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Confessions Of A Dark Sorceror

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posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 06:52 PM

Now that you have formally declared that you have outgrown your sorcerer�s robes, I'd like to comment on some of the metaphysical musings you have given us to consider.

The Society of Light (TSOL) paradigm for spiritualism seems to correspond somewhat closely to this. But in the TSOL paradigms I also see the signs of desire for things to be as they wish, which might obscure that which is truly there -- if there is any truth to the idea that there is an objective spiritual reality at all, which is not clear to me at this time.

There is indeed an objective spiritual reality. It is moderated by The Light Of The God Force which is governed by Universal Law which is unchanging and unalterable. A very good definition for the Higher Path is being able to create matter at will through projected thought that is amplified by The God Force and to be able to do so without being part of a group consciousness. Many will say, aha, that is what Sai Baba does now and Jesus did way back when. Not so. Both had their telekinetic Gifts given to them from large Group Entities that consisted of millions of discarnates.

The trick is to individually be able to Ascend far enough into The Light in order to manifest matter. The only way to eventually become God Realized is by striving to live by The Golden Rule, serving others, and Radiating Love as The Original Creator did.

Some of your thoughts on cosmic beginnings:

Consider what it would be like to find yourself aware, but without any memories or senses. You cannot see, hear, smell, taste or touch. You cannot perceive anything except that you exist. You are utterly alone, and have no frame of reference whatsoever...The explosion of thoughts composes all that you are, it is inherent to you and inseparable from you. You have defined Yourself. You have become God....Structures of thought are built upon one another, until one structure becomes self-aware. God has �reproduced� consciousness within Himself. Now an explosion of structures of self-aware thought occurs, each building upon one another, interacting and regenerating. As at first, they grow without bound, unlimited...This is the Mind of God. These are the spirits, and these are our souls.

The Original Creator did not think Himself into rarefied God Realization. He Radiated Love into eventual rarefied God Realization. He had to spiritually progress the hard way, as we all do. For example, there was a point early in His development, when He was only a basically spiritual soul in the Mid Realms.

The Original Creator was not alone as in the Spirit there was always The Light. He learned through trial and error how to use The Light and how to progress further into it. The emptiness that surrounded Him was the void of space. But He was not truly alone. No one is every truly alone in the discarnate dimensions. Loneliness is readily experienced simply from being corked up in three-dimensional bodies and temporarily cut off from The Light -- until we leave our bodies and return to Spirit.

Finally, The Original Creator did not reproduce consciousness within Himself.
After initiating The Big Bang, He totally and irreversibly divided Himself up into trillions of basically spiritual souls (angels). Many of us know this intuitively. This is what is meant when traditional ministers talk of a piece of God being in each of us. In this timeframe, we are all that is left of him.

BTW, hearing one's own voice is a classic approach that people on the Other Side use for those who are not used to communicating with Spirit. The New Age conception of a higher self is bogus. When you center yourself in Love and Clarity, that is your higher self; it is not floating up there somewhere in the ethers waiting for you to commune with it. *L*

When one hears one's own voice talking to oneself, it is initiated by one or more people on the Other Side, e.g., to offer insight, guidance, etc.

Some Spirit Guides are more knowledgeable and insightful than others. The best way to channel higher beings (e.g., discarnate Saints) is to develop relationships with them. Once again, we are back to Radiating Love on a daily basis.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Majic
It is all too easy to allow them to flood into our mental boats and sweep us away into the tempestuous and turbulent currents of the thoughts of others.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
"fractal." A fractal is a piece of a greater whole that contains within it the design or blueprint of that greater whole -- like a hologram.

Thus, souls are "fractals of light" of The Original Creator.

I cannot resist just reading through this even if it goes way above my head. I would have to say Majic that you really come through clear with your thoughts and perceptions. I would like to say i feel you are close to some reasoning but i know this might be a bit premature given the nature of humans. Or maybe i just don�t want you to stop. You write so fluently you are a pleasure to read. [Don�t think im sucking up cause im not i just think credit due where credit deserved.] But then who am i to give credit?

I am now seeing some sense in the idea of group entity and have come to a conclusion which suits my way of belief, that the bible is incorrect in so many ways, but it can serve well as a reference when compared to the texts of other religions and beliefs.

I struggle with the concept of one god, one Supreme Being, there have been so many deities even before the bible to suggest that there are many gods even if some would say that those gods are false. But along the lines of your "proto thought" i am inclined to believe that somewhere in the begining there was a "proto god". Maybe all the other gods are fractal's of the "proto god".

The big i am

I am part of god, and i am who i am. I am part born of my own flesh and blood, who are themselves part of god, and who are who they are. I am what i am, and i, believe, in that.

I am not, Popeye.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:28 PM
As I lay down to meditate and rest, a vision came to me of a great, cosmic pinball table.

