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Ascension: What are “Dimensions

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posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:45 AM
Ascension: What are “Dimensions

I have been quite surprised to note that there have been some threads popping up here on ATS recently talking about the concepts of “ascension” and how we (either individually or as a group) might be moving to a higher dimensional consciousness. The reason this surprises me is because I wouldn’t think this would be usual ATS fare. But there they are. And in all these threads there is the very expected mix of believers and debunkers. There are also a number of folks asking some very real and pertinent questions: "What IS ascension?" "What does it mean?" "What are these dimensions?" "Where are they?" That kind of thing. Well this whole topic is of some considerable interest to me (I have authored a book on the subject and am running an ascension school here in my home town). And so I thought to offer a perspective on these subjects beginning with the question “What are the Dimensions?”

Before I get into it though I would like to make a few statements.
1. I don’t believe in the concept of “proof”. You can’t even prove to me beyond all shadow of a doubt that you exist, so how can I prove to you that my experiences are real, true and valid. I can’t. So I won’t try. I’ll gladly tell you what is true for me and even explain to you why I find it to be so but I won’t waste my energy with trying to prove anything to you. Your belief or disbelief in anything is your issue alone. You are invited, if you like, to consider everything I write to be a fictional theory that approximates reality from my perspective. Or just plain nonsense if you prefer. :-)
2. I absolutely do not require of you that you agree with me on anything. If we all agreed on everything then all but one of us would be redundant! So go ahead and tell me you disagree. I have zero issue with that. And I will happily discuss our points of disagreement. But again, I will not be trying to persuade you of anything. At best I am merely setting my case before you on the off chance that you might find it interesting or useful.
3. I undertake to treat you with respect – if you can’t offer me basic human respect in return then don’t bother posting. I will anyway not engage with you.
3. Much of the information I have, I obtain as a form of pure intuitive “knowing” from my Higher-Self. Occasionally, when I tell people this, they look at me as if they just noticed I have a highly contagious rash. And that’s okay. Folks who hold no truck with “woo-woo” notions like “higher selves” and can’t stretch their paradigm to the possibility of a conversation with a spirit being are probably best off wandering away shaking their heads. It saves both of us the effort of a pointless conversation.
4. Finally, if you find anything that I say to be in conflict with what you hold to be true… please trust your own truth over mine every time. I’m here to share what I have in a loving, respectful manner. Not to convert you or change you in any way.

With all that out the way. For my perspective on what these dimensions are that we are supposed to be ascending thought… I’d like to share with you an excerpt from the second book in The Ascension Papers series. The first one is in print but I am still writing the second one. This excerpt was originally published here on my website. This excerpt takes the form of a conversation between myself and my Spirit Guide, a being called “8”.


Zingdad: So, 8, what exactly ARE these dimensions that we hear so much of?

8: Thank you for the question. In discussing this topic with you I am going to speak from the perspective of the pre-eminence of consciousness and so my version of what the dimensions are will be a little different from the mainstream scientific view on planet earth. I will try to talk about this very complex subject in a way that is easy to comprehend. To do so I will start with the very familiar and work outwards from there.



You are, right now, experiencing yourself as a 3-dimensional body in a 3-dimensional world. The world of 3 dimensions should therefore be very easy for you to comprehend. By “dimension” we mean a space that can be measured. For example, the dimensions of a cube are expressed as length x height x width. All objects in your reality can be made to fit in a cube of sufficient size. All objects therefore exist within three spatial dimensions. Any point in your reality can be defined by three co-ordinates. So there are three dimensions to all things in your reality and to the whole of your reality.

But as this IS your reality you should be very familiar with it so and we can move on and describe the other dimensions. Let’s take a step down to the second dimension next.


If you stand between a bright light source and a screen then you will cast a shadow on the screen. What you, perhaps, haven’t considered before now is that your shadow is your body in 2 dimensions. It has height and width but it has no depth. No matter how closely you look you will never be able to measure a shadow’s thickness. It has none as it is not really a “thing” in the normal sense of the word. It is merely an absence of light. So, it has only two dimensions: the dimension of height and the dimension of width. Your shadow is a 2d object.

Now I would like you to please imagine a 2d being – someone very like your shadow – but a being of independent consciousness. He is going to help us understand dimensions. Let’s give him a name. Let’s call him Shadowman. Let’s imagine you could have a conversation with him. Remember his world isn’t actually simply “flat”. It is much worse than that. The conception of depth does simply not exist for him. So, not only can Shadowman not see over even the smallest obstacle, he can’t even begin to imagine the concept of “over”. He can’t even think in terms of there being an “above” or a “below”.

If Shadowman and a number of his friends stood next to each other he would not be able to see beyond the friend on either side of him and he would also not be able to conceptualise what it might be like to see “past” someone. So, if you asked him how many friends had gathered and he only had one friend on either side of him in his direct line of sight then his best answer would have to be “two”. Other friends that were beyond his line of sight would not be in his presence and he could not know that they were there. You, on the other hand, could see everyone in the gathering like so many shadows on the wall and you’d immediately know how many there were by simply counting them. You could tell Shadowman which friends he was going to see at this party and he’d be astounded at your prescience. Not only this, but you would be able to see, to all intents and purposes, inside Shadowman. You’d be able to see any internal organs and structures his body might have and even what he ate for lunch! You’d also be able to see inside closed boxes and “through” walls and barriers. Your ability to see and know things like this would astound Shadowman. He’d think you were god-like in your comprehension of his world. You would, to his mind, have an impossible ability to see what lay ahead of him long before he could discover this for himself. And if you tried to explain to him that you didn’t really have supernatural powers but could merely perceive the extra dimension of depth, then you would find that he would simply not understand what you were talking about. You could possibly use analogies to give him some idea as to what depth is like but… sadly… he would never really know what it would be like to live in a world with this third dimension, depth.

And that should give you some inkling of what a 2d object is like. It is a flat shape with no depth.


In order to help us understand what a 1-dimensional object might be like we are going to get Shadowman to help us some more. He is going to fetch a bright source of light and a screen from his 2d world and stand in-between them. Just as your 3d body has a 2d shadow, so Shadowman’s 2d body will yield a 1d shadow.

