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The Tea Party Republicans Are Responsible For The Ratings Downgrade

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posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by professornurbs

You are kidding yourself and playing semantics if you don't think that the the Tea Party is, at best, a break away from the Republicans. At their earliest and finest they had a moment when they might have been a moment for a grass roots movement, a voice for a silent majority. That was taken over. Dems run agains Dems all the time. Does that make them any less Dems.
This fanatical Tea Party nonsense is out of hand. Soon they'll be at airports like Hare Krishna's were. Scaring children and messing up the day for decent folk.
They have lost their focus and their minds.
Deal with it.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by SpaDe_

Is't true. They should be happy. This is what they wanted. Small Government.

Yay. Congratulations on shrinking *destroying* America.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by quadagent
OP, did you ever consider looking at the reason S&P EXPLICITLY stated the downgrade was based upon, instead of reading something into a vague statement, grabbing the wrong end of a stick and then proceeding to beat a dead horse around the bush with it?!?!

S&P cut the long-term U.S. credit rating by one notch to AA-plus on concerns about the government's budget deficits and rising debt burden. The move is likely to raise borrowing costs eventually for the American government, companies and consumers. "The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics," S&P said in a statement. The decision follows a bitter political battle in Congress over cutting spending and raising taxes to reduce the government's debt burden and allow its statutory borrowing limit to be raised. On August 2 President Barack Obama signed legislation designed to reduce the fiscal deficit by $2.1 trillion (1.28 trillion pounds) over 10 years. But that was well short of the $4 trillion in savings S&P had called for as a good "down payment" on fixing America's finances.


I just don't have anything else to say. If that isn't clear enough...I can't imagine what would be.

they wouldn't have to "save" as much or spend as little if there was a larger revenue stream.
Corporations and the wealthy used that wealth to buy the government and get politicians to vote in tax breaks that worked to the benefit of those wealthy corporations and indviduals.
You can get to 4 trillion by cutting down or by adding up.
It is easiest and least painful all around to get there by doing both which if you read the OP's article is exactly what the rating agency said they were looking for as a reason to maintain the AAA status.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by professornurbs
reply to post by beansanmash

How can a party that has no majority in either house weild so much power?

Objection your honour:
Asked and answered.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet

Even YOU stated the Tea Party hasn't been around until AFTER 2009!

edit on 6-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: (no reason given)

But the OP wasn't blaming the Tea Party for the debt but for the downgrade. This definitely occurred on SINCE the Tea Party was formed.

Debt is not a problem (within reason) it's the ability to repay your debt that is the problem. Hence Greece, Ireland etc The Tea Party influence of the republicans has meant that the markets can no longer believe with absolute certainty that the US will honour it's debts.

The Tea Party IS at fault

By the way I live in the UK where I have access to some astonishing unbiased assessment. I found the investigation of who funds the Tea Party quite astonishing and I am suprised anyone would want to be associated with it. However, I now suspect cognitive dissonance kicking in. You've nailed your colours to the Tea Party flag pole so the last thing you want to admit is that you have been conned......and you have, big time, by very rich individuals with a skewed political agenda.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by malcr

By the way I live in the UK

Yep, anticipate a positive perspective on the "Tea Party"....

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 05:24 AM
Where did all these ultra-right wing posters spring from? Two years ago (I lurked before signing up) was way more balanced, ideology wise, than now. What the hell happened? At this point in the game people that defend billionaires and oppose the common good of the general population should be only paid shills. How can someone argue against their own interests no matter their ignorance is astounding, but on ats seems way worse to me.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 05:29 AM
so, a bunch of people get together to tell our corrupt politicians to stop stealing thier money to buy votes, and they cause oblivion? wow. so what your saying is, let the corrupt use my money to buy more votes and more power because if i don't the world will end?

lets get real the cut cap and balance idea makes sense. the people who dont like it are politicians worrying about how they can buy votes and brainwashed crony sheep bashing thier head against anyone that says enough is enough.

after all, if i take a pay cut at work what will i do? draw out a budget, spend less, and, cut up my damned credit cards. cut cap balance, it really is that simple

don't get me wrong, the republicans made a catastrophic screw up from a political perspective. had they embraced the tea party right off, but softened thier tone, they could have easily come out of this political victors. maybe even cleaned up thier party a little. if we as americans can force out the corruption of one party, the other willl have to follow

you really want to see a change? register as a rep. and vote for the reps at your county or state level (not gov't reps mind you, county and state reps that vote who can represent the party) if we all did this we could wash out one party in a years time.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 05:53 AM
Whew.... this is simple enough. At first I thought this was a serious thread.

But, then I realized Inforeal is just being a Patsy for the Democratic Elitist that are running around again...

When I noticed/realized... somehow...

PRESIDENT BUSH's name was not envoked in this whole thing... I then KNEW this thread was a joke.

Can we please stay on the Main Democratic Pary talking point(s).... the same plan for over 3 years now...

Bush's Fault,,,, Bush's Fault... Bush's Fault...... Bush's Fault..

(I think you will find you will get a more postitve response sticking with the usualy montra...)

