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What is God trying to tell me??

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posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:41 AM
Ok so I have no idea if this is the right forum for my problem, maybe it should be in skunk works
I dont know, Im sure the mods will move it if they need to.

My relationship with God has been a strange one over the years an up and down, cat and mouse, hide and seek kindve situation, I always thought that surely there must be an easier way to lead a spiritual life and connect with God in a tangible way, I always focused on the fact that I couldnt hear him, I accepted that I couldnt see him but I couldnt understand why he couldnt speak to us audibly you know? Like how spirits do with mediums (I think, never actually tried that to find out). And so I struggled with doubt heaps. But then recently I realised that God has spoken to me before in tangible ways, through protecting me when I got myself into stupid risky situations, through guiding my moves (I move around a lot) so that I always seem to be in the right place at the right time for some kind of spiritual or personal development... Well in hindsight anyway....
And through dreams/visions.
This is why I thought it might be better in skunk works, it sounds like skunk works.
But "real" or not, its happening.
Ive tried talking with God and listening for his voice I even tried the 'Conversations With God' technique I once read (and had some very interesting conversations too, god or not!) but always it seems the message has come in clearer through pictures/dreams/visions. For instance I was once in a very bad situation at a church, the problem kept me up at night. I prayed for a week with no reply. Then one night I had a dream;

A blonde girl in a blue dress (looked similar to Alice in Wonderland, hence my avatar, but not a cartoon) kneeled before a queen (the one from Snow White), the girl was real the queen a cartoon, the girl was transfixed by the queen (who was not real) and the queen held out an apple. The apple floated to the girl and entered her head, she turned into a disgusting looking hag. Then a lion appeared, roared and devoured the hag. The queen tried to run away but the lion trampled her underfoot.

This dream could be interpreted in many ways and I still often think about it, but at the time it helped me make a decision with regards to the situation I was in.

Anyway getting to the issue at hand now.
Lately I have been feeling very...... Directionless. Ive come to a bit of a crossroads, I need to go left or right or cut through the field, but there are no sign posts to tell me what is what and what is where.... In other words Ive no idea what to do with myself and my life and its driving me bonkers!
So I prayed hard out and this is the vision thing I got;

A lion appeared and roared I stood near, but was not afraid. A goat headed figure appeared and they (the lion and the goat guy) began fighting, the lion roared the goat guy breathed fire the lion breathed wind, i stood on the sidelines watching the lion. Then the strangest thing happened, a very tall (and I mean tall) very pretty African (and I mean African, tribal get up and all!) lady appeared next to me and put her hand on my shoulder, but I didnt seem to notice, She seemed to want to go but just stood there with me and I kept watching the battle. Then I turned into a little girl (Im a woman not a man, incase you were wondering:lol
and finnally looked up, we turned as if to walk away....
Thats when I opened my eyes

Ok so not quite the guidance I was expecting (I was hoping to see myself attending a university or working some awesome job or travelling Australia in a homemade Gypsy wagon...) , I dont know what it is implying, I am a bit worried about what it could mean... Now the God I grew up with has always been the lion in my dreams (whether the influence of christian art or C.S Lewis who knows) but there has never been a goat headed guy and as for the African lady....
I beleive in this stuff so if you think Im a few screws loose please express your opinion without insults. If you think Im channelling satan and at risk of hell fire please express your opinion without insults, and if you do have some ideas as to what it could mean please let me know!

Thanks for reading, look forward to any replies.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:52 AM
have you considered that the woman was mother earth? follow/trust your natural intuition?
...and leave god and devil to work their own issues by themselves?

just some ideas for you.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:05 AM
As an Anti-Theist i would say that your having dreams, brought on by your beliefs, but whatever this so called "God" is trying to tell you, it's not something worth blogging about, although i appreciate your efforts into sharing it with us.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:10 AM
I think you should put down the religious literature for a while ...

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by Rhebefree

There's a maybe more reliable approach than interpretation, if you really want to follow this direction of dreams etc. There exist a whole special branch of dream-technique(s), making it possible (after some training) to either

a/ achieve the socalled alpha-state, which most people experience as being between sleep and awake.

The same as when you go into a meditative state. Here it's easy to get to the 'floating' feeling, and you can create some inner landscapes, just as in daydreaming, but more pronounced. It's quite a little world to explore.

It can either be done with the help of a 'guided imagination' therapist, or through the use of a special audio-technique, which consists of listening to some special sounds.

b/ Or alternatively you can try to achieve 'lucid' dreaming, where you are in real sleep, but are aware WHILE you are dreaming. This is more difficult.

If this sounds interesting to you, you can send me a U2U and I will give you some search-words.

