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Right-wing commentator: Poor people voting is ‘un-American’

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by whaaa

With regard to the "disenfranchisement" question, please allow me to remind everyone here that the Constitution of the United States, as it was originally framed, limited to power of the vote to white, land-owning males. Say what you will about that, but the intent was that only people who were invested in the economic and political well being of the nation were tasked with the responsibility of the vote. Slaves and women had no direct investment, therefore they had no vote. With time, this has changed, and now everyone can vote, regardless of their level of investment in public policy. The unintended consequence of this is that now political platforms and elections are less about clear minded, rational people deciding who to vote for based on sober reflection, informed debate, core principles, and philosophical rigor, and more about appealing to the broad masses with specious advertising and psychological manipulation. I ceased voting voluntarily some years ago for this very reason. The most important political decision that a person can make is now subject to notions of the candidate's physical attractiveness, how much of comedian he or she is, or some small minded litmus tests such as a position on abortion. The end result of all of this is beginning to be seen, where cultural pessimism sets in, such as it has on this board, where the system itself will be rejected in favor of something else, which will be far worse than what we have now, because it will appeal to baser instincts and stupidity instead of rationality.

My answer to this? Restrict the vote to those who can pass a basic civics test. You have to pass a basic test to drive a car. If you cannot name the two Senators from your state, if you cannot answer how many Senators are in the Senate, or how many Justices sit on the Supreme Court, or how the court system is structured, or even basic legislative process, you should not be accorded the responsibility of a vote.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Duamutef9

My answer to this? Restrict the vote to those who can pass a basic civics test. You have to pass a basic test to drive a car. If you cannot name the two Senators from your state, if you cannot answer how many Senators are in the Senate, or how many Justices sit on the Supreme Court, or how the court system is structured, or even basic legislative process, you should not be accorded the responsibility of a vote.

And my answer to your elitist, arrogant, academic BS is that anyone that pays taxes has a perfect right to vote! Even if those taxes are from buying a bottle of cheap wine when those sales taxes or a portion of them go into a general fund.

And your comment about slaves and women having no direct involvement in the economy of the nation is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. Their labor made a direct impact on the economy. The reason that slaves, women and native Americans couldn't vote is because the elite thought of them as "less than human"
Stupidity and rationality indeed.........
edit on 5-9-2011 by whaaa because: code r4r

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by whaaa

That sentiment is precisely why I do not vote any longer. If I were, say, a Ph.D. in Political Science, and I expended a great deal of time and thought and chose to vote for candidate A in an election based on their platform and past performance and leadership, while the person behind me in line is a brain-dead MTV zombie who votes for candidate B in the same election because they think he's better looking or more "hip," then then entire process of electing legislators and executors of public policy may as well be made into a reality TV show (more than it already is at present), and have the voting done over the internet or via toll free telephone numbers and text messages, because it has already sunk to that level when my informed vote is cancelled by MTV zombie's lackadaisical one.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by whaaa

And for the record, I said "Investment" not "involvement". Those are two separate words.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Duamutef9
reply to post by whaaa

And for the record, I said "Investment" not "involvement". Those are two separate words.

I stand corrected....

Labor isn't "investment"....It is in my book........

That sentiment is precisely why I do not vote any longer.

That's your choice but to want to deny others their patriotic duty based on the results from a stupid civics quiz is treason.
edit on 5-9-2011 by whaaa because: code 5r5

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:51 PM
So by his logic, allowing CEOs and corporate executives to vote is equally un-American. Perhaps more so, in terms of scale.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
"registering the poor to vote is un-American."

That guy is too stupid to realize that the United States was created to get away from people like him.
edit on 5-9-2011 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:32 PM
edit on 5-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:33 PM
Its really sad that alot of people think that all people on welfare are there because they want a free ride. I have never drawn welfare or foodstamps, but I fear that with what our great politicians that are there supposed to be representing the will of the people are eventually going force me to do. Sure, there are people that take advantage of the system, but there are alot more people there because they are being forced by our own elected officials that are deindusrtializing america for the bank and corporate cartels. I have a family to support. when they cause me to not have a job, so corporations can increase their profit margins 10 fold with cheap foreign slave labor, what is left for me to do to make sure my kids eat. I will be left with asking the slave masters for some food to sustain life or I will have to resort to crime.
This moron wants it to be leveraged up to their favor so he can help bank and corporations to keep getting their welfare at our expense. The bank bailouts and corporate welfare cost this country more in the last 4 years than social security and medicare has cost in over 50 years, but this schill don't consider that aspect of it. The demecraps and the repugnicons. are both corrupt and owned and are two feathers from the same bird!!!

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by beezzer

In all your time as a republican/tea partier no one has let you in on the secret that republicans and right wingers whole thing is making sure that the poor never make it out of their hole?

The whole reasons that Republicans really run on the anti abortion, anti gay marriage ticket is to trick the poor, religious into voting for them. Poor people actually often vote republican. Have you never had your eyes open to the trick?
edit on 5-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Duamutef9

Dang, most of the house or senate members can't even answer basic questions about the Constitution, or the Bill Of Rights and they're aloud to run and hold office!!!

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by whaaa

anyone who votes for something in return as in money or benefits should be denied

case in point anyone who thinks like that.

Well then I guess there are a lot of CEO's and Banksters that need to have their voting rights withdrawn, because they get many benefits from hopping between the private and public sector to pad their companies profits, and to stifle competition.