God released a shiny silver ball into the chute, and with a carefully calibrated pull on the plunger, the ball began its journey.

Bouncing back and forth between the posts and bumpers, the points began to add up with cheerful dings, beeps and buzzes. Each a life experience, each changing the course of the ball, each contributing to the overall score.

Racing to and fro, the ball bounces around frenetically, occasionally shooting dangerously toward the bottom, but saved by a deft flick of a flipper, and sent back up the board to score more points.

But alas, fate eventually sees the ball elude the flippers and drop out of the bottom.

But God releases another ball, and with another careful pull on the plunger, a new ball is launched, bouncing merrily around on the board, adding even more to the point total in a ringing chorus of mechanical music.

Again, after a good showing, the ball is lost. But God releases another, and so it goes.

Finally, a ball is lost, but God does not release another ball. �Game Over� flashes on the scoreboard.

So here are the grand metaphysical questions I am left with from this vision:

1) Who is the ball?

2) Who is the player?

3) What is the purpose of the score?

The question I won�t ask formally, but is a worthy adjunct to the above, is: �Does anyone have a few quarters to spare?�

Just another Eternal Day in the Cosmic Arcade.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
If we limit ourselves to existing only on the lower levels, harboring the belief we are not worthy to become co-creators with The Original Creator, how are we to find ultimate happiness and satisfaction with our souls?

We cannot.

Humility teaches it is not our place to make such judgments.

One should not strive to be. One should simply be.


But I think I am well-armed to be suspicious. Perhaps it is vane to seek a higher spiritual path. Indeed, what is a �higher spiritual path� and who decides what makes it �higher�?


To desire to seek a higher state of being is, nonetheless, a desire. It is founded in a value system that prizes �advancement�. But what form does such advancement truly take? I sense that there is a paradox there.

*You see: Raphael stepping into the middle of the street to stop a rickshaw.*

The rickshaw puller speaks, "A sitting buddha does not seek to become Buddha."

Since my spiritual pockets are empty, I have forced myself to bypass the stalls and indulge in a �do it yourself� project, cobbling together my own view of Life, the Universe and Everything from spare memes lying around on the ground.

Sometimes, just being a penniless kid playing in the dirt is a bliss unto itself!

Matthew 5:3 (KJV)
Blessed [are] the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The �but� is this: I cannot understand God �in the raw�. There is no foundation for such understanding. Thus my own consciousness limits my understanding of God, is the best I can work with for now (and forever, I suppose), and that is why God must speak to me in my own voice. There is simply no other way.

This is like catching wind in a bag. Once you catch it, it is no longer wind.

God speaks to us in many ways. One must only know how to listen.

So If I am no longer going to summon spirits, then what, pray tell, do I plan to do?

I suggest a walk along the sidewalk.
"God is. Love God. Live God."

Maybe I might catch a glimpse of the Truth. Just maybe.

When one understands the natures of Love, Pride, and Humility, one can see the truth in all things.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:58 PM
Hoping the parliamentarian won�t notice, I�ll go out of order and reply to kode first:

Originally posted by kode
I cannot resist just reading through this even if it goes way above my head. I would have to say Majic that you really come through clear with your thoughts and perceptions.

My ego and I are always grateful for praise, so no worries there.
I will try to take feedback of this type in the spirit intended. It is gratifying to get positive responses, and I see nothing wrong with that.

As for things being �way above your head�, I think not. Not really. If something I say is obscure, it is a failure on my part to explain, not on yours to understand. We are forced, in this medium, to use words as tools to convey ideas. That can be a challenging constraint.

None of us is perfect, so our effectiveness in transmitting ideas clearly is necessarily less than perfect. Moreover, and certainly often enough in my case, the ideas themselves may be the source of confusion, which ultimately is a sign that they are wrong in some way.

But that�s okay, because we are always free to refine our thoughts, provided we allow ourselves this freedom.

Originally posted by kode
I would like to say i feel you are close to some reasoning but i know this might be a bit premature given the nature of humans. Or maybe i just don�t want you to stop. You write so fluently you are a pleasure to read. [Don�t think im sucking up cause im not i just think credit due where credit deserved.] But then who am i to give credit?

I will confess that I have been becoming increasingly worried that this thread is turning into my own little mini-blog and vanity press. If others are seeing benefit in where this is going, however, then I suppose I can worry less.

While this process is very much centered around choices I am currently making, I do feel that such choices are not a problem unique to me, but common to all of us. While the path each of us follows is necessarily unique, I think there is benefit in understanding what lies behind the choices of others.

Knowing that may make our own choices easier -- or at least provide valuable context for them.

Originally posted by kode
I am part of god, and i am who i am. I am part born of my own flesh and blood, who are themselves part of god, and who are who they are. I am what i am, and i, believe, in that.

