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Fox News Viewers Threaten Atheists Over 9/11 Cross Lawsuit

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
The only problem with this theory, is that it has already been disproven by the level of aggression observed in atheists. Atheists try and get around that by saying that their belligerence hasn't resulted in the deaths of anyone.

As far as I'm concerned, that is a lame excuse. I've never read a definition of nonviolence, which did not also include verbal or psychological abuse. As a result, the majority of atheists I've come across, who claim to be nonviolent, are actually liars.

Theism has no monopoly on amorality, and atheism has no monopoly on virtue. Claiming otherwise is both false, and potentially dangerous.

Did you even read the OP?
This is about "Christians" tossing death threats at the Atheists.
Where are the corresponding death threats or equivalent expressions of violence from the Athiests?

Athiests ask to just be included.
Christians want them dead.

Atheism is the violent one.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by drew1749
No Respecting everyone, liking the people who agree with me.

But then you go on to continue to disrespect Atheists?

Twisting my words are you?

Just comprehending them. Watch.

I was being sarcastic for one. So you can twist the message behind the sarcasm all you want. My argument there is something I've ranted about time and time again on these boards. It's the arrogance that some of them show off. "I'm smarter cause I've ditched the shackles of religion yay" I know not all of them are like that but that's what a loud majority is like.

Boy you are just full of respect and not at all judgmental and disparaging of large groups of people.
How do you do that with a straight face? Talk about how you respect them just as much as any religion but ...????

How do I not respect them? There are some atheists on these boards even that I respect....

By castigating a large portion of them and deeming them less worthy of their opinions than others based on whatever your personal online experience has apparently been.

Imagine if I simply judged Christianity on my few personal online experiences with the loudest ones.

Paul Altum

i say kill them all and let them see for themselves that there is God

Bob O’Connell

Shoot them. Shoot to kill.

Joe Martinez


Joseph Sneckenberg

thats easy shoot them

Casey M Jones

Shoot em. At least we know where they’re going, waste of oxygen

Mike Holeschek

Nail them to the cross then display it.

Chris Dunn

I thinly we should hang the leader of that group on the cross with nails through their hands and feet, place a crown of thorns upon their head, RAM a spear through their side all after being whipped and beaten publicly! Just so they can endure what Christ dod so they understand the sacrifice behind what that cross symbolizes.

Bob O’Connell

They’re atheists so it won’t matter if you kill them.

Tim Allison


Richard Silvia

someone show me where they live&and they will live no mere!

Raylene Ingmire

Here’s my solution, kill the group..just kidding, you figure it out. I’m so sick of people that pick and choose when they want to truly be American. They can go to Hell oh wait they will.

Sindy Clock

stupid atheists, I hope God kills them all.

Sindy Clock

I love Jesus, and the cross and if you dont, I hope someone rapes you!

Eileen Rourke

Any court or lawyer who takes this case should be hung!!!! If you look at some of the people who are atheists they are all miserable looking because they don’t have any faith in anything. You should all go live in another country. You have taken enough of my rights away.

Hans Anderson

atheist has no rights a snail has more rights than a atheist has I say throw them out to the sharks let them eat them like the ate bin laden

Michael Perri

these people are f’ing scum of the earth. can we start killing them now? few groups are filled with more hatred than atheists.

Scott Miller


Patrick Alley

Kill em all…let God sort em out. Guess what Atheists…

Not only do Christians really like murder, they seem rather fond of rape. Well, sure not all of them are like that but that is what a loud majority is like.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by drew1749
It's the arrogance that some of them show off. "I'm smarter cause I've ditched the shackles of religion yay" I know not all of them are like that but that's what a loud majority is like.

How do I not respect them? There are some atheists on these boards even that I respect....

Drew - - I know you try to be respectful - - - but . . .

I was a god believer most of my life and Christian. That is about 60 years worth.

I can count on one hand the Christians I've personally known who I truly believe "walk in His footsteps".

