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Aliens = Nephilim (Demons)

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:25 AM
This is not about "alienizing" others this is about identifying what they really are. Many people like you will not accept it, i know. But feel free to continue believing they are demonic (sub-human) creatures, some people just love being deceived.

Also these so called 'aliens' not making a mass appearance only further add's to the evidence they are respecting the entire human races choices and not enforcing their contact upon those who do not wish it.

Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe the continually re-edited book of beliefs you adhere to might be wrong on a few things? When someone stops questioning their model of reality and accepts it as solid FACT then they have imprisoned themselves and blocked themsleves off from anything truly divine. This applies equally well to scientific as well as religious models of reality(beliefs).

The only thing any of us can know for a fact is that our models of reality (beliefs) are imperfect. And that is fantastic for that means that the only way is you and me now. Argh...sorry for that, i couldn't help it.

Totally personal opinion:- take or ignore as you see fit

Just for the record, i have been where you are. If that suits you and is what you chose to be then i wish you all the best in the world. For me though, it had far to many self-contradictory, inaccurate and blatantly disprovable rulesets that i could not in all good conscience accept it in to-to as a model, but some of it i could prove to myself as accurate once i had removed the noise out of the way. As an example...when the divine gave the 1st woman and 1st man a skin (physical form) to wear.
edit on 13-8-2011 by kayA1 because: spolling for begooners...what is an opionion any way...can i cook and eat it?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

How can Greys = Nephilim ?, Greys are from all the reports I've seen are small , normally about 4ft , whereas the Nephilim were Giants

These creatures were called Nephilim simply because their giant physique. Their warlike nature made men to fear and even run in battle. This theory is especially supported by a later account in the Bible where young king David killed a Nephilim descendent called Goliath during a biblical account of battle.

One consistent attribute given to Nephilim by biblical accounts is the denomination of giants or more precisely of giants of Canaan. This makes it seem that the term Nephilim may be a generic term referring to giants.

It states, "The land we spied devours her inhabitants and the people we saw there are of a great height. We saw the Nephilim and we seemed like grasshoppers in comparison.

A later dispossession however sees all of them killed or displaced except one, Og king Bashan. The bible records that his bed was of iron, over 13 feet long and 6 feet wide.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:34 AM
What your are saying ties up very well with some of the theories of Alex Collier, of which i have to admit i am sceptical, but find it intrigueing none the less.The basic gist of which is that the Greys are under the control of a species of Reptilian aliens from the serius star system...

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by gortex


There are 2 different interpretations of what the Nephilim are. Watch the first 3 minutes and it will be explained.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Actually if you watch the first 3 minutes of the video you will find out why "Nephilim" actually doesn't mean giants, so you are wrong about them being tall.

I never said 'Giants'. I said Tall. Big difference! Excuse the pun!

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by auraelium


I do not believe in reptilians or any aliens from other planets, read what i wrote again...

My belief is that no form of intelligent life exists outside the van allen belt.

Anything else is spiritual.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by stevcolx

Actually if you watch the first 3 minutes of the video you will find out why "Nephilim" actually doesn't mean giants, so you are wrong about them being tall.

I never said 'Giants'. I said Tall. Big difference! Excuse the pun!

So why do you think they are tall?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by kayA1
And people wonder why Non-Human Entities do not manifest for all to see.

When a significant proportion of the planet has been taught to demonize that which is different is it any surprise that the only encounters are personal. Larger scale encounters are limited to lights in the sky, sufficient for those who are not open to contact to dismiss them, while those who are open can embrace the experience for what it is. A gentle push at the edge of society...almost as if an-other conciousness is just making itself known at the edge of peoples awareness.

Anyways, peace be with you OP.

So I take it, where you're from, stealthily kidnapping people in the darkest hours of the night, usually against their will, raping their conscious, manipulating their memories and performing weird acts of sexual abuse then dropping them off to be ridiculed as crazy/insane is an acceptable thing to be welcomed with open arms and love??
Wherever you're from that thinks that kind of behavior is normal and acceptable needs a good 'ol NATO napalming.

