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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

When you are warning Sehzade, do you mean in regards to doing in-depth research or general back and forth between, say, the 7December and various Illuminati sites and ATS? I truly do not need any backlash from frequenting these sites and I wouldn't know where to start with the really deep digging, so I suppose that isn't really an issue. Do you have any suggestions on how to protect yourself while doing this, like proxies and such? I could never go to the lengths that the real hackers and IT brains could, but any little bit helps!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Relevant videos:
Brothers of cosmos-


posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by sheepzilla

Thank you sheepzilla, it is much appreciated

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by TheLiesOfEden

The best protection you can get is to just stay away from it. I couldn't possibly give any advice for one openly, and for two, with as much as I know about things and the top level security I have on my system, I got hacked by going to that Jan7 site mentioned earlier in the thread. If they can get around my security, there is nothing that I can give as advice. It wasn't like anything I have come across before.

I don't want to give any advice on how to go about these things because 1) I don't want to encourage someone that shouldn't be doing something they shouldn't be doing. 2) Any advice I can give wouldn't be good enough for obvious reasons, and I would hate to be responsible for someone getting their system blown up or much worse because of it.

It's OK to investigate things to a certain degree, but I think we are playing with something bigger than we are giving it credit for. It could be something as simple as a dumb ass lone wolf hacker, to a sophisticated ring, to the unthinkable.

The only point I will clearly make is that even if you think you are protected with software firewalls, hardware firewalls, VPN's (which BTW VPN's are clearly not what you think they are), top of the line security software , you clearly are not. I can't emphasize that point enough. Windows machines are the worst, and can be exploited in hundreds if not thousands of ways. Every time I think I have a grip on it, I find something that proves I am terribly wrong, and that Jan7 site is a perfect example of that. Ironically, I just beefed up my system last week to even higher security measures, and they got in without a problem at all.

So if you want my advice, some things are better off just left alone, unless you are a pro at hacking and know how to stay clear of all these measures like Anonymous.

Someone turned me on to this site from ATS in another thread, and it is one of the best I have seen. It's pretty intense and takes security to another level, but most of the folks over here seem to really know what they are talking about It's not a bad site at all to help you up the security on your system in general.

edit on 8-12-2011 by Awoken4Ever because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:08 PM
double post
edit on 8-12-2011 by Awoken4Ever because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I completely understand what you're saying, and I definitely get what you mean when you say "playing with something bigger than us". It's not as if I get really deep into the whole research thing, and I know a thing or two about playing with fire and screwing with sh*t you don't understand. thanks for the references and advice.


]Knew this thing was bullsh*t, who the hell buys Dell and windows systems anymore, anyhow?

edit on 8-12-2011 by TheLiesOfEden because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:47 PM
just finished watching the "Anonymous" video....

Did anyone else catch the uncanny similarities between the video and V for Vendetta? The mask, the very message they were delivering?

And several others commenting on youtube also noticed this...
at the end they referred to themselves as being "Legion"

"Our name is Legion, for we are many"

Significance...of any sort here?

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by TheLiesOfEden

Honestly, I think Anonymous as a whole is harmless. There may be a few buggers/hackers that can actually do damage. IDK if you heard about it, but Anonymous crashed 100's of child porn websites hosted on some lolita city server or something along those lines. but they did fail to crash facebook, so i really don't know what to think of Anonymous, but they seem to be a positive force for all.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by sheepzilla
reply to post by TheLiesOfEden

but they seem to be a positive force for all.

That certainly "appears" to be the image doesn't it? I am not anywhere close to be convinced that Anonymous is what they appear to be just yet. Not really sure how spreading porn on kids facebook sites helps the greater cause at all. Especially when the government wants to already put in place internet censorship and this is exactly the kind of thing that will only help their cause (hint). I personally have serious questions about the motives and the cloak anonymous is wearing. Then again, I just question everything

There are some forces that could possibly do things that we haven't even begun to think about yet, and many wolves in sheep's clothing are out there. Even the people we trust the most are wolves...don't make any mistakes about that!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I don't think you understand my meaning. They crashed 100's of porn servers, making them inaccessible and useless. They did what they said they would do to Facebook. basically taking the site down.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by sheepzilla

I got your meaning...that's why I said "it appears that way..."

You're not getting mine
That is ok.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I kind of see where you're going in the sense that no one really benefited from that and that maybe it's just a cloak to make them look good while their overall intentions are bad??

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by sheepzilla

Yes, several people on the YouTube video have commented about how Anonymous had announced that they planned to crash/tear down Facebook and FOX.

"Anonymous" does seem to be a harmless organisation, interested in the reinstatement of the power to the American people....

Of course, harmless only applies if you aren't watching from the viewpoint of the ones the "Anonymous" so ardently condemn

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by TheLiesOfEden

true, but for the most part they are condemning the American government not it's people. HMM, Anonymous supports almost anarchy, while Illuminati supports New World Order, but they COULD be fighting the same cause in the end, but that is a completely different matter.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by sheepzilla

That is quite an accurate observation, sheepzilla, I didn't even consider that...

