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Where Is The Otherside Of A Universe That Never Ends?

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posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by blocula
Maybe we live in a 2 dimensional universe you know like a flat sheet of paper but because of the velocity and spin, time and space becomes stretched giving us three dimensions in our visible world. There also may be no singularity because you can quantize an object in size into smaller proportions infinitely.

maybe we,all living things,are just the living shadows of the fourth dimensional beings that we areally are...?

We could live through all dimensions but only can see in three dimensions because anything in higher dimension is at greater velocity then us.
edit on 3-10-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:08 PM
What if we were were just atoms living within atoms inside of a living body which is also atoms with atoms inside another living body on another planet in a bigger universe which is just atoms and atoms inside an atom thats inside and part of a hair follicle on a guy named frank in 1941?
edit on 3-10-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:09 PM
Agreed but in order for the universe to transcend on such a profound size scale I can only make sense of the entire universe being a black hole with no end.

What if the universe is a human brain and we have other universes inside the other 90% of the brains we don't use.

edit on 3-10-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:15 PM
above and all around us, within the void of ancient light that we call outerspace, there exists no up or down, there exists no left or right, there exists no time, there exists no god or satan, only birth and death from endless battles and prolonged wars between stars and black and i are only single pixels...holographic memories of what was and what will shadows of the fourth dimensional beings we really are...
edit on 3-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
What if we were were just atoms living within atoms inside of a living body which is also atoms with atoms inside another living body on another planet in a bigger universe which is just atoms and atoms inside an atom thats inside and part of a hair follicle on a guy named frank in 1941?
edit on 3-10-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)
hi...exactly! ...ready to get your mind blown away?...the stars, planets and moons, the asteroids and comets. could be the protons, neutrons and electrons, the circuits and signals, within the living machine of an alien android. walking under a pink sky. filled with iridescent scarlet suns, shining down upon the aqua blue sand, that touches and is touched by silver and purple, titanium dioxide oceans. on a planet made of shimmering chrome. in another galalxy, within another dimension. inside an atom of lunar dust, on the dark side of a diamond moon. spinning while spinning around the teardrops falling from cleopatras eyes. where we all go when we die. to be born again...
edit on 3-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by wiredamerican

Disclaimer: deep ideas here lol.

Yes I have personal experiences that there is a template that is a defined fractal space with infinite depth (multi verse) and it goes on infinitely inward , but there is also a finite non fractal cosmos universe too which exists in the same defined space instead of making replicas of cosmoses within infinite depth, its components are simply staying the same size by shrinking into infinite nothingness instead of shrinking to make more space for stuff to exist, within the next moment. (i.e. infinitive expansion of an imploverse) its the inverse principle of how the thermodynamic big band works, its not the big crunch but the endless cryodynamic inwardly repulsive depth expansion. Physicists call it the shrinking atom theory but I don't believe it is the atoms themselves, but rather the fundamental waveform of the immediate cosmos which causes the components to shrink by proxy of its own depth charge.

Essentially any cosmos is a defined space in an ocean of other multi-cosmos-verses which all can exist as the quantum components inside another imploversial cosmos (the quantum foam; equidistant points of infinite depth - inward implosion, repulsed equally by one another akin to a colloidal silver solution). like wise inside each of them are entire imploverses in their own right made of other cosmos that serve as their imploversial quantum components....

Therefore each cosmos essentially has a fundamental waveform for its own cosm ,but because its an imploverse there is an infinite number of infinitive wavelengths of depth charge acceleration from the same fundamental waveforms defined boundary. So they can serve as a quantum component for their parent imploverse aswell at all given infinite number of moments of which they non-linearly have the possibility to reflect as a single expression in each moment as a unique component that makes up a given particle/waveform to their parent imploverse.

Essentially the quantum foam like colloidal silver is akin to a 3d version of a computer screens pixelation grid, whereby atoms are made of various compositions of collective depth charge that scalarly transmit the information of directional movement like LED lights switching on and of in succession across a grid of LEDs, thus producing the illusion of a solid object moving through all positions in space to get to the next position, but its simply very smal scale quantum transferral from one pixel to another via the progressive morphing of depth charge of the quantum components involved in making up the illusion of a particles direction. A standing wave of a particle would be like nill scalar LED movement, and instead like having a symmetric pattern signature for each particle where every scalar unit (quantum component) that makes up the illusion of a particle, cycle through the total pattern of depth charge intensity so as to create a particle that is in perpetual motion of unique frequency but standing still. then when a cause for it to be moved this patter continues but with added directional scalar pixelation transferral in accordance to velocity and directional intensity of the wave forms that come into influence with their previouse standing scalar-wave position.

