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Can We Create Our Own Reality???

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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:34 PM
Hello Ats !!!

This is my first post here, so I decide to post about something that is very much on my mind. I’m sure its on a lot of peoples mind right now.

The economy and the roles we play in it. And more precisely, do we have a choice?

Can the way we think actually create the world we live in?

My story......I will make it very brief. I’m a small business man in America. I own my own concrete business. Two years ago I was very busy, working two crews and much to my dismay, turning down work. Now I’m mostly working one guy or by myself. I’m having trouble getting jobs and making ends meet.

Most people will simply say,” Well its the sucks ! Its the Democraps fault or its the Repucklets fault !!! Blah blah blah !!!”

But guess what ??? Some people I know are doing better right here, right now than they EVER have ! What gives ? Some people suggest we create our own reality. I do believe this.

I have been intrigued by the concept of thought creating our own reality as we want it sense I was a child. In fact I did !!! Playing baseball, I just KNEW I was going to hit a home run.....and guess what? I did a hell of a lot more than I didnt. How did I do it? Whatever it was I think in part it was because I didnt tell anyone I visualized it and two there by know one could talk me out of believing I could influence my reality.

Now I want to get it back !

I’ve done several things to try and learn to manifest my own reality....

1. Think positive and make the best out of all situations.
2. Studied Silva Method, Nightingale, Quantum jumping......
3. Holosync, Hemisync, self hypnosis
4. Yogi, EFT Tapping , meditation, Chakra balancing....etc etc
5. Lucid dreams ( man thats a tough one..still trying there

Read Countless books.......chopra, dyer,Eckert, Rohn, Etc

Studied New age.....Damn it ! I thought I had it last year but ashtray never brought the fleet of mile long ships close enough to board !!!

My life right now is not fun. Unfortunately I’ve come to the conclusion that in this three dimensional world I’m trapped in, the need for money is very important. Try to bake a cake without the flour or an egg or sugar.....

I have a wonderful girlfriend, I love her dearly! Wonderful family and kids. Great house to live in, great health. I’m extremely blessed! I just keep coming up short on the money every month.

I’ve asked some of the people I know who are doing great now, how are you doing it, and they really cant tell me. Or won’t !

So I ask you fellow ATSer .....Are you doing great??? Are you literality manifesting you’re great world???

Who out there wants to share their blueprint of how they do it???

I for one , am all ears !

Please keep comments nice and civil ...lets come up with positive ideas !!!

Thank you and may you all have a wonderful view of your illusion :0

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:39 PM
Well, you can visualize and meditate on manifesting all day, but if you don't leave the house, what can possibly happen? Many people also have deep-seeded doubts and negativity that aren't going to just be wished away. Other than that, I've always believed (!) where there is a will, there is a way.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:41 PM
Find out the most important things to you and do whatever it takes to achieve it. I don't worry about money because I decided I didn't want to have that problem so I focused on that and made it happen.I chose not to have kids or anything that wasn't what I considered a need and saved my money.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Balkan

Hi Balkan ! thanks for your if you believe where theres a will theres a way, does that mean the "will" would be if you have enough passion or motivation you can over come anything???

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by kro32

Find out the most important things to you and do whatever it takes to achieve it.

I have highlighted this sentence and re-posted it for two reasons. The first reason is that I have been unwaveringly hard on this particular member in this site and do not hesitate to call him on what I believe to be wrongheadedness, but more importantly than that, the highlighted sentence made by kro is spot on! It is great advice.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

So do you think just by the focus and persistence of it will get you to your goal ??? Do you believe we have any power of thought to change our illusion of reality???

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by jesusatan
reply to post by Balkan

Hi Balkan ! thanks for your if you believe where theres a will theres a way, does that mean the "will" would be if you have enough passion or motivation you can over come anything???
I think it all comes to belief. If you believe you'll fail, you will.. and vice-versa. Mix in willpower and passion, and the results can be almost magical or entirely disasterous (or both). Am I going into the realms of metaphysics? Not necessarily.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by jesusatan
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

So do you think just by the focus and persistence of it will get you to your goal ??? Do you believe we have any power of thought to change our illusion of reality???

I most certainly think the power of thought comes into play. I think that most people tend to operate under a paradigm of Have Do and Be. What I mean is that most people know who they want to Be and what they want to Do, but believe that they cannot Be and Do what they want until they Have what they need.

I respectfully submit that this paradigm is all backwards and that if you want to have a reality of your own choosing you need to figure out who it is you want to Be and start Being that. Once you are Being that which you want to Be, you will quite naturally start Doing what needs to be Done, and in doing so at some point you will Have all that comes with this Being and Doing.

This, I believe, is what kro was getting at. He may have a different way of looking at it, but he was suggesting you figure out who you want to Be and then work really hard at being that, which would be the Do. The Have comes last. Be Do Have, not Have Do Be.

I believe that like attracts like, and if your mind is filled with negative thoughts, then this is what you will attract. It is a discipline to remain undisturbed and maintain positive thoughts alone. It is a discipline worth developing.

Let me be clear on this. You cannot just wish yourself into a reality of your choosing, but if you believe that you cannot accomplish a task that you set out to accomplish, the likelihood is that you will not accomplish it. The more you believe you can accomplish the task the much more likely you are to accomplish it. This doesn't mean, however, that all you have to do is believe. That would be the Be part of the equation. There is still the Do part that needs to be done in order to manifest the reality you want.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by jesusatan

I do not want you to think I have all the answers, because I do not. However, your reality is constructed by your focus and intentions. Intentions though are not about material items, its about you and what you want to experience. You must stay open minded to possibilities. Once your focus and intention is clear the doors and pathways will swing open for you. Why? Because you will be looking for the doorway to your intention. Knock and the door shall open, seek and you shall find...these words echoed in religious texts across the world speak to me that if your intentions and focus is clear and just the doors will open up. You will not be led on paths destined to end you up in something you do not want.