But please be a little careful. There are some less trustworthy products/therapists available, some of which I personally wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:31 AM
Its not any God but your own deluded or realistic sub-con depending on what your are hearing. If you think its God then your are deluded.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

I had considered the possibility that the woman could represent mother earth or some kind of Goddess, but coming from a traditional background of Christianity its hard to wrap my head around that possibility.... Also it was the Christian God I was praying to so it seems strange to me that he would indicate a female counterpart....
Something to think about
Thankyou for your input

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by H1ght3chHippie

Who is it harming? Not me, not you, why are you in this forum if you dont like religion?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Rhebefree
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

I had considered the possibility that the woman could represent mother earth or some kind of Goddess, but coming from a traditional background of Christianity its hard to wrap my head around that possibility.... Also it was the Christian God I was praying to so it seems strange to me that he would indicate a female counterpart....
Something to think about
Thankyou for your input

Its hard for you to grasp the concept of polytheism as a christian... but if you believe in god, you believe in the devil... and as a fallen angel, the devil has become a god. If he was so weak like an angel, god would not have troubles with him... but he grew a god. So... now you have pretty much 2 gods already in christianity... something like zeus and hades. The only thing preventing christianity from being polytheist is the fact that you cant reconize the devil his rightful place. You kinda have to push him down, underestimate him and make god be like the only one, since you cant see the devil as a god, because that would be well, basically worshiping the devil. But either you see it or not, god and the devil are the different sides of the same coin. If this was a comic strip, christianity wants you see god as superman, with nothing completely antagonistic to him. Where in fact if take your time to read, deep between the words they dont say but which are there, they're like Prof Xavier and Magneto. They are completely antagonist altho they cant EVER let the other die, because their purpose, their very existence depends on the other... wheres god without the devil? Wheres good without evil? If you believe in god you have to believe in the devil. And then they balance it out... god is kind and forgiving, but hes rather distant and with a superior position all mighty boss up there... where the devil is evil, unforgiving but way more close to humans, hes a humanist yes (like they say in that movie)... he motivated every human's emotion since the beginning of times. So basically one was a god, the other became a god. But they're equal and perfectly even when it comes to "power".

Now... since we have 2 already hey... you can always get a third in since you've lost the monotheist stuff already.

Sorry about the long wall of text.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:26 AM
Sounds to me as if you're at the portal of a new level of understanding.
Perhaps you should "veg out" with some shamanic culinary delights.


posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Rhebefree

I always focused on the fact that I couldnt hear him, I accepted that I couldnt see him but I couldnt understand why he couldnt speak to us audibly you know? Like how spirits do with mediums (I think, never actually tried that to find out). And so I struggled with doubt heaps.

The Lord speaks to all of his children, but just like the kids of today, alot of them are hard headed. The fact that you are truly seeking him is why he has answered you in a vision. That is also the way I came to know him better. When we seek with an honest heart the true God can always be found.

Now I will offer this in regards to mediums and the like.


God has never spoken to his people in this fashion, never has, never will. God is against the practice of such activities. The spirit of Satan can always be identified by observing the methods below.

When God speaks or has something to say he will always start with "Thus says the Lord" or "Thus says the Holy Spirit". If you have been in a church where someone spoke in tongues and then an interpretation was given by another you may have noticed the interpreter will begin with "Thus says the Holy Spirit". NO name is ever given, the message being given is always identified as coming from the Spirit.

When a channeler or medium speaks or has something to say it always has a name attached to it. In other words, most mediums or channelers have a spirit guide which they know by name. These people never give credit to God for the information they are getting, the credit is always given to the guide or so-called advanced alien being who beamed done in his spaceship. I won't defile you with examples, unless you want to know.

The point here is that the voice and Spirit of God is clearly identifiable and comes from only one source. Whereas the information received by channelers comes from multiple sources or multiple higher beings.

Lately I have been feeling very...... Directionless. Ive come to a bit of a crossroads, I need to go left or right or cut through the field, but there are no sign posts to tell me what is what and what is where.... In other words Ive no idea what to do with myself and my life and its driving me bonkers!

My best advice here is to stay strong. The Lord has given you confirmation through the vision that our belief is an every day battle. Satan stands before the throne accusing the brothers day and night. In other words, Satan always has something against us. One of Satan's best weapons today is doubt, if he keeps you in doubt it makes it harder for you to discover the truth. That's why to some degree this forum is very dangerous.

Unfortunately I don't have the gift of interpretation so I can not provide you with a solid interpretation. But I will leave you with this:

"work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." Philippians 2

Our walk with God is as not easy as others. May the Holy Spirit be with you. If you have any questions feel free to let me know.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Rhebefree

A lion appeared and roared I stood near, but was not afraid. A goat headed figure appeared and they (the lion and the goat guy) began fighting, the lion roared the goat guy breathed fire the lion breathed wind, i stood on the sidelines watching the lion. Then the strangest thing happened, a very tall (and I mean tall) very pretty African (and I mean African, tribal get up and all!) lady appeared next to me and put her hand on my shoulder, but I didnt seem to notice, She seemed to want to go but just stood there with me and I kept watching the battle. Then I turned into a little girl (Im a woman not a man, incase you were wondering:lol and finnally looked up, we turned as if to walk away....
Thats when I opened my eyes

Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah,

Goats are evil in the realm of the Bibles use not the animal it self but the image.

