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Forrest Gump Actor's Dead Cousin Calls Collect: Help Me! You Know How To Help Me!

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posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:01 AM
I am not a religous person, but I think his cousin/friend or whatever meant by "only you know how to help me" was he wanted him to pray for his forgiveness, to pray to god for his soul....the kind of thing every religous person says when someone dies. Thant's the only thing I can think of. It did give me the chills though and while I was watching the video my phone rang and scared me to death! lol!

If people could really call from beyond, there are so many people I wish would call me. I miss my step-father so much and am always wishing he could contact me.
edit on 31-8-2011 by lilowl53 because: typos

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:09 AM
considering the bible is based on zumerian 'mythology' we gotta be REALLY careful when dealing with such stories. i do believe in g0d, but i do realize anything biblical is written by a group of people trying to make profit.

the universe is huge, that is for sure!

so i am researching shamanism for a story im working on. and one of the shamans' jobs is to retrieve lost souls.

so maybe this guys cousin is just lost in the giant universe somehow. maybe the cousin astral projected at the last minute, and was supposed to either move on or be reincarnated, but got lost. heck this person could be astral projecting into some nebula and it 'appears' to be all fire.

but as to weather or not he has no reason to tell the story? he is an ACTOR. i am always amazed at all these 'actors' who do reality shows. they get paid thousands of a dollars to appear on a show like that. and again, he is an actor, so he can 'act' sad and distressed.

also take into account he could be a pathological liar or sociopath, one of the reasons for his 'success' as an actor.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Hell is not a place you go if you're not a Christian, it's the failure of your life's greatest ambition

-Immortal Technique

In my opinion, the actor's friend's experience was him facing his own demons, the evil he created in himself. And he only knew of one person who he believed could help him.

Unfortunately, we all must face our own evil when we pass over. Those who are strong and those of who "walk in the light", will have a much easier time passing. We all do wrong, and we must all face our deepest fears and evils.

My recommendation is face them while you're here, and accept your evils, and understand them - and don't repeat them.
edit on 31-8-2011 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by simone50m
I could never become fully practicing religious, due to the eternal burning Hell concept. How can a God be merciful to punish that, it wayyyyyy outweighs any temporary human crime. I don't believe nor disbelieve in Hell, but it is so very wrong to me. I only think people should experience the pain they gave someone, (any living being whether person or animal) which they were never repentent and remorseful for, while alive.

Purity can only be near the pure.

Impure with the impure. The impure destroys the pure. So they have to be separated.

Being apart from God is unnatural. The lake of fire is being unnaturally separated from God.
Hell is where all spiritual evil/corruption belongs.

Heaven is where all spiritually pure and spiritually complete is. God makes you complete. Without God you are not complete.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

You don't understand what he's saying.

Any god who knowingly allows evil is evil himself, any god who ignores the symptoms of evil and allows them to exist is evil.

Any god who created all and also created evil as well as good is evil. It's a endless loop.

It should be fairly easy for you to understand this, it is not a complex concept.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:54 AM
Compelling story from someone who appears to be credible. I hope I never discover what hell really is, and for those who are so sure that it doesn't exist -- good luck with that.

Some theorize that time as we know it only exists in this world. If that's true, then the phone call could have been a replay of the caller's energy and intent just as he was dying, or at some other time -- not necessarily at the time it occured "here."

Thanks, OP, for a few goosebumps.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by b3l13v3
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

You don't understand what he's saying.

Any god who knowingly allows evil is evil himself, any god who ignores the symptoms of evil and allows them to exist is evil.

Any god who created all and also created evil as well as good is evil. It's a endless loop.

It should be fairly easy for you to understand this, it is not a complex concept.

You completely discredit the idea of free will.

I suggest you go back to basics and realize that just because there is good and evil it is the individual who ultimately acts. Imagine an all powerful all knowing being creating a being that can do as it pleases without intevention. The laws basically say do not lie cheat steal or worship anything other than the all-creator. The atrocities are carried out by men not God.

Very common mistake and especially common among atheists and haters of religious teachings.
edit on 31-8-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by b3l13v3
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

You don't understand what he's saying.