Let’s do this together in our imaginations, shall we? Shadowman has a perfectly flat lamp that shines a “flat” light in only 2 dimensions which causes his 2d body to cast a shadow on his flat, 2 dimensional screen. What does his shadow look like to us? Can you, in your imagination, see that his shadow is just a vertical line? It is as tall as Shadowman is, but, being his shadow, it has no width. And, of course, just as Shadownman has no depth, his shadow also has no depth. It is a line of no width and no depth. It is a 1d object.


To take the next step down to 0 dimensions, we simply continue the process. We take Shadowman’s shadow, the vertical 1d line, and we imagine that there is a 1d light source and a 1d screen on either side of it. But, because it inhabits a 1d world, the light and the screen can only be placed on the same axis as the line. There is no “in front’, no “next to”, no “to the side of” in the 1d world. There is only the single dimension WHICH FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE is above and below the vertical line of Shadowman’s shadow.

So, let us imagine that we place a 1d light (that only shines a laser-like light in a perfect line) so that it shines a light down on Shadowman’s shadow and it projects a shadow on the screen below it. What would this shadow look like? Can you, in your imagination, see that it would be a point? A single point of no width, no depth and no height. It is a 0d object.

Z: But 8, if it has no width, no height and no depth… then it can’t really exist, can it? I mean it can’t for example, have any mass. It can’t really be a “thing” in the ordinary sense of the word, can it?

Maybe it is just an imaginary object?

8: In fact anything below 3d has no mass. But you’re right this 0d point is not a thing like anything you have any experience of. It is, from that perspective, a no-thing. It is nothing. And that is all it is to those in the scientific community that have no place in their world-view for consciousness. But for the more enlightened there is much more to this “imaginary nothing”.

To be clear: this is not a point on a surface such as a dot on a piece of paper. A dot on a piece of paper is a 3d object. With a microscope, or similar, you can quickly see that it has three dimensions. And, more importantly, the dot resides on a piece of paper (which is 3d) on your desk (again 3d) in your universe (also 3d). You cannot separate the dot from the context in which it finds itself. No matter how small you draw that dot it is still a 3d dot in a 3d world and there is no possible way you will ever be able to make it any thing other than that because YOU are a 3d being in a 3d world. A 0d object does not exist on a piece of paper. In fact it does not exist “on” anything at all. From the perspective of a 0d being there is nothing “outside” of it for it to be on. At 0d all things are integrated and there is no separation between one thing and another. Indeed it is the creation of the dimensions themselves that allow for the illusion of separation between things. So, a 0d being is pure consciousness, there is no “you” and no “me”. There is no “here” and no “there”. There is no “this” and no “that”. There is no “before” and no “after”. There is only a singularity of everything which could possibly ever be, all condensed into one singular point with nothing at all outside of that point. That is 0d.

Z: Wow. The 0d point contains EVERYTHING!

8: It does.

Z: And where can one find such a point. I mean… really… in my world how would I find such a 0d point?

8: Everywhere. There are an infinite number of such points literally everywhere. At the very, very finest scale this is all this whole universe is composed of. Points of everythingness.

Not bad for an imaginary no-thing, wouldn’t you say? This is the nothing that is everything that you, your whole reality and everything in it, are composed of at the very finest scale.

Do you see? You have heard it said here in The Ascension Papers and certainly in other spiritual works that all things contain the whole. Well that would not be possible if the very smallest of all things were not, itself, the whole!

Were it possible for you to invent a magical microscope that could zoom-in so far that you could see across dimensional boundaries then, at your maximum magnification, you might get to see such a 0d point. And if by some further magic you could zoom into one of these points then, inside that point, you would find… the whole universe!

Z: Oh wow! I get it! The whole universe is contained within each of these smallest points… which in turn is what every thing in the universe is made of! Wow! That is the best mind-boggle I’ve had in a long time.

Except… wait a minute… something doesn’t make sense to me, 8. May I pause you here to ask a question or two?

8: Certainly.

Z: Firstly I’d like to know why, if I zoom in, I’d find the universe and not something… bigger. I mean you have told me that the universe is not everything that is. That there are other realities outside this universe, for example. Secondly I’d like to know about the physics of that finest, smallest 0d point. I don’t think our quantum scientist have found such a “point”. I think they are talking in terms of “strings” being the smallest thing, not this imaginary point. Are they wrong?

8: Good, good questions. I like them.

First answer: When I say you will find “the universe” I have a somewhat broader definition of that word than you normally would. I don’t mean the space around you that you can observe with telescopes alone. Your universe is the 3d universe. It is one single slice of a far greater whole. What I am talking about is the whole universe. All 8 dimensions of it. So these 8 dimensions are what the universe REALLY is. And this universe is a contained unit… a singular whole entity on its own. It is not the only such singular construct though… it is akin to one grain of sand on the beaches of eternity. It is one whole perfect thing complete unto itself amongst many, many such others.

Gaining access to this universe requires of you that you must “split yourself up” in a particular way. You must disintegrate the unity of your soul so that you can experience this universe as it is. Once you have done this then you are able to navigate around inside the universe. The fragment of yourself that you have placed at the third dimensional level, for example, can have many incarnations here and can feel itself to be a human being on a planet such as Earth while other fragments of yourself can, in a similar manner, experience other dimensional levels of this universe. As a result of this special “disintegration” process you can, however, not simply leave. The part that might wish to leave cannot leave other parts behind. Only the whole of you that entered may leave. So you must remain here until you have managed to “re-integrate” all your fragments. This very healing and integration of the soul is what we are calling the ascension process. As you ascend… as you gather together all that you are into a single, whole, integrated, sovereign being… so you will find your consciousness re-resonating to the place where you can “get out” of this universe. When you are truly at one with yourself then you are at one with everything. Then you find yourself at the “surface” of the universe, if I may speak metaphorically. This “surface” exists at exactly the place where 8d and 0d are one and the same thing, where 8d and 0d contain all the other dimensions. It exists at exactly the place where all things are One and you are One with all. At that place there are no boundaries and no divides. That is the place where you may go from anywhere to anywhere. You may go to any other reality that exists. Then there are no limitations at all. Because, indeed, that “surface” is also the nexus between all realities. At that place you already are… everywhere!

