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Freedom Forthcoming: A Short Revolution Manifesto

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:53 PM
Please note that this is quite a long read and I have decided to post it after the request by some in another topic and over time.

Freedom Forthcoming: A Short Revolution Manifesto

Disclaimer Please note that this article is in no way encouraging people or advocating illegal activities to be taken, nor is it intended for recruitment of any shape or form. This document simply relates to hypothetical information and situations. Thank you.


I cannot say that I know what it is like to fight on the battlefield. With the exception of school yard scuffles and threatening encounters, I have led a life of nonviolence. However, what I can say is that I have led a life ridiculed by the system in which people have come to know as normal in the United States. Myself, along with those close to me have become victims to the capitalist society that imaged itself as a Democracy and a free market. The sad truth is that if ever it were these things, the United States of America did not have a long journey into the bowels of corruption that destroyed the legacy and vision the founders of the country had in mind.

Today, economic turmoil and negligence on account of those in charge leaves the people feeling hopeless in exchange for their security. Those in power have made the populace believe that in order to remain safe in the war ravaged world, ravaged coincidentally by our very own wars, they must sacrifice their liberty. While conspiracy theorists argue over the means that those in power have used to gain such firm control over the people, I believe that the simple answer is closest to home. Quite simply the people of this nation chose complacency in modernism over activism through conservative ideals set forth in our founding.

But even those who still choose to carry the flame of the voiceless, remain unheard and censored in a sea of uncaring corporate ideals and corruption. Money and materialism holds the loudest voice in America in these modern times and thus it holds the most sway. Regardless of how far the global economy plummets and America is ousted for the monetary schemes it has provided for over the last century, greed of wealth, greed of fame, and greed of power will continue to hold paramount over these 50 United States.

Before I go on to outline my conclusion on the mess that the country has become, allow me to first say that which should quell the voices of all those who feel that peaceful activism will allow us a path to releasing this country from the grip of the elite. I have watched for over a decade the peaceful demonstrations that set upon our nation’s capitol and various other locations. I have observed as the leaders of this great nation ignored the signs, the voices, and the requests of the masses who turned out in great number. I have watched as taxes were opposed, as wars were called to end, and as laws were passed regardless of public opinion. In short, I have watched as the leaders of this so called “Republic” failed to represent the citizens of this country and so therein sealed their fates.

When I was eleven years old I fell in love with the founding document of the United States, The Declaration of Independence. It was through this simple document that an experiment of freedom began and ultimately failed as people were incapable of holding up their end of the bargain. Though I feel the entire document is an amazing piece of literature in and of itself, the opening text always stood out among all the rest:

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —“

-bold emphasis placed by me.

This founding document warned us of what was to come should we allow the stranglehold to slip over the head of liberty. It explained that the people would rather suffer and deal with what they were given, simply because they had become accustomed to it – much like can be said of today. And lastly, it stated the way America should be, and what the American people must do if ever the way of freedom and equality was broken – “it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

They laid out the plan that they were about to enact to do the very same thing that the American people need to do today in order to restore the nation to the greatest nation on Earth. They called for a REVOLUTION – and that is exactly what I am calling for today.

The arguments against such actions are plentiful indeed. It is a modern belief that peaceful action is able to achieve great strides in the modern world. Yes those in power still would use violence against us. They would turn our freedoms against us in a moment if only it meant that their grip on power would hold firm just a little bit longer.

As stated prior, peaceful action has had no effect on our government thus far, why would anything change about such actions today? Well, some would like to source the Indian Revolution and the works of one Mahatma Gandhi and his strict stance on non-violence. While many perceive this as the greatest account of successful peaceful change in modern history, what many don’t take into account is the difference between American and Indian culture, and the differences that made the peaceful protests possible. While those involved in the Indian independence movement found no problem sacrificing their daily lives and luxuries for the chance at chance, Americans embrace laziness and conformity, finding solace in keeping to themselves and living life as normal as it has ever been. Americans are incapable of giving up their luxuries by choice, simply because the past generations have been raised to follow the American way where everything in life was plentiful.