I found most of them (the majority) to be arrogant - - hypocritical - - judgmental and phony.

When you've spent day-in and day-out for 60 years with Atheists - - - then maybe I'll take your opinion of them with more validity.

Yeah I am not sure who he is coming across but we can practically define the majority of each in very simple terms.
Ask each group how the universe was created.
Most Atheists: I am not really sure.
Most Christians: Oh, this is easy, I know exactly how that happened because I read all about it. Sit down this takes a bit.

So I am not sure how the group with questions can ever be more arrogant than the ones who are certain there is some imaginary friend they cannot even agree on and some story that answers EVERYTHING that they also cannot all agree on.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by kozmo

The Atheists just want some attention i could say they got it now.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:36 AM
What people don't realise is that a lot of Atheists used to be Christians,
and then they got fed up and realized what a Sham it all was. They
want Equality just like everyone else, and rightfully should, just like
everyone else.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by awareness10
What people don't realise is that a lot of Atheists used to be Christians,
and then they got fed up and realized what a Sham it all was. They
want Equality just like everyone else, and rightfully should, just like
everyone else.

"Equal Representation"

The United States may be a nation with many Christians, but it is not a Christian Nation, and American Atheists, Inc., was founded in 1963 to labor for the American civil liberties of atheists and the total, absolute separation of government and religion. We have always been crystal clear about what we do, how we do it and why we do it. We don’t fight “against” anything, we fight “for” the very secular United States Constitution. It has been that way since we won “Murray vs. Curlett’” which began in 1959, and effectively removed public prayer from American public schools.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 10:09 AM
This cross is set to be included in the official WTC Museum. No other religions or philosophies will be honored. It will just be a Christian icon, in the middle of OUR (as in Americans) museum. This will not happen without a fight.

We love this country, and our constitution. We honor the dead and respect the families, which is why we will not allow the many Christians who died get preferential representation over the many non-Christians who suffered the same fate. This was an attack against America: not Christianity. Christianity does not deserve special placement just because the girders look like their religious symbol.

We will pay for our own memorial of equal size inside the museum, or the museum will not include the cross. Equality is an all-or-nothing deal.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:28 AM
I don't get this at all.

The fact that they want the cross gone is very indicative of not only being atheist, but having a need for everyone else to be. Be atheist all you like. No one cares! Why the need to push down what everyone else believes?

This is just as bad as the people who oppose the Islamic center on Park Pl.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
I don't get this at all.

The fact that they want the cross gone is very indicative of not only being atheist, but having a need for everyone else to be. Be atheist all you like. No one cares! Why the need to push down what everyone else believes?

This is just as bad as the people who oppose the Islamic center on Park Pl.

Do you understand Equal Representation? I know you do.

Do you understand that 911 was not an attack on Christians? It was an attack on a country.

This isn't even similar to the Islamic center situation. Which I find really stupid.

You want similar? Christians trying to make this about themselves - - - is the same as all Muslims are terrorists.

Many Muslims died in the attack that day too.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Kitilani
Athiests ask to just be included.

Maybe that's the scenario here, but inclusion isn't what atheists are usually asking for. The most vocal ones want their own brand of dominance. I've heard Richard Dawkins.

Christians want them dead.

I think some Christians are finding it difficult to get used to the fact that they no longer rule the roost. They did so for 2,000 years, and they got into the habit of thinking that that is how it was supposed to be. It wasn't.

Like I said, I don't like atheism myself; I think the Cartesian view of living organisms as soulless machines in particular, is extremely dangerous. My own way of dealing with the problem, however, is simply not to go anywhere near them. They generally aren't all that difficult to avoid.

I really view both atheism and Christianity as hostile, harmful ideologies, personally; so I'm not going to be sympathetic to either side in this case. I don't condone Christians killing atheists at all; but I also know better than to believe any atheist's claim of being angelic. They aren't.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by petrus4
I've heard Richard Dawkins.

I haven't.

But I have heard Pastor: Fred Phelps.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
I don't get this at all.

