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Planet of the apes and genetic engineering: coming to you soon!

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posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:39 PM
In a recent article in the London Daily Mail, it was stated “Scientist have created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in British laboratories.”

Apparently, some scientist have been successfully fertilizing animal eggs with human sperm, and others have created “cybrids” using a human nucleus implanted into an animal cell or “chimeras” in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.

This may seen rather Frankensteinish in nature, but it is rooted in an issue that is not readily related to smart simians.

Japan is now the oldest society on earth, and Europe is in a situation where only two-fifths of euro zone citizens work. In addition, 60 percent of them receive state benefits. As Americans know in Wisconsin, and Sarkozy found out in France (where he tried to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62), citizens tend to riot when they are threatened to have government benefits taken away.

Taking the above into consideration, and the fact that Westerners feel a God given right to retire at age 60 or earlier, and they are living longer; to paraphrase George Kastanzka’s dad “we have issues!”

The disease that is most likely to affect these aging retirees is Alzheimer’s. How can you cure that? (Watch Planet of the apes for additional info). One way would be to inject human material (brain cells) into animals that are closely related to man and find cures with “cybrid” type technology.

This may sound far fetched, but China has a herd of 39 goats with human-style blood and internal organs created by injecting organs created by injecting stem cells into their embryos.

This is all being done as a way to deal with the future of distorted age demographics. Since we are not reproducing to keep the economy churning, we need to keep the citizens as fit as possible.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:51 PM
But how will the apes overcome humankind? In the movie the humans only die out through pandemic while in real life there are alot of preparation against a global pandemic.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

and the fact that Westerners feel a God given right to retire at age 60 or earlier,

Do they? UK has always been 65 and will soon be 68. Ireland was 65 and has been 66 for some years now and will probably soon be 68 or even 70.

I did not see anyone rioting about that. Trust the lazy French. Some people do not know when they are well off.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:25 PM
If two fifth of Europeans work and no one is starving is the real problem that people exact to work a lot of hours. Manufacturing efficiency is the reason for marketing and fashion: if people only bought new products when old ones needed replacing, even less people would need to be employed. The solution is simple limit the amount of hours people can work. The problem isn't lazy people but too little work; technological improvement has rendered a 5 day week redundant.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:35 PM

Japan is now the oldest society on earth

Uhh. pretty sure it's not...

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by CoSMiC_ChAoS

No one is starving. Everyone has a good statdard of living. The problem is as industry becomes more efficient the only solution is more consumption, inefficient production, unemployment or less hours worked. America has unemployment, Europe has unemployment. The fact is we don't need everybody to work a full week to fulfill their needs. We have either to pay people not to work, or make people work less hours.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:59 PM

There may be primates now smarter than you.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:06 PM
If they are human enough to gain sentience, thy're human. If they don't, they're not. Other than that, I don't honestly care. I'm a Creationist Christian saying that.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
If they are human enough to gain sentience, thy're human. If they don't, they're not. Other than that, I don't honestly care. I'm a Creationist Christian saying that.

Take your dog and drop him 10 miles away. He'll find you.

Move 1,000 miles away, take your dog. Now ditch him 10 miles away. He'll find you.

That dog may be more of a sentient being than us. They can judge people good or bad before they walk into your house. Yet you can not.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Pervius

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
If they are human enough to gain sentience, thy're human. If they don't, they're not. Other than that, I don't honestly care. I'm a Creationist Christian saying that.

Take your dog and drop him 10 miles away. He'll find you.
1. Not all can. Just watched a damned dog run in front of a moving car INTENTIONALLY last night. *sigh* Hell of a night, I assure you.
2. Take me and drop me 10 miles away, I know where I'm at and can leisurely stroll home, most circumstances. Take my dog, and do the same? Gators like dog a lot.

Move 1,000 miles away, take your dog. Now ditch him 10 miles away. He'll find you.
I can still find home quicker.

That dog may be more of a sentient being than us.
They're not self aware. They still can't tell what a mirror's function is.

They can judge people good or bad before they walk into your house. Yet you can not.
Horse Ploppy. My dog is scared of everyone--small children included. I'm not, but I've never had a lack of intuition, either. I damn well know what evil looks like.

Now, can a dog be very smart? Sure, some can, but even the smartest dog isn't sentient. They fail the tests human babies pass every time.

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