If your business is going downhill, clear your mind. Is it the right career for you? Do you do it just for the money? Could you use your business as a way to make others lives better? When you know the answers relating to what you are truly seeking in life, look for the paths that could get you there.

If I was skilled at your business in concrete I would do something immediately. However, this is based on my own focus and intention. If I had your skills I would learn more about hemp concrete. I would learn about building dome homes out of concrete. I would then market small dome homes to the city to help solve the growing homeless population and need for really inexpensive housing cheaper then renting a hotel room by the week. If I had to I would create a community of concrete dome homes and undercut the market for rent. In these times, while a dome home might be not as appealing, the cost and saving one living in one would have would be tremendous and add security to a persons life.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Balkan

Originally posted by jesusatan
reply to post by Balkan

Hi Balkan ! thanks for your if you believe where theres a will theres a way, does that mean the "will" would be if you have enough passion or motivation you can over come anything???
I think it all comes to belief. If you believe you'll fail, you will.. and vice-versa. Mix in willpower and passion, and the results can be almost magical or entirely disasterous (or both). Am I going into the realms of metaphysics? Not necessarily.

Yeah see you mentioned Passion....a lot of people say find your passion and every thing else will fall in place. Maybe their right . I have a friend who keeps trying to get me to read the "passion test" but I'm having a hard time finding what my passion is

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

Excellent thoughts ....thank you !!!

Again I wonder if it has to do with I've just lost my drive because it was about the money and not really loving what I'm doing

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by jesusatan

Passion is very much a part of motivation. Passion is the true test of focus and intention. I would rather hire a passionate person for a job then simply a skilled person. Why? Because the passionate one would think of everything under the sun and learn everything needed to do the job of a skilled person. Literally, people with passion can think about what they are passionate about all day long and never get tired of it. Passion is something you should acquire as soon as possible. Be aware though, it may have nothing to do with your current skills.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:15 PM
This question reminds me of the film "The Adjustment beau", I certainly believe we can at least I sincerely hope we can haha!, I try to live each day to the max that way my reality can only become what I make it. SnF Nice question

edit on 29-7-2011 by SieMa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
I most certainly think the power of thought comes into play.

Who's thought? The sum of the trillions of cells of activity? At what point does thought acquire the power to act in and of itself rather than as the final result of all the mechanisms of a body?


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by jesusatan

It is exactly as you say. We create our reality with our thoughts emotions and expectations. There are several sources of informationn on this type of thing, beleive some, all or none of it as you may!

Look at The Secret
Look at Conversations with God by Irvine Donald Walsh

Both discuss the process. My particular favoiurite being the seccond one. A reall must read if you are asking these specific questions as they are answered in the book in some detail.

Good Luck

edit on 29-7-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

I read conversations with God .....trying to remember....Does it suggest that we made a deal of how our life would turn out before we get here each time??? If it does can we change the deal in mid stream???

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Balkan

I wish I could think that way, but past experiences have taught me differently. I have succeeded where I thought I would fail, and failed when I thought I would succeed. So I just give any goal I'm working towards the same amount of motivation, because in my opinion, it's all just a roll of the dice.

"Think positively, and chances are you'll succeed.
Think negatively, and chances are you'll fail."

The reason I say it's a roll of the dice, is because the chances of succeeding or failing really depends on how many times you have tried to achieve whatever goal your seeking. If you try enough, you'll eventually succeed. However the enough part, is almost always unknown, so many people start to think negatively and their efforts towards their goals are less and less each try.

You roll the dice enough times, you'll hit the number your looking for, but you'll never know how many times you must roll to get it.,

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

Who's thought? The sum of the trillions of cells of activity? At what point does thought acquire the power to act in and of itself rather than as the final result of all the mechanisms of a body?

It is most imprudent to simply just assume that the mind is the same as a physical body. The "mind/body problem" has never been resolved, and any assertions by so called scientists today that the mind is not separate from the body is nothing more than reification.

It is odd that a member that ends his post with Namaste would make an argument that the mind is nothing more than a physical body.

The "mind/body problem" is this: There are essentially two camps. One camp believes that the mind is a separate substance from that of the brain or body. This camp is called the Dualist camp. The other camp, the Monist camp, believes that the mind is very much a part of the physical body. It is called a "problem" because both camps have never been able to reach any resolution on the mind, which in the end means you have to make a decision as to which camp you fall into. Regardless of which camp you decide you believe more, the question then becomes, who was it that made that choice?


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by digitalbluco

But do some people have inside knowledge of when to quit , when to keep going???? Can we increase our intuition???? I saw a doc on the mayan calender explained with ....with ...crap cant remember his name zuldock or something anyway , he suggested ....NO INSISTED as time speeds up that we will not be able to cope with all the info coming into our brains so to keep from going insane we will need to focus on using our intuition

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by jesusatan

There is no doubt that we create our own reality...

Every decision we make shapes our lives in a different way. This may not be the spiritual or manifestation angle but it is true.

There are so many people who can say that if they had made different choices they would be living a different way which is a different reality for that person...

We are all in control of our actions and that in turn allows us to create our own reality even if it may have limitations.

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