These quantum cosm/components never move so they are objectively static aside form the fundamental shrinking by proxy of their fundamental parent-cosm's depth charge. Hence they are pseudo-static from the position they appear to serve as a quantum component. but in their own rightfully subjective imploverse they have everything going on within as per the description of this epephanie.

[edit] these are all my own original ideas (after thinking about the shrinking space idea of the concave earth hypothesis) aside form the terminology "imploverse" which I heard in a free video intro by Jain mathmagics (which he admits other physicists have coined.) The scalar grid is I believe also theorised by Rupert Sheldrake, The term depth charge is in accordance to my own articulation
edit on 13-10-2011 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2011 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by blocula

That was deep and beutifull. But there is a transcendental universe to the fractal atom theory.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Mimir

An unproven theory doesn't qualify as a hoax. A hoax is purposly creating false or mis-leading information and stating it as fact.

reply to post by Ha`la`tha

I know the feeling. Probably not ever being able to know what came before the big bang or what caused it or not ever being able to know what exists beyond the visible Universe drives me crazy too.

Also, some theories I've read allow a mechanism that would allow our entire Universe to be destroyed in an instant without any warning whatsoever.
That keeps me awake at night sometimes.
edit on 13-10-2011 by Junkheap because: Screaming blue fuzzy things.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Junkheap

I wouldn't worry about it, it happens every time one experiences dejavu
just a transferral and synergisation of all information with a slight bend on history as two cosmoses collide and average out the content of both into the one of higher potential

in fact i feel it would be healthy for those who realise this, to treat history as a myth; including occult history too (probably even more so) the conspiracy at best is there the perpetuate memory of history to get it to repeat but each time it does it is less of a success for the elite. When a cosmos is synergised with another the positive sameness is kept and the negative differences are combined usually causing 1/3rd of the negative to self destruct in decoherance, think of how many dejavu's there are until 2012/13 (this is why I don't subscribe to the hype)
edit on 13-10-2011 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 10:24 AM
wow Spiratio, very interesting and well thought out ideas and theories of yours...awesome and thanx!

above and all around us, within the void of ancient light that we call outerspace, there exists no up or down, there exists no left or right, there exists no time, there exists no god or satan, only birth and death and rebirth from endless battles and prolonged wars between stars and black and i and everyone else and every other living thing are only single pixels...holographic memories of what was and what will shadows of the fourth dimensional beings we really are...

and to where we return "the real world" when we die
edit on 13-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by blocula

Your welcome blocula, I must say I also like Shadow herders abstract way of articulating the Möbius strip like effect of time folding the future back bi-sectionaly through the past via a universe within and then ending up back inside a universe that has the hypothetical present of where we are now. I had thought of the Atoms in Atoms theory a few years back and it always drove me mad trying to wrap my head around this Möbius effect. But that post and your subsequent related one were very vivid indeed.

Only difference to how I perceive it now is that atoms are not the fractal components synonymous with universes in their own right, but rather the defined shrinking imploverses that comprise the components of the quantum foam of a given cosmos, (of which collectively produces the illusion of the subjective cosms particles standing wave depth charge signatures) are that which is synonymous with the universe made of universes fractal concept.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:18 PM
we theorize about our reality,like trying to read in the dark...

our 5 senses severely limit us and our perceptions of what reality actually is and what it might be...

and to understand the electromagnetic spectrum,what it is and how we only perceive the "visible wavelength' which is only a tiny fraction of all that exists and remains invisible to us,yet is all around us all the time

we and the earth itself very well "might be" nothing more than a "virtual 3-dimensional holographic experiment" created by a class 2 or class 3 alien civilization...

