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I am sorry

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posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:50 PM
Thank you for respecting the thread i am sorry for the joke i shouldn't have tried to humor you, becouse i only write to you right?
Because no one else would be mad enough to read what i write.
LYING MASON GO *** ** **** *** *** ****!

Baron Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo's Empire of the Neutral Zone

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:52 PM
"When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be. Yeah
There will be an answer, let it be.
And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be."


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Yes ALL Freemasons are pathological liars, its part of their programming along with the cowardice bit.
(Its all to "protect the secrets" you see...)
If you don't foster these attributes you can't become a Mason from what I have seen.
This is a mind control cult - not a charity.


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Yes ALL Freemasons are pathological liars, its part of their programming along with the cowardice bit.
(Its all to "protect the secrets" you see...)
If you don't foster these attributes you can't become a Mason from what I have seen.
This is a mind control cult - not a charity.


General query:

Are either of the above - the quoted segment or the three-letter one-liner - acceptable under the rules of ATS?

I am insulted by being termed a "pathological liar" in a broad sweeping statement by an internet troll. While this does ATS no justice at all, there are impressionable readers who might think that this individual has "seen" something of Freemasonry as is claimed, which he has not.

I am interested to see what action might be taken.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by NeonHelmet
Thank you for respecting the thread i am sorry for the joke i shouldn't have tried to humor you, becouse i only write to you right?
Because no one else would be mad enough to read what i write.
LYING MASON GO *** ** **** *** *** ****!

Hmmm, very christian of you.... I am not mad at you, I personally consider you an ignorant arrogant person, and until today had you set to ignore, since your posts are so very hateful. However, you wrote:

How did you know many Norwegians were baby eaters, it�s a proven fact that all Scandinavians eat their own children; it also explains the low birth rate we Scandinavians have.
Innocent until proven guilty yes I know that term, but what does that have to do with masons?
Masons mingle in their secret societies there for they must be guilty.
Masons of big companies make deals with other masons because they are masons.
Masons impose boycotts on other non-mason companies forcing them to join or close down their business.
Masons are an old order of MEN, planning on how to take over the world with their so-called Jew complex. (Masons before non Masons)

Which read to me as very hateful, not only toward masons, presuming guilt where non exists, and toward jews, from your own words:
Masons are an old order of MEN, planning on how to take over the world with their so-called Jew complex. (Masons before non Masons)

There is no such thing as Masons before Masons... I am sworn to aid and assist a DISTRESSED WORTHY BROTHER MASTER MASON, not instead of anyone one else... it is sad that you insist on seeing evil where there is none... is this simply projection?

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Originally posted by ThePunisher

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Yes ALL Freemasons are pathological liars, its part of their programming along with the cowardice bit.
(Its all to "protect the secrets" you see...)
If you don't foster these attributes you can't become a Mason from what I have seen.
This is a mind control cult - not a charity.


General query:

Are either of the above - the quoted segment or the three-letter one-liner - acceptable under the rules of ATS?

I am insulted by being termed a "pathological liar" in a broad sweeping statement by an internet troll. While this does ATS no justice at all, there are impressionable readers who might think that this individual has "seen" something of Freemasonry as is claimed, which he has not.

I am interested to see what action might be taken.

out of intrest what does 'internet troll' mean?.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:29 PM
Crawling to the cross!

Theron Dunn lets burry the axes sit down at the long table, here have some mead *passes the drinking horn* ill admit to the above post being ridden with not so good emotions I wouldn�t call it hate but they are not good I give you that.
I would like to tell you something about me, you have a big misconception as to who I am, I am a male of 24 earthly years, I have a son who is in he�s 4th cycle, I am a soldier rank of sergeant major in the Danish army, I have a wife and we have been together for 7 cycles, I love my family and my friends I also love all sentient beings from this earth.
I am not claiming that all masons are evil I don�t know all masons so I cant make that claim, I do have some knowledge as to some conspiracies in the non existent top of the Masonic lodges.
This is not my point, I have been assaulted and I have made assaults, so I have an equal amount of guilt in this matter, I feel I have started a war in here I have 6-7 masons posting against me, I feel that this is all a big misunderstanding, I also feel that you are deliberately misinterpreting what I write, you have me marked as a troll looking for drama.
Now we are never going to agree on this matter, I do respect your opinion and I can understand why it is you all feel as strongly as you do, after all if you made the same assaults on me saying that Thor had intercourse with he�s goats or that the Danish army is full of devil worshippers I would take offence and would defend it.
I think and feel that 95% of masons are good guys who love their wife�s and pay the bill and is a good citizen, not that I am glorifying you, you have just as many bad seeds as the rest of the human race.

