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The Tea Party claims that they're not racist

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posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

Since you bring it up about FoxNews. I'm curious here. The Right has one TV News channel in their pocket. The Left has all the others (NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC and CNN). Does that mean those who want FoxNews gone are actually opposed to free speech for anyone who is not on the Left? How is that a good thing? Is that not the antithesis of Freedom?

Being a real Independent I watch FoxNews, CNN, ABC and CBS. NBC and MSNBC are to bigoted for my taste. FoxNews and CNN are almost identical in their News reporting. I'm not foolish enough to confuse Opinion shows with News Shows, nor am I dishonest enough to pretend Opinion shows are News shows either. Point is, I want to hear both sides and I do not want other people to think for me. Most importantly I'm not lazy or illiterate enough to believe anything coming from either Party.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by SeventhSeal

The Tea Party is racist. It's amusing and actually disturbing they deny it.

Oh well, screw'em. No one pays attention to the insane branch of the United States anyway.

The TPM is not racist. But you just keep on ignoring them. Pay no attention. And just forget what happened in 2010.

What happened in 2010? Oh yeah, some folks got voted in and acted like children who cried and whined when they didn't get something they wanted. Oh and they were voted in to fix the economy, not do what they're doing: Trying to remove basic health care for Americans, tell gays they cant marry, and stop funding for NPR because "IT'S SO LIBERAL."

Yep. 2010 was a great year for Republicans. It showed what a dysfunctional and retarded party it still is.

I think you've missed the point.... the point is there were 47 TEA Party candidates elected.

But I understand your fear.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
You asked for it.

Really? Monkey See, Monkey Spend?

I could go on and on and on with more examples that can be easily found on the good 'ol intrawebs.

So deny it all you like.

So out of thousands of rallies...
think of every person that attended. If we collectively add up all the people including duplicate since most people go to more than one event... thats well into the hundreds of thousands....
You 3 videos show the same signs over and over? That's all you can come up with? 90% of the signs in your videos didn't have anything to do with race.
It's naive to think that with that many people attending rallies there is zero racists in the group... but there are going to be a few ignorant people in EVERY group. The last video was a joke... sketches of white people being racist or white people in the back of a truck with guns.... how is that in any way related to the tea party? I don't know why you linked pictures... since both of the ones you linked was in all 3 videos lol...
Seems to me that you are blindly following this notion that the entire tea party is racist without asking any of the important questions. Instead of coming up with a thread that's been posted on here over and over again... why don't you actually go to a rally? See if you can take a picture or video of the rampant racism. When you do that... post it on here. My guess is you won't... you will just keep trolling the internet blindly stirring the hate.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Janky Red

Since you bring it up about FoxNews. I'm curious here. The Right has one TV News channel in their pocket. The Left has all the others (NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC and CNN). Does that mean those who want FoxNews gone are actually opposed to free speech for anyone who is not on the Left? How is that a good thing? Is that not the antithesis of Freedom?

Being a real Independent I watch FoxNews, CNN, ABC and CBS. NBC and MSNBC are to bigoted for my taste. FoxNews and CNN are almost identical in their News reporting. I'm not foolish enough to confuse Opinion shows with News Shows, nor am I dishonest enough to pretend Opinion shows are News shows either. Point is, I want to hear both sides and I do not want other people to think for me. Most importantly I'm not lazy or illiterate enough to believe anything coming from either Party.

Well Blaine, both parties speak truth, both parties ignore consequences of their proposed policies,
both parties LIE too.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 04:57 PM
For the final time, Stop with the intellectual dishonesty.

If anyone took the time to read what I wrote they might learn a thing or two.