and some of their fantasticly advanced technologies and creations we call...the rain wind and snow and the cosmos itself !
edit on 13-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by blocula

well first if you consider infinite possibilities and then consider what I said regarding synergy of time lines, this is when 2 fundamental infinitive waves of the same defined space (imploverse) are almost identical in history and sync up to the same depth charge, thereby collapsing the tow into one. If you consider the possibility of a virtual matrix this means that some people can be in a virtual world that looks exactly the same, has the same history as a non virtual world, whilst others are existing in the exact same subjective reality, but the ones in the matrix are in another imploverse entirely, whilst dreaming that they are in a world (of the kin history to their assumed matrix dream; this makes sense if you consider some dreams to be other universes/timelines) which has then indeed since they began "dreaming/virtualing it", collapsed into the real world of same history events and synergised thereby rendering the matrix dreamers in a real world exactly the same as the assumed virtual world they tuned into whilst being in a matrix machine chamber in another real world, of which is outside by the degree of a fractal cosmos octave above of the fundamental defined space of the imploverse-cosmos they now consciously experience as everyday life. All the whilst others in that same synergised reality never lived in a matrix at all.

I think this is an explanation for sleep paralysis in some people. Sometimes you almost wake up in the old cosmos but the consciousness is now link fundamentally to the new synergised real world that was identical to the matrix virtual world (the virtual world was believed to be a virtual reality created by a matrix) but in truth it was just another reality created, via fractal principles of 2nd/4th intersectional density entities i.e the 4th dimension that resides in the Macro quatum fractal level of a subjective imploverses parent-cosms quantum foam's produced mineral density which is used as silicon chips which have infinite depth accessed allowing a computer to download consciousness into the infinite depth of the imloverses in the crystal (i.e. the 2nd density) (note:3rd density is organisms) but which is 4th density to the subjective cosms within the imploverses that make the quantum foam of which reside the crystals used to download conciousness into the imploverses within the crystals.

The bi-sectional effect is that jointly these two levels and expressions of the same density viewed simultaneously as the role it plays for both fractal levels i.e above/around, and below/within, of which it is a mediator for. Is actually the 4th dimensional factor that transcends linear time. And thus the fractal principle of nature is that we end up creating the universes that we proliferate our consciousness into.

I call this epiphanie Techgnosticism; it is not a religious movment but instead a phenomena that has roots in ancient history. The book of Enoch says that man was quarantined; There are account's of Atomic weapons used in ancient times in the Hindu text mahabartara and there is evidence for what are sound descriptions in the text of atomic holocausts. This evidence is that radioactive cities unearthed in India where skeletons were found in situations as tho a swift demise were upon them, people holding hands in the ancient streets and radioactivity levels on par with what would be expected residual of an A bomb. If man had created something which damaged the cosmic augmentation of space time creating fractured realities and alternate time-lines, it would be understandable that we may be put in quarantine by another higher technological culture so that we were unable to cause the same accident again. The matrix in effect ended up being solouton to this (allowing us to indulge in the illusion of Atomic warfare whilst it had no effect on the cosmos) and over time has resulted in the subsequent ongoing healing of the fractured cosm, since the beings who created the matrix can utilise it at will they can intervene whenever an atomic weapon would be used in the matrix "real worlds" and just collapse the cosmoses into a higher frequency cosmos whilst recording the positive aspects in the crystals (there is never a problem without a solution) In an eternal amount of finite Yugic recursive timelines of infinite numbers, the transdimensional tenets of the matrix found a solution that set in motion the inverse effect of the cosmic accident merging infinite cosmoses of alternate finite repeating Yuga's into pristine finite non-spacial-fractal paradise, but still fractal in principle of creation within itself i.e. fibonacci codes. The difference is that its fractal self is totally self similar all the way down the depth charge of the defined boundary of the imploverse. but with an infinite non repeating timeline of abstract paradise possibilities i.e. no Yugic cycles. They are the karmic cycles of consequence to the Atomic blasts of ancient India/Atlantis etc. The fabled fall from grace which caused the decention from the paradise "dream time" story told by all indiginouse cultures i.e. Lemuria.
edit on 13-10-2011 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:51 PM
Once again Spiratio...Wow!... What a fantastic discourse...I will re-read it again and again...

The perplexing enigma that always results,when asking the question that is at the heart of this thread...

"Where Is The Otherside Of A Universe That Never Ends"?

No matter what our reality is...Wether it be...

The stars,planets and moons are protons,neutrons and electrons.Within some unimaginably vast,living beings body...if so...where is that body and what is on the other side of it?