And that is the answer to your first question.

Now to your second question. Your physicists’ best effort to theorise a description of your reality at the very smallest level has yielded a concept called “strings”. This is actually a pretty useful notion. There are indeed energetic filaments that run through your reality. As they vibrate and oscillate in your reality it creates an effect that your science has observed and called sub-atomic particles. So far so good. But what, pray tell, are these strings?

Z: Um… I think they are energy?

8: Yes… at that level everything can be said to be energy. But I am asking in terms of our discussion about dimensions.

Z: Oh, right. They are long but… I don’t know… maybe they have no width and no depth? Maybe these “strings” are 1d objects?

8: That is very astute. Yes. And if you understand that these strings are 1d objects then clearly you haven’t yet found the finest, smallest 0d point yet! These 0d points of singularity and unity project the strings into your reality. They are the point of origin and destination for all the strings. The strings in turn are the source of the phenomena you call sub-atomic particles. Sub atomic particles dance together to form atoms which in turn bond into molecules. And molecules are the building blocks of your world.

Got that so far?

Z: Yes, thank you. I follow.

8: Good. So, in summary then, the 0d points are the source, the very primal, smallest and finest origin of everything in your universe. They also contain the whole universe. That makes them pretty special, don’t you think?

And since you enjoy mind-boggles so much, here’s another one for you. Even though these 0d points are everywhere all around you and inside you... there is actually only one of them!

By definition there cannot be more than one 0d point. It IS the whole universe. If there was another, different one then it would have to be an entirely different reality and could not be found inside this reality. There is, therefore, an infinite number of 0d points everywhere inside this reality but, in truth, it is all the same one.

How do you like?

Z: You’re right. That’s a great mind-boggle (laughs). But somehow that feels right to me. Even though I can’t understand it I actually get that one intuitively.

8: Excellent, then we can move on from 0d. Now we are going go “up” the dimensional scale and try to describe the 4th dimension and beyond to you.


The fourth dimension is time. From your personal perspective you could say your 4d body would be a long snake-like form. It begins quite small at the tail with a new born baby. Then moment by moment it grows longer and larger as you grow to be a young boy. Then it gets to its full girth as you become a young man. Longer and longer it gets with each day that passes for you. Its cross-section shape is your body at any given moment. So, though it ceases to get much taller after you became a young man it may well get somewhat wider as you progress into your middle years. The longer you live, the longer this snake grows. Maybe you can imagine it a little like a loaf of bread: each moment of your life is one slice and each slice is your whole 3d body. Moment-upon-moment the snake grows longer and longer until it eventually ends with the death of your body. From your perspective you live a linear life from beginning to end forming one long snake-like body.

Z: But why is it long like that? Why does the snake get longer? Why couldn’t it be like Russian dolls with baby-me in the middle and as I get bigger I just form new layers outside that?

8: It is a good question, even though you ask it somewhat in jest. The answer is this: if you did not move at all there would not be progression. This movement which produces the snake-like growth is time. If you stood perfectly, still time would stand still for you.

Z: But that makes no sense! I stand still all the time!

8: You stand still in 3d but you cannot stand still in 4d. And it is as a result of your movement in 4d that you experience time. If you sat dead still for a whole day, by the beginning of the next day you would have moved once around the circumference of your planet.

So how then are you going to stay perfectly still?

And the movements you make in time cause your long, snake-like body to be shaped into many spiral coils and loops which ultimately make a torus shape.

Let me explain.

At the end of the above-mentioned day you do not end where you began because the planet itself has moved on. It travels around the sun once a year. Making your series of spirals into another bigger spiral. But again you do not end where you began because your solar system is very slowly rotating. In fact EVERYTHING in your universe is rotating right up to the very universe itself. And so, no matter how long you live, your body would be growing and aging and transforming, moment by moment, as it hurtled forward at quite some speed through space in an amazing pattern of spirals made up of ever smaller spirals. The movements you actually choose to make when you walk, drive or fly in aeroplanes don’t even show up as perturbations compared to that patterns created by your high-speed flit though space and time.

Z: Amazing. As you were describing this to me I got a picture in my head of the cord used to connect a telephone hand-set to its base. It’s a spiral. I imagined curling that spiral cable into a much bigger spiral and then taking that bigger spiral and winding it up around itself into a BIGGER spiral…

8: …yes, that is the gist of it. And the longer you live the more spirals you can be a part of. Human lives are, in the greater scheme of things, of very short duration. So your motion only incorporates some of the smaller spirals. If you could live a few billion years then your 4d body would begin to show the arc of the rotation of the universe. But no matter how many spirals you form they always tend to create a torus. A torus is a doughnut shape. This is because you travel in a circle around and central space. So your snake-body makes a torus loop. Then it makes more and more loops until it makes a shape like a loose spring. But as the spring-shape gets longer it curls round upon itself until it makes a complete loop and then you see another torus! But the torus doesn’t quite complete because it doesn’t end where it started. And the pattern just keeps repeating making larger and larger near-toroids.

So that is what your body would look like to you if you were a 4d being. And if you were a 4d being then you would think of yourself quite differently from the way you currently do. In much the same way as you might currently look around the room you are sitting in and see a chair over there and a book over here, your 4d self could look around and see being middle-aged over here and being a toddler over there. All of your whole life is “right here” to that being. He does not need to wonder what will happen when you wake up tomorrow morning because that is as clear and present to him as the keyboard under your fingers is to you now. Your whole life, from start to end, is his “here and now”.

What he might wonder about and try to work with is not “tomorrow” or “yesterday”, it is “alternate”. Which is what is dealt with by the 5d being.

So 4d being. It is a time-like projection of your reality and it consists of spirals forming toroids.