The fact that they want the cross gone is very indicative of not only being atheist, but having a need for everyone else to be. Be atheist all you like. No one cares! Why the need to push down what everyone else believes?

This is just as bad as the people who oppose the Islamic center on Park Pl.

But they do not want the cross gone. Look, I think the whole thing is rather petty too but the moment tax dollars enter into it and one religion is given preferential treatment to both other religions as well as the secular members of society then something has to give. From the article what I understand is that they are simply asking to be included. How this got turned into them demanding it no be included at all seems a little twisted to me but that is what the story is now.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Kitilani
But they do not want the cross gone.

There is a desire among the more vocal atheists, to entirely eliminate theism.

As an apologist for atheism yourself, you may or may not attempt to justify that with an appeal to scientific exclusivity, or whatever else. From the perspective of the rest of us, it is bigotry, plain and simple. It is also gross hypocrisy, given how deeply threatened institutional atheism is usually shown as feeling, in association with Islam, and its' supposed desire to take over the world.

Understand this; there are some of us who have no desire to become atheistic ourselves, any more than many of you wish to become theistic. Your usual appeal to science in order to attempt to justify your supposed superiority, is also rejected.

Some of us also do consider atheism to be every bit as much a moral and sociological scourge as atheists consider theism; and we feel equally justified in our reasons for doing so.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by petrus4
Maybe that's the scenario here, but inclusion isn't what atheists are usually asking for. The most vocal ones want their own brand of dominance. I've heard Richard Dawkins.

So what? Just because you do not like what Dawkins has to say or what you think you hear from other Atheists about other things has no bearing on the reality of this case in which they are not asking for any kind of dominance. They are asking to be included. The ones denying them that right are the ones trying to claim dominance.

I think some Christians are finding it difficult to get used to the fact that they no longer rule the roost. They did so for 2,000 years, and they got into the habit of thinking that that is how it was supposed to be. It wasn't.

So these frustrated Christians turn to advocating death and rape? That sure is some strong faith they got there that turns them into everything their religion preaches against just because they are not in power. Why the hell does any religion need to be in any power anyway? If you believe in god, go pray to him and live the life he wants you to live. If you need to turn to murder because your religion does not have the sway over OTHER people you wish it still did then your Christianity is far more flawed than any atheist.

Like I said, I don't like atheism myself; I think the Cartesian view of living organisms as soulless machines in particular, is extremely dangerous. My own way of dealing with the problem, however, is simply not to go anywhere near them. They generally aren't all that difficult to avoid.

Really? You can spot an atheist a mile away can you? That seems hard to believe given your complete misconception of Atheism as just stated. To claim Atheism is exclusively mutually to spiritualism is to demonstrate you complete lack of understanding what the word actually means.
I do not need your angry and petty god in order to be spiritual or see creatures as more than machines. I just do not know much about your god or why I should believe it was involved in any way.

I really view both atheism and Christianity as hostile, harmful ideologies, personally; so I'm not going to be sympathetic to either side in this case. I don't condone Christians killing atheists at all; but I also know better than to believe any atheist's claim of being angelic. They aren't.

So you see a bunch of Christians calling for the death of Atheists just because the Atheists asked to be included and to you those are equally evil?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Kitilani.

Really? You can spot an atheist a mile away can you? That seems hard to believe given your complete misconception of Atheism as just stated.

No kidding. How many times can one repeat: Atheism - means lack of belief in a deity? That is all it means.

Beyond that - - we are all individuals - - and can think/believe whatever we want.

Yes - there are "Hard Atheist" - - "no proof - it doesn't exist" - - - - but I think they are actually in the minority.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Kitilani
They are asking to be included. The ones denying them that right are the ones trying to claim dominance.

I really don't care about your apologetics. I've said that before.

I think some Christians are finding it difficult to get used to the fact that they no longer rule the roost. They did so for 2,000 years, and they got into the habit of thinking that that is how it was supposed to be. It wasn't.