The only problem is that the American way was a lie. There was always a drastic separation between the wealthy, the middle class, and the poverty stricken in the United States, much more than any other country in the world. The world of American “plenty” never existed for some people, but that did not stop the idea from imbedding itself into the minds of the people via government propaganda. American people have been led to believe that the United States is the greatest country on Earth, regardless of its short comings and dirty secrets that are swept under the rug. They are taught to be happy with what they have and not to question the status quo because no matter how bad it is perceived to be here, through brainwashing and propaganda; Americans will always believe that there in nothing better or capable of being better besides their current situation. They may complain and silently demonstrate their displeasure, but in the end, no average American will risk giving up what they have in a hope for something better.

That is why in the end, no matter how much we hope and try for peaceful change in the United States, even if corruption is outright revealed in the face of all the public eye, there will never be enough people willing to risk what they have for the greater good. Materialism and object dependence has taken a hold on people so much that even the simplest of acts that would stop our government in its tracks and make them listen seem like an effort beyond capability to most everyone.

I wish for world peace as many other people do, but I am no blinded by such an obsession to believe in the unity and advancement of our species where it does not exist. As much as some people would like to believe that our civilizations have advanced past the used of brutal war, killing, torture, and forcing beliefs on people – we are no more advanced today that during the time of the Crusades or Spanish Inquisition; only today we do a better job at hiding it.

So it is with great regret that in 2009 I came to the conclusion that this country will see a second American Revolution within the next five years, and if it did not start by then on its own, I would have to be the one to set the wheels rolling.
Following the trends that I saw in the leadership abilities, the economy, and the general suffering of the people as it grew worse over the years – I knew that before long there would be those that took to the streets, those that life had spared nothing for, and those that had anger to unleash. It came as a surprise to me when other countries stepped forward first; the Middle East, Central Europe, and the United Kingdom, all locations not specifically known for their histories of liberty and freedom, yet the people chose to rise instead of take the abuses any longer.

Some were full blown revolutions, others were simply acts of anarchy, leaderless rebellions against the status quo. I felt a feeling of pride for all of these people as each action was revealed, not in support of the criminality that was involved in some of the acts, but the fact that there were people that actually acted upon their beliefs in this world. In the United States, with the exception of a few roving bands of disgruntled youths, the people have remained calm and cool in the face of impending economic collapse, ignorant leadership, and broken livelihoods. Instead of rising up against the reasons for their hard ships, the people in tent cities across the United States patiently suffer because no one will act. Fear has become contagious and leadership has become extinct – for it is the leaders that must be willing to face the scrutiny and quite possibly forfeit their lives to initiate the cause.

The time has come in America for someone to take the reins of the resistance and lead those who would hope for a better future. That is why I am here. I do not want to lead because I crave fame or power. I do not want to lead because I want to enforce my will upon other people. I do not want to lead because I crave violence and people in my iron sights. I lead because nobody else will. Everyone else wants to play the game with the same rules that those in power have laid before you, but they don’t realize that the game is rigged, and they will never rigged.

I am no different than any person reading this here today. I have led an average life but I have faced the hardships that many cannot lay claim to. For that I have come to know that the one thing that I despise most in the world is a cage, and most of all, being in that cage. I have come to understand that I would rather die than to be a part of the vicious cycle that is normalcy in American lives, the cycle that begins with your enslavement to work, the necessity to buy and consume, and then death with no fulfillment of life. I know my right and those of everyone else. I do not fear my government and I know that my government should fear me. The government fears all of us, because without us, they don’t even exist.

With that said, this manifesto will outline not the steps taken to succeed in such a revolution, but the steps that need to be taken to ensure that anarchy does not follow, that government is restored quickly, and that all attempts to corrupt the government and its members in the future can be prevented forthright. Do note that in the complete version of this manifesto, the rules of engagement and strategies of the revolution may also be included. However, this version will not be made available to the public until further notice. Rest assured, all strategies are focused on minimizing the risk of civilian involvement and, if capable, preventing all casualties.

To be continued in the following posts.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:53 PM
The Reason for it All


  1. the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
  2. exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
  3. the power to determine action without restraint.
  4. political or national independence.
  5. personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: a slave who bought his freedom.