May these people burn in Hell

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:47 PM
Voting for bigger state be it welfare or warfare state is a mistake. People have been voting these Demoncrats and Repudlickers for far too long and look where we are. We should as a whole of society register as independents and draft the best people to the jobs of high office.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by whaaa

I am thinking that uneducated people should be denied the chance to vote.

I'm starting to think that Robert Heinlien had the right idea.

You must earn your right to vote.

Typical Right wing, arrogant elitist BS. How about the uneducated man that works his ass off and pays taxes.

I'll bet you worship Ayn Rand too.

edit on 4-9-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

The thing about the corruption at the top is, their all in bed together in it. The CEO's of the mega corporations, the Wall Street Banksters, and the insider trading politicians.

They are all in one big circle jerk CEO - Wall Street - Shareholders - Politicians

They tell us that were paid based on the global free market. If I, as widget assembler, can have an Indian do my job for less in India, then I am being overpaid, and my job would be outsourced.

Contrast that with the parasites running the show. Does not matter if it is Bush or Omama. They are all part of the same crony team and use the left / right to keep us divided.

So, these CEO - WallStreet - Board of Directors - Politicians, of which CEO's in other countries are paid a fraction, do not let the global free market effect their compensation, since they lavish each other in their circle jerk via the board of directors and what not.

So, everyone's pay is going down the tube, except theirs is going up.

If they can get rid of people's voting power, then they will be in a much safer position to continue their heist, here and throughout the world.

It is to dangerous for them to just allow any old bloke the ability to take their power away

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by beezzer

OK Beezzer.. You make 900 (well 1100, but 200 dollars a month goes to taxes). You have two kids and no partner. You live in a based on income apartment complex (200 a month). You have a small car payment for a used car (140 a month). Car insurance (120 a month). Gas to work (say 2 tanks a month 20 gl. tank at 3.60 a gl. [144.00])Television and internet and cell ( 100 a month for the "luxuries"). Welfare helps a little with toilet paper, clothes, soap, shampoo, anything you can't buy with food stamps.

That's 704 of your 900.. though I would say I'm forgetting some expenses that would knock off another 100 (like fast food since you don't have much time to cook working 40 hrs a week, flat tire, a million things that could go wrong).

Say you can honestly save about 100 a month.

This is your life every single day you can't get out of it because you can't take a break. You get no vacation.
Then one of your kids breaks his leg, and your car breaks down.

This is how too many people in American live. You act like they should just get out of their situation.. you forget they can't take a break. You are stuck in poverty.

Now President Tea Party McPublican comes in and takes your welfare.
edit on 5-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:03 PM
I think all responses concerning "government" need to be vetted to insure none of the respondents can benefit.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:10 PM
And I'll bet NEO's reply will be along the lines of "responsibility" and "bootstraps" and too bad, whilst, his chums he worships at the top, muddle their way in the public and private sector, writing rules and regulations to help their cohorts out in their Mega Corporations, or on Tax Payer funded Wall Street banks, or Tax Payer funded Defense contractor.

The person should have tried harder to be a cut throat success like many of them.

I'll bet NEO would look at a robber that steals 10 million dollars from a bank and gets away with it a successful person. He got his. What is your problem he would say. Go rob your own bank.

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by beezzer

OK Beezzer.. You make 900 dollars a month. You have two kids and no partner. You live in a based on income apartment complex (200 a month). You have a small car payment for a used car (140 a month). Car insurance (120 a month). Gas to work (say 2 tanks a month 20 gl. tank at 3.60 a gl. [144.00])Television and internet and cell ( 100 a month for the "luxuries"). Welfare helps a little with toilet paper, clothes, soap, shampoo, anything you can't buy with food stamps.

That's 704 of your 900.. though I would say I'm forgetting some expenses that would knock off another 100 (like fast food since you don't have much time to cook working 40 hrs a week, flat tire, a million things that could go wrong).

Say you can honestly save about 150 a month.

This is your life every single day you can't get out of it because you can't take a break. You get no vacation.
Then one of your kids breaks his leg, and your car breaks down.

This is how too many people in American live. You act like they should just get out of their situation.. you forget they can't take a break. You are stuck in poverty.

Now President Tea Party McPublican comes in and takes your welfare.
edit on 5-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:25 PM
Wow....Raw Story twists what this guys says in their headline, then the OP twists it even further.Then a bunch of attacks and name calling of conservatives, with additional twisting of conservative veiwpoints and beliefs.

Horrible, horrible thread that got marginally better after the first couple of pages.

Now why would this guy not want the poor to vote? Wouldn't they maybe vote Republican?

Oh yeah,because thats not what he was saying at all.He is talking about liberals/groups pushing the poor to vote themselves staying dependent on Gov. entitlements.

It's not about the poor not voting, it's about the poor voting the way they are being influenced to.

Again...horribly twisted around though, which seems to happen often.

If anyone cares btw.

Oh look at that...REGISTERING the poor to vote....not simply the poor NOT voting as the op and Raw Story would have you believe.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:35 PM
Well...except that were some that still some that supported the original assumption on this thread, does not take that away.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Twilights-passing

Yeah I noticed the thread title was twisted, but he posted the real article and it says registering the poor in the OP. Still.. I honestly think that in itself is messed up. No one is out there saying republicans can't register the poor to vote. Why aren't they doing it? Do they think the poor are a lost cause? Do they not want to help register someone they are afraid wont vote for them. Instead of bashing someones actions maybe he should be decrying the GOPs inaction and tell them to get out there and sign up some poor peoples.

Yeah he didn't say that because he's a dick and just wanted to bash liberals and show a disdain for poor people (well he probably didn't want to do the latter there, but he just couldn't hide it).

edit on 5-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

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