So these frustrated Christians turn to advocating death and rape?

I knew you'd interpret that, as me condoning their behaviour. I wasn't. I tried to repeatedly state that; but of course, that isn't what you want to believe.

Really? You can spot an atheist a mile away can you? That seems hard to believe given your complete misconception of Atheism as just stated.

It isn't a misconception. There are atheists around who are like that.

Also, if you're going to tell me that you're one of those, "I'm an atheist but I'm still spiritual," types, that will just piss me off.

Spiritual atheism is a contradiction in terms. That particular misconception usually tends to arise within people who for some reason, get the idea into their heads that Christianity (or Semitic monotheism in general, which includes Islam) is the only religion that exists. So obviously, if you're not Christian, but you still want to be spiritually active in some vague degree, then you must be a "spiritual atheist," right?

It's the same as various confused individuals I've seen who basically got kicked out or had to leave Christianity for different reasons, and immediately leapt to the conclusion that they were Satanists, because if they weren't Christian, then according to church teachings, that was all they could possibly be.

An atheist, by definition, believes in nothing at all. Nada. Zip. Zilch. There is nothing beyond physical reality, and when you die, you're fertiliser. If you believe anything other than that, (pure Cartesian materialism, in other words) you're not an atheist. Use another word; or better yet, don't insist on a label at all. Misuse of words in that manner is seriously annoying, and is only going to get you falsely associated with people whose beliefs don't match yours.

To claim Atheism is exclusively mutually to spiritualism is to demonstrate you complete lack of understanding what the word actually means.

No, it doesn't. I'm not the one who's misguided here, sorry. Go and look it up. You're likely using that word to identify yourself for two reasons.

a] Because you can't come up with a better one. I'm aware that atheists exert social pressure against agnostics, not to call themselves that; but it sounds like it would be a better term for you.

b] Because you want to be able to have your cake and eat it, as far as maintaining some degree of spirituality, while still having social acceptance from genuine atheists.
edit on 24-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by petrus4
An atheist, by definition, believes in nothing at all. Nada. Zip. Zilch. There is nothing beyond physical reality, and when you die, you're fertiliser. If you believe anything other than that, (pure Cartesian materialism, in other words) you're not an atheist. Use another word; or better yet, don't insist on a label at all. Misuse of words in that manner is seriously annoying, and is only going to get you falsely associated with people whose beliefs don't match yours.

“I think, therefore I am” - - - but what am I?


Cartesian philosophy The philosophical system of René Descartes (1596–1650) was based on doubt, because to doubt is to think. His system became known as Cartesian philosophy, derived from the Latinized form of his name. His most famous conclusion was expressed in three words: Cogito, ergo sum (“I think, therefore I am”). His theory of the importance of doubt is based on the assumption that all existing knowledge rests on an unstable foundation; therefore everything that can be doubted should be doubted. The only fact that he could not doubt was that he was doubting. He reasoned that to doubt is to think, and to think is to exist.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by petrus4
I really don't care about your apologetics. I've said that before.

Oh my god that was good.

Ever actually looked up that word? I really think that you should. You just said that you do not care about my use of logic to defend my religion.

1: I have defended NO religion.
2: If you are castigating actual logic as something bad then I have no idea what planet you are on.

Since when is using logic a bad thing?

That was really funny. It might take me a bit to get to the rest of your post because wow man.
edit on 24-8-2011 by Kitilani because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by Kitilani
They are asking to be included. The ones denying them that right are the ones trying to claim dominance.

I really don't care about your apologetics. I've said that before.

I think some Christians are finding it difficult to get used to the fact that they no longer rule the roost. They did so for 2,000 years, and they got into the habit of thinking that that is how it was supposed to be. It wasn't.

This is not a quote of mine. Hopefully this is an honest mistake and not yet another person ATS using lies to defend religion. Why did you post it as mine?

edit on 24-8-2011 by Kitilani because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:02 PM
amazing unbelieveable

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