That is the cause in a nutshell: freedom. To look at all of those definitions of freedom, when you think about it, nobody in the United States can fall under those definitions completely. We are confined under the rules of law, even those that we do not want are respect, and we are confined to prisons if we do not agree with them. We are slaves to regulation and told daily what we can and cannot do, act upon, and consume. We are not politically free by the account that we are forced to take part in government programs, even if we do not support them, do not want to be a part of them, and never receive anything from them. The argument of personal liberty combines all the others to reveal that in the “land of the free” nobody truly is.

Freedom. Liberty. I feel the two words are interchangeable and that the founding fathers of the United States wanted a society based on those two words. They of course understood that there should be limitations, especially when it comes to infringing on another person’s freedoms – and so they drafted our Constitution with that in mind and a system of government based on the Republic of ancient Rome, of course, with improvement along the way.

The problem in politics today, and a key factor that led to corruption, is that politicians made people believe that the Constitution was a guideline for what the government couldn’t do, and anything not included within its pages was fair game. On the contrary, The Constitution was a LIMITATION of government power, stating the power which government had – and ONLY that power, preserving any other power to the states and ultimately the individuals. Therefore in terms of Constitutional law, nearly every act of the government in the past century, and perhaps longer, was outside the scope of its power. Ultimately, the only two major powers that the federal government should have is A. the regulation of our currency and B. the protection of our nation. While some other small powers do arise [such as the power to create federal courts, maintain the post office, and manage taxes (NOT INCOME TAX)], these are the powers in which the federal government is supposed to be limited. Looking at government today, it is quite easy to see that this is not the case. In fact, the federal government is so perverse and expansive in our lives today, that there is rarely a single day in which each of us isn’t directly influenced by its power.

That is why first and foremost, the reason for revolution, and the reason we should strive to be better is simply for FREEDOM.

But this is where some people get confused. Freedom is not forcing what you think is right on other people. It is not dictating who can get married, where someone can build a mosque, what substances people put in their bodies, or as to whether or not people can sell their bodies for money. Freedom is freedom for all beliefs and aspirations – not just your own.

The left-right paradigm has had people arguing over which freedoms each side was going to take from each other for decades. In they end, most people don’t realize that they are all losing, and the more freedoms are taken away from a particular sub group of people, the more likely that your freedoms are to be taken away in the future as well. Absolute freedom is what the Constitutional government was trying to create, but through abuses of power and easily influenced populations, true freedom died a very long time ago.

I find that this is the most difficult part for the average person to look past when it comes to revolutionizing government. I do not know what gave people the idea that they should have any control over what other people do, but it grows rampant on Americans today. People need to understand that freedom of others to do as they wish does not mean that they have to agree with, take part in, or accept their ways of life. It only means that you tolerate it in exchange for the tolerance of your beliefs and ways of living.

The future rests on the ability of people to look past their selfish desires to see everyone conform to their standards, and embrace differences knowing that yours will never be questioned so long as you don’t question others. That is the meaning of true freedom, and that is the direction in which this country needs to turn.

To be concluded in following post.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:54 PM
Rebuilding It All

The smoke has cleared and the revolution is over. The patriots and the militias have won. Ideally it was won with no bloodshed and a simple demand that power be returned to the people. Realistically there was always the understanding that bloodshed and destruction of infrastructure would be commonplace along the way. Now as the government is in shambles and the people look on, a new government needs to be established and the rebuilding effort must begin. So what do we do?

  1. Interim Government
    First and foremost, and interim government must be established. In most revolution scenarios this is made up by the leaders of different involved parties. However it must also be understood by all involved that there will be no usurping of power, and that effective and elective government must be restored in a timely manner as possible. But before all that, there needs to be some changes put into the books that will prevent the newly elected government from become just as corrupt as or even worse than the last one. These ideas will have to be discussed and debated thoroughly among the people involved, but to start I have a few ideas that I would lay onto the table to start.