If I were to say Muslims were doing this, you would call them sadistic terrorists or worse. But swap "muslim" for "ET" and suddenly its a "gentle push" to be "embraced". Lawl

I don't care where they're from or what they are, what they're doing to people all over the world is sick and twisted and the sheep that are telling people they should be ok with it because they're our "space brothers" are huge idiots. This isn't that movie Paul... people are having their lives ruined by these experiences, sometimes traumatically.

Wake up. Take off the rose-colored glasses. Take the facts of the stories of abductions as is and stop sprinkling idyllic kum-buy-yah wishes on top like some kind of pretty garnish.

Btw, I suggest you read up on cases of human mutilations then re-evaluate your whole "space brothers" outlook. These guys, whatever the hell they are, can be worse than mexican drug cartels.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:44 AM


posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by kayA1
Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe the continually re-edited book of beliefs you adhere to might be wrong on a few things?

No i don't

Originally posted by kayA1
When someone stops questioning their model of reality and accepts it as solid FACT then they have imprisoned themselves and blocked themsleves off from anything truly divine. This applies equally well to scientific as well as religious models of reality(beliefs).

That just makes you agnostic. I am certain that i have found absolute truth in the bible, there for i don't need to dabble in other world views if i know mines correct. But i don't know what that has to do with this.

Originally posted by kayA1
The only thing any of us can know for a fact is that our models of reality (beliefs) are imperfect. And that is fantastic for that means that the only way is you and me now. Argh...sorry for that, i couldn't help it.

Not at all... there is nothing imperfect about the word of God.

Originally posted by kayA1
Totally personal opinion:- take or ignore as you see fit

Just for the record, i have been where you are. If that suits you and is what you chose to be then i wish you all the best in the world. For me though, it had far to many self-contradictory, inaccurate and blatantly disprovable rulesets that i could not in all good conscience accept it in to-to as a model, but some of it i could prove to myself as accurate once i had removed the noise out of the way. As an example...when the divine gave the 1st woman and 1st man a skin (physical form) to wear.
edit on 13-8-2011 by kayA1 because: spolling for begooners...what is an opionion any way...can i cook and eat it?

Thanks, but you just made a self defeating argument, without God its not possible for you to even have a conscience. i find personally nothing contradictory in the bible, only when taken out of context.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by AzazeI
reply to post by stevcolx

I find your post offensive and is an insult to my Creator.
edit on 13-8-2011 by AzazeI because: (no reason given)

Insulted? I'm so sorry. I could say the same to u by implying that the invisble man created us!!

That's neither here nor there. The discussion is about the Greys being portrayed as the Nephilim aka Demons. I don't think that is a correct statement. And I'm not happy that the bible is being used as some sort of 'proof'' to justify this theory. Aliens have nothing to do with 'God'.

I work with Muslims and they believe that the 'Jinn' are demons from the 4th dimension. Now that is a possibility. Perhaps what they call demons in the 4th dimension are inter dimensional Aliens. Maybe one of the Annunaki shape shifting race. Demons apparently have dragon and or reptilian physical attributes. So wouldn't it make sense to assume that Demons are actually Annunaki?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Watts

Great response... Now exchange "ET" for "demon" and the pieces of the puzzle really start to fit together.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:02 AM
Well i started this thread in the UFO forum but it got moved to the "conspiracy in religion" forum because it has Biblical elements to it which really doesn't do this thread justice since this isn't about a conspiracy in religion its a theory on what 'aliens' really are. But oh well maybe it will get more flags here or something.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:16 AM
Yes Watts, you are right. The **** that has been done to this world and it's people is truly horrific. And once again i speak only after having had my own experiences with Multiple off/other world entities. Including Grey.

The Greys did not, could not understand the impact they were having. As a alien species their emotions, their thought processes are completely different from Humans. The impact upon the psyche of the 'abductee' as well as our physical perception/interpretation of the tools they used was NOT understood. The moment they did, after being educated by another race, they stopped. Their actions are something that they WILL have to answer for however. It was a terrible mistake, but not something unexpected from a meeting of two so completely different races. Whether you believe me or not i know that the Greys have NEVER acted against the will of the person they interacted with. I don't know about you but i can forgive a mistake that comes from inexperience and being outright lied to by the people at the top of the human governance hierarchy. Especially when they do not even have a concept of Lie, no telepathic race can, it is a uniquely Physical phenomena being able to communicate something that is not held as truth by the communicator.