Any god who knowingly allows evil is evil himself, any god who ignores the symptoms of evil and allows them to exist is evil.

Any god who created all and also created evil as well as good is evil. It's a endless loop.

It should be fairly easy for you to understand this, it is not a complex concept.

Any god that forces you to be one way is what?

Any god that let's corruption be rewarded and not be punished is what?

Hell is a dimension to where evil/corruption belongs. God puts all things it its rightful place.

We all deserve to go to the Lake of fire and be judged by a just eternal God for eternal corruption.
A holy,pure,just God has to punish all evil and cannot have any corruption near him.

The only way to be saved from being separated from God eternally(being of spiritual corruption)is by believing by faith in the sacrifice of the Son of God. Jesus died for all the of the sins in the world and was resurrected in 3 days by the Holy Spirit. Repent(turn away) of the sin you already committed against God. You must forgive everyone and have no unforgiven toward your brothers(you are not allowed to have enemies).

Jesus The Son of God took your sin and died in your place so that you don't have to be separated from God.
All you have to do is believe by faith in the Lamb of God and turn from corruption(at least make an attempt to).

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by simone50m

I could never become fully practicing religious, due to the eternal burning Hell concept. How can a God be merciful to punish that, it wayyyyyy outweighs any temporary human crime.

To which getreadyalready responded.

Hell is not the popularized Dante's Inferno place, it is just a spiritual death. A soul gets many, many, many chances to evolve, but eventually the soul is "allowed" to die. There is no eternal torture, that is just a bedtime story.

I feel getreadyalready is correct in most respects here except where he says a "soul is allowed to die". I do not believe that - although for ATS purposes there is only circumstantial evidence to support my theory - I believe that the soul is immortal. I do not believe in hell as a theme park for the wicked but believe rather in what the Upanishads tells us, that there is a spark of God inside each of us. If that is true, it would make no sense for that spark - our soul - to be allowed to die. Although I must say that I do not believe in a God with a human-like personality or human failings.

Unless, of course, getready is referring to the end of the reincarnation cycle. I do not believe a soul can die, but instead continues this cycle until it has learned and experienced enough to realize that he/she is part of the whole and thereby return to that whole. (Of course I simplify greatly in this last statement.)

This is just what I believe but this has been an area of interest of mine for a long, long time.
edit on 31-8-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2011 by Ittabena because: it is still early

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Pocky

Ugh, Celebrity Ghost Stories is a terrible show. I can't give any of these "ghost" stories any of my time, thats how bad this show is

And I dont believe in Heaven & Hell as places we go to when we die. I do believe in an afterlife of course, we don't cease to exist when this body of ours dies. The last Pope even agrees that there is no such thing as Heaven & Hell, for they are only a state of mind. You guys want Hell, why it's already here on Earth if you want it so bad. No need to wait till you die
edit on 31-8-2011 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by imeddieone4202003
Wow, an amazing story, told by someone who appears to be honest and has nothing to gain but ridicule for telling this story. i believe him. But how if i dont believe in hell?

Told by an actor a person payed to fain emotion and honesty. He gets to be on a TV show which is his gain as there is no such thing as bad publicity especially for occult Hollywood.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:32 AM
I have stated this on more than one occasion, that our bodies are electrical in nature.

Our souls are merely natural electromagnetic energy capable of interacting with electronic devices.

People don't believe this but this story exemplifies this reality in this phone call.

When we die, we remain on this earth for a few days and are able to interact with the living before crossing over.

There are countless encounters of people seeing recently deceased loved ones....

Apparently this individual whom had turned to lead a life of crime was being driven by demons or evil entities which ruled his life.

Remember when Mikkael stating that he had been told by the deceased that he didn't even know why he did these evil things ?

That's because something else was leading him to do these things and he was along for the ride.

When he died, the evil reclaimed this individual's Soul taking him to where the evil reside.

This should be a lesson to all of not subscribe to evil and/or hate but to instead love thy fellow man.


posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Remember when Mikkael stating that he had been told by the deceased that he didn't even know why he did these evil things ?
That's because something else was leading him to do these things and he was along for the ride.

When he died, the evil reclaimed this individual's Soul taking him to where the evil reside.

