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What can you make?

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by eazyriderl_l

No problem, I understand

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

however, you got to be careful on what kind of physics you learn. In high school, they should of taught advance physics but they didn't, now here I am learning everything from a book and learned as well that magnetism of this world is stronger than the gravitational force of this world by a factor of 2.2 x 10^39 times. So it's true, gravity is a weak force and that there are stronger forces out there and faster ones, faster than light. (You could get the Improbability Drive up and running)

If your looking for more information, look up the unified field theory, talks about the relationship between gravity and magnetism.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 09:59 PM
I can make excrement.

More seriously, I am reminded of a mayfly I saved from a spider. I tried to save it, but the spider had already bitten it and its venom not only paralyses its victim but also liquifies its internals. I didn't kill the spider. I moved it to another place. But watching the mayfly die wasn't fun. I read a bit about mayflies. Turns out they're short-lived and there're many of them in a short length of time. In the next few days after I would see many more. At one point, I saved a mayfly from a spider, only to see it fly right back into another web and having to save it again. I finally left it there in the grass after trying to clear away the spider webs and realizing how helpless and vulnerable life is. All the while I saw many more mayflies and spider webs than I could hope to comb over in a lifetime and thought to myself that my mission to save mayflies is misguided and perhaps worse than the disease.

In the end, our life here in this universe is violent and wild and filled with mayhem. We can pick at the branches to make ourselves feel better, but the roots of this tree still deliver their poison.

I've just recently come to the conclusion that death is the result of ignorance and limitations. We die because there're things we don't know or can't do. There're mysteries and expanses unreached. In fact, this can broadly be wrapped up by blaming finiteness since it's the source of these things.

But you know, without finiteness, how could anybody even have a name? A name implies applying an identifier to a pattern. When the pattern changes, the name changes. A pattern is not infinite, just like a name. The infinite is nameless and cannot be identified. It's infinitely small and infinitely big.

Everything changes so names only have a temporary value too. Even the atoms in our body are flushed every few years so that we're not made of the same atoms. Same for emotions since anything we attach them to is going to inevitably change and be lost. The universe is like a slow fire that blooms and floods outward and periodically falls back on itself, but keeps burning.

We're like clouds. Find a cloud in the sky and name it. But soon the cloud will be unrecognizable. This is the death of the cloud and, metaphorically, the death of you and myself and everyone else.
edit on 23-8-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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