5d is an “expansion” or a “projection” of 4d. Let us use you as an example. There are many things you could have been, could have done, could have experienced but chose not to. You feel you are living the life of all the things you did choose and al the things you didn’t choose don’t exist. Well, on some level they do exist. On some level every single choice that could ever have been offered to you was taken and every single outcome to all those choices was experienced. And that level is the 5th dimension.

In the 3rd dimension you are living one life with one set of choices. At 4d you are the whole of that time-line from birth to death. In the 5th dimension you are a cloud of potentiality in which all the probable and possible choices you could have taken exist simultaneously. Your 5d body is a cloud through which you could plot any number of possible time-lines. The choices that are closest to your Soul’s intent are nearer the centre of the cloud. That is where the most energy is expended. That is where you will find the most Life and the most vitality. The closer you, the 3d expression, are to this centre core, the more vital and energetic you will be and the more “flow” you will find in your life. You will feel more “right” about what you are doing and things will be easier to do. Move towards the outer limits of the cloud and you will experience hardship and a decrease in personal energy and vitality. As you approach the edge of the cloud where your Soul ceased to express itself so you will cease to be able to function. You won’t be able to go there. If you persist in trying you will experience a termination of the incarnation.

Z: But I don’t understand…

8: Of course you don’t. You are a 3d consciousness and I have just given you a 5d perspective. Much about this will be beyond your comprehension no matter how hard we try. Until you experience it yourself it will elude you. But go ahead… tell me what bothers you.

Z: Well, for starters, if 5d-me has ALL the choices available then what is the point of me living a 3d life? Why not just look at all the choices and choose the best path… and live that?

8: You were correct when you said you didn’t understand. These other alternatives are no less real, no less valid, no less lived and experienced that your life is. They are all equally true and valid. There is no difference between the life you are living and a parallel life with slightly different choices. The only difference is for you. You make particular choices and you experience the outcome of those choices. Your experiences are just that… they are your experiences. The 5th dimension is a wave-form that includes all the possible experiences that might be had in the 3rd dimensions. You, yourself, are an individual observer. The observer collapses the wave-form into a single event. You turn potentiality into actuality. You do this for your own life and then you experience that life as your own. That is what you do. But in so doing you do not diminish infinity. Infinity requires that all things that can exist, do exist. They must all be equally valid. And so it is for 5d-you. All the choices that you can take… you do take. You take them all, live them all, see them all. But YOU my beloved 3d being, do not see all of them. You only see one linear and direct path. You only see one out of every possible choice being actualised.

Z: That’s… simply mind-blowing. I don’t even know how to make sense of that.

8: Let me offer you a thought:

When we say you create your own reality do you not sometimes think that you must therefore be creating a reality for others around you also? If you choose a happier world starting right now… then you must surely also choose for everyone else in the world, right? Does it not strike you that, if this were true, that you were taking from them their right to create their world as more un-happy if they wanted?

Z: Uh… yeah. I had wondered about that.

8: Well, wonder no more! Each point of consciousness chooses for itself. You can live in a happier world and you will only experience other beings – or other aspects of beings – who have also chosen for that happier world. The version of you that chooses a less happy tomorrow will be there to experience that with others that are co-creating that with him. And if someone is creating a version of the world that is not at all congruent with your soul-purpose then no version of you will be found in that world. As you approach those conditions then your incarnation will terminate. Or you will not be born into that world in the first place.

Z: Astounding. I am so deeply failing to compute this info that I don’t even know what to say or think.

8: Let’s take a moment out then. Remember our imaginary conversation with Shadowman? Now maybe you understand poor Shadowman’s response to being told about depth and how you are above him and can see inside him, past him to all the other flat people on the wall, through walls and inside boxes. Trying to make sense of dimensional realities greater than you own can be a lot to cope with. I understand.

My advice is not to try too hard to think about it. The only real way you can actually think about these dimensions is with mathematics. But you don’t have the training to do that kind of computation and those that DO have such training can only do the most basic calculations like extending a 2d square to a 3d cube to a 4d tesseract and so forth. It’s a neat bit of calculation but it doesn’t begin to explain life and experiences at the various dimensional levels. It doesn’t take consciousness into consideration. So it ends up being lifeless and dry. It certainly can’t describe what it might be like to live life as a 5d being!

So don’t try to hard to think about 5d, rather try to feel about it. Take a deep breath and move into your heart for a moment. Feel in your heart what it might mean to you to know that you are experiencing one version of what you could be but that all versions are equally real and valid. All versions are alive. All versions are equally “you”.

How does that feel?

Z: Hmm. I actually feel quite good about that. The confusion that is in my head isn’t in my heart. The first thing that comes up for me is the realisation that all judgements I might have about myself are therefore pointless. If I am anyway all of the possible versions of me then I have already taken all the best decisions AND all the worst decisions. And if I have already taken all those decisions and all of them are equally real then the value judgements of “best” and “worst” become a bit meaningless, don’t they? Instead I can simply accept that each decision yields an outcome. Then the only decision I have to make is if I like that outcome or not. If I like it then I can take more choices just like that and if I don’t then I make different choices. But what I realise now is the value of the choices I would previously have called “bad”. Now they are perfectly valid choices that have given me the gift of seeing exactly how and why I don’t like them. The fact that I have made those choices allows me to take other decisions. I now take an informed, conscious decision.

So it’s actually incredibly liberating. If, at 5d, I am already all of it then I choose to gift to my 3d-self the opportunity to be the happiest, most magnificent version of myself that I can be. I choose more love, more joy and more truth and wisdom. And I can be grateful to all the versions of me that are choosing anything else because of the opportunity they gift to me.

8: That is quite a useful understanding to arrive at.

Something else you might consider is that there are other versions of you that are doing magnificently. They are not in any way “less” than you but they are none-the-less doing something a little different from what you are doing. For example: you have felt the drive towards unity consciousness and have used that drive to create The Ascension Papers. Well there is, for example, another version of you who is creating music that is quite sublime and yet another that is making the most spectacular art. For yourself you have chosen language and words as your form of expression. But it is through the hard work and constant effort of these other two alternate life-streams that run parallel to your own that you are able to fairly easily pick up skills in music-making and visual art. Their work feeds you just as your hard work with ideas and words feeds them with inspiring concepts.

