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NLP - Mirroring Truth - Revealing the Tricks of the Master Illusionists?

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:17 PM
In every area of our modern lives, we notice that truth seems to be in opposite. We read about a newly enacted law and wonder how any politician in their right mind could go such a direction. The world seems to be upside down in many ways and I think I have the ultimate answer to this trick of the master illusionists of civilization.

Magicians are known by the tricks they hide. An illusion is only as good as the magicians ability to hide the process of the trick. As I write this article, I realize that I am giving away the keys to the illusions of modern government and mass media. I write this article to set people free from the illusions of the criminals that are ruling our society. Know them by their fruits and the you are able to avoid the traps that are set to snare your gullible mind.

Before I blather on about how this works, let me get right to the point:

The human brain works in a similar manner to the human immune system. When a foreign object enters, the body destroys the foreign entity and keeps the body healthy. This causes a bit of weakness and sick feeling at first, but this feeling passes. The mind works the same. When an untruth enters the mind, the mind is repulsed. It deals with the incorrect information with the intellect. Before I go on, let me define one word:

Impenetrability is a term used in mathematics to define objects and space. Two objects cannot occupy the same space. We are aware of this easily. What we may not realize is this: Two thoughts cannot occupy the same space in the mind. Two emotions cannot occupy the same space in the mind. When an emotion comes to the mind, the intellect will move aside if the emotion is stronger than the intellect. If the intellect is stronger than the emotion, then the emotion is pushed aside and our actions are controlled. This works the same with all thoughts. Intellect must be strong to overcome other objects that enter the mind.

Okay, back to the previous thought: The intellect works like an immune system for the mind. No untruth can get past the intellect if the intellect is strong. If the intellect can rule the mind, then equanimity follows. Equanimity is a state of mental or emotional stability or composure arising from a deep awareness and acceptance of the present moment. This is where the illusion begins.

For the illusionists to do their work, truth must be twisted at the exact point where truth mirrors untruth. For every truth, there is an equal and opposite untruth. Let me give you the prime example of our current day and age of objectivism:

Aleister Crowley said this: "Do as thou wilt, this is the whole of the law." This is the religious philosophy of Thelema and magic. Crowley was the master of what I am revealing here.

Compare this to truth. In Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Do you see the illusion? A mirror image is created. On one side, the counterfeit truth is wrapped in a package of the mirror image. Read the actual truth and then compare the two. This is the prime example. Find other examples and this truth will set you free form the counterfeit image.

Recognizing the difference between real truth and the counterfeit version is a daily battle. None of us possesses immunity from the infection of delusion by way of false information. A veritable smorgasbord of perspectives are always there waiting to prey on our hearts and minds. Consumerism, false religion, humanism, transhumanism, rationalism, mysticism, new age occultism, and so many other varied isms and beliefs saturate and influence society. Although we can sometimes recognize the questionable intentions of the various ideologies, religions and philosophies that permeate the world, we lack the necessary guidance for proper declination of the heart and mind. The noise produced in our minds from these various schools of thought should educate our hearts to one important fact: Truth is not so much where you look, but how you perceive.

How you perceive...This is the point. Know the illusion for what it is and you can see under the veil of the magicians that produce the lies.

Let me give you another version. Mass media packages a false lifestyle to the minds of men and women. Why do they do this? Easy, a false image is made to look like truth. Once the reality of the true image of life is compared with the packaged version, the mind believes the mirror image and buys the false product. Why is this so bad for society?

There is a law that I have observed over the course of my life. I call it the law of returns after the mathematical concept of diminishing returns. Here is what I have observed:

If a person takes from life, a debt is created. This debt must eventually be paid. If you smoke, you are taking a reward that should not be taken. This action results in sickness and cancer. Follow this through to any action that involves taking something and you will always find suffering as the result.

On the opposite side of this: If you GIVE work to others (suffer a cost), you will always reap a reward. This type of reward extends to all those around you. This type of reward fills the soul with peace and contentment. Not only do you get a reward for your efforts, but others benefit in the wake of your actions. For example, if you suffer the work of a job, you get a paycheck. Initially, you must work for the reward, but the reward does come. These types of reward then extend forward without end. They can be borrowed against to open more opportunities.

There are no exceptions to this universal law of returns. There is mathematical certainty in this. Giving always brings reward. Taking always brings suffering.

Now, back to mass media. What is produced and what is required by buying into the images of the mass media? When the false image is bought, reward is taken rather than produced. This creates a debt. The reward is taken by the one selling the image. Notice I said taken. Remember, when something is taken, a debt is produced. Does this mean that the mass media only sells false images? Not at all.

The illusion is only used by the illusionists. There are still good people and good things in this world. When and where you find good, you will always find someone giving rather than taking. The greatest way to avoid the illusion of the magician is to look for the fruit they produce. If they are taking and producing debt for others, the supposed truth is false. If the fruit is giving for the betterment of the many, then what is offered is true. Is this always the case? No. Some illusionists mirror truth so cleverly, they seem to reflect real truth. This is where our intellect needs to be strong. Learn what real truth is.

Now, go back in time to see how our Government has produced 15 Trillion in debt. They have taken reward to produce debt for others. Can you see the illusion? But don't worry, the debt will be paid by the ones taking the reward instead of giving for the benefit of others. The universe is self-correcting. They WILL pay in the end. Count on it.

edit on 12-9-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:49 PM
At this point I fail to see what this has to do with NLP - neuro-linguistic programming - more than any political, philosophical, psychological or religious text does in general.
Could you elaborate on that?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Kokatsi
At this point I fail to see what this has to do with NLP - neuro-linguistic programming - more than any political, philosophical, psychological or religious text does in general.
Could you elaborate on that?

