most accurate (and the language is used this way in other places to single out instigators from the group at hand, so it's not like that's unfounded).

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by Section69
Seems to me that it is a chemical reaction. We have Oxygen in our atmosphere and Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, they simply have to touch to produce water. I don't know exactly how, but I am guessing it is less complicated than we might think.
if this were true, then the process should still be going on and it is'nt. because all the water that was somehow originally formed, or put here on earth,is still here more,no less...

that is because it is constantly being cycled. The water you see isnt the only water there is. There is million sand millions of water particles in the air, in the clouds, underground. There is no way to tell if it is a constant because we cannot see all of it at the same time. And add to that the fact that there are limitations. The atmosphere can only hold so many water particles. There comes a point when the ogyxen and hydrogen do not combine, but they are still there. There has to be a saturation point on the earth. There have very likely been many instances of the amount of liquid water changing. Ice ages would be a good example.
I wonder how many processes here on earth will actually destroy a water particle? Water should, despite small fluctuations, remain constant. It gets converted to other forms, but it is still h2o. And i think you would find that if enough water molecules did get destroyed, mor would be formed form the hydrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere to maintain the saturation level.

(I am not a scientist, just musing here)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 06:09 AM
Why is it so hard to believe that the earth is capable of making her own water?
The gases escaping from volcanoes is, in part:
The most abundant gas typically released into the atmosphere from volcanic systems is water vapor (H2O), followed by carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).
That is a lot of "O"'s. Each one of those "O"'s is capable of breaking off from the other letters and reforming with spare "H"'s in the atmosphere. That makes water. Not to mention this combining takes place within the earth too, as water vapour is also a by product of volcano eruptions. It is just a process that happens, no more miraculous than any other combining of elements. Some say it is a miracle, because water is what we wll needed for life. But I say that is meaningless discussion. What we needed for life was a liquid. Something to allow cells and material to swirl and combine and travel. If the primary liquid had been acid, life likely would have still evolved, just differently. And we would all be sitting here saying thank God for the acid - what would we have done without it. We need water because we had water. We evolved to depend upon it because it is what is here.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by supermanning
I didn't have a chance to read through this whole thread but bible talks about the firmament that separated the waters above from the waters below pre-flood era. Now there has been studies conducted with hydrogen being compressed and cooled to -400 degrees or absolute zero and it turns into a metal that is also translucent and glows pink. The bible talks about the sky used to glow pink and that type of light is best for plants to grow and animals to function. I believe when the flood happened, god caused the pressure to release and the hydrogen to combine with the oxygen of our atmosphere and flood the earth. It would make sense to me that before the flood, the reason why people lived so long is that they we not subject to radiation in mass amounts from the sun as we are in these days.
if the word god,was replaced with alien.then to me, everything that you have said above would be true...

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by windword

That just reminded me of the salt content of the seas.

My explanation of the origin of a large portion of the salts of the seas suggests that Saturn is rich not only in water but also in chlorine, either in the form of sodium chloride or in some other combination, or even atomic free. The last solution, of atomic free chlorine, appeared chemically and biologically somewhat difficult to contemplate, because chlorine is a very active element, seeking ties with other elements; biologically because it would be damaging to any plant life, yet there are other indications which point to the possibility of plant life on Saturn.

from sea salt search on this page

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by blocula
enough to fill oceans that are up to 7 miles deep ?!?!...i don't think so...i 'll go with "the earth is an interstellar gas station,a fuel depot along cosmic trade routes used by advanced alien explorers and water is one of their "commodities" and or their starships "fuel" theory...that makes sense to me,more than the "invisible man in the sky" theory anyways...

The earth, from the Mariana Trench to the top of Mt. Everest is smoother/ more round, comparatively, than a pool ball is required to be.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Only those who are not part of the true Elect ones get upset or offended by my comments. And it does prove, that in the last days many shall fall away from the truth, and rather believe the lies.

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