I am not, Popeye.

Among many other little things I have done in my life, I have had the distinct pleasure of having met the Dalai Lama up close on one occasion. He is quite a cool guy.

One of the things I like most about him is his sense of humor, which seems inseparable from his innate humility.

On the occasion that I met him, I sat at his feet holding a microphone as a �sound guy�. In truth it was just a pretext my mom used to get me in with her for a press conference, but in fairness, I really am very good at holding a microphone.

One of the obvious �New Age� types in the room, by means of a �question� mused, �I wonder what it must be like to see the world through your eyes,� with an obvious tone of awe.

The Dalai Lama looked at him for a moment, then pointed at his glasses and said, �Well, you would need to wear glasses.�

There is great power in humor. If we cannot laugh, we cannot love. If we cannot love, we cannot live.

Popeye sees more than we know.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:33 PM
Lighting The Way

Paul_Richard: I am really enjoying your contributions and am finding myself �stealing� many concepts from The Society of Light (TSOL) for my own nefarious purposes. There is, without doubt, profound wisdom in your observations.

Where we may come to loggerheads is probably not on principles, per se, but specifics. I would like to propose that such differences not of themselves preclude our exploring them. In fact, their existence may provide clues that can be of value to us both.

At the very least, if you are having half as much fun contributing to this thread as I am, than I am having twice as much fun contributing to it as you are.

It is not lost on me that semantics will tend to be a barrier for us. In that sense, and in recognition of the fact that my concepts are assuredly more nascent than yours, I will try to adopt your terms where I feel I can do so without compromising what I think may be my own insights.

In light of the nature of TSOL�s mission, I will posit that my insistence on an individualized approach to these topics will not be a problem.

Because your posts and my perusal of your website cover so much ground, I wanted to get this message posted, but think it appropriate for me to chew on TSOL more thoroughly before really diving into it.

I want to approach this topic, as with all others, with a clear head, so a) don�t take it the wrong way if it takes me a while to compose a suitable post and b) please don�t wait for me to post before continuing as you see fit.

Love, Pride, and Humility

Originally posted by Raphael_UO
When one understands the natures of Love, Pride, and Humility, one can see the truth in all things.

Raphael_UO, I know you�re looking for that right combination of Love, Pride, and Humility that will get me to see the Light. Don�t worry, I may very well be coming around. I counsel patience.

Also, I know that �Raphael� means �God heals�. I believe you are aptly named!

Quality Thread Award?

To all contributors on this thread, I must say that it is not only going places I never expected, but that I am pleasantly surprised at how awesome and meaningful the contributions are. Thank you so much!

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Majic
Raphael_UO, I know you�re looking for that right combination of Love, Pride, and Humility that will get me to see the Light. Don�t worry, I may very well be coming around. I counsel patience.

Also, I know that �Raphael� means �God heals�. I believe you are aptly named!

As He healed me so too do I share His wisdom to heal others.

Love is patient.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)
To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by kode

I am now seeing some sense in the idea of group entity and have come to a conclusion which suits my way of belief, that the bible is incorrect in so many ways, but it can serve well as a reference when compared to the texts of other religions and beliefs.

I struggle with the concept of one god, one Supreme Being, there have been so many deities even before the bible to suggest that there are many gods even if some would say that those gods are false. But along the lines of your "proto thought" i am inclined to believe that somewhere in the beginning there was a "proto god". Maybe all the other gods are fractals of the "proto god".

Hi Kode,

The mark of a good writer is to explain things clearly. This intellectual discourse is not really hard to understand, just hard to emotionally accept. But isn't that the nature of any exploration of spiritual truth? I think so.

I agree that the Bible, however fragmented and incomplete, has many points of wisdom.

Regarding the "other gods" outside of The Original Creator, I would like to submit that they have all been Group Entities and not true God Realized/Ascended Masters, as the emergence of a God Realized aristocracy is still in its formative stages.

The "burning bush" that Moses dealt with on top of a mountain, was manifested by a large Group Entity posing as The Original Creator.

The Christian goddess that has manifested holographically in Egypt, Yugoslavia, and elsewhere around the world in relatively recent decades, was not a true Ascended Master but a large Group Entity of Christian discarnates.

But how are we to know the difference between a large Group Entity posing as a god and the real thing? You know by the inherent telekinetic limitations of large Group Entities.

There is a limit to how many members a GE can have. It is unheard of to have one that has billions of discarnates. The inherent instability of the members in not being on a high spiritual level ultimately thwarts their ability to manifest major miracles.

A good gauge is this...

When you see someone in a body that is healthy, youthful, beautiful, ageless, and that person has the ability to heal the terminal illness of dozens of people on a daily basis, you have before you a Post Ascended God Realized Master. It has never been done. Large angel collectives that work through those they grace with a Gift of Healing do not have the energy level or telekinetic skill to pull it off.