    1. Absolute Political Term Limits
      It is due to the longevity of some of the career politicians in Washington that corruption was able to foster and long term destruction was made possible. That is why a suggestion of term limitations to a maximum of one or two, must like the President, should be made for all elected representatives
    2. Federal Salary Cap
      Another proposal I would make is a cap on the salaries of all elected officials to be equal to the national average income in the country at time of election. Serving the country should not be a get rich quick job scenario; it should be an honor to serve and should provide comfortably for sustainability. Also, providing a link to the national average income will promote politicians to help better the economy and standard of living for all people.
    3. Bribery is Treason
      Though technically illegal in today’s political spectrum, bribes, illegal campaign contributions, and under the table transactions play a large factor in politics and passed laws. A crack down must be enforced that should any politician be found to be accepting bribes of any form in order to sway legislation voting in ones favor, it should be punishable as treason and should be punished accordingly.
      With these three suggestions, and other various ideas proposed, corruption should be able to be stamped out prior to the continuation of the election process.

  2. Infrastructure Restoration
    While it is with the hope that not much damage with occur within the country, there is the chance that a prolonged revolution could lead to failing infrastructure across the United States. This would lead to problems such as power outages, lack of clean water systems, and possible melt down situations.
    During the transition period, there will be no reason to stop servicing such amenities crucial to life, however, there will be many who choose to abandon their posts and problems will occur. Simple, but perhaps time consuming actions need to be taken immediately in order to get the country running to full stability once again. The “Five R’s” will help us reach that goal.

    1. Restating the Military
      If the military has not already been brought home, all troops will be asked to return to the country immediately, leaving all presence from other countries with exception of official United States embassies. The military must then be stationed on full guard on the borders of the United States, southern, northern, and oceanfront, in order to prevent any unauthorized entry and to quell any thoughts of other nations taking advantage of the instability of the country.
    2. Reaffirming Unity
      First and foremost, federal delegates need to be sent to each state that was a part of the union, preferably at least two delegates to each of their home states. Each state governing body will be presented with the new plan of action and will then be given the opportunity to reaffirm their inclusion within the United States. If they choose to break bonds with the union, then they will be exempt from federal control. However, the issue should be placed to public vote, not simply rest on the shoulders of those in power before the federal change.
    3. Rebuilding Congress
      Upon reaffirming their membership to the union, each state must then reelect members to congress to speak upon their behalf. This can be done very much the same way as is done today, however, limitations based on political party and wealth should be nonexistent.
    4. Restoring Civility
      The first acts of state and federally elected officials should be reestablishing their home states and making sure that everything is accounted for and resources paramount to livelihood are restored as soon as possible. Members of the militias and military will be readily available to help rebuild infrastructure and maintain order until the court systems and police forces are up to full force once again.
    5. Restructuring Government
      Last, and most important, is the initial abilities of the rebuilt Congress. It will be through them and the interim members of government that each law that does not link to the powers of Congress as described in the Constitution, and the delegates would be responsible for informing their states of any changes that might affect them.

  3. Isolating the Issues
    With time, Congress and the interim government will be able to bring the power of the federal government back to its Constitutional limitations, at which time a President and other officials will be able to be elected. Upon election of the President, and once the Supreme Court is established and understands the limits of Constitutionality, the interim government can disband.
    Many issued will have to be addressed in the coming days, some of theme of very much importance. They might include but are not limited to:

    1. The eradication of the dollar as a fiat currency
    2. The restoration of the American markets
    3. Reestablishing free trade with other countries
    4. Restructuring and/or removal of the current US tax code
    5. Establishing permanent border security while promoting legal immigration
    6. Practicing a policy of non-intervention
    7. Promotion of small business across the nation
    8. Limitations on corporate bureaucracies

To conclude, when all is said and done the government should be running very much like it already runs today, the only exception being the intrusion into your life and choices. The economy will ultimately become very unstable and the country will face a long down period, but regardless, this is inevitable. Steps will need to be taken to restore our currency and regain standing of trade with the rest of the world. Manufacturing would have to be given an incentive to return to the United States. Government handouts will slowly begin to fade away and people will start having to learn to take care of themselves once again, while all the while practicing charity for your neighbor who is unable to take care of himself or herself. Mom and pop businesses will be given a chance to thrive once again and kids will once again be able to be told of the “American dream” and how they truly do have the opportunity to do anything they want, so long as they work hard to achieve it.