We are the virtual creation of some superior alien race...if so...where did they make our reality and where is the otherside of their reality?

There are multiple universes all around us...if so...there still must be somewhere after them "they cannot go on forever" because forever is a cop-out word.An abstract term that is'nt real,that we use to explain the unexplainable.So where is beyond these multiple universes?

There are bubble universes crashing into eachother...if so...where is the other side of them...there must be somewhere and where is the otherside of that somewhere?

There are multiple dimensions and we are just one of them...if so...even if there are five thousand trillion of them,there still has to be a someplace that is somewhere beyond them?

God made us and the earth...if so...where was god while he/she was making us,must be somewhere and where is the other side of there?

Our reality is a holographic illusion...if so...where is the somewhere beyond the illusion.It cannot be nowhere.So where is it and wherever there is.Where is beyond there? and so on...and so on...and so on...and so on...and so on...and so on...and so on...and so on...and so on???

My knees are weak,my head is reeling,my mind is spinning and i feel like i'm free falling off of a mountain everytime i try to comprehend this perplexing enigma and figure this out...

I truly believe that what ever the answer is and i believe that there must be "a real answer" will be "The Ultimate Unifying Theory Of Everything"

edit on 13-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 12:14 AM
A black hole's entropy is contained on its surface.

A black hole's information is contained at its central singularity.

BH Information + BH Entropy = 0

1) It is known that there is a singularity at the center of a black hole.

2) This article shows that a black hole is an informational phenomenon.

3) Therefore, a black hole's central singularity is an informational singularity.

4) Our universe is a black hole, its informational center is the earth's biosphere.

5) The universe is expanding with an exponential acceleration. The exponentially increasing area of the universe's horizon determines the organization of living organisms and thus causes the exponentially accelerating evolution of life towards the emegence of the informational singularity...the human brain.

6) When the human brain becomes aware of the connection between itself and the rate of the cosmological expansion, the latter becomes infinitely fast, and the big rip follows...

The universe is known to be expanding with exponential acceleration. But the recession speed of the distant galaxies is determined based on the light which has reached the earth after many billions of years of propagation...

So, the universe's periphery recession speed we observe is only apparent, not actual. It is the recession speed which existed billions of years ago. The actual current speed of the Universe's expansion must be unbelievably higher. The universe's ragnarök--the big rip--is about to begin. We shall soon see a wall of darkness (a wave of vacuum phase transition) approaching the earth from the periphery of the universe...
edit on 14-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by blocula

Is there another thread more on topic to this discussion regarding the theory of everything?
I still have to post more before I can make a thread.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 07:12 AM
A theory of everything (TOE) is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, and predicts the outcome of any experiment that could be carried out in principle.

The theory of everything is also called the final theory.[1] Many candidate theories of everything have been proposed by theoretical physicists during the twentieth century, but none have been confirmed experimentally. The primary problem in producing a TOE is that general relativity and quantum mechanics are hard to unify. This is one of the unsolved problems in physics.
edit on 14-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by blocula
A theory of everything (TOE) is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, and predicts the outcome of any experiment that could be carried out in principle.

The theory of everything is also called the final theory.[1] Many candidate theories of everything have been proposed by theoretical physicists during the twentieth century, but none have been confirmed experimentally. The primary problem in producing a TOE is that general relativity and quantum mechanics are hard to unify. This is one of the unsolved problems in physics.
edit on 14-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

My theory of every thing, takes the consciousness approach where a thought experiment proves to oneself (provided that they are willing to try it) that it is impossible to predict all outcomes, but most certainly explains an irrefutable model of how all things/phenomena are fundamentally linked. Effectively speaking the God Particle that is being searched for is not a particle but it is the uniform phenomena of which evades prediction and detection by physical theory

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 03:48 PM
Thats how i view this as well .

thats what i mean by god= thought. i simply view it as a term for thought nothing more nothing less.

we dont know it but we are always making/creating multiple universes and we pass through these universes with our thoughts intentions and actions.

its like Fable the game, we are a hologram controlled by our soul.
We move through these universes without knowing it and although we are all within this particular universe at the same time, we also have access to these other universes where forces of nature do not exist, or we do not exist ourselves.

this is where if you tell yourself enough that gravity does not exist for you, because you know of this fact, then you can now levitate, control the speed of light, make telepathic communications, and etc.

