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Mom Donates Kidney to Son, Loses Job

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posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 12:28 AM

no offense, but i hate to work at a places like that. and you didnt mention how well the company is doing, assuming you even know. in places like that, people with strong work ethics(ie me) end up picking up all the slack, not the boss. the boss is only loved by the people i have to bend over backwards for. its not fair, and its not a good way to run a business. and beyond that its not sustainable.
reply to post by BohemianBrim

The company does GREAT. We all pull our weight. I feel sorry for you.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Boreas
Messed up. OP, here's their information (no need to research, it was the first hit on google):

Aviation Institute of Maintenance
3001 Grant Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19114
P: 215.676.7700
Fax: 215.671.0566
Email: [email protected]

I would like to apologize to Boreas. I missed your post. Thank you very much for finding all info needed

My E-mail has been sent.

Thanks again to Boreas

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:44 AM
boo the sad parts of the story. you left out the part where she was only eligible for 12 weeks under pa law.How do I know that? Because I've taken it. and oh where it says she used all her sick/vaca time or other reasons... way to distort things dude.

ETA : companies with under 50 employees arent requiered to follow the fmla,look it up !
edit on 14-9-2011 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:47 AM
just sent an e-mail to the company and posted the fox video on my facebook and twitter with the e-mail address... Time for companies and Corps. to realize we live in an age of instant communication and we can push back

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:50 AM
Is this fourchan or ats? Sheesh people get your facts straight before you bombard comopanies with emails and phone calls.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 03:05 AM
I wanted to add my two ,I've worked in this field for a couple years , a while back, it is EXTREMELY CUT THROAT AND I MEAN EXTREMELY, ON ALL levels in EVERY WAY. I am in Texas and if the state this lady worked is like mine ,Texas is an" at will" state. So they need no excuse for letting this woman go. Unfortunately. I know it all seems awful but knowing this business I can say they probably don't give a shtt about this lady or any of her problems. Also it might be an idea to look and see if its an "at will" state.

That's my two cents, carry on.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Twisted1

I've been a CEO for the past 25 year for large companies, and now own a business. I can tell you this is highly unusual and this woman, Claudia should file a lawsuit.

The company could have hired a temporary worker who could have worked during Claudia's leave. This is not unusual to have employees with situations like this who require time off. By allowing her the time, filling her job with a temp worker ultimately creates for a stronger team in the end. Employees want to feel secure in their job. The other employees who witnessed this will probably have zero loyalty to their employer. They will either eventually leave to a job that values their greatest asset, staff....or this is when theft and and careless will take hold. It's just not worth it in the end to treat people as cattle.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:05 AM
I also wrote a letter......

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:18 AM
Well well well... This is what happens in a country where the constitution "gives me the right to do what I want when I want"...

The company is free to hire and fire who they want... so too bad, so sad... your all knowing "perfect" constitution says everything you need to know...

That's the US of A for you! Plain and simple... Land of the free, home of the "Brave"...

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:29 AM
Their actions are appauling, and God will make them suffer if not now then in the afterlife. they have no compation and no sympathy, may something bad happen thed them and their family for them to realize the gravity of their dicusting choices.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Twisted1

You do not know this lady, but you are assuming that she is not worth being employed at this company.
Why is she automatically in the wrong in your eyes?

I could ask the same of you. You also don't know this lady, or this employer, but you automatically assume she has done nothing to deserve the termination?

I am only trying to bring light to the other side of the story. My reasoning for assuming she is not worth being employed at the company is the fact that she is no longer employed at the company.

I will admit, that it is quite possible that the people in the company are just mean and heartless, but I think that is a very distant possibility. Everyone is human, and I think it is safe to assume the company did everything they could during her first 3 extended absences, and at some point it became a hindrance to operations, and they had to make a difficult and unpopular decision. I have made similar decisions, and they don't feel good, but somebody has to make the hard decisions sometimes.

On another note, I applaud the woman for being so generous to her son.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:07 AM

What about FMLA? In Ohio you can miss up to 12 weeks of work if there is a valid medical reason for either you or an immediate family member. I thought FMLA was a nation wide act?