In time things will get better and as the American people always do, they will whether the storm much like they have time and time again – and this time it will be very much worth it; life under a true Republic, with true freedom, where truly the sky will be the limit.

We can dream all we want about the story book America that we were told about as kids, or the romanticism of the freedom won in the Revolutionary War, but unless we all decide to stand once and for all, it will be just that – a dream; a dream that is an extension of the modern day “American nightmare”.

Now, if anyone would like to add anything, suggest anything, or comment on anything I have said here today, please feel free to do so. I will also answer any questions that anyone may have.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:59 PM

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by SupersonicSerpent
Way too much to read do you seriously think anyone is going to sit and read all that, lol

3 pages ... less than 5000 words.

Do you seriously think that's "way too much to read"?

... Have you ever read a book before?

Anyways, OP, I agree with much of what you say. We need more people willing to actually analyze the problems and discuss solutions. While your relatively short topic can't address all of the issues, I am very happy to see that someone is trying.

EDIT: Alright, when I posted the above, I had only skimmed through contents of your topic, but I still find myself agreeing with you wholeheartedly after reading everything.

I wish that a peaceful resolution was possible, but I also, am losing my faith in such a possibility. While I am not advocating bloodshed, how long must we stand idly by, watching as our country and countrymen are destroyed?

If you are to compare this country today, to our founding documents, you soon realize that they are completely incompatible. Our nation is no longer governed by its people, but by the few; the elite. The corporations, the media, and our government have become irrecoverably intertwined, or so it seems ... and it's our fault, as the people, for letting it happen. We signed away our right to govern by doing nothing. It's our responsibility, and we need to take charge before everything is lost. We need to act before it's too late, and I assure you we are late in the game.

I am not sure what will happen, but I will tell you now; I will not stand idly by.

edit on 13-8-2011 by Nurv47 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:07 PM
two words that should never be used in the same sentence

freedom and manifiesto

sounds too communistic for my taste.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by SupersonicSerpent

Yes, huge. Absolutely ungodly in size.

reply to post by Nurv47

Thanks for the input.

reply to post by neo96

A manifesto is merely a collection of ideas and principles. I'm pretty sure many works with that definition what don't have anything to do with Communism.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by neo96
two words that should never be used in the same sentence

freedom and manifiesto

sounds too communistic for my taste.

Hey, did you know that according to Wikipedia, the Declaration of Independence, and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen are BOTH considered manifestos?!

Those communist swine have infiltrated deep! They pretty much invented modern democracy!

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:04 PM
Very well written thread OP.. Did you write this yourself? I read it all and I feel exactly the same. A lot of people are just waiting for a tripwire.... Soon maybe..maybe not..
edit on 8/13/11 by kennylee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I like it. Good ideas but I'm not sure how to rally enough citizens at one time without getting completely squashed. I think London kicked off well, but they failed to target the true enemy and the momentum disintegrated. You'd think enough people are down and out with nothing to lose. Maybe hyperinflation will put everything in perspective for the masses, and the anger must be directed properly. Not sure enough people will ever be awake in the US...

edit on 13-8-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:28 PM
Very good posts, OP. I very much agreed with what you had to say and I feel the same way. It is my opinion that the greatest way for a new American revolution to be successful is if we don't just rely on the power of masses but rely on the power of smart, re-educated(outside of the indoctrination center known as school), self-sufficient and independent citizens. We have to know our history, our present, names and organizations and secrets are need to know information. We need to know our rights, our abilities and believe in our cause. What I see in many protestors and petitioners is that it becomes an occupation for them rather than a passionate action. They go out and do what they do more out of habit and other motives than to work to affect change. If they don't make someone think, if they don't make something happen, they'll just go home and return to the same old life that 'they' want to keep us in. If you are going to be a revolutionary, you need to be a revolutionary when you speak, when you eat, when you read, when you watch T.V.(if you must), when you use your computer, when you walk down the street, when you go to your job, when you dream while you rest your body at night. Look at the founders, they weren't all from the same lines of work at all. Some lawyers, some politicians, some inventors, some soldiers, etc. It takes the right mix of many different areas. This is why people don't take 500, part time protesting, following, paranoid people seriously when they come together for a cause. Yet if you assembled 10% of that number of constant workers, leading, highly knowledgeable fact based people for a cause, that's when people take notice.