TSOL says that when The Original Creator emerges in this timeframe via the invitation of one or more future Ascended Masters (most or all of which will not be as advanced as Him), He will have the ability to heal MILLIONS of terminally ill people on a daily basis.

Consequently, all the traditional religions will end soon after. No large Group Entity posing as a false god will be able to compete with that level of telekinetic energy.

Many new Group Entities that form from recently transitioned souls (since most of them fall into oblivion on a daily basis) are doing everything in their power to delay His emergence. Despite various battles being won on their part, they are slowly losing the war.

The Original Creator will eventually be able to come here regardless. This was His plan from the very beginning after He initiated The Big Bang and divided Himself up completely into basically spiritual discarnates or angels. He knew that over eons, a small number of angels would eventually evolve into embracing the beginning stages of God Realization, and that they would then strive to seek Him out before His division (at His spiritual zenith) -- thereby enabling Him to emerge in their present reality (His distant future).

Talk about a farsighted and ingenious strategy!

The question arises, why doesn't He just come now?

Because from His perspective we exist in a timeframe that is billions of years in His future. No one can travel into a future that has yet to exist. But it is possible to go back in time astrally to invite someone from the past into your present.

But won't that change our past?

Not one iota.

TSOL explains that when one goes back in time, one emerges in a parallel timeframe. The timeline that we are in (i.e., our past) is unalterable. That is how it is possible to invite someone from the past into the present without changing our past in the process.

For example, suppose you wished to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor that started America's direct involvement in WWII. If you managed to convince the US Navy in the Pacific and/or had the technology to stop the attack yourself, the future timeline that you came from originally, would not be altered. In other words, where you came from, history would not change. It would only change in the parallel timeline that you decided to alter.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 09:32 PM
Hi Majic,

Feel free to steal away all the ideas you like from us.

Yes, it has been a good time for me with this...

Take your time in responding. There is much to consider.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 11:05 PM

I feel there is only one understanding you need from me at this time, that which you have already seen that I have been stressing. Before I go, I would share just a little more.

While I too have a bus which I am able to drive, I prefer to walk. There is so much more to see when one is not looking through a tiny window in a box with wheels trying to avoid the traffic. Instead of a bus, I pull a little red wagon in case the children I lead get tired.

Ockham's Razor is the principle proposed by William of Ockham in the fourteenth century: "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate'', which translates as "entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily''.

The simplest way I can describe my wagon is "God is. Love God. Live God."

Love is a component to 66% of my simplified belief system.

All "positive emotions" can be expressed in terms of Love.
All "negative emotions" can be expressed in terms of Pride.
In essence, there are only two emotions.

Love is constant and unconditional. Pride grows with Pride.

This is how I discovered there was a difference between these two emotions:

When my children were born I loved them with all my heart. (unconditionally)

When my oldest son took his first steps. I had an emotional response to those steps. I was happy. But beyond that, the happiness I felt made me proud of my son. But I did not love him any more than the day he was born.

When my oldest son said "dadda" for the first time. I had an emotional response to those words. I was happy. But beyond that, the happiness I felt made me proud of my son. More proud than the day he took his first step. But I did not love him any more than the day he was born.

When my oldest son first said "I have to go potty". I had an emotional response to those words. I was happy. But beyond that, the happiness I felt made me proud of my son. More proud than the day he said "dadda" and more proud than the day he took his first step. But I did not love him any more than the day he was born.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

If you have children, rephrase these statements to ask yourself these questions about your child. If you do not, rephrase these statements to ask your mother or father about you.

Love is constant and unconditional. Pride grows with Pride.
Humility is the difference between these two emotions.

When one learns to tell the difference between the two, one can control one's pride. Then one is free to choose between two paths without prejudice. The path of love, or the path of pride.

If "God is. Love God. Live God." describes what you want as the basis of your belief system, learn the natures of Love, Pride, and Humility.

Make Love and Humility the foundation of any other beliefs.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Be careful when building upon your beliefs, lest you build something that is not on this foundation and it drags your entire structure down during a storm.

I will be reading this thread, so I will not be far.
If you (or anyone) would like to U2U me to ask a question, please do.

Take Care.

[edit on 22-8-2004 by Raphael_UO]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 11:25 PM
I will confess that, because of some things I have known, or perhaps more accurately, thought I knew about what is commonly known as �Operation Majestic�, I have tended to laugh off most talk of extraterrestrial �visitors� as fallout from a counterintelligence program.

Well, I�m not laughing anymore. I know this may seem like a real left-field turn for this thread, and perhaps off-topically so.

