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U.S. Government Secretly Spread STDs

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:38 PM

If you haven't heard about this before may have been living in a box....or never read anything that shone a negative light on this wonderful, compassionate, stand up for what's right, Amerikan lie.

Why it is getting notice at this time is a good question...then again...why should it matter?
The damage was done not only to those men from Tuskegee, and fellows in the Military, but also those women and children that became test dummies for the pesticide, DDT, being sprayed all over the military housing compounds down south in this same time frame.

When you join the military, retire, marry or are born into such a "family"... you are only more fodder to be used as expermental will never change...period...

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Lest we forget. This story may not be about infections, but I think it ties in with this thread. This is what our elitists do without our knowledge. But they're the good guys, right?

Barely 40 years ago, it wasn't uncommon for a single mother on welfare, or a patient in a mental hospital in North Carolina, to be sterilized against her will.

Nearly 7,600 men, women and children as young as 10 were sterilized under North Carolina's eugenics laws. While other state sterilization laws focused mainly on criminals and people in mental institutions, North Carolina was one of the few to expand its reach to women who were poor. Sterilization was seen as a way to limit the public cost of welfare. Social workers would coerce women to have the operation under threat of losing their public assistance. That's how 65-year-old Nial Ramirez lost her ability to have more children. She was too ill to attend the hearing, but sent her daughter, Deborah Chesson, with a letter to read:

N. Carolina...
edit on 9/1/2011 by Klassified because: Add link

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Klassified

Holy crap, I had never heard about this...

. It used rudimentary IQ tests and gossip from neighbors to justify sterilization of young girls from poor families who hung around the wrong crowd or didn't do well in school.

Quoted from your source... What the hell??!?!? gossip could justify sterilization!?!?! Thats pure madness

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by caladonea

I have reason to believe there is alot of truth to it; UN officials & Globalists hiding behind those international "charity" banners like Worldvision using experimental vaccines in those camps.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by morder1

I believe this has also been publicly "apologized" for as well. But don't these little disclosures and apologies make you wonder? "If they're telling me this much. What the hell aren't they telling me?"

edit on 9/1/2011 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
The Gov. still does this I'm sure. Look how ramped up Aids is in Africa. I think it's still part of the genocide that was placed on Africa since the Nixon presidency.

How about when Bayer, Baxter and a few other companies had Aids tainted blood thinners back in the 80's which they freely inoculated unwitting Asians?

The United States, nor Nixon really had nothing to do with HIV. But on the 2nd part-you nailed it-Bayer! Most people don't know HIV stats in Africa along with the history of each African country and Bayer contracts with gov'ts of those countries. When it comes to the top 10 HIV nations according to the World Health Organization--the United States had no military, nor influence in those countries in the past from WWII to the 1990s. But Bayer and the Germans did.

2000 HIV-1 STATISTICS OF TOP 10 HIV NATIONS IN AFRICA (World Health Organization)

# 1. 36% of population infected HIV-1 in Botswana used to be part of the larger South Africa and Prime Minister Dr. Malan's home country; Dr. Malan put Dr. Verwoerd in charge of blacks in South Africa; Dutch Prime Minister, but German control post WWII even though given to the Brits Bayer monopoly of medicine in past especially 1950s
#2. 25% of population infected HIV-1 in Zimbabwe used to be part of the former larger South Africa; given to the Brits post-WWII Bayer contracts with socialized medicine over blacks
#3. 25% of population infected HIV-1 in Swaziland used to be part of South Africa and was an original Apartheid reservation under Dr. Malan's administration; head of "Native Affairs" was Dr. Verwoerd who gave Bayer monopoly contract over blacks on Dr. Verwoerd's Apartheid reservations Bayer monopoly of medicine in past
#4. 24% of population infected HIV-1 in Lesotho used to be part of South Africa and was an original Apartheid reservation under Dr. Malan's administration; head of "Native Affairs" was Dr. Verwoerd who gave Bayer monopoly contract over blacks on Dr. Verwoerd's Apartheid reservations Bayer monopoly of medicine in past
#5. 20% of population infected HIV-1 in Namibia used to be part of South Africa and remained loyal to Hitler during WWII Bayer monopoly of medicine in past
#6. 20% of population infected HIV-1 in Zambia used to be part of the former larger South Africa but given to the British post-WWII Bayer contracts with socialized medicine over blacks
#7. 19.9% of population infected HIV-1 in South Africa which originated as a German colony in the 1800s. It used to include all of the above countries but was first split up after WWI; then again it was split up post-WWII; nearly all were given British control, but that didn't mean that the British controlled their governments. During WWII, Germans were put in intern camps and they weren't free until 1946 from those camps. By the 1948 elections Germans had gained control of the government with Germans in just about every office, electing a Dutch Prime Minister (Dr. Malan) and Dr. Verwoerd (German) was placed in charge of Native (black) Affairs. Dr. Verwoerd instantly drafted Apartheid in 1948 putting all blacks on white-policed reservations. By 1949, Dr. Verwoerd passed a law that made it illegal for blacks and whites to have sex. Then Dr. Verwoerd gave Bayer an exclusive monopoly over "medicine" on black-only reservations. Bayer monopoly of medicine in past
#8. 19% of population infected HIV-1 in Tanzania which was a German colony in 1920; it was given to the British post-WWII. However, Bayer still had socialized medicine contracts with blacks.
#9. 14% of population infected HIV-1 in Kenya which was a British colony since 1895; not sure about Kenya's socialized medicine contracts; but I wouldn't put it past Bayer, nor Hoescht-Aventis (both of which used to be part of IG Farben) to have donated vaccines to the black population
#10. 3 million of population (not sure of percentage) infected HIV-1 in Ethiopia which was Italian colonized in 1936 prior to WWII. Not sure of socialized medicine contracts in Ethiopia but like Kenya, I wouldn't put it past Bayer, or Hoescht-Aventis (both which used to be part of IG Farben) to have donated vaccines to the black population