Why do I put constant workers over part time protestors? Because with the claims to be made by the protestors in this country, if they can make such massive claims and then go home to eat a 4x cheese burger and watch American Gladiators on DVD for 8 hours straight, why on Earth would you take them seriously? Why do I put leading over following? Because followers are what got us in all the messes we have had and continue to have. These followers that take words at face value, don't do the research and yet speak and act on it anyway. Voting for or against things you don't understand, voting for 'the lesser of two evils' when that should never be how it works. We need oodles of leaders to lead themselves most of all and to represent the cause. What would the revolution have been without prominent leaders like Washington, Franklin and others? Why knowledgeable fact based over paranoid? Because without the facts and evidence to show(and there is plenty of it, believe me), you and your revolution can be written off as simple mass insanity or influence from illegal drugs. You know how they skew it.

Maybe it will take a little longer to invest the time in ourselves and expand our knowledge-bases further and further but it will be time well spent for the price of this country and it's peoples freedom. When we rise, we will rise strong. We must infiltrate all over just as they infiltrate all over, we must hold as much expertise in the areas they use against us so we can not be bull#ted, we must stand strong on our own without strong reliance on each other. While we shall come together in cause, we must stand alone as strong men and women in our own rights, independent of the cause if we wish to affect change in our country and throughout the world.

So basically... I'm in, gwydionblack.


posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I am also an idealist, how wonderful it would be to see an end to greed, corruption and injustice. I found your "Manifesto" to be naive and littered with contradictions as your utopia will ultimately fail, exactly the way the existing system has failed. Your previous thread was equally flawed in its premise.

What you have failed to realize is that, where you may be capable of lofty virtuous aspirations for the future of your country, these foot soldiers of the PTB, these mindless orks and nihilists that ripped through the UK thieving and exerting the only power they know, brutal violence and intimidation are not capable of following any cause other than getting high on being free (liberated) to do whatever they want.

This is the problem with paradigms, the one that you so comfortably exhibit comes from a place of fairness justice and compassion, a set of philosophies which have been carefully bred out of the thugs that appeared so plentifully during the English riots.

What we are now seeing is the results of cleverly manipulated social engineering, a dumbing down and birthing of a subclass of humanity that can be used to intimidate and bring to heel the remaining population who then look to their governments for protection, classic problem - reaction -solution.

I don't criticize you for your ideals, I just question your impassioned plea to your compatriots to fall into the game plan of those who are using your simplistic ideology to achieve their fascist goals. There is only one chance left for us and that can be summed up in one word "Solidarity". The re-establishment of a moral society that can only be achieved by imposing restrictions and discipline on those who think they can do what the hell they like.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by kennylee

Yes I wrote it myself. I thank you for your comments, and I agree- people are waiting for a tripwire to act.

reply to post by SonOfOda

Your words are remarkable. You have a firm understanding of what needs to be done and the way to do that. In this war patience, knowledge, and information will be a virtue and will hit them where it hurts most. It will also prevent them from killing the cause before it even begins.

I'm glad that you are in, and I can agree wholeheartedly with your words. Hopefully others can as well.

reply to post by kennyb72

I found your "Manifesto" to be naive and littered with contradictions as your utopia will ultimately fail, exactly the way the existing system has failed. Your previous thread was equally flawed in its premise.

Instead of saying such things, why don't you point out where it was flawed. Why not describe exactly what is wrong with such an act, and while you are at it, tell me what makes it different than any other past, successful, revolution?

My ideas are not utopia and I am not look at "ideal" situations. I even stated that should the revolution succeed, we would be facing very hard times for awhile to come until the country is brought back up to standing. The United States would be brought back to pre-World War levels and that is something that must simply be accepted as it is bound to happen regardless.