And it can be so for everyone. Everyone can draw inspiration from their own alternate life-streams and you can know too that every choice you make does indeed affect the other alternate versions of you.

You and your alternate life-streams are, all together, one being… a 5d being. A cloud of consciousness.


At 6d you have made all the choices you, at a soul-level, ever possibly could have made. Here we are talking about all the different kinds of lives YOU could conceivably have wanted to live inside this system. So this would be the collection of all the incarnations you have ever had – each represented by a cloud of potentiality. When you gather them all together at 6d level then you realise that these lives are not separate things. They are also not sequential. You currently think of your present moment as you sit here typing on your keyboard as being NOW. It is “the present” for you. Everything that you have already experienced is “the past” and everything you have yet to experience is “the future”. Well, for your 6d-self all of your possible incarnations are all equally here and now. Your 6d self knows that you do not have “past lives” at all. You have alternate lives, each with their own potentialities and probabilities but all together forming one greater whole.

6d-you knows that your choices in your current lifetime are being made at the same time as other choices in other lifetimes. All lifetimes directly affect each other and none can be isolated from each other. It is only your illusion that they occur in a linear row and that they are separate incarnations. It is a useful illusion as it helps you to gain a sense of your progression but it is, none the less, a figment of your imagination.

As you engage actively and consciously with your own spiritual growth you might begin to get a glimmering of this. For example: when you were younger you knew nothing at all of your past lives and you were also full of all kinds of unresolved anger and fear. As you grew up so you worked very hard to understand where these feelings came from. You went for hypnotic regression and uncovered the root-causes of much of what ailed you psycho-spiritually. As you did this you engaged in an active and conscious process of loving, healing and integrating the parts of yourself that felt most lost, alone and divorced from the wholeness of your soul. You thought in terms of doing “past life” work. But do you not see that you were working directly in your own consciousness at the “eternal now” level? If that which hurt you was truly in your past then you would be able to go back to observe that but you would not be able to heal it. It would remain as it was fixed in the past. But it is not so. You can heal your past. You can bring love to the part of yourself that is struggling and you can help that version of yourself to find peace. So clearly you can affect and change your past and work deeply in these alternate lives and you can, and do, do so with the choices you make right here in this lifetime. This is because all these lifetimes are, at some level, one much greater life. Truly, I tell you when you do such spiritual work of inner-healing then you begin to touch your own 6d consciousness. You are at such times gaining the awareness that you are, right now, able to change the course and alter the experience of beings that have lived other lives in other times… even on other planets or in other realities. You can bring compassion, wisdom and love to them and in so doing you not only relieve a pressure in your own psyche and release a blockage in your own energy but you also bring healing and relief to them where they are. You do great work at such times. It is the work of The Oneness. This is the work of the 6d being and it can happen inside your life and inside your consciousness if you have the courage to choose this and if you invite your highest wisdom, love and compassion to act through you.

At 6d your physicality in many ways resembles a crystal lattice. If you imagine every moment of choice in your life to be a node, then your 4d-self is a line drawn from one node to the next, plotting the path of all your choices from birth to death. At 5d we see that the nodes of choices not taken are also valid and also exist. They are available as alternate time-lines. All these nodes together look like a cloud. Well now at 6d we realise that all the many clouds of all the incarnations you have ever had all intersect. They are in fact not separate from each other. They are one single greater entity. Each node is in perfect harmony and alignment with all the other nodes that are symmetrically positioned around it. If you understand the physical structure of a crystal then you will have some insight into this explanation.

So that is you at 6d. A crystalline being.


At the 7d level your consciousness transcend the physical completely. You come to see that the physical is just an expression. For 7d-you, your current life here in 3d is a bit like a note played on a guitar string. If you pluck the string the note is produced. If you pluck the same string again in the same way a very similar note is produced. If you change an attribute of the string by, for example, tuning it differently you can get variations on that note. But the note, though beautiful, is not a thing you need to worry about. It is just something that you can play if you wish to experience it.

7d-you does not confuse itself with its expressions. It knows it is not these lives and these bodies and these events. It knows that all of this taken together is like the performance of a beautiful song. You can take it seriously if you like or you can do it with fun and lightness in your heart. You can do it any which way you like but, when all is said and done, it is just something you are playing. It is not actually YOU. You are an eternal mote of purest consciousness and cannot be altered or transformed into anything other than what you are by any of these experiences. And that realisation is your window to 8d. If you are not changed by the game and the game only matters as much as you want it to, while you want it to, then you can, with peace in your heart, release yourself from the game at any time.

At 7d you bring a very high level of consciousness to all that you observe. You are able, with a single thought, to change anything and everything in the universe. But, ironically, you see it for what it is and so you end up enacting very little change at all. You see truly and you see that there is nothing that is inherently broken here. Nothing here actually needs change and so you observe with love. You shine your Light. And you give all of yourself as a the greatest gift of love to the Life that is expressed here before you finally turn and face eternity. Before you make the final great transcendence and move into the everlasting oneness of 8d.

At 7d your form is Light. You are a beam of light that is not limited in its ability to shine or the form that it might take. It can be anywhere it needs to be instantly. It is this Light which is the energy that precedes all matter. But you are intelligent Light and can manifest from your own being any and all forms of matter as you might choose. It if your thoughts that hold matter together in existence. Indeed all of physical reality in the universe is made of the bodies of a number of 7d beings.

A 7d being is a Light being. The form, tone and intensity of that Light depends on the being and Its choices.


At this final level you come to what might be quite a startling revelation. You come to see that there is no universe at all outside of you. There are no “other” beings playing this game with you. There never were. It was all, always, just you. You discover that every other being that played every single other role, that imagined every single other imagining and that did every single other thing that you hitherto had thought you did not play, imagine or do… was really just another version of you. As you enter 8d you “remember” all your other incarnations, inventions, creations, actions… all of it. And there is no-one and nothing that you cannot, at that moment, remember being and doing. You were and are ALL OF IT. And there is not one little atom anywhere that you did not imagine into being, not one blazing star that you did not cause to shine. There is not one single life that you did not live.

