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The Perfect Timing of Anders Behring Breivik

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posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by JRockABM
This guy in Norway was a complete jackass. People that share his beliefs are complete jackasses too. Period. End of story.

The Liberals don't have extremists like this...besides Peta people who through paint on rich fur wearing people.

PETA aren't liberals.

Centrists and left-wingers absolutely have people like this.

Breivik clearly demonstrates Nietzsche's warning about fighting monsters.

In the same way, Pacifists are often some of the most frightening people you'll ever meet. They want peace. They are willing to work hard at peace. And, if eventually you don't look like you're going to give it, they WILL get peace.....even if it means wiping you the frack out to achieve it. Afterwards, there will be peace because the things causing a lack of it are now gone.

Fair is hard wired into the human brain. Never forget it.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by JRockABM
The Liberals don't have extremists like this...besides Peta people who through paint on rich fur wearing people.


Red Army Faction
Action Directe'
Sendero Luminoso
Japanese Red Army
Baader-Meinhof Group
Communist Combat Cells

Yeah- good thing there's no left wing liberals willing to kill bunches of people to make a point...

edit on 25-7-2011 by SFA437 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:52 PM
I've been thinking that an intended side effect of certain events suggests that the powers behind the ops want to get the following message across to humanity... no one is safe anywhere.

Why TPTB want this subliminal message infused into the collective psyche of the masses can only be guessed at, but if you look at shocking events going back about 15 years, there is this underlying thread of a message that tells us we are not safe in any location.

You're not safe in High School, you're not safe in a space shuttle re-entering the Earth's atmosphere, you're not safe in a tall building in New York, you're not safe in a double-decker bus in London, you're not safe in a nightclub in Indonesia, you're not safe living inside an army base, not safe in Norway (considered one of the most peaceful and low crime countries in the world). There are many more examples.

All I'm saying is that if TPTB want us all to feel insecure wherever we are and whatever we're doing, want us to feel as if violent death is a frighteningly near possibility, no matter how safe we think our environment is --- well, they're doing an effective job of putting the fear into the masses.

I know, many will say these events are not ops with any overriding theme and I'm paranoid to think so, but if you begin to look at them as a campaign of black ops, you realize that one of the big themes is --- you are not safe in any place or circumstance.

That's the real terror in the world. Ops like 9/11, designed to strike fear into the masses. The Norway thing is just the latest in a series of "scare the masses."

One more thing. Notice how they always use the "lone nut" angle. Whenever you see the "nut case" used, there is a serious possibility of conspiracy and things not actually being as they seem.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

He should be sentenced 21 years per victim so that he could have a long long time in prison. He must spend 21 years successively for each person killed. Otherwise, Norway is really a joke when it comes to meting out justice, isn't it? That point he has certainly made clear to everyone.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by Goathief

Well said OP, it's funny he said he hated Muslims so much so what does he do? Kills a bunch of innocent people. I'm sure the Islamic left is seeing him as a hero.. doing their dirty work!
I see this as a very good excuse for the left to use as a way to say" See, we need more control and to take guns away from everyone but the government!"

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by FiveElements

Im new to this site, so hope you will excuse me if I take a couple of "wrong turns" before I get used to your site.

Im a norwegian and found/ stumbled upon your site due to some research regarding the tragic events that have taken place in my country.

I have read this thread - and others - regarding the two attacks that was carried out by ABB: 1) the bomb in central Oslo (capitol) and 2) the shooting at Utoya Island. So I decided I would sign up here at ATS because there are some facts that have been stated that are wrong and there might be insights regarding Norway and norwegians/ scandinavians that I have that might shed some light in areas where you seek answers. Im not sure wether you have any norwegian members here.

Let me first just make some corrections/ statements and if you are interested I can elaborated further and/ or answer questions as best i can with the knowledge I have.

1. ABB did not chose his targets on random. Nor the time/ date. It was a very well planned action from him. First the bomb. It was placed right in the middle of where our most important government buildings are located. It destroyed these more or less. In effect anyway, because they might have to be demolished due to structual damage. In this attack he killed 8 people (so far - they are using dogs and advanced tech to locate remains and body parts - no gentle way to put this but there are just legs and arms to be found in these buildings, not complete bodies). The number of injured are much higher, some lifethreatening. Also people just passing in the nearby streets (incl. turists) where among the injured. According to his own statements he originally planned to make a bomb of 3000 kilos (he had enough raw material for this), but the one that went off was more like 1000 kilos or less. It was to timeconsuming to make anything larger than this. Again according to his own statements. The bomb went of at 15:20 - after office hours in Norway in the summer. His plan was to implement his actions earlier, but for some reason he was delayed. This is important in regard to his second target - Utoya Island.