Detailed Map of HIV in Africa and German Colonies

(continued in next post)
edit on 5-9-2011 by MapMistress because: corrected a doctors name

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Cameroon was also a former German colony. According to Dr. Hahn's University of Alabama genetic research on the origin of HIV-1, the SIV-predecessor to HIV-1 was from chimpanzees in Cameroon. YET...Cameroon's 2000 HIV-1 statistics were only 5.1%-10% of the population infected. Angola to the south of Cameroon which was Portuguese colonized (no contracts with Bayer) had only 1.1%-5% of the population infected with HIV-1.

So the spread of HIV-1 in Africa really had nothing to do with blacks having sex with one another, nor monkey meat. Since it was Cameroon chimpanzees that were the SIV predecessor to HIV-1, if HIV-1 had been a natural mutation, then Cameroon should have the highest HIV-1 rates in Africa. And blacks locked in Apartheid reservations policed by whites would have no access to have sex with anyone in Angola, nor Cameroon, since they couldn't leave the white-policed reservations.

Yet it's the blacks who were locked in Apartheid reservations, unable to leave, policed by whites (with Bayer monopoly contracts over medicine) who had the highest HIV-1 rates in all of Africa and very little of the population infected in Portuguese colonized Angola--Angola being South Africa's neighbor to the north between Cameroon (the origin of SIV-predecessor) and South Africa.

Detailed Map of HIV in Africa and German Colonies


Although Dr. Verwoerd was a mere psychologist, he was also friends with SS doctors such as SS Dr. Eugen Fischer. It was really Dr. Fischer that created Hitler and Hitler got all his ideas about race from Dr. Fischer.

Dr. Verwoerd is placed in charge of Native (black) Affairs in 1948 at which point he immediately drafts Apartheid and simultaneously drafts a new law making it illegal for blacks and whites to have sex. Then gives Bayer monopoly rights over black medicine on Apartheid reservations policed by whites. Those Apartheid reservations WERE CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

Which leaves the escaped SS doctors and the Nazi STD program. During WWII Hitler enacted an STD program. Hitler's mother had Hepatitis B and Hitler blamed the Jews for his mother's infection (which was absurd). So under SS. Dr. Haagen he assigned SS Dr. Kurt Gutzeit and SS Dr. Arnold Dohmen to do hepatitis experiments. That meant that Jews were injected with Hepatitis B and the Dr. Gutzeit and Dr. Dohmen would try to come up with "cures" for the Hepatitis virus. Both doctors also messing around with the virus and Dr. Dohmen was also doing Hepatitis experiments with animals. Whether or not the two had any success with their experimental meds, once the paperwork was done for each experiment--the Jews were gased and a new batch of Jews was brought in for another experiment--injected with Hepatitis again.

Now, it wasn't only Jews. At the Sachsenhausen concentration camps, it was Russian POW soldiers injected with Hepatitis for experimentation by Dr. Gutzeit and Dr. Dohmen. And oddly, when the Russians freed their soldiers at the end of the war--Hepatitis G, yes G fell behind the Iron Curtain. No one in Western Europe even saw Hepatitis G until after the Iron Curtain fell. So Hepatitis G was locked behind the iron curtain for 50 years--after which only 3% of Czechoslavakia and Poland became infected through prostitution.

YET... Hepatitis G appeared in South Africa among 11% of the black population--blacks who were locked in apartheid reservations policed by whites. Now obviously, those blacks locked in apartheid reservations policed by whites (when sex between whites and blacks was outlawed) couldn't have possibly had sex with anyone locked behind the Iron Curtain to catch Hepatitis G. So was it sex? Or were they injected in groups?