But due to references to extraterrestrials on the TSOL website -- which I greeted with a tremendous amount of initial skepticism, I might add -- and some poking around on my own, I have come to realize that I need to take a fresh look at the �UFO phenomenon� about which I have, so far, been a self-described agnostic, but in truth have been more of an atheist.

Without jumping to conclusions or making ideological commitments one way or the other, I must now say that I am beginning to suspect that I may possibly have been wrong about that.

Because I can be an excitable boy, I am wary that a certain tingling in my spider sense about all this may just be a by-product of suggestion. Cue up the X-Files theme to complete the mood.

The TSOL website has given me much more to consider than I bargained for. While I am still extremely skeptical about all this talk of Zeta Reticuloids and star empires, it is now eminently clear to me that it would be foolish for me to dismiss such claims out of hand, as I have tended to do in the past.

As any member of this site well knows, this opens up a very major can of wriggling oligochaetes.

I must study this matter and meditate on it thoroughly. In fact, I am seeing this matter as significant enough that I dare not proceed too far down any path until I am satisfied that I have a fairly good handle on just what the truth of it may be.

The Truth Is Out There.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Raphael_UO
Be careful when building upon your beliefs, lest you build something that is not on this foundation and it drags your entire structure down during a storm.

I picked this quote out of your message for reasons that should be clear in light of the post immediately preceding this one.

It is good advice that we would all do well to heed.

Once more into the breach, dear friends!

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 12:24 AM
Paul_Richard: You know I am a skeptic. I need to know something, so I�m going to ask it baldly and flat-out.

What degree of confidence do you have in the accuracy of the information presented on the Society of Light website?

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Majic

What degree of confidence do you have in the accuracy of the information presented on the Society of Light website?

Hi Majic,

I don't mind your skepticism and would be happy to answer your inquiry.

There are degrees of certainty in the material presented. The channeled material about evolutionary development discernment and the awareness about probable events I conservatively place at about eighty percent accurate.

My particular growth, as is given to me from TSOL, is purposely understated. If I stated exactly my progress from 1980, most would not get past that and get to the "meat" of awareness on Chakra Radiance and our unique paradigm for spiritual development in general.

The various cross-references about the self-serving and subtly imperialistic Zetan agenda, confirmed by a number of independent sources linked on the site, I have come to believe without question.

The same goes for the theory of Colonialism/Interventionism for the origin of humankind on this world.

An intriguing note on this issue�

As the story goes, the Anunnaki (Zetan-Reptilians), hundreds of thousands of years ago, found "already evolving hominids" on this world before mixing their DNA with them in order to come up with a Homo sapien slave race to work the mines. If the hominids were already evolving, does that not prove Evolutionism? No, says TSOL, as it wasn't natural selection that caused the hominids to emerge, but the telekinetic influence of large Group Entities on the DNA of animals that allowed it to slowly manifest.

In other words, given enough time, something resembling a Homo sapien would have eventually occurred on this planet without Zetan DNA tampering because of the telekinetic influence of Group Entities who cultivated the emergence of humanoid life here and in many other solar systems -- most of which currently embrace medieval technology.

I constantly suffer from discarnate demonic attack. Millions of people on the Other Side are very opposed to what I am doing and persecute me for it. In various degrees of intensity, I've had that experience all my life but was clueless as to what was happening until the late 1970s when I started to really pursue spiritual awareness. In recent years, with increased understanding and improved psychic perceptivity, it has become obvious to me that a number of those astral attacks come from Zetan Group Entities.

It stands to reason that discarnate Zetans are abusive precisely because we are promoting an accurate understanding of their physical counterparts and their imperialistic, self-serving, ultimately self-destructive focus.

There are other indirect indications of the information on the site being accurate.

For example, I've had Group Entities come to me and telepathically declare, �Jesus is Lord." But they would have the characteristic yellow energy about them, indicating that they are in the Mid Realms where the basically spiritual (and somewhat deceptive) dwell. If they were truly representative of the Monad or God Realized dimensions, they would have the characteristic intense white energy about them, which they do not.

When discarnate demonic forces launch an astral assault, I would occasionally tune into their orange and red energy. Whenever I perceive or clairvoyantly see a lot of orange and/or red energy afoot, I know that a Group Entity of common spirits in the Lower Realms is mucking around and that there will be a negative influence on the incarnate people that I deal with.

I've had individualistic Archangelic figures that had their last life of service to The Light in a medieval system confirm to me the awareness about the Zetans. Amanda comes to mind.

Oftentimes, the energy colors of sky blue and white of those in the Higher Realms (who I channel) is obvious too.

All this awareness has taken decades to unravel, as all along there have been Group Entities who have been opposing me through the years, distorting my understanding and abusing me as they destroy themselves. I found that as I progress, the speed at which opposing discarnates fall into oblivion has also increased.