This Island is famous in Norway for its summercamp for AUF (The youth recruits for the Labour party - they have the primeminister here in Norway right know and are one of 3 governing parties). This event is a multicultural event, since the norwegian labour party have and also invites members from almost all cultural backgrounds - including those with muslim backgrounds. Here he killed at least 68 people (most in the age between 15 and 20). He also injured some 30 others - some critical. Among the dead you will find both ethnic norwegians and those with backgrounds from other cultures. One prime target for him was Gro Harlem Brundtland (former prime minister) that held a speach on this Island just 2 hours before he arrived. But since he has stated that he was delayed he missed her since she had left. The drive from Oslo to Utoya Island takes 30-40 minutes at least. Then teh ferry over to the Island. His desguise as a policeman was a perfect cover since this a a private island owned by the AUF. He also had fake ID. So he went on the ferry and talked with people he just minutes later shot in the head. His killingsprea started around 17:00. The police (local with only 2 men - this is a very small community) got an alarm around 17:25 and asked for assistance from Oslo at 17:35. Special anti-terror forces arrived at Utoya arround 18:10. Then they had to take boats over to the Island. They got there at 18:27. They had arrested ABB at 18:29.

Have to stop here because this gets very lengthy, but like I have stated above. I am more than willing to give all the information and insights that I can.

It's very nice to hear the voice of reason on this site.

Posts like this are very rare and getting rarer.

Unfortunately, it's not enough that you are:

a) From Norway
b) Seemingly very intelligent and informed
c) 100% Rational and correct in your comments

ATS has become a toilet bowl of stupid conspiracy theories. Some posters think they're smarter than they are, and after an event like this they jump all over any conspiracy connections they can, no matter how far fetched or silly they may be.

These types of poster are literally desperate for recognition. They're so hungry to get those little "stars" beside their posts that they probably stay up all night formulating all kinds of connections and doing research on the Internet and dreaming up all kinds of fantastic things.

Meanwhile we've got scores of innocent dead people, just recently killed. They've got families and friends mourning them. The whole country of Norway is in mourning, and it will remain that way for a long, long time. They will never forget this event. Historically, it's their worst tragedy since WWII.

But places like ATS are here, to remind them how callous and stupid people can be.

If only we had the ability to remove stars from these threads, perhaps throw some cold water in the faces of some of these posters and wake them up a little. They're dreaming.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by enigma91
DHS releases a video that paints white middle class as the only terrorists, and then a week later this guy just happens to do this? A guy who claims to represent various beliefs that are generally associated with the right, and middle class? And to top it all off he just surrenders to the police?

A madman would have shot constantly until he was taken down. As they always have in the past.

You'd have to be blind to not see what's really going on here.

I totally agree with this evaluation, something just stinks about the whole thing and the way its been played by the media.

My alchoholic room mate who's an ideal ginnea pig for these kinds of media propogated psy-ops summed up his overall take on the whole affair by stating:

There's two main problems with the world right now, the Islamist state, and, the whole right wing extremist movement that breeds these home grown domesic terrorists, and they both need to be stopped at any and all cost to rid the world of these evils, so that something like this can never ever be allowed to happen in the first place, don' you agree..?!!

My room mate eats this stuff up. Even though he suspects foul play around 911, still he felt that Obama's killing of bin Laden closed the book and served the full measure of justice regarding that event. Like i said, he suffers from the alchoholic mindset, but i am always amazed at how he so perfectly and faithfully gloms onto what i tend to percieve as the darker, almost satanic element in underlying form and function., design and intent.

I tell you people, this event contains imbedded within itself a global psychological operation or a black op / psy-op.

edit on 26-7-2011 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:40 AM

I think he is just a lunatic without understanding for what he has done is wrong.


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:41 AM
the guy was crazy. the only thing we need to take from this is that all citizens of this world should have the right to carry personal firearms for protection. short and simple. Had ONE of those students had a pistol they could have ended the entire spree. I wish the world would MAN UP and arm themselves....

