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Vatican Recalling all Archbishops to Rome by October?

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Amandla

Just hazarding a guess here: Sounds like the Pope's health might be failing and they see the end coming fast for him. It would make sense to call all of them back in that event.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by antinwo101
wow amazing find if it is true. great post as well. thanks. it almost makes me think it could be even more evidence to back up what the man is saying in this video...

Thanks for the video. I just love how people speak with absolute authority about the outcome of something such as Elenin which no living person has ever experienced first hand. I'm not making fun of this man because he pointed out some interesting correlations. However, the folks in the audience gasped as if the speaker was all knowing of the future and knew exactly what will be happening, they forgot he was theorizing. Many in the audience may have lost all perspective concerning what this man was saying and went into panic mode instead of exercising discernment which is a must.

As for the OP I don't know if there's anything suspicious about to take place in Rome or not but I too am curious. My question is, do the Bishops have this pilgrimage every year?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:56 PM

additional arrangements being made for the same event for non-clergy... "friends of the church".

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Whatever they are planning, there is no repention for the sins they committed in this dimension.

Don't listen to them, their religion is based of a political agenda based on control and fear, they will not offer salvation.

edit on 2-9-2011 by Grey Magic because: added text

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
reply to post by Amandla

Just hazarding a guess here: Sounds like the Pope's health might be failing and they see the end coming fast for him. It would make sense to call all of them back in that event.

Yes, it might be the reason, but on the other hand, it looks like they know exact dates, when Pope is going to pass out.
I´m just curious too, I don´t believe anything to be true or false on this matter, but Vatican has made interesting announcements (about ETs for example) and they might know things that most of us don´t. It´s worth keeping an eye on IMO.
edit on 2-9-2011 by Amandla because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Chai_An

Originally posted by antinwo101
wow amazing find if it is true. great post as well. thanks. it almost makes me think it could be even more evidence to back up what the man is saying in this video...

Thanks for the video. I just love how people speak with absolute authority about the outcome of something such as Elenin which no living person has ever experienced first hand. I'm not making fun of this man because he pointed out some interesting correlations. However, the folks in the audience gasped as if the speaker was all knowing of the future and knew exactly what will be happening, they forgot he was theorizing. Many in the audience may have lost all perspective concerning what this man was saying and went into panic mode instead of exercising discernment which is a must.

As for the OP I don't know if there's anything suspicious about to take place in Rome or not but I too am curious. My question is, do the Bishops have this pilgrimage every year?

Given that the 17th August disastrous earthquake is noticeable by its absence and fact he was spewing gobbledegook like a magician in a peasant crowd I think its probably ok to make fun of him.

Did people pay to listen to that? I really need to get into the doom business...

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:23 PM

connecting the dots.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Khaaaaaan!!

Oh gawddddddd

It's Comet Elenin one day and dwalf planet Nibiru the next; wish they make up their bloody minds!

Yes,those darn dwalf planets. Damn those dwalf planets.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:25 AM
About the confenerce - I didn´t think much about this, because there are conferences all the time and Vatican has all kinds of events. In the case that this person who claims to be Vatican travelling agencie´s layman IS truth:

1. he would have known, that there is conference coming and would´t worry about it. He´s been working there enough time to know how travelling is going on in Vatican and he found this event highly unusual,
2. Archbishops have to take part of it once in 5 years, but this time it´s order to everyone,
3. he said, that many "friends of church" and astronomers are also coming,
4. he claimed that everyone had one-way ticket and no hotel-reservations yet,

I´m not trying to prove it´s doom-related, but maybe there´s going to be some big announcement or something like that.

I know that there are people in ATS who enjoy solving puzzles and have done this greatly in "creepy website" threads, why not try something more real?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:31 AM
I prefer the bingo night theory personally..

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:44 AM
it's too bad all those docs convening too discuss pedophelia didn't hold their meeting at the Vatican. then we'd really have a story.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:57 AM
Never know maybe the Vatican will be destroyed. Party around the world if that happens
Knowing in our luck though it will be nothing important. Just more false doctrines spouted out by a false church.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:57 AM
I hope all young male kids living on the streets of Rome, go into hiding until this event is over. Parents should keep a much closer eye on their young sons, whilst these good men of the cloth wander the streets of Rome!
Other than that, I'd love to be a fly on the wall of the meeting place. I have read that Pope John Paul is supposed to reincarnate soon, so perhaps the church elders are going to be there to watch the event take place.
Damn organized religion!

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Just what is the truth with Elenin.
the last I read about it it was falling apart, then it split in two and then it changed direction,
and the focus according to nasa is it is still a non issue, unfortunately nobody has their own
personal eye in space satellite, so we have to believe what the owners say.
The latest change in the Mayan date to October 28th was interesting to say the least.Mr Calleman
has some possible validity with his theory. (valid theory=oxymoron?)
I have often wondered why the vatican placed so much interest in space when it contrudicts so much of what the common religion is based upon.
Regardless, if Elenin is in fact falling apart and really posses no threat (keeping in mind it was a few million miles away in the first place) to earth then some of what the new calender was speaking about would have zero
to do with Elenin.
It was stated in another thread " Warning from the Benevolents" that something may be happening in October
and it was mentioned that it could be an event like a comet.. well as of right now nothing is on the horizon
as a threat.