FYI, it is also something that stopped a long time ago, but they were working with human groups, and those groups have continued knowing full well the impact of their actions and turning it to their advantage. These people i do not forgive as it was done and being done with full concious intent. It is these people i reserve my anger for and i feel the same way as you do for what has been done. My forgiveness only goes so far.
edit on 13-8-2011 by kayA1 because: Clarification

edit on 13-8-2011 by kayA1 because: Emphasis

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by kayA1

I don't believe that for a minute... And i wonder if you really have had any contact with these "Greys"... it is far more likely you are pretending you have had direct contact with them so you can sell us your view and make it seem more intellectual. As for them making "mistakes" then why do they continue doing it if it is just some kind of mistake they made? And them affecting psyche is more proof they are demons. There are no aliens these things are demonic spiritual entities !
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: spelling error

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:24 AM
Dear OP...The premise and photo you use are shewed.

That is not an actual photo but a computerized fake.

Although the Germans had some brilliant engineers, they didn't have any successful flying disks...otherwise, they would have won WWII...they did not. Even years later after bringing some of the concepts, physicists here to the US, the best we could do was a giant V2 rocket called the Saturn V.

If you believe in God and the Bible... The Nephillum were hybrids of the fallen angels of Genesis 6 and human women.... they were giants. The descriptions given in the Bible point us in that direction...from Goliath, Og- King of Bashan, the descriptions from the recon by the Israelites into Canaan, the ruins and sites of Balbeek and in southern Lebannon, and the accounts given in the Book of Enoch...which was part of the Bible until the middle ages.... even Jesus refers to it. As a man of faith, that's good enough for me.

Now, I do not doubt that subterfuge and deceit will occur to fool the masses, but I do not accept the Greys as demons.... not of Genesis 6.... maybe as more of God's creatures. By all accounts, they are sexless and show no gender... neither are they described as displaying human wants, desires, or lusts... all displayed by the Nephillum of the Bible and Book of Enoch.

Frankly, I think the demonic forces will show themselves in a familiar and seducing manner...non-threatening at first... that is their usual MO.

Sorry, but I do not accept your premise.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
Well i started this thread in the UFO forum but it got moved to the "conspiracy in religion" forum because it has Biblical elements to it which really doesn't do this thread justice since this isn't about a conspiracy in religion its a theory on what 'aliens' really are. But oh well maybe it will get more flags here or something.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

You are hoping for more flags? I would have thought more ATSers agreeing with you would have been a better hope. No?

I am delighted to see that the Mods have at least moved this is now in the correct forum IMO and I noticed it was moved whilst searching for this thread on your very subject. And there are others which you could have searched out and added to.

This thread will most likely fill you with joy given it got to 59 pages!

I am wondering if you are in fact Holyandclean ( the thread starter) resurrected after being banned.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

""The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to make people think he didn't exist." "

Well..more people today than ever are prepared to believe the devil exists..its God they dont believe exists....
does that make God the devil?
edit on 13-8-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I never claimed it was a real photo, you would have to be blind to think it was. I posted that to give you an idea of what they were like, but if you look hard enough their are actually some real photo's on the web.

As for the Nephilim being giants, that is just one interpretation... i used to think that to before i heard the other one. If you watch the first 3 minutes of the video a wise man will explain about that.

And there are some Demons that appear to be nice aliens at first, but then later tell the abductees about new age beliefs to make people not believe in God.

I suggest you do some research as it doesn't seem like you have put much thought into this.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by annella

Nope i am not holyunclean, and i don't see why i should search through pages of threads before starting my own.

Maybe he was banned because some people didn't want the truth being out there.

And i thought flags were for people who agreed with you, as it makes the thread go to the front page?
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

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