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I think you've got that right, alcoholic roommate or not!
This is surely a psy-op, if ever I saw one.
To me, ABB is no more believable than Assange and his leaking Wiki's.
ABB is a CiA stereotype that has been thrown to us in the same way an Ancient Roman threw his bones to the dogs after a good meal.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

false flag. patsy. if nothing else, tptb vultures are going to milk this tragedy till kingdom come(s).
let's hope people of norway are not as gullible as people of us. or uk. ask questions, demand

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:26 AM
So many great replies – even some of the opposing ones. I’m gonna try and catch up…

Originally posted by Skippy1138
Didn't the Department of Homeland Security come out and say recently that "white domestic terrorists" were the new terror threat? And now some "white" guy murders 90 kids? How convenient.
Now that Osama's dead (again) they need a new "boogeyman"- well here it is......

Precisely. This is the one aspect of the whole string of events that most strongly indicates false-flag. It’s too much of a coincidence.

But still – I’m not going to start demanding that everyone accepts this as a false-flag attack. It’s enough that the media are already exploiting the tragedy – and will be exploiting it enormously over the coming months.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Hilltaker

I disagree......I think he knew exactly what he was doing.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by nunya13
What are you trying to say here? You seem to be simultaneously condemning the media response to a supposed fabrication of this guys motives while ALSO excusing those motives away as being something expected in response to liberalism, etc.

Exactly! That’s what my whole OP is about – his beliefs are widespread and an understandable reaction to the policies of Western regimes, but his reaction is unequivocally NOT! Where’s the contradiction in what I said? I’ve not suggested that this guys’ motives were fabricated, just that they are being severely emphasized by the media and government mouthpieces in order to associate conservative ideals with mass-murder. My suggestion is that this event is being exploited to clamp down on the troublesome views of Westerners who believe in conservation of their traditional cultures, liberties and values.

Originally posted by nunya13
This makes no sense whatsoever. You can't say that the Breivik doesn't symbolize the viewpoints of the right and then also say he symbolizes the viewpoints of the right.

I never said he DOESN’T symbolize the viewpoints of the ‘Right’ – he does! You put it plainly in a subsequent post:

Originally posted by nunya13
"This guy isn't associated with us!! But the things he said in his manifesto about multiculturalism and Muslims is spot on, though".

Lots of conservatives, patriots and nationalists would echo the above statement, but would NEVER enact their convictions through violence. But now, because of this, there will be a suspicion that many might do exactly that.

Originally posted by nunya13
You don't need to try to do damage control and distance your ideologies from his. Most logical people know that these kinds of actions are the result of extremism and, thus, not part of a more mainstream movement.

But I do! I’ve read many posts on ATS and my personal Facebook from people implying that “Anders Behring Breivik just goes to prove how dangerous right-wing views are and we need to stamp them out”. My motivation for starting this thread was precisely damage control, because I know how powerful media propaganda is, how they’re going to exploit this tragedy and how easily fooled many of my fellow men and women can be. I want to do everything I can to prevent the media propaganda from warping minds.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

I'm not yet convienced this was a false flag. Would this kind of false flag attack take 9 years in the making if there were alot more people involved?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
Hmmmm, I think the ultimate goal is for the two extremist groups to go to war with eachother and cause mayhem on our streets.

Couldn’t agree more. TPTB don’t care about Muslims, Christians, conservatives or Liberals. We’re all pawns to be played off against each other whilst we’re at each others’ throats we pose no threat to the tyrants in power (who are beyond ‘left’ and ‘right’). In the meantime they can use our ‘unrest’ to build their police state.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by switching yard
I've been thinking that an intended side effect of certain events suggests that the powers behind the ops want to get the following message across to humanity... no one is safe anywhere.

Superb point, and you’ve inspired another thought in me: AIRPORT SECURITY.

Americans (and others) are growing sick of TSA and unreasonable airport security checks. We’re starting to ask why everyone, of any ethnic group or religious appearance need be fondled and scanned when almost every terrorist in recent times has been of the ‘Islamic’ persuasion (and for the record, I believe most of them are false-flags). Why do we – normal, mainstream white Westerners – need to be put through the humility and degradation of security checks?!