At 8d you are, in every possible sense, the whole universe. All of it bar nothing. You are IT!

And so… for 8d-you there is nothing to wonder about. Nothing to try to know. Nothing to try to understand. Nothing to do. Nothing to change. Nothing to forgive. Nothing to heal. It all just IS. And it is all you.

Now what to do with information like THAT, huh?

Z: Now even my boggle is boggled! Wow, 8!

But you are right… what can one do with that info? For myself I have two different responses. First my heart leaps with joy. I absolutely love this. I can’t get over how things that I have taken to be spiritual truths are coming together in this stuff you are now sharing with me. It is simply astounding and very beautiful. It makes me happy to think that this is true. And that is great.

But then my head chimes in and say “no”. There are people here on earth getting up to some pretty funny stuff. And I don’t mean funny as in humorous! And… well… I’m not sure I want to be them very much. You know?

8: I comprehend perfectly. But my dear friend, isn’t it then perfect? You don’t have to do any of those things or make any of those choices because someone else is already taking care of that for you. You are free to get on with the life you want to live thanks to them.

Z: Yes, that’s true. We already covered that in the previous chapter when we spoke about judgement.

8: That’s right. But here now is an additional level of understanding. Not only are you released from the need to do these other things but, indeed, when you are finally ready, after your long and winding journey all the way up through the dimensions, then you will finally arrive at the remembrance that indeed it was all you. And in that remembrance will also come perfect comprehension. Not only did you do all of these things but you will, in that moment, know exactly how it came to be that you did what you did. Perfect knowledge with perfect compassion will yield perfect bliss.

Z: Yes. I feel what you are saying in my heart. Thank you for that, 8.

So then… what does an 8d being DO. I mean what is it like to be a whole universe?

8: Everything. Nothing. It depends on your perspective. There is no real way to answer that question. An 8d being does “the universe”, in so much as the universe needs any doing. Maybe a better answer is to say that It dreams. And you are Its dreams, all of you.

…and that is the end of the excerpt. I hope you found it interesting, or at the very least entertaining!

There is a good bit more available here on my website in which 8 makes it clear that we are all, ultimately One.

I found it to be a fascinating conversation and I am very pleased of the privilege of sharing it with you.

Now… would you like to discuss this with me?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:14 AM
"today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration.. that we are all of one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.. there is no such as death, life is only a dream and we are the imaginations of ourselves.. here's john with the weather.." -the late prophet bill hicks

s+f for you good sir, thanks for the read!
edit on 24/7/11 by mzungu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Yes, thats a very good explanation. I am not sure that I agree with the number of dimensions, but I suppose it is all a matter of belief. You believe or know what you feel is right. Just like life after death, no-one can tell you what happens because then it becomes a belief. I belong to a group which teaches 15 dimensions, but again, we just believe what feels right to us. As 8 said, when we actually live in the dimension, then we will know it and the more restrictive dimensions beneath it.

The zero dimension is interesting because the analagy depends on a 'light' shining on a body in a dimension and that shows us the dimension beneath it. I cannot quite see how a zero dimension would be all/everything in that case simply because of the 'shining light' model. In effect 8 is saying that to ascend out of the 3d reality one can either go towards the zero dimension or go towards the 8th dimension. Both in your model would allow freedom from all limitations.

I cannot help feeling that an explanation of dimensions might not be the best place to begin, but rather an explanation of the smallest units of consciousness and how they form larger and larger structures, may be a better place to start. However, every explanation will appeal and make sense to someone who is ready for and exists at that level of current understanding.

Thank you for that explanation I am sure some people will find it useful.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by mzungu

Hi Mzungu

Thanks for the commment - I'm glad you enjoyed the read!

I have always appreciated Mr Hicks (may he rest in peace) and his ability to hit on some amazing truths in the most humorous way. I have that particular performance on a DVD somewhere - you have inspired me to go and dig it out and give it another look.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by qmantoo

Hi Qmantoo

Thank you for your comments.

I actually don't think there is any particular, specific number of dimensions. I think its a bit like "how many colours are there in the rainbow?" There are as many as you can see, of course. We mostly agree there are 7 but it is easily possible to discern many more if you try. But, in order to talk about it in a sensible way one has to pick a perspective and work from there. My spirit-guide, 8, says he is of the view that it is a bit like the number of notes in a musical octave. You can say there are 7 notes (plus the 8th for the full completion of the octave) or you can include the semi-tone (the black keys on a piano) and then say there are 12. Either is correct. Oriental musical scales, I understand, have many more tones in each octave. And who is to say that is "wrong"!

So I agree there is no point in getting dogmatic about the number of dimensions that exist. It is just a perspective that allows us to make sense of what is going on. And if 15 dimensions works for you then that is awesome!

I'm not sure that it is possible to take ones consciousness down to 0d as an ascension path. I don't know. I think the point 8 was making here is more about the fact that 0d and 8d are actually... the same thing! At that point all is One. And everything else... all these other dimensions are the creation within the one great singularity.

Great hearing from you...

Oh yeah, ETA: Thank you for your feedback that dimensions might not be the best place to start talking about ascension. I have other material that I will consider posting here too in due course.

edit on 24-7-2011 by Zingdad because: I had more to say. I often do. Life doesn't usually afford one the opportunity to add something later. So this is nice... :-D

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:12 PM
You have a great talent for writing OP. If this is your work, good job.

I guess these New Age notions are very popular today. I wouldn't know if "channeling" is real, or something else, but a lot of people seem to buy into it.

I might have a number of questions, regarding internal consistency of the story, implications, complications, etc., but for starters, could you explain a bit more on "who" exactly "8" is supposed to be? I may have a pretty good idea of where you're headed, but it's not polite to assume too much, which is why I ask.


posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
You have a great talent for writing OP. If this is your work, good job.


Thanks for the compliment! It is indeed my writing.

Originally posted by JR MacBethI guess these New Age notions are very popular today. I wouldn't know if "channeling" is real, or something else, but a lot of people seem to buy into it.