The innovative approach of Chakra Radiance to spiritually progress, with an emphasis on the cultivation of Purity and Humility, is experientially evident, in having developed it with the help of Spirit and in having used it for many years.

So in the overall sense, I have a great deal of confidence in the accuracy of the information on aliens and the spiritual awareness in general on the Solist Mysticism site.

[edit on 23-8-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 01:26 PM
Last night I finally got some good solid rest for the first time in several days.

It can be easy, when faced with so many questions, to anguish about them and, while I have found the past few days to be wonderfully enlightening, they were taking a physical toll on me. There is still some weariness, but I think I�ll survive.

Though I slept well last night, I awoke with many �revelations� dancing around in my punkin� head, and before checking on the thread, decided to try to write them down and try to capture them. There are many of them, and they seem to cover a wide field, so I�m focusing on those that I think are most relevant to this thread at the moment.

The one on my mind at the moment is our differing views of God.

Paul_Richard: Where I am wrong in representing Solist views, please feel free to slap me around a bit and set the thread straight. I am doing my best to interpret them properly, but am juggling multiple views of reality in my little noggin -- which is no mean feat, folks! -- so correct me where I�m wrong. Also, where I don�t capitalize Solist gods, don�t take it personally -- I�m not a Solist, after all.

As is my custom, I may tend to be tongue-in-cheek on some things, but I ask that my humor not be misunderstood. I find it not only helps add some color to what might otherwise be dull monologues, but can be illustrative in its own ways.

Also, I am just pushing this onto the thread without reading the latest posts, so bear that in mind.

My God Can Beat Up Your God

One thing that has puzzled me about my differences in vision between the Solist view of the Creator and my view is probably, in fact, no more than a matter of scale, context and semantics (which are the bane of all spiritual discussions).

My visions of the Creator show Him cranking out universes like we would crank out mere thoughts. Truly, in my visions, this universe of ours is but an almost imperceptibly minute mote in the totality of God. Bear in mind that I define God as Everything Without Exception, literally the embodiment of All That Is. So let�s keep that in mind.

Meanwhile, the Solists seem to see the universe we live in as the totality, with the Original Creator/Lord Alpha being its creator, and having given it spiritual life by dividing Himself into trillions of spiritual entities that compose the spiritual continuum for us. Also, Lord Alpha is not an �explosion of thought�, but one who has progressed over time to become a God Realized Master.

In trying to reconcile these differences in perspective, I was puzzled. Do they conflict? At first I thought so, but after last night, I think not. Rather, I think it�s a question of context and scale.

I think we�re talking about different Gods.

If you can, for the sake of examination, accept this as a hypothesis for a moment, I think you will agree with me that this may very well be the case. I�ll use the terms �my God� and �Solist god� or �Lord Alpha� for convenience, but hope the reader can understand I am not referring to ownership by doing so.

Firstly, �my God� is, by His nature, unique and ultimate. None can �progress to being God� without being destroyed as an individual, because God is All That Is. To know all that God knows is to cease being a distinct being.

In the Solist view, any spirit which advances sufficiently can become a God Realized Master as Lord Alpha, but a different god of a new realm that he/she creates. In other words, Lord Alpha is, effectively, capable of reproducing through us.

By this very definition, and in the Solist recognition that parallel universes can be created via time travel paradoxes, I say Lord Alpha is not the same as �my God�.

So I think we�re talking apples and oranges.

Lord Alpha, the creator of this universe, is a structure of thought, a spiritual being, within the Mind of �my God�, which I believe the Solists refer to as �All That Is�, a term I rather like and have stolen from them (one of many thefts).

So Paul, before going any further on this particular topic, I seek your opinion on this.

Edit: Sometimes I amaze even myself at how convoluted I can make a sentence.

[edit on 8/23/2004 by Majic]

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Majic
I have often considered sin (a term which I believe derives from archery, meaning �to miss�) to be a �turning away from God�. In light of the notion that Pride is the original sin, this leads to some interesting concepts.

The general idea being that perhaps sin is what defines us as individuals. In other words, if we were not sinless -- meaning not somehow separated from God -- we would not exist at all!

If ultimate Humility means rejecting the self, then ultimate Pride means placing the self above all things (hmm, Satan�s Folly?).

I wonder, however, if it may not be possible to have a good sense of self-esteem and still be humble? Perhaps by being secure in one�s self without placing one�s will above those of others?

There must be a purpose for individuality, and although maybe it is a sin, in a technical sense, to be an individual, maybe that�s not necessarily a bad thing. For after all, without our existence as individuals, God would be very much alone.

There is a purpose to all of this, I am certain of it, but the purpose eludes me.

Hmm, so many things to ponder! If that�s a sin, then I am as guilty as it gets.