I would suggest the book Mind Control Language Patterns by Dantalion Jones. He does a good job of showing the darker side of NLP and how it can be avoided. Although I didn't cover this directly in this short thread, it is impossible to separate NLP from the tactical mind games that are played on people every day. From embedded messages to messing with a person's map of the territory, NLP is the key to a magician's ability to execute slight of mind. I only mention the two major components in the OP: Mirroring truth and creating a desired image to attain. These are the two main tactics used to transfer negative debt to positive profit.

How does a person steal? They take something without another person knowing. This creates a negative for the person who lacks what they once had. The positive goes to the one taking. A debt can only be cancelled with another negative. When something is taken, the person with the lost item must work to regain the item. Insurance can pay, but someone eventually lack an equal amount to walk the debt back. This is how a negative number multiplied by a negative number works. Two negatives equal a positive, but the debt is still worked off. This is how society is in debt without hope of repayment. Negatives added to negatives created larger negatives to work off. Eventually the greed surpasses the ability to work the debt off. A ponzi scheme eventually collapses when it implodes.

How does this tie in with NLP? Neuro Linguistic programming is the art of finding mimicry. Once a method is found that works for a desired goal, it is mimicked and repeated. Unfortunately, there are those who find ways that are unethical to gain results. NLP is the primary means to deception. It can also be the primary means to doing good as well. There is great power in this. It disguises the person stealing by allowing the mind of the target to be redirected.

For education, NLP is a good tool if the teacher has the integrity to do no harm. As long as the intention is good and the method is for learning, NLP has a powerful impact for inspiring the mind to strive for knowledge. NLP can create positives that add to positives if used correctly. Here is an article for that I wrote on this very subject. LINK

edit on 12-9-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:52 PM
I see your point.

At the same time I would look at NLP as a descriptive science - based on the linguistic analysis of Chomsky et al.
You are right, what NLP analysis concerns itself with is mostly the hidden commands of language. It is mind-boggling when you start to realize that a large percentage of human communication is non-descriptive of reality philosophically, although people do think so, and instead it consists of hidden commands.

Now I hold the view that science is mostly neutral. Electricity is so, and it can be used to operate your computer or streetcars - or to torture people.

The same applies to NLP.
The past few years I have seen a bit too many posts and videos on conspiracy boards which equate NLP to the linguistic part of mind control and manipulation. That is a bit too simplistic.
A lot of NLP visible on the Web is commercial, and I would question their motives and their "ecology" - which is a term used in a wider meaning within orthodox, therapeutic NLP, meaning the connections of the change or therapeutic or other goal to its wider environment, either inside (in a person) or outside, or in time or both... Obviously, if someone uses NLP patterns to sell more cars to people that do not originally want to buy them and moreover cannot afford them in the long term would hurt what Steve and Connirae Andreas, leaders for decades of the NLP Academy in Boulder Colorado call "ecology" in the wider sense of that term...

I will look at the book you directed me to - I do not know it yet.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:00 PM
So yes, in this sense, all economists that make a debt look like a positive thing in language are applying NLP principles of language. In plainer English, they lie. The trouble is that a lot of our human code is constructed in a way so that the truth can be obscured.
When I arrived in America in 1985, I was appalled by the term "selling futures..."
Future is a nominalization in NLP terms - translated it means things that will happen to you...
How can you sell that is beyond me, but it says something about the mentality of the financial and political elite...

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

I won't comment on the entire post.

But, this is a related question: How can it be better to give than to receive if for every person giving, there must be a taker? That means it must be equally as good to take, since there could be no givers without any takers.

It is said in a more humorous manner in Southpark (the movie) by Satan: "Without evil there could be no good, so it must be good to evil sometimes!"

Really is a riot when you think about it.

Too much giving under certain circumstances can lead to dependence. Instead of giving someone something, how about teaching them how to get it on their own? That is the gift that keeps on giving.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by daynight42
reply to post by SuperiorEd

I won't comment on the entire post.

But, this is a related question: How can it be better to give than to receive if for every person giving, there must be a taker? That means it must be equally as good to take, since there could be no givers without any takers.

It is said in a more humorous manner in Southpark (the movie) by Satan: "Without evil there could be no good, so it must be good to evil sometimes!"

Really is a riot when you think about it.

Too much giving under certain circumstances can lead to dependence. Instead of giving someone something, how about teaching them how to get it on their own? That is the gift that keeps on giving.

Taking and receiving are two different ways to gain. Circumstances that lead to dependence are representative of someone taking rather than thankfully receiving from need. This is an issue of the heart.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:59 PM
No disrespect to the Secret Orders or whomever rules this planet but they are definitely not masters, they aren't very tricky, and as far as illusion..It may work on most... but not us.

Once you learn how the MEME operates, how it replicates, duplicates and infiltrates.....Those secret groups that have been deploying them(memes) for thousands of years become severely weakened. If we could just get more than just a few million of you to legitimately see it for what it really is at your very cores..these rulers would really get very red in the face and eventually start pitching a fit with their exotic weapons. Then you would really see who they were. Quite entertaining indeed.

Flushem out with passive spite.

Like i have said before....they hate when they can no longer control you with fear shame and guilt.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by superluminal11
Once you learn how the MEME operates, how it replicates, duplicates and infiltrates....

I've never heard of that term (used that way) before. It looks like a fascinating subject. Can't wait to look into that in much more detail! Thanks for the link!

So we might say that rampant consumerism or buying of products that one cannot afford, is a meme. The article says that it can spread even though it destroys the host (person). That certainly is true for so many behaviors people adopt.

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