The issue of "Race", as it is perceived, is really more about "class" and "culture".
There are divides in this country but those fault lines lie amongst the haves and the have nots. They always run between the different "cultures" within the united states. We were, once, a melting pot-or tried to be. But today we find that people are, in the face of conventional wisdom and the "shrinking of the world" due to access of information, actually closing themselves off within their groups.
Immigrants don't bother learning english or adopting American "ways"... and no one wants to say anything about it for fear of being labeled as "racist", "biased" or "intolerant" of diversity.
It's this celebration of diversity and politically correct behavior that is causing the problem.
I am all for honoring ones roots and celebrating who one is. I'm also for LEGAL immigration.
The issue is that people are coming to this country and not identifying themselves as American. They are -name of nationality- first and just happen to live here.
The other glaring issue is the divide between whites and blacks in terms of culture.
We have become, in spite of desegregation, more segregated than ever... The difference being we allow a sort of self-segregation to happen and let the boundary fall in terms of culture. How else do you explain voting irregularities where entire races overwhelmingly vote one way or the other?
The values are different, the language is different, the entire point of view is different.
Notice i am not saying either one is better than the other, just pointing out the difference.
This happening in greater and greater degrees. Each "group" is becoming an island unto themselves. We were, by and large, once like a pane of glass. The hammer of "political correctness/diversity/tolerance" has shattered that pane into many pieces, each with a sharp edge.
And, because we are supposed to tollerate and celebrate our differences people do not feel compelled to conform to any standard. On top of that you have that intellectual dishonesty that prevents people from having open, raional, fact based discussions about race and class.
If one makes a remark about someone or a group outside of their own, regardless of intent or reason, they get the "racist" label thrown at them. Everyone is so terrified of being called racist that they ignore the elephant in the room and talk about how they celebrate diversity and tolerate everyone.
In my life i have known a lot of different people. I've been friends with people with diverse backgrounds, from Europe to Africa, Asia, South America, The middle East as well as gay, straight, transgendered... you name it.
The thing about all of these people is that they are just that. People. Like lines on a map there exist imaginary differences in people. What are those differences, really? culture.
We ignore the negative aspects of culture for fear of being labeled as racist or worse. We are told we can't comment on them. We are to tolerate diffferences instead of trying to unite people.
I happen to have a rather mixed ancestry, granted it is all "white" but my family comes from several different cultures. I place none of them above being an american, though. I appreciate my roots but i don't let them define me.
We, as a nation, have become so "tolerant" that we lost our own national identity.
When did being an American or wanting to be an American become a bad thing?
We've been fed a line about American inferiority and shame. Because of past injustice we are supposed to just throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to American identity.
We should encourage people, in this so-called melting pot, to MELT.
When my ancestors came to america they didn't just create sit back and be as foreigner who lives in America... They strove to become successful AMericans. They understood that they were a part of a new culture. They didn't put their own nationalistic ppride above becoming american. They recognized and celebrated their roots but not at the expense of being an American citizen.
Look at the Irish. They had a pretty damned hard time when they came here, but they worked at becoming a part of the american tapestry. They worked theirr way up through the system and it paid off for them.
They, as well as many other past immigrant populations, should be emulated. Not only by those coming into the country but by anyone looking to succeed as an American.
These cultural divides are causing stagnation and dissent. The wider the gaps between groups of people, the bigger the differences the more people are going to lash out at one another.
People are most comfortable amongst their own kind. We are built that way. Why should that be strange? A place like America is, in the history of man, something abhorrent to history. There has never been a place where more people of varying beliefs and ethnicities have lived together peacefully. We coexist. It's only natural that there be tensions. humans evolved , not as a multi-ethnic, multi-national group but as individual groups with their own cultures and beleifs. Obviously there has been mixing before but not on the scale that we see in the U.S..That is why the melting pot is so vital to our success. People need to leave their differences at the door and become Americans. Mind you I'm not saying "disregard and ignore" those differences, but simply not put them ahead of being an American citizen.
But, again, the intellectual dishonesty hasmade it next to impossible to discuss these things. People are so indoctrinated with the "celebrate diversity" stuff that they see any critical discussion or statement made about a persons culture as bigotry and racism.
It's unfortunate and, in my opinion, dangerous.
We will continue as we are, we will allow ourselves to become more and more divided as a people until the whole thing crumbles.

If you take one baby from every country on this planet and had them all grow up in the same environment, with the same culture there would be no divide.

As far as "racism" goes, i will tell you that in my life I have expirienced much more racism from non-whites than I ever have from whites.
I do not say this to be inflammatory. i do not say this to be spiteful. It is simply an observation.
As I said , I have known many different people from many different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds and of different sexual preferences,
i have lived with, worked with, gone to school with and been friends with these people... and, without a doubt, I have seen and heard much more racist talk from them than any white people i have known. It's not even close.
I believe there is a lot of "perceived" racism or cause-and-effect racism. What i mean is that people see racism that isn't there, or ascribe racist meaning to things that are not, in fact, racist.
The crazy part is that it is tolerated and no one says anything.
I workede in the justice system for a number of years and would talk to rather racially diverse groups. And I was amazed, not only at the level of racism amongst them but that it was as if it were a given. They werren't taboo subjects orpoorly chosen words, but beleifs firmly held and spoken as a universal truth.Jews? Whites? Asians? Blacks?
this wasn't just among those incarcerated, this was a cultural thing. It extended beyond the walls of the facility.
We have been taught to see racism in one dimension and that is White people are racist. In fact, i had one guy tell me that only white people can be racist. He said it's impossible for blacks to be because the oppressed can't be the racist. It's faulty logic by any stretch of the imagination. I have seen plenty of racism perpetrated by blacks. Racism is not a "white" thing. It's an ignorance thing.
But it is socially acceptable to be racist, at least toward white people... especially toward White men. But white men aren't supposed to say anything, they are just supposed to deal with it. i suppose it's payback? retribution? just desserts? Whatever it is it's a dangerous thing and is one of many double standards that exist in the poliitically correct, intellectual dishonest world we live in.
Case in point. One can celebrate being Latino. one can celebrate being black. One can celebrate being asian. But if one celebrates being white?
I'm not trying to get off topic, but this sort of racism is institutionalized. It's taught to us all our lives. The white man must atone and is fair game for ridicule and racism.
But I digresss.
The point of all this is to illustrate that our "celebrated diversity" is, in fact, causing us to regress into a self-segregation. Those in power will use this against us to keep us divided and themselves in power. Any time entire groups or races of people vote one way or another we should all be worried. Because then it is not about us, it's about the preservation of power. Divide and conquer.
Celebrate diversity... but be unified.
This melting pot has cooled. Someone needs to crank up the heat.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Sicul2012

The tea party is not all white.