I am not certain of the woman, it may be someone to help

as for being a little girl we must be like a child to find God, meaning that we have to drop all of our logical beliefs of can not see, hear, touch or smell so it does not exist.

The battle is good and evil.

As for hearing God with your ears their are many accounts of persons doing such. I have heard him call my name in trying to get my attention to things.

God is not what you seek but a real and Living being that created everything.

The sin of man has lead him away from us, he hates it and will not be around it.

Repentance is the only way to get closer, admitting we are a sinner unable to even be half good all the time and that we are going to die spiritually and could end up in hell and darkness away from the creator who loved you before you ever have loved him.

God bless.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 03:04 PM
You're not crazy. The Bible seems to indicate that dreams and visions are the normal way God speaks to people.

Numbers 12: 6-8

“When there is a prophet among you,
I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions,
I speak to them in dreams.
But this is not true of my servant Moses;
he is faithful in all my house.
With him I speak face to face,
clearly and not in riddles;
he sees the form of the LORD.

So Moses was an exception. As for the dreams. Not sure what that could mean.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by dbates
You're not crazy. The Bible seems to indicate that dreams and visions are the normal way God speaks to people.

Numbers 12: 6-8

“When there is a prophet among you,
I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions,
I speak to them in dreams.
But this is not true of my servant Moses;
he is faithful in all my house.
With him I speak face to face,
clearly and not in riddles;
he sees the form of the LORD.

So Moses was an exception. As for the dreams. Not sure what that could mean.

There are some who are stronger than others. I would put Moses in the category of one who was both strong and faithful. Some of us are strong in faith yet weak when it comes to faithfulness. In other words, my belief in God is very strong, yet, I still struggle with certain things in my life which are displeasing to God.

Therefore, God speaks to some through vision, because not all are able to stand before Him with both belief and faithfulness. It's alot harder to be faithful than it is to believe. Nevertheless it has always been the desire of God that ........all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:4
edit on 30-7-2011 by RealTruthSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Yea Ive heard of these before but I never explored them in case they open gates I dont want open you know?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by RoguePhilosopher
Its not any God but your own deluded or realistic sub-con depending on what your are hearing. If you think its God then your are deluded.

Wow, thanks for the really helpful input

Not much of a philosopher are you?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Originally posted by Rhebefree
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

I had considered the possibility that the woman could represent mother earth or some kind of Goddess, but coming from a traditional background of Christianity its hard to wrap my head around that possibility.... Also it was the Christian God I was praying to so it seems strange to me that he would indicate a female counterpart....
Something to think about
Thankyou for your input

Its hard for you to grasp the concept of polytheism as a christian... but if you believe in god, you believe in the devil... and as a fallen angel, the devil has become a god. If he was so weak like an angel, god would not have troubles with him... but he grew a god. So... now you have pretty much 2 gods already in christianity... something like zeus and hades. The only thing preventing christianity from being polytheist is the fact that you cant reconize the devil his rightful place.

Although I agree with your arguement, since joining ATS I have come to believe that satan is in fact some kind of non-earth entity (perhaps reptilian??) bent on enslaving us, he's not a god or angel, just a really evil douche bag/s that are trying to re-create us in his/their image...... Ok I know that sounds crazy
but thats how I see it... I know I shouldnt have a problem with the idea of God having a "lady friend" if I can believe in lizard super villains but...... I dont know, whatever, Im sure God will make it clear what the dream thing means eventually in the meantime I can only speculate.
Thanks for posting

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by ganjoa
Sounds to me as if you're at the portal of a new level of understanding.
Perhaps you should "veg out" with some shamanic culinary delights.


I'm not exactly sure what you mean but if you are refering to shaman drugs I dont think that is the answer, not without proper training..... And of course if God advises against it, then I wouldnt do it, its not actually something Ive ever asked about!

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by RealTruthSeeker
reply to post by Rhebefree

I always focused on the fact that I couldnt hear him, I accepted that I couldnt see him but I couldnt understand why he couldnt speak to us audibly you know? Like how spirits do with mediums (I think, never actually tried that to find out). And so I struggled with doubt heaps.

The Lord speaks to all of his children, but just like the kids of today, alot of them are hard headed. The fact that you are truly seeking him is why he has answered you in a vision. That is also the way I came to know him better. When we seek with an honest heart the true God can always be found.

Now I will offer this in regards to mediums and the like.


