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China Finds 100,000 SQ Miles of Radiation In Pacific Ocean 300 Times Higher Than Normal

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posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:02 AM
Totally normal uh?

China Finds 100,000 SQ Miles of Radiation In Pacific Ocean 300 Times Higher Than Normal

China has discovered 100,000 square miles of Pacific Ocean waters, at distances up to 800 kilometers from Fukushima, with Cesium radiation levels up to 300 times normal and Strontium radiation levels up to 100 times normal.

China says a study conducted by its State Oceanic Administration has found widespread levels of highly radioactive contamination throughout Pacific Ocean.

China’s State Oceanic Administration said the tests show that the polluted area is far wider than the areas released by the Japanese government.

According to the study, the radiation survey found that over 252,000 kilometers, or just shy of 100,000 square mile,s of Pacific ocean waters was contaminated by the time the study was completed on July 4th.

The study found that the radiation has spread to distances up to 800 kilometers from the coast of the Fukushima prefecture.

According to the article, cesium radiation was found at levels up to 300 times higher than concentration levels detected in water off the coast of China.

The study also found Strontium-90 radiation levels up to 100 times higher than those found in Chinese waters.

It's not just intelhub... they have sources from China, Japan and India supporting their article.

And this ain't much of a surprise really.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:13 AM
So.. Does this mean there will be a new flavour sushi coming soon?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:21 AM
Heck with the sushi,
I am worried about my king crab from the Bering Sea.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:30 AM
To be honest I wouldn't put complete faith on studies that come out of china.. Especially when it has something to do with japan..

I would like to see the results of an independent study before I completely believe these results..

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Skewed
Heck with the sushi,
I am worried about my king crab from the Bering Sea.

That's what I am wondering about.

I am going back to Southeast Alaska next spring, and the Japanese currents run right through where I am going. I wonder how bad this is going to effect the crab and salmon fishing.

The ocean current runs from Japan, up the coast and around through the gulf of Alaska then down the west coast of the USA.

This could really hurt Alaska's fishing industry.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 08:18 AM
Yea folks, and the radiation is not gonna stop leaking for a long while yet.

Isnt this how one of those Godzilla movies started?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 08:30 AM
All joking aside, my thoughts are how and when this will get into the atmosphere?
That would be my next concern...

Besides the radiation in the water itself.

What a huge calamity.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by havok
All joking aside, my thoughts are how and when this will get into the atmosphere?
That would be my next concern...

Besides the radiation in the water itself.

What a huge calamity.

Anything that affects the oceans will also affect the atmosphere. The ocean and atmosphere have a symbiotic relationship, so you can bet your britches that when that irradiated water evaporates (and it will, 100% chancebecause water is always evaporating which makes storms and rain) it will end up in the jetstream and storm systems and come raining down on canada and the U.S. because the winds travel from west to east. I would strongly advise against having cookouts on rainy days even if its under a pavilion...

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I have been following the Fukushima disaster from the beginning and I have found that China has a better grasp of reality than Japan.
China also has a lot more people to care for and has been on the planet as a country the longest.
They very much have the right to be concerned and I hope they will continue to be open and honest with any information they find.
To date I have no reason to not believe their hard data. The problem is the translation.
Personally I have never been a fan of Japan and cannot see them being on that island very long now that the corium of at least ! reactors has breached the basements and is is being cooled by the ocean tides.
We also found out that 140% more fuel has been found to be stored under the plants and it has been contaminated with sea water.
We also have it on pretty good authority that our State Department made a deal early on to keep the lid on things with a media blackout, so Japan can continue to export to the United States while other countries have banned anything from coming in to their ports.
This is a very serious matter and we need to light up the phones at the State department and demand labeling of all food products with country of origin.
Thank you all and Godspeed,


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by rbrtj

I just added a thread to the ATS/BTS Food and Cooking section with a list of the radio-protective foods that I know about. Two books are also listed there as well, with documentation on those claims. In addition to the question of what foods to buy, I discuss where to buy, and when. Hang in there, everybody. Here's my food thread:

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