Both SS Dr. Kurt Gutzeit and SS Dr. Arnold Dohmen were escaped SS doctors never found after WWII. Obviously either one or both of them escaped to South Africa continuing the Nazi STD program under Dr. Verwoerd's administration. SS Dr. Haagen went to America under CIA's relocation program Project Paperclip. Yet the CIA and the U.S. had no control over what happened in South Africa under Dr. Verwoerd's administration. The U.S. had no military in South Africa. Since Bayer had a monopoly in medicine over blacks on Apartheid reservations, neither the U.S., nor American pharmaceutical companies had anything to do with what happened to blacks in all the countries associated with Bayer and the Germans.

Nazi Virus Projects: Cross-Species Sexually Transmitted Viral Experiments Conducted at Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen and in South Africa-- from the History of Sex and Adolf Hitler

So don't blame America on HIV. Nixon had nothing to do with it either. When HIV has Bayer stamped all over it!

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 02:44 AM
I thought I could come back in and just hit the edit button and correct my errors in the previous post. But I guess the edit function isn't working. Sowwie.

I wanted to correct the previous post I made about Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia. I always get the three mixed up. It was Zimbabwe that was Rhodesia, not Botswana. Zimbabwe was Southern Rhodesia and Zambia used to be Northern Rhodesia. Both were assigned to the British after WWII, but under Nazi influence since Dr. Malan the Prime Minister of South Africa was from that region. Botswana was under Nazi influence and separated itself into its own country c. 1960. Before that Botswana was subject to rules placed upon them by South Africa.

Hope that clears up my errors in the previous post. And I re-made a map so it's easier to see why the United States is not at fault for what happened in Africa with regards to HIV-1. The below map ought to clear up any doubt about that. What happened in Africa with HIV-1 is clearly "revenge of the post-WWII Nazis" trying to reclaim lands that used to belong to Germany in Colonial times.


posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:27 AM

The government infect black men I believe with syphillis in the 60s or 70s in the USA. There is a public document that states that the government can infect the populace with anything as long as they are notified. Well, since it's a public document, you are notified.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:06 AM
I think Israel is up to trying to cut birth rates- forget which country that wikileaks uncovered them doing that- but ther was one-CVS keeps giving away these 'free' 6.79 tampons- so expensive b/c they lower vag. ph - which reduces fertility. looked at box...- Made In Isreal- whole line of the products- lubricant, washes, ect., - all really lower ph.
Made me go hmmmm... no warning on box that it could affect fertility.
They are not that comfortable, so poorer folks getting them free every 2 months? Or being paid a buck to take them? brand RePHresh
edit on 12-9-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Just read this Porn Trade Group Fears Syphilis Outbreak, Calls On Industry To Halt Shooting and I immediately thought it could be the government testing something like before, what better way for it to go unnoticed then by doing it on porn stars.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by morder1

They've done that and much, much more.

I put a thread up a few months ago with many confirmed atrocities led by governments and openly admitted to. Not conspiracy theories, but things that boggle the mind and even after reading them, some people will not believe they are true.

Outrageous Crimes, where is our Outrage?

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by TheSnowman

70% of contagious diseases starts in animals.

edit on 21-8-2012 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by morder1

Of course the Government is spreading STD's.

They've been f*cking us for decades.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by TheSnowman

70% of contagious diseases starts in animals.

edit on 21-8-2012 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

It's sad to think we're getting STD's from animals.

I hope this is wrong...

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
I think Israel is up to trying to cut birth rates- forget which country that wikileaks uncovered them doing that- but ther was one-CVS keeps giving away these 'free' 6.79 tampons- so expensive b/c they lower vag. ph - which reduces fertility. looked at box...- Made In Isreal- whole line of the products- lubricant, washes, ect., - all really lower ph.
Made me go hmmmm... no warning on box that it could affect fertility.
They are not that comfortable, so poorer folks getting them free every 2 months? Or being paid a buck to take them? brand RePHresh
edit on 12-9-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

Please expound upon this allegation. This is the first I'm hearing it.

posted on Oct, 19 2012 @ 12:59 AM
Can we all agree that it's safe to assume that there is at least 1 truly evil person in a position of great power within our government? If so, and there is even one evil person, they will seek out and find other evil people who will conspire with them. As long as this goes on, these sociopaths will always do things like this, the same as they always have.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 08:50 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if virals were being used for population control. It won't be long before overpopulation becomes a problem, and reproduction restrictions would never be effective. Whereas STDs both dissuade from sex, and elliminate those most likely to have lots of offspring.

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