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When is life not worth living anymore?

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posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by davespanners

I would not want to live totally trapped in my head...similiar to Stephan Hawking. But if that was the case, I would not be able to commit suicide would I?

I believe in living life to it's fullest.

Thanks for the post though as I needed reminding that while life can be hard, like now in my case, it is still a grand adventure.

I guess you just cuffed me on the back of the head.

Time to get off my butt and get some work done.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 01:26 PM
For a long time suicide was my best friend, always there as my savior, the one that could make it stop. I relied on the belief that if it got much worse i always had that. Many, many times i'd turn to that thought. Then the day came, i was so sure yet as i contemplated it, i faltered. I thought about my family and the thought of them scraping me off the floor ( i considered how long it would be before they found me) maybe i'd be green by then.
I found myself putting others concerns before mine, how awful it would be for them and how much they would suffer.
I realized that i did not want to put them through that. I was devastated, i couldn't go through with it. I had to carry on this hell of a life forever. In the end i decieded to die without the mess. I thought 'ok i will just attend'.
In a way i believe that i did die that day because i gave up my life. I stopped. I gave up doing anything. Yet amazingly life carried on without me.
Life fits now.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

What do you mean life fits now? You are content?

In a way, giving up is like suicide. You stop being yourself (your family loses you), you hurt your family (you become a burden), but even worse you leave them hope (when you're hopeless) with no ending (death). It's not one's fault to experience this, it all depends on the circumstances you are thrown.

It takes time to grieve through a loss or unfortunate circumstance, however you can recover. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem (cliche).
edit on 5-8-2011 by mathematic because: parathentical additions

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by mathematic

I mostly agree.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Shawshank Redemption

Before I'd assume I'm a burden, however, I'd be sure to ask the people around me if they think I am.
I'm pretty sure they'll say something like, "I'd rather you be a burden than dead."

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:20 PM
Reply to post by davespanners

Interesting question dave. Just a bump so I can find this thread easier when I get home

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posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Suicide is a selfish act.....totally against what I believe. To be selfish and kill yourself is a slap in the face to your loved ones. Its a cowardly act. For anyone to commit such an act is pathetic in my opinion.

I'm surprised to hear something so judgemental coming from you.

Many commit suicide because they want to save their families the terrible burden of medical expenses.

Anyone who can so harshly judge suicide , and put everyone who has ever done it in the pathetic category, is really the pathetic one. Who made you the judge of what is cowardly ,and selfish??? You really have no idea what some people go through , and you really aren't in any position to pass judgements on what is cowardly ,and what is selfish.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:30 PM
When is life not worth living anymore?
In a perfect world the answer would be never, but if i've learned anything from my short time on this planet, never say never, and the world isn't perfect.
There are quite a few suicides in Dostoevsky's novels, Dostoevsky himself tried to commit suicide. His views on suicide is very interesting, much like this thread

One example, would be in the novel "The Possessed." There's a character who studies suicide. But he makes it very clear he doesn't study why people commit suicide, he studies why more people don't commit suicide. People have done it for every reason under the sun. Everyone goes through pain in this life. "why don't more people commit suicide?" Do you understand his point? Asking why people commit suicide is kind of a dumb question . Instead we should be asking questions about it much like the OP is asking.
Most people(maybe not on this site) look on suicide with absolute disgust. It is for a very good reason, albeit might not be the most enlightened approach.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by davespanners

When the world runs out of tequilla, coffee, and hot women I'll be ready to go.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by LooksLikeWeMadeIt

people are cruel and often shun the weakest and stricken amongst us. they do and you know it's true.

this is true
I have also noticed how people tend to stay away when you are in need and down on your luck. They act as though you have the plague or something and that in itself makes you depressed. It makes a person feel as thought no one really cares about them. When a person is feeling depressed and lonely, that is not the time that you should stay away from them because you think it would interfere with your daily schedule or your kids lives. That only makes the person feel worse off than before and doing that to someone is selfish in itself.

I am depressed and lonely right now. I have a family but where are they when I need them? I feel abandoned and yes I do feel alone but, I have to stay strong for my kid.

Alot of us are in trouble right now and some will think they have no way out and suicide is the only option. When you see your friends are in trouble, be a friend and help out instead of staying away, who knows you may just be that life float that they needed.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
What I would like to know is, what for you would make life not worth carrying on with anymore?

Sometimes I love life, sometimes I hate it. This week has been a particularly bad one. The temps are hitting 110 every day here, things are going terribly at work and home, I'm not getting much sleep, I'm chronically behind on stuff I need to do, etc. Lots of little stuff too, like I keep my car super clean but the roads around my house have been torn up for over a month and it's impossible to keep it clean while that's going on. The little stuff is grating on my nerves too! Oh, then there's the whole debt ceiling fiasco and the lousy last week on Wall Street, my portfolio took a sizable hit.

Originally posted by davespanners
Can you ever imagine a point where you would consider suicide as an option, or do you believe that it is never an option however bad life is?

Not an option, it's too selfish. I've got too many people depending on me and I'm not going to let them down because I'm throwing myself a pity party.

Originally posted by davespanners
Have you ever been at the point of considering ending your life and if so what made you decide not to go through with it, fear if the unknown, thinking of the people you would leave behind?

I fantasize about it, the thought of escaping everything is an interesting one. But that's the extent of it, I've never seriously considered it.

Originally posted by davespanners
Would religion play any part in you making a decision like that and if so, how?

