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Petition To Ban Gender Discrimination On This Site

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:38 PM
Good thread. Actually was going to make a rant on the exact thing...

I see too much and masked racial and gender discrimination, while the mods do a good job sometimes it's hard to find or catch what is against the TOS. It's the divide that TPTB wants us to hold. Why can't we come out above that?
edit on 10-8-2011 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by marklancedance

Why censor anything?

Why not show them the error of their ways?

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:58 PM
I have an idea...Stop taking offence to it. Just ignore it if people are descriminating. Who cares? It will only hurt people if the people being descriminated agianst allow themselves to be hurt. I am female and I don't care one bit if any man here or anywhere else is sexist against me. It is their own ignorance. I will not take it personally.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 09:12 AM
I'm afraid complete neutrality is impossible, even on the internet.

Sorry to be "that guy" but it's true. Unless you were raised a true hermaphrodite, or live in a bubble universe, you were born with a gender. And your gender is always going to color your comments one way or the other.

Face it. Even this thread is biased in favor of feminism. We know that from the very first post.

Saying "let's rid ATS of gender bias!" is tantamount to saying "let's end bad punctuation on ATS!".

It's not going to happen.

Now to add my own little rant here;

I think feminist Women are over-zealous in their approach to what they consider equality.

Equality should never equate superiority, and the fact is that nearly every feminist I speak with wants superiority over Men. How do I know this? Because the act of getting what they want is paramount to getting what they want.

Did you get that? It's subjugation at it's finest and most subtle. Feminists know this is true. What they want is irrelevant in comparison to them actually obtaining what they want. It's all about winning to a feminist. Proving that they can make Men do what they want. (here's a hint; if you didn't look like a football coach, you could easily get Men to do whatever you want)

Thus equality is never achieved, because the goal was never equality to begin with.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by marklancedance

We have petitions to ban stuff here? Awesome!!

Can we ban Racists too?


I second that request.

There is way more racisim here than there is sexism .

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:26 PM
If ATS gets too politically correct and you can't voice
your opinions' on topics without some crybabies getting
their little feelings hurt,I'm outta here.
I get bashed about my religious views all the time.You
don't see me crying about it on this board.People need
to grow a backbone, and a pair and get over it for crying

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by marklancedance

You have made some very serious allegations against the male members of this forum.

Please provide the evidence by linking to posts that demonstrate it.

If all sexes want to be treated equal then expect to be treated just that.

You are basically asking for "special"treatment because you are female.

If you disagree with what the posters are saying then demonstrate your ability to debate them.

Instead of starting another thread complaining........

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:43 PM
It is pointless to "ban" gender or any other discrimination on ATS.

Since you have no idea of the poster's minority identity/ victim-hood, you have no knowledge of whether the poster is allowed to hold the opinions they do.

It isn't mysogynistic if a woman says it; and for all you know, I might actually be a woman. (I'm really hot, btw).

Are you feelin' it, Dawg.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by IamJustanAmerican

In all fairness to the member, I did ask that we not link to threads or posts we see as troublesome in this thread, as that's the sort of witch hunt drama bomb we really don't need. We don't permit threads about other threads, or threads where other members are the topic to be singled out for criticism. She made her point, and I respect her feelings. I think maybe we may have reached a point where we all recognize some things we'll find either personally objectionable, or not worthy of participation. And that's okay.

There's plenty of stuff here I don't particularly care for, either. But until it violates the T&C, we're free to either counter the message with one of our own, or find a different topic.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by marklancedance
I say we end these gender bashing posts. I want to be able to recommend ATS as an upstanding and very interesting forum, and not worry that my female counterparts will be offended by the constant berating and condescending posts. Lets ban these sort of posts in a community effort to end this type of discrimination. We need to appear both intelligent and unbiased to be taken seriously. So, join me in a petition to end this gender discrimination, both Male and Female.
edit on 10-8-2011 by marklancedance because: (no reason given)

Yawn.. you mean like the post's about "the extinction of men" or how the world would be a better place if "men didn't exist"? Right.... no one notices your gyno-centric angle....

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by marklancedance
I say we end these gender bashing posts. I want to be able to recommend ATS as an upstanding and very interesting forum, and not worry that my female counterparts will be offended by the constant berating and condescending posts. Lets ban these sort of posts in a community effort to end this type of discrimination. We need to appear both intelligent and unbiased to be taken seriously. So, join me in a petition to end this gender discrimination, both Male and Female.
edit on 10-8-2011 by marklancedance because: (no reason given)

Seriously? No offense but this will NEVER happen.

You do realize there are people from ALL over the world on here? This is an internet forum where people share thoughts, ideas and opinions. It doesn't matter if you agree or not they are entitled to it. If you dont like it, go elsewhere or learn to ignore it. Believe me I have seen my fair share of female bashing on here but I learned to ignore it because it's always the same ones doing it anyway.