Enter Anders Behring Breivik. Now the TSA and all tyrannical security enterprises around the Western world get to justify the application of their procedures on ALL PEOPLE of ALL COLOURS and backgrounds. And furthermore, many of the people will more readily accept it thinking that Breivik represents a growing threat from white, Western terrorists.

edit on 26/7/2011 by Cythraul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by JRockABM
Last time I checked, the Liberals just want universal health care, equal rights for gays and other religions, less financial strain on the middle and lower class...etc etc. A peaceful, accepting, healthy society.

….as well as open borders, multiculturalism, political correctness, hate crime laws, affirmative action and an abandonment of traditional concepts of national identity.

I’m sure you think all of those things are unquestionable righteous too, but please understand and accept that there are a lot of people throughout the world who don’t want those things forced upon them. And there’s no doubt they have been forced, undemocratically (UK’s Labour government admittedly flooded the UK with immigrants to deliberately replace the voter-base). The issue here isn’t whether those things should be allowed to happen – it is that they should be allowed to happen by the will of the majority, not forced upon them by politicians who simply don’t listen.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
If this was a muslim, would you blame Christians? If he was a hard left marxist, would you blame libertarians?

Well actually, I blame both Breivik and the dominant social ideology which has left him feeling he has no other option. If he was a Muslim, I’d blame the government and radical Muslims involved. If he was a Marxist I’d blame the government and Marxists involved.

It’s not that ordinary ‘Liberals’ are to blame – the key is that the government(s) currently faces more genuine opposition from (real) conservatives than they do from ‘Liberals’. This is because most major Western government policy is currently more in line with ‘left-wing’ ideology (open borders, superstates, socialized healthcare, bank bailouts, multiculturalism, welfare). However, there are also many, many ‘Liberals’ on the ground who support the government’s policy of ‘no-platform-for-nationalists’. They are the useless idiots Stalin so adored. That’s why I blame Breivik, the policies of western governments, and all who do defend those policies.

If it had been a radical Marxist who did this, and the current regime of Norway had been one that is truly conservative and suffocates its ideological opponents like current one does, then I would absolutely blame those conservatives who support that act of undemocratic suppression.

edit on 26/7/2011 by Cythraul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 05:10 AM
I find this response difficult, but then again it's an impossible subject to tackle.

There is some background which hasn't been discussed, particularly here in the UK (specifically England as outlined in Breiviks video and accompanying 'manifesto', Knights Templar 2083). In one of David Camerons' first speeches on terrorism he stated that "State multiculturalism has failed" and that Britain needed "a stronger national identity". This rhetoric, as I pointed out at the time, identified with the BNP, EDL and other organized Nationalist movements more than any previous government had dared to. I found this quite odd, although typically right wing. Now I see it was the start of an emotive campaign to drive support for the Nationalist movement - Support which Cameron later distances himself from. See This was all orchestrated.

I don't share the same assumptions as the OP that the EDL were not involved with this man, I've known several members of the EDL and for the most part they were ill-informed, naive followers of an ideology they didn't fully comprehend which revealed itself in outward ignorant racism. Just the kind who would believe every word, rightly or wrongly, of Breivik's analysis of Europe for the past Millenia. I no longer speak with these people. On Sunday their facebook was hacked and names and numbers of lead members were published online. I think you do need to see the conspiracy to fully understand what will happen next. The government have learned finally how to incite both sides, divide and conquer, and they're using the tools of the 21st century to achieve their goals. They're doing a good job of it too. Killing 2 birds with one stone they further their grip on the internet with yet another hacking scenario (I don't have time to fully explain how telephone hacking fits with this too, but let's just say it has implanted the negativity of the term 'hacking' in the common mans conscience so that when the trials and fencing of the internet begin, said man will applaud the erosion of liberties! It's propaganda at it's very best. The obvious Anonymous fraud is the mask of the hacker for the common man to rally against.)

With this vilification of Nationalist parties, but with veiled support for their actions, Cameron has set the stage for a divide, particularly within the UK, when in actuality no one can possibly be right. You're either 'soft-left' or 'hard-right' and neither is good enough. There is no middle ground. He now claims to be taking 'extremely seriously' the claim that Breivik began his 'crusade' in London in 2002. Whilst I can make no specific claim to the orchestration of the actions of any person in Norway, I can say with certainty that Cameron is complicit in the cultural attitudes which allow such atrocities to occur, and should any such incident occur in the UK, should be held accountable for inciting reaction.

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