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:15 AM
That is pretty heartless but it takes heartless rats to run companies. I think they could have made an exception for this poor woman, it is obviouse that she could not help what was happening in her life. It's a shame for sure, but this life isn't a fair one, and it looks like it never will be.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by benrl

Ideally another company will offer her a job and that is the better outcome for her - why would she want to go back and work for those tools unless she has no other alternative. Given the opportunity I would hire her in a minute. It takes courage to donate a kidney and it is clear that she has her priorities ordered properly, both things you want in an employee.

This will get into the press and she will have a job shortly.

Companies like this don't last. People treated poorly don't treat clients well and ultimately they will go under, hopefully as their employees find other and better jobs and bail out of there

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by daryllyn

She had already used up all of her time and the FMLA act doesn't apply to company's with less than 50 employees. Her recent place of employment had under 50 employees.

I agree with the moderator on everything but It is a sad predicament she is in and I do feel bad for her. I have a feeling this story will get out and an employer somewhere will show the compassion and offer her a job when all this mess is done' and over with.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by silverbullett
As sick as this is, FMLA doesn't apply to companies with less than 50 employees. Some B.S. if you ask me.

That is only a part of the law. FMLA only covers employees working in a company with 50 employees that work within 75 miles (I think) of each other. This means even if the employer has 500 employees, and they are spread out across the country FMLA does not apply. However, my personal opinion of this story, is that any company that would do this to their employee is heartless and deserves to go out of business. I am so sick of employers lately. They would gladly allow their fellow American to die, their employees suffer, just to pull a profit. It sounds like this company was just looking to fire people without paying unemployment, and went after an easy target. I have known a lot of bosses that look at employees like pawns in their game they play. They really could care less what that employee is going through, to them its all business.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by kimish

[color=dodgerblue]Oh riiiiight.

I forgot about the company size.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 11:07 AM
I'm with the moderator on this one. Several years ago I had several streaks of tragedy that kept me away from my job for varying degrees of time while working for Bloomingdale's. Some of it was covered by Vacation time but some of it was not. I have a very high work ethic which the company took into consideration and Bloomingdale's did everything in their power to keep me employed even when I thought they should just sever the relationship. I guess my point is that this company went way beyond what was expected and necessary to keep what they felt was a valuable employee.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 12:39 PM
I'm gonna have to agree with the few posters taking a middle ground stance here. We don't know the companies real situation.

As another said they may have been forced to try and cover the absence with existing workers, which can only last so long. Another poster mentioned hiring a temp worker, now I don't know how it works in America...but in the UK the general idea is that you still get payed when you are off.

So this suggestion of hirign a temp worker means the small company would have been paying two people for one job. Something they may not be able to afford.

It's terrible for the woman, but the company may have had no choice. Lets not be so quick to judge.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:06 PM
My husband owns a very small business that has done fairly well in this economy. I am a writer. I can write marketing copy and do technical writing. Last fall, I lost some of the use of my fingers. The cause was from two collapsed vertebrae/disks in my neck. I had to undergo a double cervical fusion. At the time, I worked for a company that did have more than 50 employees. I suspect I could have gotten FMLA but I did not want to put the company through that during a struggling economy. No, I am not a saint. I also knew my recovery was going to be long and did not want pressure to return to work before I was ready.

Last week I started a new job. The evening of my first day, I had my first and only seizure. I went to bed. My husband came to bed around midnight. When he entered the room, he found me in full convulsions. I was transported via ambulance to the hospital. I only recall going to bed. I woke up in the hospital and went to work. The hospital noted that I had a very low blood sugar. The seizure was probably caused by hypoglycemia. I didn't know I had it.

Despite the horrific events, I showed up to day two of the new job on time and worked the day. My boss seemed nice enough. I told her what happened the night before. Her response was to fire me immediately. I reside in At-Will employment state. She felt my condition would bring "drama" to the office.

I see both sides of the coin. In this woman's case, it sounds like the employer has already bent over backwards to help her. In my case, I was shocked but I am glad the event transpired. I would never want to invest myself in a company that had such a small-small mindset. On the upside, This morning I was called for an interview..if I get the job it will pay 10k more a year. In addition, if seizures are a problem over the long haul...I can walk to work instead of drive.

Hypoglycemia is a big deal if you don't know you have it. However, it is manageable if you know you do. I will not sue because to be honest I would not want to work for a company that would fire someone on a dime over a manageable health issue. I had my EEG yesterday…I have a normal brain. Just need to watch those low blood sugar levels and all is fine.

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