Touche, my friend

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by sheepzilla
reply to post by TheLiesOfEden

true, but for the most part they are condemning the American government not it's people. HMM, Anonymous supports almost anarchy, while Illuminati supports New World Order, but they COULD be fighting the same cause in the end, but that is a completely different matter.

You know Christians believe in the second coming, and they are also aware that false Jesus' will appear, and trick the many into believing that this is actually Jesus. If Illuminati is real, they are not going to just jump out of the woodwork and announce they are here. As far as Anonymous, Illuminati, NWO, etc...there would be no real way of telling who is who, and who better would it be for them to disguise themselves in sheep's clothing than them? If I was them, I would have multiple fronts put up coming out trying to look like false saviors (not religious meaning) to appeal to the masses. I would set up one for the religious, the New Age, the UFO's, the awake, the non-awake, the conspiracy nuts, the mainstream media fans, the music industry fans, the military folks, and on and on. You introduce a righteous person, group, cause, etc.. that will appeal to just about every major following you have, and then round them all up and combine them later on into one. If these wolves look good to their followings, of course they are going to slam, attack, and abuse everything and then some that the particular following would be attracted to, including blaspheming themselves

It's not like the NWO is just going to show up one day and say, "we are here..." and expect everyone to play nice. Not to mention, there are multiple NWO groups/theories out there, and none of it is going to be obvious in the end. I think we (myself included) expect it to just appear to us one day and we will get it all. Doesn't work like that. Our brains can't think in the way it needs to to really understand. It isn't designed that way.

It is everywhere, it is around you everywhere you go, and it is much, much, much bigger than you or I can possibly even imagine yet. Sadly, we are sitting in the middle of the biggest snake pit in the world, because we are the ones trying to wake up and see it. We are more infiltrated than probably any group of people on the planet...because we pose the biggest risk to all of them.

I am not even convinced the Illuminati is just another conspiracy to hide the real conspiracy. They love to put out false paths for us to follow while they are busy behind the scenes working on their agenda

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

Very profound statement friend. Yes, I agree, slowly but surely these groups are revealing themselves. hell, maybe dec7 was just something to publicize the Illuminati and get people to think about the cause. In fact, that sounds like what we've established more or less. But the cryptic messages, the .info site. someone clearly put ALOT of time and effort into this. This leads me to believe that this is definitely the real deal. But to what extent is it the real deal and what plans do they have for the future. Only time will tell, but what I do know is that they are trying to stir the pot with these new appearances. Which is not entirely a bad thing. I mean look at us: over 25 pages of comments/questions about the Illuminati/Anonymous/NWO. Clearly they getting something done if they have people like us actually thinking about it.

On a different note, i found out that my friend's dad is a master mason in San Diego, Ca, I'm trying to set something up or get his e-mail to talk to him. I doubt he'd leak anything important to someone like myself, but I would very much like to meet a mason and ask him a few questions about the order, etcetc. I'll let everyone know if I found anything out/get to talk to him.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by sheepzilla

The first rule in fight club is you never talk about fight club
Good luck with that.

I think the December 7th one is very unique myself, and someone or something took an awful lot of time, IMO, too much time in building paths to follow. There are things that I found earlier in the thread that can't be argued away by someone saying this is just someone having a laugh. There is too many fronts connected here that don't make much sense, including all the businesses that point back to San Francisco I mentioned earlier in the thread. I don't personally believe someone is that smart to come up with all that on their own, even if it is a group of them, with nothing personal to gain out of it but a laugh or passing time.

It's either something real, a trap, or designed to see how far one can get in the maze for whatever reason. Anyone that comes in and judges the book by the cover and claims it as purely a hoax, has not taken a second to really look at it at a deeper level. The deeper you get in, and I don't simply mean the riddles and the puzzles, the more you will see this can't be ruled away by it being some kind of a spoof. If anyone does find the cheese at the end of the maze, I doubt they will be back here in the threads reporting what they found, i.e. recruitment, fear, or other means.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

Yeah, the last thing people should be doing about these occurences is dismissing them. These may be the most important things that happen during our lifetime and if people dismiss them as a hoax then it just proves how much humans rely on monetary things vs sh!t that matters like our safety and unity.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

Hi there, new to the site, have been drawn in by this thread.

What did you find? I only found out about the Illuminati count down page yesterday and it was not up (taken down I guess), however I had a play around with the site and it creeps me out, but I don't make much sense of it. I am so fascinated by all this though - it like some mystery investigation thing. I personally believe that this is serious business especially because it so out in the open. I certainly would appreciate some hints and leads of finding out more.

edit on 9-12-2011 by GardenerOfEden because: (no reason given)

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