Hmm, depends on what you mean by rejecting the "self". Are you talking about the ego? The Hindus seek to realize the Self by transcending the Ego. For the Self is that unchangeable core that is part and parcel of God. It is that which connects you to the universe. That's what the Hindus try to know. It is the higher Self. The ultimate destination for Hindus is merging with God, yet, in the Bhagavad-Gita it asserts that does not mean we lose our individuality completely. Not quite separate but not quite the same. The metaphor of a dewdrop on a leaf is often used to describe it.

Hindus look upon life on Earth as an opportunity for learning. We reincarnate from time to time to gather experience and learn, and when we're done learning we merge with God again. But that itself doesn't mean we stay with God for eternity, because eventually we desire our individuality again. It's a cycle that never ends.

"If ultimate Humility means rejecting the self, then ultimate Pride means placing the self above all things (hmm, Satan�s Folly?).

I wonder, however, if it may not be possible to have a good sense of self-esteem and still be humble? Perhaps by being secure in one�s self without placing one�s will above those of others?"

I'm a Hindu, so I obviously can only speak from a Hindu viewpoint. Humility would be to know that to think yourself separate from the universe is the illusion. This is the advaita or non-dual perspective. I do not believe in Satan, but it's placing the ego ahead of all things is which perpetuates the illusion and keeps you from realizing God, which is everything. Technically, we aren't separated from God, as God is all around us, and in us. But he is a passive observer, watching as we let our ego dictate our actions.

Until we seek to transcend our ego, we will never "know" God, and thus, will continually be bound to reincarnate on Earth. For some people that may be a desirable thing, but I think after going through enough births, eventually, they end up striving to transcend the cycle of birth and death, and just merge with God.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 02:09 PM
Hi Majic,

To refer to Him as either The Original Creator and/or Lord Alpha is fine by us.

The idea that "God" is in everything and that everything is "God" is the definition of pantheism. But the pantheistic perspective doesn't acknowledge or address the energies of Spirit (i.e., The God Force) that many in the flesh channel for healing, telekinesis, etc.

The traditional perspective on the being that manifested Creation is to think of that being in absolute terms. But many things in our lives show us that the concepts of "perfection" and "infinity" don't exist. What does exist are degrees of excellence and extent of scope.

Athletes must train for years before they even have a shot at participating in the Olympics.

Academically, years of study are required in order to be considered an expert in any given field.

Many scientists now believe that the Universe is not infinite at all, just very, very large. This provides an indication that the Creator of the Universe was also not infinite, just very rarefied as a God Realized Master. (He "cranked out" only one Universe and we are in it.)

So it is with spiritual development. No one at any time is able to just "pop into infinite existence or even highly evolved existence." Everything is gained through effort, struggle, and experience. So it was for The Original Creator, the very first soul to emerge. He started out with a Dominant Aura Color of Brown and slowly worked His way up in consciousness in The Light to Red, then Orange, then Yellow, then Violet, then Sky Blue, then White and finally Intense White. There were and are no shortcuts. He struggled for a very long time to achieve His I AM as a rarefied Elder Master before initiating The Big Bang.

BTW, TSOL also teaches that Lord Alpha will indeed create a race of God Realized Masters after His emergence here; these are referred to as Thrones. But He did not create consciousness at all before His division into angels, as we are all that is left of Him in this timeline.

Solist Mysticism doesn't teach that the Universe is a "structure of thought" but that it is material in nature and was created by projected thought that was highly amplified by The Light Of The God Force. Matter can only be created with The God Force.

You are a highly intelligent individual and despite your skepticism, I have thoroughly enjoyed our discourse. By the way, I remember another genius in this forum (who shall remain anonymous unless he chooses otherwise) who became a Solist Mystic and also struggled with his skepticism -- and still does. We all do. That struggle is necessary and part of the process of growth and continued spiritual awakening. TSOL says that he is now on the Higher Stages from his application of Chakra Radiance. In using his self-taught web mastering ability, he also happens to be responsible for revamping the entire Solist Mysticism website with a very professional look. We are grateful to him for that. His Spirit Name, taken from an incarnation long ago, is Archimedes.

Fear and doubt, as long as they don't rule you, have their place.

"Better to start with doubt and end with certainty."

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 02:22 PM

Solist Mysticism embraces the Mormon concept that everyone has the spiritual potential to eventually become God Realized to the extent of being able to manifest one's own idyllic planet (sic). The difference is we have a very clear methodology in getting there.

This is not pride but a very constructive spiritual focus and an innovative approach to raising consciousness, called Chakra Radiance.

To evolve into having power in the Spirit and to only use that energy constructively and in service to The Light.

If we limit ourselves to existing only on the lower levels, harboring the belief we are not worthy to become co-creators with The Original Creator, how are we to find ultimate happiness and satisfaction with our souls?

We cannot.