*takes a deep drought and passes the horn*

I do take offence when I am being labelled as anti Semite or anti Jew, you cant put that label on me I have fought and bled for the Jews, so has many in my family, they sailed about 90% of all the Danish Jews to Sweden so they could escape the holocaust.
You can call me ignorant, adolescent, stupid, dumb, immature, troll, hate monger, anti mason and insane.
As you so often have!

Well don�t take this as I want to discuss any of the above because it is only what I feel and it cant be discussed, you have said to me many times that I am unchristian and that is true, I am of the Asatru beliefs i.e. the Norse pagan mythology.
I believe in Ragnarok and the events unfolding up to this, I believe that Valhalla is near and also that I will be there to build the next world.

*empties the horn exhaling a big foul stench of mead*

I am a Viking and I have TOTAL VIKING POWER!

Baron Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo�s Empire of the Neutral Zone

�Any great truth can -- and eventually will -- be expressed as a cliche -- a clich� is a sure and certain way to dilute an idea. For instance, my grandmother used to say, 'The black cat is always the last one off the fence.' I have no idea what she meant, but at one time, it was undoubtedly true.�

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by NeonHelmet
I would like to tell you something about me, you have a big misconception as to who I am, I am a male of 24 earthly years... I am a soldier rank of sergeant major in the Danish army.

I do take offence when I am being labelled as anti Semite or anti Jew, you cant put that label on me I have fought and bled for the Jews, so has many in my family, they sailed about 90% of all the Danish Jews to Sweden so they could escape the holocaust.

You can call me ignorant, adolescent, stupid, dumb, immature, troll, hate monger, anti mason and insane.
As you so often have!

Twenty Four years old, and a Sergeant Major, quite an accomplishment; in the U.S. and U.K. Armies, the rank of Sergeant Major usually takes 24 years of service (quite often more) to attain... perchance you could provide some interesting tales of your exploits that would precipitate such a rapid rise in rank... except... the Danish Army doesn't have the rank of Sergeant Major. Minor detail, what's the point of veracity at this point, I mean, it's the internet after all.

Anti-Semitic, you bet, perhaps you could explain what a �Jew Complex� is.

Originally posted by NeonHelmet
Masons are an old order of MEN, planning on how to take over the world with their so-called Jew complex.

Right after you finish the whole �Jew Complex" thing, then a detailed after action report of your �fought and bled for the Jews� services. Denmark certainly has flexed her muscles around the world, especially where one could have �fought and bled for the Jews�. I will refrain from addressing the claim of 90% of the Danish Jews being sailed to Sweden, I�m trying my best to keep a straight face.

You can call me ignorant, adolescent, stupid, dumb, immature, troll, hate monger, anti mason and insane.

Left one out: fabulist (or for the benefit of my favorite "Bitter Pill", rapscallion).

[edit on 18/8/2004 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by NeonHelmet
I am of the Asatru beliefs i.e. the Norse pagan mythology.
I believe in Ragnarok and the events unfolding up to this, I believe that Valhalla is near and also that I will be there to build the next world.

I believe Thor is one of the original demons with his upside down cross hammer and goat creatures. He and his bretheren are nothing but evil worshipping satanist vikings.

Ok, I don't really believe any of that, well...maybe just the viking part.
I was always much more a Baldur person than a Thor one anyway.

Just trying to lighten the moment. Ummmm...had to go back a couple pages and after that....and change my comment.

[edit on 17-8-2004 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
Left one out: fabulist.

I think calling him a "fabulist" might be inappropriate, because this word has the connotation of a charming liar, or a liar who produces coherent stories. NeonHelmet is neither.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 11:14 PM
you just posted that I wrote:

fter all if you made the same assaults on me saying that Thor had intercourse with he�s goats or that the Danish army is full of devil worshippers I would take offence and would defend it.
I think and feel that 95% of masons are good guys who love their wife�s and pay the bill and is a good citizen, not that I am glorifying you, you have just as many bad seeds as the rest of the human race.