Then we are on the same page. I also don't know how real the channelling phenomenon is. I myself don't fall into a trance or dance the hula or anything. I simply bring the questions I have to a quiet, peaceful mind and allow my intuition to answer them. It is the same thing as the "little voice" that sometimes tells us "not to get into the lift with that strange looking character" or whatever. Intuition. But I have spent years and years teaching myself to listen very attentively and by now it speaks volumes to me. Along the way I asked the voice "who it is" that is speaking. It told me it is me. It is the version of me that is outside of this little confusing game we call life on planet earth. It is, what is sometimes referred to as my "higher self" but it prefers the term "inner self". It is not constrained as I am to limited insight understanding and knowledge. So it says. I have been asking questions and getting answers for a few years now. At first it was troubling because I didn't quite trust the process. I thought I was somehow deluding myself... putting the answers I wanted in my own mind. But that is not possible. The answers I have received over the years are certainly not things I could have dreamed up. And they have remained internally consistent too. I have yet to "trip myself up" with something that doesn't fit. But much more than that. Engaging this source of wisdom has , over the years, brought to me the most wonderful transformational process. I have worked through all kinds of inner-turmoil, angst and pain. I have found deep peace. My heart has been opened to profound compassion for myself and all others that tread this planet. And I come to find myself motivated primarily by Love. Which quite surprisingly to me results in a world around me that reflects more and more Love back at me.

So I continue to have the conversations.

But I still can't say I have any "proof" of what it is. And I still don't really "know" about this channelling thing either.

Originally posted by JR MacBethI might have a number of questions, regarding internal consistency of the story, implications, complications, etc., but for starters, could you explain a bit more on "who" exactly "8" is supposed to be? I may have a pretty good idea of where you're headed, but it's not polite to assume too much, which is why I ask.

A very valid approach! Thank you.
The reason I began this process (almost 25 years ago now) of learning to listen to my intuition is that I heard about the notion of a "spirit guide" and it felt so right and so true to me that I felt instantly that I MUST find a way to contact mine. It was a palpable drive (like hunger or thirst) that I felt I needed to fulfil. I just KNEW that I had such a spirit -guide and that this being was with me, loved me, and cared for me. I can't tell you how I knew that but I did. So anyway I worked very hard (I won't bore you with the details of the process) and within months was having very stilted, slow conversations of the "yes" and "no" kind. It took me the best part of 20 years to get to a place where I had a break-through and conversations became nearly effortless. What I understand is that my Inner-Self pass on my half of the conversation to 8 (or whichever other spirit being with whom I occasionally converse) and I receive 8's reply. As I am one with my Inner Self, it is, apparently, no great matter to allow me to get the answer.

Who EXACTLY 8 is, beyond the fact of his being my spirit guide, is something I continue to unfold and discover. He has not incarnated ever. He is involved with the "structure" of this reality we inhabit. He is a being of pure truth. And I trust him deeply. These things I can tell you. Go ahead and ask if there is anything else you would like to know!

Oh - and thanks for playing! :-)

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by qmantoo

Perhaps the number of 'dimensions' are not 'real', but simply descriptive, an aid to understanding and so the number changes sometimes depending on who it is being explained to? Perhaps its actually a continuum without distinct borders? Like water pressure as you go deeper.

Oh, and OP, bravo. S&F.
edit on 25-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Zingdad

Thank you Zingdad, you more or less confirmed what I was guessing at, concerning your "source". Certainly, from your OP, it was clear enough you were getting a message from a far distant future advanced "version" of "us". But that already gets a bit too far ahead I suppose!

I'm not generally inclined to things that smack too much of the New Age, mainly because 99% of it seems to be such patent hokum. Like religion, the majority fails to hold up under scrutiny. And yet, you have made an admirable attempt to go beyond mere poetic phrasing, IMO. You are by all appearances acquainted with modern scientific notions, especially physics, and it is to your credit that you did not ignore it all, or give it a passing nod, as so many of the New Age crowd do.

There have been plenty of New Age threads here on ATS, and I could barely bring myself to even read the first paragraph. I'm sure you know what I mean, but there are quite a few out there who haven't a clue about anything outside of their emotional feelings, and yet somehow attempt to write about these things as "facts". Irksome, to say the least. Also bothersome is the fact that if you should mention some small detail that is just too much to overlook, a small bit of logic, a typical response is to wave a dismissive hand, and of course, never actually address the issue.

SO, frankly, I see something else in your writing, or else I wouldn't bother. Again, my compliments to you for a fine piece of writing, I think your book has good potential to be received by many who are seeking answers.

And yet...As we probably both know, there are no answers (at least not yet).

The journey you described, the journey of the "soul", in the context of "ascension", holds a lot of appeal I think for the average person. All of us want something better than we presently experience, no matter how "wonderful" our life may be, some part of our core nature desires, and seemingly may always desire, "more". At least this is the case from our current perspective, certainly, you describe a point (literally) in our future where a higher nature, that has experienced all, and "is" all, would / could desire no more.

Hopefully, I'm getting at least the gist of the paradigm you have outlined.

If I have understood sufficiently thus far, then perhaps you could elaborate on what I would like to call a "greater context" for it all. You have credited being(s), with some humility, attributing what you relate to their generous sharing of their greater knowledge of a greater universe. In the "end", at 8d, we are whole once again. We, who literally "are" the "universe", from the perspective you described, are actually something like a "god", if I have understood you correctly.

The metaphor you (or 8) chose at this point was interesting. As this god finds him/her/itself at the "surface", an even greater vision emerges of an infinity of "universes/gods", as you invoked images of sand on a beach. This beach then perhaps being what an advanced being might consider as an even greater universe (perhaps we could capitalize, Universe), which might ultimately be a kind of "community" of gods/universes. Sort of going with intuitive momentum, I'm not certain if this is what you intended.

A "big question", left unanswered, is exactly what happens at this "highest" level. The "answer" in your story is a bit of a dodge perhaps, since it was "everything" and/or "nothing". Not exactly satisfying!

Not that satisfaction is to be had, but it brings me back to my question: What exactly forms the "greater context" for the whole of the system you have described?