Tea Party Anyone?????

edit on 8/7/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by professornurbs
Lets get to schooling the OP. How can 1 group who doesn't even have a majority in not even 1 house be responsible for this. They cannot pass bills with out support from others in congress. It is simple logic to follow.

Better yet. How can a political movement that has only been in power for one year be responsible for a national debt that has been accumulating for over ten years?

Even though Obama has been in power for three years, less time than the overall debt's existence, he is responsible for the trillions he contributed to the crises. If Obama knew how bad the debt was, why didn't he start doing something three years ago?

Originally posted by whyamIhere
Yes they are....
Finally a group of people stood up and said "enough".
We owe these great Americans a huge Thank You !!!

Within many of the S&P reports, Paul Ryan's plan to cut $4 trillion was being praised. Paul Ryan is a Tea Party politician. If the Tea Paty never existed, the government would have kept on spending. Now the politicians have to confront the debt head on...and, that is a good thing.

edit on 8/7/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:49 AM
I'm confused... the stock market dropped 700 points in two days and the credit rating was downgraded for the first time in our history AFTER we signed a bill that RAISED our debt ceiling. This wasn't what the tea party wanted us to do.

The fact is... our credit rating has been (and still is) WAY TOO HIGH for a very long time. If any citizen borrowed this frequently, spent this much, and paid back so little their credit score would sink like a rock. The rating should be based on performance--not reputation.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:01 AM




posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by inforeal

Sorry to burst your bubble ... this was the fault of the Illuminati, or you can refer to them as Luciferians, elitists, globalists ... don't put the blame off on Congress. Who is the idiot that put his signature on the plan???

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
Where did all these ultra-right wing posters spring from? Two years ago (I lurked before signing up) was way more balanced, ideology wise, than now. What the hell happened? At this point in the game people that defend billionaires and oppose the common good of the general population should be only paid shills. How can someone argue against their own interests no matter their ignorance is astounding, but on ats seems way worse to me.

You can't HONESTLY be wondering where all the "right wing" sentiment came from can you, can you?

It's a natural human reaction to learn from their mistakes. If you get burned by a stove you become a "ultra stove-avoider", if you get bit by a snake you become an "ultra snake-avoider", and when a non AAA member runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere they may become an "ultra AAA member".

Likewise...when an anti-American "ultra left-wing" Marxist drives the country you love straight down the toilet, there will be a natural human reaction to move to the right.

In other words: Obama--by being a gigantic liar, failure, and disappointment--created the "right wing" movement. Once again... you can blame Obama (and then he'll blame Bush)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:14 AM
The agenda by the elite with the continuation of right / left party rhetoric to confuse the masses while they RAPE the people is scary.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by professornurbs
reply to post by beansanmash

How can a party that has no majority in either house weild so much power?


posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:42 AM
A third party "alternative" funded by the ultra-rich Koch brothers and scare tactics, lures in scores of ignorant over-loud chumps with fears of socialism, a touch of racism, and a pinch of Sarah Palin sex appeal. And top it off with some good old fashioned fundamentalism. Only in America. They get exactly what they deserve.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by MiloNickels
I'm confused... the stock market dropped 700 points in two days and the credit rating was downgraded for the first time in our history AFTER we signed a bill that RAISED our debt ceiling. This wasn't what the tea party wanted us to do.

The fact is... our credit rating has been (and still is) WAY TOO HIGH for a very long time. If any citizen borrowed this frequently, spent this much, and paid back so little their credit score would sink like a rock. The rating should be based on performance--not reputation.

I completely agree with everything you said.

Let us take a look at what the S&P said...
Link: Politics Standard & Poor's Defends Downgrade of U.S. Debt

"One was the political gridlock in Washington, which make us think that it's going to be difficult for elected officials to put the fiscal profile of the U.S. government on a long-term sustainable path," he said.

Interesting. Some financial-services company hates when politics goes against their agenda.

Very interesting. S&P's influence over the United States has been shown.

"If you get to the $4 trillion figure -- which had been mentioned by the Bowles-Simpson commission, which had been mentioned by the president in his April 13 speech, which had been mentioned by Paul Ryan in his alternative budget -- that, if you have decent growth behind it,would have done the trick," Chambers said.

What is this? Some Tea-Party member got credit for a plan that reduces spending? Go Paul Ryan.

Remember, President Obama didn't change his tune until he said, "Call congress and let them know...". Once Obama was hit with calls by the average citizen, he went from promoting spending to reduce the deficit.

edit on 8/7/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 08:04 AM
Sorry but it has nothing to do with rep. tea party it has to do with the american people spending so much all of america live outside there means...GET RID OF SECTION 8, Food stamps,and CREDIT CARDS>>>so its not a rep or dem problem its an USA problem. As in WE THE PEOPLE>>>>>>

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by VikingHavokk
Sorry but it has nothing to do with rep. tea party it has to do with the american people spending so much all of america live outside there means...GET RID OF SECTION 8, Food stamps,and CREDIT CARDS>>>so its not a rep or dem problem its an USA problem. As in WE THE PEOPLE>>>>>>

I was the one who gave you a star. Once I reread the last sentence, I now complete regret giving you a star.

You are wrong. Republicans and Democrats are completely to blame.

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