Would you mind citing where I wrote that? I have never said, thought, or written any such thing ANYWHERE, not even in any of the books or stories that I have written... and since I do not know anyone in the Danish army, and it is not my style to write in such flamboyant and ridiculous a style as you claim, I would be VERY interested in seeing a citation on that... or are you just a flaming liar, as my brother has inferred, referencing your claim to being a sergent major.

Now, I know Engish isn't your primary language, though you do seem to be avoiding the major dinglish mistakes (I lived in Kobenhaven working for Axapta Data out of Birkerod for a while, so I have been in your beautiful country), but really, what you wrote as a quote is a flat out and out lie... what's up with that?

if you have an HONEST beef with Masons, ok, but so far, all I have seen is ubsubstantiated intestinal methane... you keep tossing out this 5% this and 10% that... you have anything at ALL to substantiate your assertions there, besides more of that flatulence???

You claim not to be a mason (imagine my surprise on that score!) then go on to infere that you know some boogeda boogeda boo "secrets" about some mysterious "higher ups" in masonry. How is it that you come across this special secret codeword knowledge that the rest of us, real masons, involved in the good deeds and honorable works of masonry DON'T??


Is there a board op or moderator out there that can do something about bald faced slander on ATS here?

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 07:30 AM
MrNecros - I am concerned for you and those around you as you seem to be displaying all of the classic symptoms of paranoid delusion. I do not know you and I do not know your circumstances, but I do know that the vast majority of people, who like you, believe there is a shadowy group of people intent on ruining every facet of thier lives, are suffering from paranod delusion. This is a very serious condition whch can easily lead to you doing violence to ether yourself or another. While you may be correct that the masons are out to get you, for your own safety and that of those around you please consider checking into a mental health facility for diagnosis.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:28 AM
Freemasonry is a Mind Control Cult - it fosters the belief that everyone outside the cult is a potential adversary at best.
All members are sworn by blood oaths to defend the secrets of the order at all costs.
This is manditory.
All initiates are taught how to lie in the Masonic fashion in order to carry this out - it is part of their programming.
They will sit there and deny their affiliation 'til the cows come home, calling in a slew of other masons to repeat the same sentance "I am not a Mason ...but I know one and he is a good man."
The purpose of this is two-fold, it prevents outsiders from being able to effectively take action against them and it also causes the individual to become further and further dependent upon the cult structure.
To say that my statement is inacurate is mearly a demonstration that you are unaware of their culture and structure, just as many of them are.
You don't get people saying these sorts of things about any other groups.

The reason why so m,any of them hang out in forums like this is to generate noise to prevent people like myself from getting in contact with each other so they can deal with the situation they are in.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:34 AM
There are no "classic" symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, I know such because I spent quite some time caring for people with this condition before my encounter with Freemasonry.
I also checked myself into hospital after the first incident and was certified sane, just full of wierd drugs I'd never heard of before.
Leave the medical diagnosis to qualified professionals, amature hacks who've seen a bunch of eposodes of ER don't really cut much in the real world.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Maybe you need to be checked again.

The exact cause of paranoia is unknown. Potential causal factors may be genetics, neurological abnormalities, changes in brain chemistry, and stress. Paranoia is also a possible side effect of drug use and abuse (for example, alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, coc aine, PCP). Acute, or short term, paranoia may occur in some individuals overwhelmed by stress.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV), the diagnostic standard for mental health professionals in the United States, lists the following symptoms for paranoid personality disorder:

* suspicious; unfounded suspicions; believes others are plotting against him/her
* preoccupied with unsupported doubts about friends or associates
* reluctant to confide in others due to a fear that information may be used against him/her
* reads negative meanings into innocuous remarks
* bears grudges
* perceives attacks on his/her reputation that are not clear to others, and is quick to counterattack
* maintains unfounded suspicions regarding the fidelity of a spouse or significant other

courtesy of

[edit on 18-8-2004 by mwm1331]

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:42 AM
a little more to think about

Paranoia is an unfounded or exaggerated distrust of others, sometimes reaching delusional proportions. Paranoid individuals constantly suspect the motives of those around them, and believe that certain individuals, or people in general, are "out to get them."

Paranoid perceptions and behavior may appear as features of a number of mental illnesses, including depression and dementia, but are most prominent in three types of psychological disorders: paranoid schizophrenia, delusional disorder (persecutory type), and paranoid personality disorder (PPD).

