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All Dave Chappelle Quotes

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posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 09:04 PM

gah, I swear.....errrrrm.......okay....heres the deal.

As a Senior in highschool, I get to know alot of different types of personalities. first lets classify the main groups:
1) Goth Kids, you know, fake little kids that dress in black and say they dont want to conform to society but theyre all conforming to their own unconformist standards
2) know, the fake little kids that pretend to be all self aware about the enviroment but still eat meat secretly at home
and the worst
3) Wiggers/Skaters

Okay, so now that theres this show, the Dave Chappelle show, you know, he makes all these really kindof funny but pretty stupid quotes, and now all these annoying wigger/skater kids have to immate him. all they do is sit around in school, snort crushed smarties (I am NOT kidding) and repeat over and over again "I'm rick james Bitch" or "Yeeeeeeees..... what!?" etc

Its so annoying, I swear, I'm going to strangle one of them

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 09:12 PM
"Im Rick James BITCH!!" Theyv stoped showing that clip




"MmmmmmMmmm BITCH!"

There kinda annoying...but mostly funny

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 09:21 PM
theyre funny for a time, but when you have to sit in a class, every day, and here half of the class saying the same thing atleast 15 times a day, for months at a time, every day, it gets old, fast

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 12:07 AM
I love 'Chappelles Show', but I know what you mean. A lot of people I know (not friends) quote D.C. ALL THE TIME. I would rather watch Chappelle tell his jokes then have idiots repeat constantly.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 12:54 PM
But they're not even really his quotes. The Yeah/What?/Ok! is him mocking L'il John. And... well... he WAS Rick James, Bitch! *L*

I think everyone in school... and some jobs... are tormented by the newest comedy by people who won't let it die. I used to work with a guy who thought he was Chandler from Friends. Everything was in the Chandler-speak... "Could this BE any more boring?" "Could this company BE any cheaper??", etc, etc, ad nauseum. And the SouthPark. I mean, I like SouthPark but if I'd been sitting at my desk and heard "Oh my god, they killed Kenny... You Bastards!" one more time, someone was gonna get killed, and it wasn't Kenny! *L*

It's unfortunate, but you can't blame DC anymore than I could blame Friends or SouthPark. All you can do is try to make them know it's about to make you vomit all over them.

Hmmm... now that's an idea...

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by BangorangRufio
I love 'Chappelles Show', but I know what you mean. A lot of people I know (not friends) quote D.C. ALL THE TIME. I would rather watch Chappelle tell his jokes then have idiots repeat constantly.

Yeah thats the same with most people quoting there fav comedian i mean its best said by the originator o.k i do sometimes but i know when to stop ( i think!)

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:49 PM
Re he heaaaly!!! Allll Righty then.... I my high school some people were imititating Ace Ventura

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 02:39 PM
*LOL* I forgot Ace!! I'm just glad I was young enough to miss the Cheech & Chong thing. I listened to the albums, but wasn't in a high enough grade to have it be a staple in the comedic backpack of my classmates.

That "loser" thing still gets me irked. That "finger and thumb in the L shape" on the front of your head. AAAUUUGHGHH!!

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by torque
*LOL* I forgot Ace!! I'm just glad I was young enough to miss the Cheech & Chong thing. I listened to the albums, but wasn't in a high enough grade to have it be a staple in the comedic backpack of my classmates.

That "loser" thing still gets me irked. That "finger and thumb in the L shape" on the front of your head. AAAUUUGHGHH!!

You mean that?

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 03:02 PM
:bash: dreamlandheadwound. *L*

posted on Aug, 28 2004 @ 01:48 AM
geez yall are such losers. im rick james bitch! enjoy yo self! what?! okay!
fershizzle. ahhh skeet skeet skeet skeet! j/k i can understand. all my friends watch it but dont repeat it often.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 10:07 PM
there are college students doing that...and people at sporting's not just stupid high schoolers, it's stupid people in general...

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 10:14 PM
I'm sick of it, all of it. Everyone keeps saying, "i'm Rick James bitch!" I asked some chick if she even knew who he was. Ya know what she said?

"He's a real person?"

Let me stab myself. BAHHHHHHHHH. When a friend of mine, who constantly says that she's Rick James (bitch), told me that Rick James was dead, I stood there in front of her and said "Good, maybe all the stupid quotes will die too."

They have thus far.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Beavis and Butthead!!!

"uuhhh..huh huh"
"I am the great Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole!"
"Shuuut up, Dumba$$"

- I love almost all catch phrases....they provide the perfect one-liner for when you're in that certain situation when the phrase was meant to be used...."The milks gone dry!"

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 12:31 AM
It almost seems like you used this as reference.

Maddox! Funniest guy ever.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:23 AM
I will listen to Chappelle quotes all day long if it meant I never have to hear "Git 'er done!" even once more. I like Larry the Cable Guy and think he's got some funny standup, but that phrase is pushing me into homicidal mode!

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:35 AM
"its a Celebration BITCHES!" ~Chappelle as Rick James

"BITCH! get over here and have sex with Charley Murphy, cause Iam Rick James BITCH!" ~Chappelle as Rick James

"I offer this as a truce Charley Murphy, the stickiest of the ichie" ~Chappelle as Rick James

"Game, Blouses." ~Chappelle as Prince

"...and then he served us pancakes..." ~Charley Murphy refering to Prince

"... Cokane is a hell of a drug!" ~Rick James

[Edited on 8/31/04 by HumptyDumpty]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 08:18 PM
"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds." By J. Mackay.

The book, written in 1841, has a chapter on moronic phrases that became popular and were frequently heard in the street.

The book is now in the public domain, but the website listed above refuses to grant permission for reposting elsewhere on the web.

READ the chapter entitled "Popular follies in Great Cities" and you will see that people have been idiotically quoting the comedians of the day way before "Where's the Beef!" and "Show me the money"

Here's one stone you've left unturned:

(in a nasal falsetto): "I'MMMM SPICEEEE!"

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