We must have the courage to strive to new levels of spiritual development and take the responsiblity to use our power in heaven only for Good.


If anything, this is one of the most entertaining threads I've had the pleasure of participating in. *L*

Enjoy the ride of spiritual and metaphysical contemplation. It is one of the benefits of being mystically inclined.

In Autobiography of a Yogi, there is a similar concept, in which a soul sheds his material body, and lives in his astral body, and continually entering a material body, shedding it and entering the astral body, until the material karmic desires are fulfilled. Then the soul sheds the astral body, and is in the causal body, and has the potential to create universes, just like God can, and express his own causal karmic desires. Once his material and astral karmic desires are fulfilled, I think he remains in the causal body, somewhat united with God, but still able to express his individuality through creating Big Bangs and universes of his own.

I'm not quite sure of the details, but essentially, that's what I gathered from reading Autobiography of a Yogi, which IMHO, is a great book.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 03:19 PM

Once I took the test over at to determine which religion I was closest to in beliefs. The answer was Hinduism...

I am somewhat familiar with the ideas of Paramahansa Yogananda. One of the things that he espoused is that he knew of someone who could manifest flowers but that the ability to do so was not an indication of spiritual attainment. This is a good example of the principle that someone can have powerful Gifts of the Spirit (given from a large Group Entity) but not be a person that lives by The Golden Rule and serves others (i.e., not be a spiritual person).

I am sure that you are aware of the numerous allegations of Sai Baba of India (who has many Gifts) being a sexual predator of young men and boys at his ashram. Years ago I remember him being referred to as the "Christ of India" because he could duplicate all the telekinetic miracles attributed to Jesus of Nazareth. But Sai Baba is not a spiritual person. I remember a Hindu monk in 1995 (Gurudas Natarajan) telling me that many who know of his pedophile activities consider him to be only a magician.

Then the soul sheds the astral body, and is in the causal body, and has the potential to create universes, just like God can, and express his own causal karmic desires. Once his material and astral karmic desires are fulfilled, I think he remains in the causal body, somewhat united with God, but still able to express his individuality through creating Big Bangs and universes of his own.

As with other metaphysical schools of thought, we define the three aspects of being as Mind, Body and Spirit. When the soul leaves the flesh, it returns to the primary reality of Spirit. To us, there is no distinction between the "causal" and "astral" bodies. The process of incarnating and suffering, in and of itself, is not what causes the soul to spiritually progress. What causes the soul to progress is its striving to live by The Golden Rule, to serve others, and to learn to Radiate Love and Compassion; these things dictate how far one can venture into The Light after one if free of the body.

Another one of our ideas that parallels other metaphysical schools of thought, is that we have an influence on the choosing of our parents and it is also our choice to incarnate in the first place. Many prefer to just stay in the Spirit and this does not necessarily mean that they are evil or wrong in making that choice. We are fortunate to have spiritually conscientious souls on the Other Side to serve as our Spirit Guides.

[edit on 23-8-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 03:30 PM
Hoping that I am not degenerating into sophistry, I am curious about the Solist view of what, if anything, lies outside the universe we live in.

Before asking my question, I would just like to point out that although I refer to God as �infinite�, that�s probably misleading in as much I imagine that God could be quantified at any given �point� (and thus not be infinite).

However, because there is no inherent constraint of time, or even necessarily cause and effect, in what I consider the �pure spiritual continuum� or energy from which all is composed, there really isn�t a given �point� at which God can be measured.

Hence the notion of an explosion, which is bound within the concept that God �became� in an instant that encompasses eternity. To describe something like this, �infinite� comes to mind. Without the elements of time and space, or other dimensional constraints, however, the English language is just about useless in trying to convey what I mean by all this.

As for our �physical� universe, I will agree that it is definitely not infinite in size, but rather expanding at the speed of light (although possibly faster) and growing over time, with the radiation from the original �Big Bang� forming its outer edge as it expands. Infinite? No, just very, very big, and always getting bigger.

However, this expansion is not merely that of radiation released from an explosion, but the very fabric of what we call space-time itself, defined by a �matrix� of energy that embodies the characteristics of our unique universe and its functions. I am not sure that this matrix is constrained by the speed of light, but will assume that it is for now.

To physically travel outside of this universe is, as best I can tell, impossible, as the �edge� would simply �expand� to encompass whatever �space� you brought with you. In other words, I don�t think a faster-than-light craft or one that �compresses� or otherwise distorts space-time could actually �go beyond� the �edge of the universe�.

That is a metaphysical puzzle for us at this time, I suppose. Perhaps others with the technology to do so have tried it.

But back to my curiosity about the Solist view of All That Is, which I can hopefully ask in a succinct manner thus:

Do Solists consider or allow for the existence of an Outside, or other universes distinct from ours (and not parallel in the sense of being branched from ours)?

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