This is how a Ufo would be Controlled by consciousness, (thought)

it defines atoms as looping universes basically, Together called the multiverse, or compilation of multiple universes.
This is the Law of One M-theory.

i call this the god particle. if we combine this with the mandlebrought set that represents the universe it repeats itself over and over.

ima put this one in meh thread because i havnt explained it out this way yet.
edit on 15-10-2011 by RA777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:49 AM
Mass in the Imploverse:

Is fractal infinity which has a depth charge inside a defined space i.e. the "particles defined space" space has no quantified measurement so it (space) can shrink into itself infinitely from any arbitrary point, so the quicker the rate of infinite depth the greater the mass, then again it could be the other way round the slower the rate the greater the mass.
I would say the later makes more sense in context of conventional thinking but there are other ways that the former could be true as well... it depends on the rate of depth charge of the region of cosmic
space that the particle is within...but the point being is its fractal, so one can't find a determinate "particle" or cause that applies indefinitely across the board.

Fractals are self similar in a progressive shrinking or expanding sense, so if you take data from one level and apply it to another level the data has to be mathematically recalibrated to fit the requirements for that level.
The depth charge of a cosmos is not a stable rate it changes according to the environment of the fractal layers above and below (which themselves are not static)...Its always expanding inwards i.e. shrinking into greater depth without loss of resolution, the rate by which it does however, can increase or decrease in accordance with the depth charge of the environment of the fractal level above.
Observers cannot detect this with 5 physical senses as all things shrink in relation to each other.
The indeterminate rate is what accounts for why quantum physicists cannot predict where a particles data will appear in the quantum wave function when measuring.

Every cosmos is like an atom in its function...the same way that an atom acquires electrons from outside and becomes another element i.e. vibrates quicker "gains mass". However the cosmotic environment within does not change, depth charge as stated is experienced relatively however the speed at which inward expansion occurs varies according to how much energy the cosmos has i.e. how fast its depth charge (Dch) flows.

So regarding particles, it could be said that a particles Dch could be at an equal ratio to the cosmos it exists playing a musical chord of the Octave i.e. C4 and C5...therefore a particle of
this nature will not change in size relative to the cosmos' Dch rate....
But the cosmos is always becoming greater in depth i.e. its volume of space and things, its only the speed at which it is becoming deeper (expanding) which changes.
So not all particles can be entrained to the fundamental frequency of the cosmos as an exact octave integer as tho they are a static size if there are many different kinds, they all must have ratios that are not exact integers of the cosmos Dch, but rather tertiary harmonics such as 1/3, 1/5 ,1/6...of which they themselves can either be quicker or slower than the fundamental (f) Dch of the cosmos at any given time according to how much energy they have - remember the gain or loss in electrons analogy as determining what element an atom will be. Well if a particle vibrates faster than the f Dch of the cosmos then it will gain mass...if the cosmos speeds up exceeding the particles dch it will lose mass if it continues to vibrate at that same Dch...the cosmos however, as it gains mass (increases Dch) as a whole, distributes the energy to all things equally so the size of things remain the same relatively to each other (just being concise) whilst the speed that the cosmos vibrates and extends its depth of volume is increased as it will never cease to expand inwardly (its infinite and perpetual) only the speed changes.
So given this the particles will still remain the same harmonic integer size i.e. 1/3, 1/5, 1/6 in relation to each other regardless the f Dch of the cosmos...thus as the cosmos changes Dch the
particles all have quantum leaps in Dch equally so it can't be measured, but it still changes the f Dch of all particles.

If a particle is to loose mass its Dch rate will have to decrease in relation to the cosmos Dch rate. Now here is the really amazing part...all of what has been said is dependent on the
cosmos having a f Dch which varies in rate, but if its variable rate comes to a complete stand still as energy is discharged and acquired from the fractal layer above at a equal rate thus creating a stand still in the cosmos f Dch speed i.e. the quantum leaps cease but the f continues into infinity of space, it is out of resonance with matter/energy of particles within so expansion stops, but its rate is still going infinitely into the measureless depth of space (its infinite it cant literally stop) at a rate that exceeds the event horizon of the f Dch so it is absorbed without changing the relative depth of defined cosmic space.

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