Saying ATS isn't upstanding and all that just because of posts like this is just silly. There are worse comments on here than the bashing of the sexes. Bashing the sexes is nothing new and has been going on since well forever!

Why not just move on? It's nice you want to stop it but it wont happen. ATS is full of all kinds of people remember that.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:06 AM

while the mods do a good job sometimes it's hard to find or catch what is against the TOS

That's just it...there's a line between being biased or prejudiced, and Hate.

People often don't is PERFECTLY ALLOWED (and within the TOS) to be prejudiced. It is a personal choice. Of course, such a person will have to live with the consequences of said choice, but still, it is his or her right to believe as they will, and talk about those beliefs.

However, it is NOT ALLOWED (or within the TOS), to encourage hate or discrimination against a protected group.

Often, these lines can be blurry...on ATS, or elsewhere.

Personally though, I've seen the ladies of ATS more than defend themselves quite well, and I wouldn't want to tangle with them...hehe....

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by marklancedance
Ok I get it. Thanks for the replies, sorry I get annoyed when when I see these posts. Do you not think they are insidious? I am a school teacher and actually a woman, so I get venomously irritated by such ignorance. Hope this at least made a discussion viable at the next meeting. Thanks
edit on 10-8-2011 by marklancedance because: (no reason given)


You are a school teacher working and living/working in a type of cloistered, controlled, protected environment. Most of us do not do this. I can see why you would want the rest of us to be cloistered, protected, and controlled in our environments to be the same as yours.
We are not interested in being stamped out xerox copies of someone else.

Most of us have some levels of being grown up and doing our own protecting of ourselves. We don't look to others to shield us. Nor do we look for others to do the Censorship for us so that our burdens and offenses are lighter by a process of "Entitlement." We do not expect to default through on the expense of the opinions and labors of others.

This world is full of things that offend many arenas. We either voice our opinions or separate from the elsewhere. We are well aware that this world is not a sanitized laboratory clean world set up like buffet line ..where all we do is pay our monies and play through by "Entitlement."

We are willing to RISK the hazards out here in this world without a "Safety Net " provided by someone else's RISKS and labors. We do not expect others to make the world safe sanitized and sterile for us. We do it ourselves or do without. We most certainly do not expect it to be done on the public purse or the purse of others.

Agree with Dr Strangecraft....once again... and he stated it much clearer and more economically than did I.

Fundamentally, ATS is a marketplace of ideas.

When we add to the ever-growing list of things "we don't talk about" we simply lessen the relevance of ATS. Making us more politically correct means making us less interesting.

If you could be guaranteed that you'd never see an offensive post on ATS, it would be achieved on the same day that ATS had become a blog that you produce and edit yourself.

And you'll be the only one who reads it.

You may think yourself entitled ...but we are not students in your cloistered environment. There are people out here who live in the real world and have harsh difficult conditions every day. They live without a safety net provided by the RISKS and difficulties of others.

Politically Correct has today become a form of censorship. Censorship in the arena of ideas for purposes of controlling thought. If thought can be controlled because of perceived offense...actions can likewise be controlled/censored. Language use/misuse can render the same effect as censorship.
Some of us are mature enough to be able to plot this censorship line.

We are also mature enough to know that there are people out here ..particularly in leadership positions..who do not like competition of ideas, language, thought and actions.

Some of us are grateful for a form like ATS where competition of ideas and thoughts can be reflected..even in disagreement.

People who disagree within the T&C are fine with me. I either rebut with my views or go elsewhere.
Disagreement is just that disagreement. As long as a level of decorum./T&C is followed I am fine with are most peoples on this forum.

My point here is that you should be careful what you think is ignorance. Also what is "Venomous Entitlement" no matter how subtly it is shaded.

Thanks to all for their posts,

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:34 PM
I'm fed up with socialism and political correctness. I'm also tired of everyone being an infant in an adult's body, constantly whining and screaming about how you've had your feelings hurt, because someone said something that you didn't want to hear.

OP, the truth is that both genders suck. We are members of a species about which, I have trouble avoiding the belief that extinction is literally the only thing it deserves. We are more corrupt right now as a society, than at any previous time in our history; and again, cultural Marxist adult babies like you, who continually call for "petitions," and other forms of socialist political masturbation as a means of enforcing political correctness, are actually a big part of that.

This planet is not a giant kindergarten. I apologise to those individuals who think it should be...actually, wait a minute. No, I don't apologise to you at all. Occasionally you might hear something, or see something that doesn't conform to your ideals about the way the world should be. The core definition of adulthood, is the ability to psychologically cope with that.

edit on 9-9-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2011 by petrus4 because: Civility

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