Racial organizations are only racist when they portrayal their race as superior.

History teaches us that no race is pure, no race is superior, and that we're all a mut species of murderers.

No... The TEA Party is not all white. I'm black and my family and I have been attending TEA Party events for two years now.

And I'm going to tell you strait out - the only real racism I see anymore is from those who want to use my skin color as their weapon, and I'm mighty sick of it!

My brothers and sisters NEED TO WAKE UP!

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by KennibleLecter

Truth, indeed.

Vote farming, in all its forms, be it Latino in the west, Black in the East, white in the south, is the plight of every American who actually wants fair treatment.
edit on 25-8-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by The Sword

I saw no racism in any of that entire post.

Could you please tell me where's waldo the white supremacist? This picture is hard.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by The Sword

Damned racist Tea Partisans! I had one move in next door. There goes the neighborhood. Seriously, would you let you sister date one?

hate against groups is hate against groups, isn't it?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Kitilani

Originally posted by Common Good
Do you really think Political Party has any attatchment directly tied to Racism? I think not.

Civil War ring any bells?

Oh no, you didn't go there!

During the Civil War, the Democrat party ruled the South, the Republican Party were newcomers on the scene, and had taken the north by storm. After the Civil War, during Reconstruction, the Republicans invaded the south (giving rise to the term "carpetbaggers" - what is it with this "bag" thing, anyhow?) and enforced Republican notions on an entrenched Democrat Party in the south.

Which of the two are you accusing of "racism" here?

I can't see how political affinity played into the racism of the times, but I CAN see how economics played into both the partisanship and the racism... much as it does to this very day!

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
Which of the two are you accusing of "racism" here?

Seems you just answered that yourself.
Dixiecrat sound familiar?

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 02:15 AM
*sigh* What people INTENTIONALLY FORGET about the slavery issue is:

1. The emancipation proclimation was not made before the war.

2. Due to the 3/5th compromise, Slaves = More Representation in the HOR. Any fight over slavery effected how many votes the whites of the south controlled.

3. There was still people incensed over the right of the states vs. the rights of the feds--no matter how many of them were in that war for the slaves.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 02:25 AM
Ahhh the "You're a racist!" argument. I thought after Obama got into office that the witchhunt for racist would finally be over. Yes, there are still racist out there but its just not mainstream anymore you have to go looking in a backwater deep south toothless country to find one and even then its hard. Not saying its a bad thing but now when anyone tries to complain or disagrees with Mr.Obama you get branded a racist and instantly discredited. Also a lot of those racist signs are being held up by intrudes sent form the left to try to kill the movement by making them appear racist or unintelligent.

Its tasteless on the lefts sides and shows how scared and weak their movement is becoming.

edit on 8/27/2011 by Mcupobob because: Added video

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Mcupobob

I thought after Obama got into office that the witchhunt for racist would finally be over.

Oh my! Obama was the perfect tool for the libs! Now they could call anyone that disagreed with them a racist! In fact they could besmirch an entire organization with a single word, and it didn't even have to be true! It was the Greatest Multiplier of alleged racists ever concocted!

Reputations could be destroyed, the TPM could be slandered and neutralized, all by the strategic planting of instigators and rantings of (genuine) racists such as Maxine Waters, Joe Biden, and Barack Hussein Obama! It got so bad that the (R) candidate in 2008 would fire any member of his campaign staff that uttered Obama's middle name!

It seemed an indefensible position. That's why I always advocate this retort... do not be intimidated by them. Laugh at them when they call you a racist. Then simply say " Yo Mama " and turn your back on them as you flip them the bird.

edit on 27-8-2011 by mishigas because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by jimbo999
What does that have to do with a return to personal responsibility and smaller government?



posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Originally posted by Kitilani
So why is it that only idiots you denounce happen to be from one political party?

Because you make it so easy.

Beautiful, beezzer!

Although there are true idjuts on both sides of the fence, the majority of them are from one particular side. The ones on the other side are either escapees or provocateurs.

My favorite is this one from Hank Johnson. Guess what party he belongs to. I wonder what his constituents are like; how they did in school, etc..?

and this is my favorite viewer comment:


every one should be carfull not to have too many ppl on one side of the island or it will tip over but dont let every one go to the middle or it will taco

Sorry. I'll stay on topic from now on.
edit on 28-8-2011 by mishigas because: (no reason given)

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