Individuals with paranoid schizophrenia and persecutory delusional disorder experience what is known as persecutory delusions: an irrational, yet unshakable, belief that someone is plotting against them. Persecutory delusions in paranoid schizophrenia are bizarre, sometimes grandiose, and often accompanied by auditory hallucinations. Delusions experienced by individuals with delusional disorder are more plausible than those experienced by paranoid schizophrenics; not bizarre, though still unjustified. Individuals with delusional disorder may seem offbeat or quirky rather than mentally ill, and, as such, may never seek treatment.

Persons with paranoid personality disorder tend to be self-centered, self-important, defensive, and emotionally distant. Their paranoia manifests itself in constant suspicions rather than full-blown delusions. The disorder often impedes social and personal relationships and career advancement. Some individuals with PPD are described as "litigious," as they are constantly initiating frivolous law suits. PPD is more common in men than in women, and typically begins in early adulthood.
courtesy of

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful MeDenmark certainly has flexed her muscles around the world, especially where one could have �fought and bled for the Jews�. I will refrain from addressing the claim of 90% of the Danish Jews being sailed to Sweden, I�m trying my best to keep a straight face.

While guys, Im sure this dude is.. well I wont get into the argument (some stuff he says is pretty questionable), but I do have to just step in to say that Denmark was one of the VERY FEW European countries to do anything about the final solution. If more countires and their leaders had acted as the Danes and their royal family had done during the war.. well it may have not happened to the disgusting extent that it did...

dont know about the 90% to sweden thing... but they were still very groovy about it all...

read Hannah Arent's 'Eichmann In Jerusalem' or just google...

but yeah.. he's a nutter otherwise!

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Freemasonry is a Mind Control Cult - it fosters the belief that everyone outside the cult is a potential adversary at best.

Not true. Freemasonry states that Freemasons should love all mankind. Nor is it a cult.

All members are sworn by blood oaths to defend the secrets of the order at all costs.

Not true. There are no "blood oaths" in Freemasonry.

All initiates are taught how to lie in the Masonic fashion in order to carry this out - it is part of their programming.

Not true. Freemasonry teaches a man to be honest and upright in his dealings with all men.

They will sit there and deny their affiliation 'til the cows come home, calling in a slew of other masons to repeat the same sentance "I am not a Mason ...but I know one and he is a good man."

Not true. Most masons don't hide their membership. ATS is an example itself. There are many Freemasons posting here and none of them deny their membership of the Order.

The purpose of this is two-fold, it prevents outsiders from being able to effectively take action against them and it also causes the individual to become further and further dependent upon the cult structure.

Not true. The idea is that a Freemason puts something back into society - not that he is reliant on the Order or that he takes instead of gives.

To say that my statement is inacurate is mearly a demonstration that you are unaware of their culture and structure, just as many of them are.

Not true. Your statement is wholly inaccurate, just as 99% of the other accusations that you make are.

You don't get people saying these sorts of things about any other groups.

Not true. There are many groups that suffer from the same false attacks. Freemasonry just seems to attract the biggest losers when it comes to defamation (like yourself).

The reason why so many of them hang out in forums like this is to generate noise to prevent people like myself from getting in contact with each other so they can deal with the situation they are in.

Not true. The reason we "hang out" in forums is because we are no different than anyone else. I've been a member here since February 2003 and posted on many subjects. The only time I really post on Freemasonry is to attack it from the lies of ignorant people like yourself.

Hmmm. How many "not trues" there, Necros? I think you may just have exceeded your previous record of fitting in so many lies into one post.
Well done.

[edit on 18-8-2004 by Leveller]

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 11:01 AM
Excelent - you can use a search engine - I'll just mail you your doctorate right now.

I won't go into the full details of how complex the medical condition you are attempting to diagnose is - it is very general and vague, basically there are two main categories of mental disorder - manic/depressive and schizophrenia but to be blunt EVERY case is unique and can take several months even years to diagnose and treat correctly.

If I have a mental disorder it is not paranoid schizophrenia as I "claim" to have actually been abducted, drugged and physically abused in adition to the conspiracy stuff.

But anyway if you haven't got the message yet - sod off.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 11:08 AM
Really - most Masons don't hide their affiliation - I know at least a hundred or so and none of them will willingly admit it.
In fact I don't know anybody who actually knows a Freemason who isn't one, even their own family members.
So what group do you know of that claims to just be a charity has entire websites dedicated to showing that they are in fact a mind control cult?

Why do I bother this just goes round in circles?

Gotta go and fix dinner - I've spent too much time on this board this week.

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