There are many opportunities for my plans to fail, but there were also many opportunities for the American Revolution to fail and we would just be a bitter offshoot of English colonies that never got their freedom. Thing is, liberty won out because it was meant to happen, and if it is meant to happen once again - then it will.

these mindless orks and nihilists that ripped through the UK thieving and exerting the only power they know, brutal violence and intimidation are not capable of following any cause other than getting high on being free (liberated) to do whatever they want.

You speak in assumptions and stereotypes. The sad realities is that you don't know these people AT ALL. Not only do you not know who they are, but in the constant attempts of people to tell me that they will not listen to reason or direction - NOT ONE PERSON TRIED TO DIRECT THEM!

Did you even attempt to point them in a particular direction? Did anyone else? I certainly have heard of it. I've seen no eye witness accounts of people trying to lead these mobs and yet people tell me it is impossible to do. Why have so many people given up on things before they even attempt them?

the one that you so comfortably exhibit comes from a place of fairness justice and compassion, a set of philosophies which have been carefully bred out of the thugs that appeared so plentifully during the English riots.

Once you lose faith in people entirely, you might as well give up. These philosophies have not disappeared, they are just dormant and they reside in every person. Modern man has done well telling people that these philosophies are unnecessary in today's world, but now they are more necessary than ever before.

I don't criticize you for your ideals, I just question your impassioned plea to your compatriots to fall into the game plan of those who are using your simplistic ideology to achieve their fascist goals. There is only one chance left for us and that can be summed up in one word "Solidarity". The re-establishment of a moral society that can only be achieved by imposing restrictions and discipline on those who think they can do what the hell they like.

Yes! More restrictions will teach them. More disciplinary action for enacting freedom. It has worked so well, right?

Solidarity is a pipe dream. Sure, we will always be connected by our similarities and common beliefs, but we will never be unified as you hope. Forcing people to be unified is not going to work either. Embracing differences and allowing for unity while allowing for absolute freedom - THAT is the ultimate form of governance and solidarity that you are going to get without forcing a will upon others.

I thank you for your comments, but sadly we are going to have to agree to disagree.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
Rebuilding It All

  • Bribery is Treason
    Though technically illegal in today’s political spectrum, bribes, illegal campaign contributions, and under the table transactions play a large factor in politics and passed laws. A crack down must be enforced that should any politician be found to be accepting bribes of any form in order to sway legislation voting in ones favor, it should be punishable as treason and should be punished accordingly.
    With these three suggestions, and other various ideas proposed, corruption should be able to be stamped out prior to the continuation of the election process.

  • Good read my friend.

    Pertaining to the quote I have selected, death is a good punishment. Nothing less. No life in jail, no chance of bail. Death. Plain and simple. Good ol' death.


    posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:28 PM
    A funny thing is going to happen.

    Basically, from here on out, the world gets worse and worse in every way.

    So, whatever government we have "things just won't be as good as they were in the old days."

    Thus, whatever regeme is set up will appear worse than the one before it. People will construct hazy, idealized nostalgia of what has disappeared and find all sorts of reasons to show why it's better than what what we have now.

    So after "the revolution" the old order will shortly come to look like an impossibly distant utopia, forcing people to revolt against the new order and set up a new society. Then the same process comes into play and makes people dissatisfied with that one, too. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:35 PM
    I believe that a manifesto isn't as important as a motto a slogan or a mantra because the manifesto is a document that can easily be ignored...kinda like the constitution, but when you got 150,000,000 people screaming in your face.............WE'RE DONE

    You get the point

    posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:12 PM
    reply to post by Qemyst

    Thanks. I'm not sure where I stand on death as a punishment. Where I can help it, I don't necessarily agree with human beings handing out death so willingly to others. I am against the death penalty in the way it stands today, but I understand where you are coming from.

    Besides, I believe that death, compared to some punishments, is far less nefarious than what some people deserve, and at the same time I believe that all people should be given a chance for redemption of their mistakes.

    reply to post by Never Despise

    I can see where you are coming from on this. But this has probably been true for all time. Nostalgia is always better than facing the present, but the future is actually changeable and feasible. The only thing we can do is try to set up a future that everyone can enjoy.

    reply to post by anumohi

    Perhaps you are right, but aren't going to understand the principles behind something just because of some slogan or mantra. Besides, I feel that it caters to a media society that I believe we need to distance ourselves from. We don't need some kind of catch phrase, we need ideals and principles that we stand behind til our deaths, and we need to work to achieve them.