What a convenient way to get rid of all responsibility for OWN bad actions.
So you are seriously believing "something else" does the evil things in human....which means that someone who believes in such things can also do anything evil they want - they do not even need to feel remorse or guilt since they can always blame THEIR OWN actions on "the devil", right? (Anything, but themselves...)

Sorry, Mankind will not evolve as long as they wont accept own responsibility for their actions..this belief say it mildly, outrageous...

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

People don't understand that "perfection" is a two-sided coin. God has perfect love and forgiveness if you WANT to repent but he also has to be perfect in his word on free-will and punishment.

We have free-will to choose to do what we want in a free world. WE make this world suck, not God.

Ex: Two parents help their kid off to move in for college at the end of summer. Once moved in and settled, the child then goes does drugs, gets drunk and rapes a girl. Did the parents cause this? The kid had free-will to stay out of trouble and enjoy college or go and be a criminal. Should the parents have handcuffed him to his dorm bed to keep him from "committing evil"?

Ex 2: If a parent says to a child, you will be grounded for 2 weeks if you leave this house tonight to go to that wild unsupervised party, the child goes anyway and the parent doesn't ground them. Their word that there would be a consequence is empty. They are not "perfect".

People's understanding of the word "perfect" is flawed and based on a self-centered view of the word. To them, "perfect" means, "I should be able to do whatever I want and God shouldn't want to cause me harm." They want to blame God for having to answer for the wrong-doings that they willingly and happily commit.

Back to the 2nd example: Say the parent DOES follow thru and ground the child for 2 weeks and the child stomps angrily to their room protesting that they hate their parents because they're "unfair" and "all the other kids were allowed to go"... well most people are like that child. They KNOW they disobeyed something but still feel there should be no repurcussions(sp) even though they were warned. Some choose not to believe the "parents" exist at all.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:48 AM
all we take with us into the after life? is what we have become by our choices,he said that his friend always made wrong choices specifically spiritually wrong choices

his was always able to steer his friend to a better course and that is why his friend called him ,his friend wanted him to guide him once more out of a bad situation of his own making

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by MasterGemini

If god created all, then why did he create a man capable of evil? The idea god allowed the ability of evil to be present, and not create a universe full of happiness obviously signifies that the said god is knowingly allowing others to be harmed.

It is typical religious teachings that are flawed, not common sense.

And I really don't mean to sound rude, but most religious people cannot see this point of view.


reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

At what point did I sign up to allow a God, or anyone, besides myself judge me?

Any God who believes he owns and dicates the idea of good and evil is a perverse god and you should understand this.

This is how many cultures indoctrinate accepted control over others. If one religion says the teachings of Buddhism are evil, according to their "God", then they are immediately considered evil for practicing any Buddhist techniques.

This is control.

We all deserve to go to the Lake of fire and be judged by a just eternal God for eternal corruption.
A holy,pure,just God has to punish all evil and cannot have any corruption near him.

I am disturbed(key word, I, me) that you could even possibly believe something like this.

Jesus The Son of God took your sin and died in your place so that you don't have to be separated from God.
All you have to do is believe by faith in the Lamb of God and turn from corruption(at least make an attempt to).

I believe Jesus was very much real, and I believe he probably did extraordinary things, but it also not 0AD anymore, it is now 2011AD and as far as the eye can see - there hasn't been a single person in the past 2011 years that has exemplified anything that would compel me to believe in Jesus as a savior of any sorts.

I suppose what we should really be asking ourselves, is why do we look towards a God that is intangible for security and repentance? It is us who have to live with our wrongs, and we should deal with them while we are here, instead of hoping for someone to save us when we cross to the other side.

edit on 31-8-2011 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2011 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:18 PM
I want to believe in hell, I really do! I want to think that all the people who have hurt me and others will suffer eternally in a burning, canabistic, prison. But, my desire for revenge isn't what make the world go round.

I want to believe that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld will be punished in hell, but logic tells me that won't happen. I'm not sure I even believe in karma, really. I mean, "as above so below" right? Then above must be pretty corrupt, because the "above" here on earth sure don't experience bad karma. If there was such a thing as karma, how did George Bush become president?