We have been having predictions coming from every where and of course they have been 95% wrong.
wasnt Rome supposed to be destroyed last month? So, makes one an idiot to fall for that nonsense.
And that type of bla bla has been spewing from so many ATSers for some time now. just go back and
do a search of predictions that have come true.. To my memory.. the Japan quake was the only closest
prediction by dream so far. and an ATS member at that.
With all this being said, unless we can get more conclusive evidence of what the meeting, if it is in fact
an unprecedented event,is about, it is just another coincidence.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

Thanks for your thoughts! To me it´s not so much about Elenin, it´s just OP´s speculation. I just found the unusual aspects of this event interesting, but I guess we will know at the end of October if something significant happenes or comes into light. Or not

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Chai_An

Originally posted by antinwo101
wow amazing find if it is true. great post as well. thanks. it almost makes me think it could be even more evidence to back up what the man is saying in this video...

Thanks for the video. I just love how people speak with absolute authority about the outcome of something such as Elenin which no living person has ever experienced first hand. I'm not making fun of this man because he pointed out some interesting correlations. However, the folks in the audience gasped as if the speaker was all knowing of the future and knew exactly what will be happening, they forgot he was theorizing. Many in the audience may have lost all perspective concerning what this man was saying and went into panic mode instead of exercising discernment which is a must.

As for the OP I don't know if there's anything suspicious about to take place in Rome or not but I too am curious. My question is, do the Bishops have this pilgrimage every year?

I agree with you about people speaking with absolute authority on Elenin. No living person has experienced it, so who knows what will happen?

On the flip side, there are a group of members on this site who do the same thing. They pop up in every thread to debunk any anomaly or theory about this comet that is out of the ordinary. "Nothing unusual here, move along," is their mantra.

They know as much about what will happen with Elenin as the guy in the video preaching doom and gloom. The bottom line is, no one on this site knows for certain. The situation changes from day to day with this comet. I'm tired of the b.s. and just want to find out the truth. Just a couple of days ago, people were celebrating like they won the Powerball lottery because an astronomer said the comet broke up.

Now it seems it hasn't broke up. Looks like the hard core disinfo agents and debunkers on this site jumped the gun. Way to go, guys. You're as credible as the guy in the YouTube video.

I don't know what will happen with Elenin, but I will keep an open mind to any and all possibilities. Maybe it is just a "dirty snowball" as some people are fond of saying. But maybe it isn't. We'll find out soon enough.
edit on 3-9-2011 by ShadesofGrey78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2011 by ShadesofGrey78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Did you know big celestial events usually happen in the fall when it comes to the Jewish record?

The Deluge of Noah's day came between the months of October and November.

17 Marcheshvan - (2105 BCE) - Great Flood began
The rain started on the 17th of Marcheshvan of the Hebrew year, 1656 (2105 BCE), flooding the entire earth. Only Noah and his family is said to have survived, in the ark (Noah's Ark) he built (by Divine command), and a pair of each animal species.

In a regular (kesidran) year Marcheshvan has 29 days, but because of the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules, in some years an additional day is added to Marcheshvan to make the year a "full" (maleh) year. Marcheshvan is an autumn month which occurs in October–November in the Gregorian calendar.

The Deluge was postponed 7 days to honor the death of Methuselah.

11 Marcheshvan - (2105 BCE)- Yartzeit of the righteous Methuselah
Methuselah was one of the greatest tzaddikim and the longest-lived human being. He was the grandfather of Noah and died aged 969. The Holy One blessed be He, delayed the great Flood because of the 7 days of mourning for Methuselah.

Maybe that comet comes with a surprise.

Here's a link to the entire Jewish calendar with is Lunisolar based.

edit on 3-9-2011 by lostinspace because: added some more links

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Amandla

Sounds like someone is making another "found footage" movie.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5

I'm sick of people only quoting partially whats going on to make it look like some devious conspiracy. Once I find the true source, the whole picture changes to something intirely different.

Your wish is granted.

vatican / synod of bishops

The pope has called a synod of Bishops to attend
a "Special Assembly For the Middle East"

This is public information availiable on the official Vatican news site. Link above.

David Grouchy

1. Topic

The Holy Father Benedict XVI has convoked the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, which will take place in the Vatican from Sunday 10 to Sunday 24 October, on the topic: «The Catholic Church in the Middle East: Communion and Witness. “Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul” (Acts 4: 32)».

edit on 3-9-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Chai_An

i watched that video and was biggest waste of an hour ever. guy is a loser fear monger

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:30 AM
This is just speculation now, i dont know for certain its another theory of sorts.
Im keeping my fingers crossed that the Vatican satanists are going to get everyone into a room and then machine gun the lot of them and then commit mass suicide and do us all a favour.


I bet it's just the pope getting a new frock and he wants everyone to see it, my money is on a knee length pencil split number with 13 pleats and a 33inch waist, a 7 inch hem on the inside, and a new pair of cherry red high heeled shoes, with a goatskin inner, just like the pope, sorry, just like the pope likes, allegedly.

No this post is on topic its speculation as to why they are all being recalled.

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