God has never spoken to his people in this fashion, never has, never will. God is against the practice of such activities. The spirit of Satan can always be identified by observing the methods below.

When God speaks or has something to say he will always start with "Thus says the Lord" or "Thus says the Holy Spirit". If you have been in a church where someone spoke in tongues and then an interpretation was given by another you may have noticed the interpreter will begin with "Thus says the Holy Spirit". NO name is ever given, the message being given is always identified as coming from the Spirit.

When a channeler or medium speaks or has something to say it always has a name attached to it. In other words, most mediums or channelers have a spirit guide which they know by name. These people never give credit to God for the information they are getting, the credit is always given to the guide or so-called advanced alien being who beamed done in his spaceship. I won't defile you with examples, unless you want to know.

The point here is that the voice and Spirit of God is clearly identifiable and comes from only one source. Whereas the information received by channelers comes from multiple sources or multiple higher beings.

Lately I have been feeling very...... Directionless. Ive come to a bit of a crossroads, I need to go left or right or cut through the field, but there are no sign posts to tell me what is what and what is where.... In other words Ive no idea what to do with myself and my life and its driving me bonkers!

My best advice here is to stay strong. The Lord has given you confirmation through the vision that our belief is an every day battle. Satan stands before the throne accusing the brothers day and night. In other words, Satan always has something against us. One of Satan's best weapons today is doubt, if he keeps you in doubt it makes it harder for you to discover the truth. That's why to some degree this forum is very dangerous.

Unfortunately I don't have the gift of interpretation so I can not provide you with a solid interpretation. But I will leave you with this:

"work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." Philippians 2

Our walk with God is as not easy as others. May the Holy Spirit be with you. If you have any questions feel free to let me know.

I agree somewhat although not completely. I dont think its that easy these days to define or distinguish the voice of God from the voices of spirits and demons, no matter what name is being used, because Adam and Eve opened a doorway that allowed these entities to communicate with us the same way God does, which is why mediums and channelers exist and why so many religions and sub religions exist and why I wont take psychedelics no matter how far from traditional doctrine I stray. But in saying that I do think God has and can speak to us through mediums and those who channel the spirits, read up on Balaam in the book of numbers, he was not an Israelite and was described as an enchanterer (a medium?) yet God spoke to him and spoke through him, blessing Israel through him rather than allowing him to carry through with the curse he was supposed to deliver. At the start of the story Balaam even communicates with God and God communicates back despite him being a "heathen" and whatnot. Which tells me two things;
1. Theres more to God than meets the eye
2. God will speak however he wants through whomever he wants and we really need to pay attention just in case God decides to use someone we may think of as less than christian to carry out his will.
Its not all black and white I think.
Thankyou for your encouragment I will stay strong, times are getting interesting

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by ACTS 2:38
reply to post by Rhebefree

A lion appeared and roared I stood near, but was not afraid. A goat headed figure appeared and they (the lion and the goat guy) began fighting, the lion roared the goat guy breathed fire the lion breathed wind, i stood on the sidelines watching the lion. Then the strangest thing happened, a very tall (and I mean tall) very pretty African (and I mean African, tribal get up and all!) lady appeared next to me and put her hand on my shoulder, but I didnt seem to notice, She seemed to want to go but just stood there with me and I kept watching the battle. Then I turned into a little girl (Im a woman not a man, incase you were wondering:lol and finnally looked up, we turned as if to walk away....
Thats when I opened my eyes

Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah,

Goats are evil in the realm of the Bibles use not the animal it self but the image.

I am not certain of the woman, it may be someone to help

as for being a little girl we must be like a child to find God, meaning that we have to drop all of our logical beliefs of can not see, hear, touch or smell so it does not exist.

The battle is good and evil.

As for hearing God with your ears their are many accounts of persons doing such. I have heard him call my name in trying to get my attention to things.

God is not what you seek but a real and Living being that created everything.

The sin of man has lead him away from us, he hates it and will not be around it.

Repentance is the only way to get closer, admitting we are a sinner unable to even be half good all the time and that we are going to die spiritually and could end up in hell and darkness away from the creator who loved you before you ever have loved him.

God bless.

Thankyou for your input, I did not know that the image of the lion was specifically linked to Jesus or that the goat symbolised evil in the Bible, thats interesting......

I dont agree that God cannot be around sin (sin in general that is) he stood before Moses who was not perfect, he fought with Jacob who was far from perfect (tell me how does a God who cant bear to be around "sinful" children fight with a man who is sinful and not win?), infact if God is not anywhere near earth then how does anyone ever hear from him or have a relationship with him? How does he offer love to someone who repulses him? How did he speak to those born before Jesus? Its not all black and white. Research the brain and DNA and then you might have a better understanding of what sin is and what God offers us freedom from.
God doesnt send anyone to hell

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