I beleive in reincarnation. There is no hell, outside of this world, only another chance to get an experience, taylored to our personal goals. If power and wealth are the goals of an entering soul, that is what will be experienced. If spiritual enlightenment is the goal, then that is the direction that life will take.

I would like to believe that someone as powerful and controlling as Dick Cheney could probable handle being reincarnated into more than one body. I would like to see his soul reincarnated into 10,000 war ravaged, starving babies. If there is a god, please let this happen!

There is a lot of discussion in this thread about free will. It seems to me, from the Christian point of view, that all evil is a result of the free will that god gave us. That makes no sense to me. Why would a loving caring person, who is the personifacation of god, be so conniving with his gift? We learn from trial and error, why would hell become the result of an error? Seems to me that this Judeo Christian god is a bit of psychopath and not worthy of mine or anyones admiration, and must be a fraud.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Pocky

Addressing the OP here. I do not know what to think about this. I do think that we should remember though that we are talking about an actor here.

Having said that let's go on under the assumption that this man is being genuine in this video, the hollywood fingerprints are all over it - production values, sound effects, background music...

Now as for matters of belief, I have heard weird stories such as this many times. To me the use of the phone lines and the operator asking if they will accept a collect call is very unusual and causes me to suspect a human hand. The lack of a charge on the phone bill after the operator's request to consent for the call tends to further corroborates this.

And though this is waaaaay off the evidential path, it reminds me of the "go into the light" scene from the movie Poltergeist. Perhaps, this is a soul who is trapped or has trapped himself on this plane. Perhaps he did not know he was dead yet, as they say many ghosts are unaware they are dead. Perhaps his friend needed him to tell him to go into the light. If the poor man had such a sudden death and hadn't "figured it out" yet, others trying to direct him out of his body could seem like someone taking him to hell. Most people who have died have reported this to be a bright light at the end of a tunnel but the fear that was supposed to be evident in the callers voice is a powerful force. If it were not the Government would not have capitalized on 9/11 the way it did. Of course this is all supposition.

They say there are only two real emotions in life, fear and love. All else can be boiled down to these two. Perhaps he had called the one person he knew loved him despite his faults for help in knowing what to do. If the souls projection truly was powerful enough to jump in on AT&T technologies it could also be strong enough to project the sound of what it was fearing. Again though this is high speculation

All in all though it seems pretty suspicious to me. You mentioned the Government in the OP, and I suppose that is also possible. I can tell you as a former Telecom Field Engineer that the Feds have had listening technologies in the phone companies Regen sites for a long time.You must pass a security check on before you can go into these areas and work on the equipment for them. So it is possible this was done by the Government, but to what end? I mean what could be the purpose? What would this accomplish for them?

Just how I reason it out...
edit on 31-8-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2011 by Ittabena because: I cannot spell today

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:21 PM
Well, only one thought crossed my mind.

Pictures or it didn't happen...

Love the message...Hate the messenger.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:35 PM
In my view, the only way to (falsely) understand this is through emotion. There's really no way to know what this is, if you're judging it through reason. The phone call was lost. Reasoning is rationale and emotions are ambiguous. I believe that anybody who falls into this emotional trap inevitably sinks deeper and deeper into irrationality and delirium.

Even if we had a recording, that's not proof. Maybe an alien or maybe a spirit did a prank call, eh?

Bottom line, don't brainwash yourself into abandoning rationale thought. Don't devolve.

This is not a license to do wrong. It's a way of living that employs facts, not fiction.

100% of you that're still trapped are FEARFUL. What you don't understand, you will fear. If you could only understand that understanding irrational thoughts is impossible then... maybe...

Thinking that I'm going to hell for thinking this... that's FEAR. Not rationale!

Religious people of this sort are prisoners. They claim to live happily. But they're actually living in fear. They're afraid to go to hell. They're afraid of god judging them negatively.

Living rationally does not have the prerequisite that you must live in fear! Living rationally means living morally. It means living well. Karma, as this guy described it, is very correct. If I consistently harm others to get what I want, it will eventually come back to hurt me or hurt my friends.

You want to know what god IS? God is conservation of energy.
edit on 31-8-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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