    I'm disappointed in the lack of participation in this topic. I thank those that did reply and post their two cents, however, the replies are lacking much substance in critiquing or adding to my words. The usual people that I thought would be here criticizing me are strangely absent as well.

    I can understand it might be a little bit much to read on a forum, but anyone who has completed middle school should be able to muster up the power to read the three posts I've presented and give their opinions on such. All the while, I understand that this is a touchy subject for some people, that somehow they feel that talk of revolution is a little bit to "edgy" for ATS. In fact I've seen it go so far as to see suggestions that any talk of revolution result in deletion of the topic and banning of accounts. I would like to hear these people's rational opinions as well.

    I'm looking for input on my document and if there is something wrong with it, I want to know it first hand. If there is something missing I want to discuss and talk about what could be added. If there are people who feel that this course of action is wrong, or that my plan is unattainable, I would like to hear reasons why.

    Hopefully the coming weekday will open this topic up to a few more eyes. I eagerly await further discussion.

    posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:21 PM

    Originally posted by gwydionblack
    reply to post by Qemyst

    Thanks. I'm not sure where I stand on death as a punishment. Where I can help it, I don't necessarily agree with human beings handing out death so willingly to others. I am against the death penalty in the way it stands today, but I understand where you are coming from.

    Besides, I believe that death, compared to some punishments, is far less nefarious than what some people deserve, and at the same time I believe that all people should be given a chance for redemption of their mistakes.

    I can understand, and respect someones beliefs on not agreeing with a death penalty. To clarify my angle, after such a revolution takes place, politicians and house members taking bribes and other 'under the table gifts' (and those supporters attempting to persuade them to take said bribes and 'gifts') will only serve to undermine everything the revolution attempted to solve. Those few will be spitting in the faces and trampling the beliefs of those who poured their sweat, and possibly even their blood into changing the nation, and in my opinion there should be no place in the world for them. In jail someone will have to pay for their food and clothing for however many years they are to remain (which would hopefully be until they die there). If they were dead, they would cost nothing, and their voices would never have a chance to be heard again, to possibly sway the actions and beliefs of others.

    I have very rigid beliefs on what should happen to murderers. If you are proven to have taken another persons life intentionally who was in no way attempting to cause you harm, or your family harm, you deserve to die. That is beside the point though.
    A politician or other house member taking bribes and attempting to undermine the rules would be worse than one person murdering another. It would be like an attempt of one person to gain rights others do not have, or to take away rights that others DO have all in order to feel superior, and to have superior 'say' in numerous things.. It would be like an attempt to make others slaves again.

    I'm sure there are flaws to my ideas, but no-one is perfect.


    posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:08 AM
    I'm going to bump this one more time in the hopes that people can actually take some time out of their busy lives to read it. I'm not sure if it is something that people simply do not want to hear, or if it hits a little too close to home for some of the readers here on ATS.

    Unless I get some relevant feedback from people on here, I am going to assume everyone thinks that the plan is fine and accurate, and they agree with it. Then, I can simply move on.

    So without further ado, bump.

    posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:48 AM
    I agree whole heartedly! It is time for us to regain our country and get our freedoms back! I am with you 1000%! I have also espoused this, and if need be will also lead. I am not afraid of my government, nor any authority that tries to quell my freedoms. I have bucked it all my life, so this is nothing new to me. This thread needs to be front page on ATS.

    I am tired of people saying they want change, then saying you can't change it. People are defeatists without even trying. I KNOW there are people out there just waiting for a signal, waiting for a leader to show them they are not alone, and to also show them what to do. Unfortunately, you hit the nail on the head. The average American is too comfortable to risk anything. However, when the revolution begins, and as it gains momentum, those on the fence will join. It is time for us to show who really is in charge of this country.

    Give me liberty, or give me death!!!

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