Yes and no, I'm a believer and through studies I firmly believe suicide is not a ticket to hell, in fact I believe it has no impact on one's salvation. However, part of following Christ is being a servant to others and it's that aspect of it that would prevent me from doing so.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:37 PM
When one becomes a big enough wuss, to carry out a suicide ? Life is no longer worth living. Suicide is weak. I consider it, unhealthy to waste anytime thinking or talking about it. It's a very selfish act and life isn't that long anyway. We die soon enough, can't believe anyone gets tired of breathing and when someone goes thru with it ? Bury em and forget em. That's what they deserve. IMO
edit on 5-8-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by mustangill

I have also noticed how people tend to stay away when you are in need and down on your luck. They act as though you have the plague or something and that in itself makes you depressed. It makes a person feel as thought no one really cares about them. When a person is feeling depressed and lonely, that is not the time that you should stay away from them because you think it would interfere with your daily schedule or your kids lives. That only makes the person feel worse off than before and doing that to someone is selfish in itself.

Well said, we need to be reminded of this from time to time. I'm as guilty of avoiding people for reasons like this as anyone.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
When one becomes a big enough wuss to carry out a suicide. Suicide is weak. I consider it unhealthy to waste anytime thinking or talking about it. It's a very selfish act and life isn't that long anyway. We die soon enough, can't believe anyone gets tired of brteathing and when some go thru with it. Bury em and forget em. That's what they deserve. IMO

I think it is selfish to expect anyone going through daily pain ,that won't go away, to keep on truckin, and just live with it. You aren't the one living that persons pain..just another fool who thinks you have the right to judge.

You have no idea what some may be going through, mentally, emotionally, or physically. I think those who commit suicide feel like there are no options .... and it is a last resort. Most people aren't there for people when people really need them, but they sure are there for judgement after the fact. Just makes me realize how self righteous people are, and how quick they can be to judge anothers pain. I'm sure there are some who have committed suicide just to escape this constant judgement from others.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

Might as well forget it, gabby. Some people are incapable of even trying to relate to the pain other people feel and deal with on a daily basis.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by MamaJ

Suicide is a selfish act.....totally against what I believe. To be selfish and kill yourself is a slap in the face to your loved ones. Its a cowardly act. For anyone to commit such an act is pathetic in my opinion.

You really have no idea what some people go through , and you really aren't in any position to pass judgements on what is cowardly ,and what is selfish.

Yes and yes. A friend of mine recently took his life. The note he left was very vague, yet a few of his peers decided to call him a coward, after he's dead, call him a coward. I dunno man, takes a lot of something to be able to do harm to yourself in some of the ways that are used. Bottom line is just because you have dealt with issues of suicide in your life does not mean you are the judge all of suicide cases.

Back to the topic. I feel that everyone will be different when it comes to their tipping point. It's kind of like asking how much pain can you tolerate, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual etc. Everyone can take it to some degree. I myself have attempted when I was quite young. Thankfully it did not succeed and I am happily married to a loving wife.

And for those that use the bible to justify a venomous attitude to those in utter despair... argh is all I have to say (on this site anyhow), arrrgh (no tone, just plain argh....)

On another note I have a hunch deep inside that a startlingly high percentage of people (especially in the west) have entertained the idea and the what ifs, of taking control of your final exit. No stats, no pics no links, no Phd. Just a feeling I get from the current state of my worldview . But since the topic is controversial and really who would admit out loud, "Yea Tommy I'm kinda on the fence today, I just might off myself. Then again, maybe not, we'll see next week."

I could very likely be wrong however and not know that everyone is on big pharma pills, therefore life is dandy with a 5 minute long list of side effects read off by a horse race announcer guy

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 07:07 PM
I would contemplate suicide if I was stuck in a burning building and had a gun with me..with no way out..
I would contemplate suicide if it was to save someone I love..One of those situations like in a person must sacrifice themselves for another to escape or make it out alive or something along those lines..

I don't feel death but would never take my life unless for the above reasons.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 07:23 PM
Things always change or get better...with alot of effort. Anything worth having requires effort. A great deal of effort. Life is not a picnic, it is a journey. Consider moving somewhere different, or even spending a week alone in a foreign country. That will give you new perspective. Eliminate spending time with people who cause you terrible problems. Life is too short for their drama. Think Exit to a new place or location, even if it is another room. Best wishes! Volunteer to help others this will perk you up.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

You have no idea

Really ?

You're right ! I don't deserve to live.

I'm speaking of absolute off the wall, no body could see it coming, goodbye cruel world, woe is poor me. Suicides
that are outright weak. Not a self inflicted death do to horriffic pain. Not a merciful death. There is never only one victim in a suicide. Suicide is just self inflicted murder. I think I do have a pretty good idea actually. I just refuse
to have a bleeding heart for someone who gets back at their own family by killing themselves

You should realise the diversity of the conversation and then employ your own advice. I'm feeling a bit unfairly judged myself right now. Don't know one damn thing about me.

I have no idea.. Pfff !

edit on 5-8-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by gabby2011

You have no idea

Really ?

You're right ! I don't deserve to live. about being take 3 words out of a post...use them out of context...than you have the audacity to use that reply?

Grow up

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
I believe in helping others and being here for others in need. I like for people to be support for me as well in my time of need. We are here with an instinct to survive. We love deeply and sob when a loved one passes.

Suicide is a selfish act.....totally against what I believe. To be selfish and kill yourself is a slap in the face to your loved ones. Its a cowardly act. For anyone to commit such an act is pathetic in my opinion.

"Suicide is not a selfish act - It is an act of desperation by someone in intense pain" "The pejorative, disrespectful, and ignorant statements that we are assaulted with concerning suicide angels are in abundance...and are disquieting to cope with on a daily basis."

"You've heard them many times, statements about suicide being a "sin" or a "crime," "an act of self-murder, " etc. Well, let me address one more ignorant statement - that suicide is a "selfish " act."


I hope that many of you read the above link...and become enlightened and less ignorant.

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