Let me say it a different way. Let's imagine that we are this "god/universe" for a moment. Within us, is all. We need, nothing at all. Indeed, why would we do anything, at all, when in the most real sense, it has all been "done". Obviously, the use of the past tense isn't quite right, but hopefully you see what I'm saying.

In essence, the basic problem that has vexed humanity forever, remains unsolved: "Why is there something, rather than nothing?"

Of course, even if we decided to leave that one alone, for the moment, we would still be faced with the basic pantheistic / reincarnationist "why?", which is often dismissed a priori by the average New Ager. No, I'm certainly not going to assume that is the case with you, you have already shown yourself to be a person of considerable reasoning skills.

The question then being: Why would an integrated perfect god/universe want or need to "do" anything, and most especially, why would they choose to fragment, and incarnate, etc.? So many times I hear that it's the only way for the universe/god to "experience" it all. That's a bit of a cop-out, IMO, since the implication is that there is in fact a kind of "imperfection", or lack, or need, and yet, this Being is, by definition, beyond requirements of any kind.

Not to get too involved, but another interpretation is to simply see the universe/god as having this intrinsic nature, the many levels or dimensions, being of it's essence. Again, not terribly satisfying.

And we could ask all the big questions, and yet, even in the way we form the question, there may be a catastrophic defect. For example, "From whence arises consciousness?" The very term "arises" already implies the answer! Or, perhaps one the religionist will prefer, "What about the Beginning?" Well, some may say there wasn't a "beginning", at least not in the most important sense, but hopefully people can see my point.

My apologies for such a hasty reply, but the work week has begun again! Thanks again for bringing such rare quality to ATS. I look forward to your response.

edit on 25-7-2011 by JR MacBeth because: sp

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 12:36 PM

reply to post by Zingdad Gaining access to this universe requires of you that you must “split yourself up” in a particular way. You must disintegrate the unity of your soul so that you can experience this universe as it is. Once you have done this then you are able to navigate around inside the universe. The fragment of yourself that you have placed at the third dimensional level, for example, can have many incarnations here and can feel itself to be a human being on a planet such as Earth while other fragments of yourself can, in a similar manner, experience other dimensional levels of this universe. As a result of this special “disintegration” process you can, however, not simply leave. The part that might wish to leave cannot leave other parts behind. Only the whole of you that entered may leave. So you must remain here until you have managed to “re-integrate” all your fragments.


This is the only part im having difficulty with, would you explain further?

also another question. If everything is one, and in order to ascend one must be together as a whole. But then, you have a contradiction where other people who want an unhappy world cannot be deprived of their ability to create. Then clearly you would have to leave them behind because they choose the unhappy world while I choose a happier one. This part confused me.

4d The fourth dimension is time. From your personal perspective you could say your 4d body would be a long snake-like form. It begins quite small at the tail with a new born baby. Then moment by moment it grows longer and larger as you grow to be a young boy. Then it gets to its full girth as you become a young man. Longer and longer it gets with each day that passes for you. Its cross-section shape is your body at any given moment. So, though it ceases to get much taller after you became a young man it may well get somewhat wider as you progress into your middle years. The longer you live, the longer this snake grows. Maybe you can imagine it a little like a loaf of bread: each moment of your life is one slice and each slice is your whole 3d body. Moment-upon-moment the snake grows longer and longer until it eventually ends with the death of your body. From your perspective you live a linear life from beginning to end forming one long snake-like body.

I think this pretty much sums it up.


So there is some truth to donnie darko.

At 6d your physicality in many ways resembles a crystal lattice. If you imagine every moment of choice in your life to be a node, then your 4d-self is a line drawn from one node to the next, plotting the path of all your choices from birth to death. At 5d we see that the nodes of choices not taken are also valid and also exist. They are available as alternate time-lines. All these nodes together look like a cloud. Well now at 6d we realise that all the many clouds of all the incarnations you have ever had all intersect. They are in fact not separate from each other. They are one single greater entity. Each node is in perfect harmony and alignment with all the other nodes that are symmetrically positioned around it. If you understand the physical structure of a crystal then you will have some insight into this explanation.

pretty much this

8d At this final level you come to what might be quite a startling revelation. You come to see that there is no universe at all outside of you. There are no “other” beings playing this game with you. There never were. It was all, always, just you. You discover that every other being that played every single other role, that imagined every single other imagining and that did every single other thing that you hitherto had thought you did not play, imagine or do… was really just another version of you. As you enter 8d you “remember” all your other incarnations, inventions, creations, actions… all of it. And there is no-one and nothing that you cannot, at that moment, remember being and doing. You were and are ALL OF IT. And there is not one little atom anywhere that you did not imagine into being, not one blazing star that you did not cause to shine. There is not one single life that you did not live.

This is the part I am both scared and somewhat reject, because this represents my greatest fear of them all, ending up alone. Perhaps the creators grand design is Genius after all. I can somewhat imagine what it would be like to be all alone in the universe, I guess thats why he did the levels of dimentions, and placed barriers, so that he/she or I or we, can experience things as if we were born anew without the knowledge.

On the other hand I can also see the beauty on the grand design.

Thanks for your post

edit on 25-7-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 08:05 PM
At the moment, I am awestruck. The concepts that you conveyed were very abstract and difficult to grasp in nature, but you were able to lay them out in simple, easy to understand terms. Thank you for giving me further insight into the ascension process. However, I am still left with one question: when do you believe that the ascension process will occur? Peace and love be with you, thank you for this wonderful thread.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:13 AM

when do you believe that the ascension process will occur?

Yes, that's an interesting question because it suggests that we sit back and wait for it to happen at some point in 'time'. The problem I have with that assumption is that it releases us from all responsibility for our own spiritual progression. Like someone else will come down and wave a magic wand and suddenly we will all be ascended.

If we are part of a larger being, then it makes sense that this larger being needs to ascend too ( as do planets, universes, etc). Maybe the word ascend is not the best one to use. Maybe I should say 'pull back towards source consciousness' or "go beck through the door we came in to this level/dimension from", but we can call it ascension for now so that we all understand the terminology.

I have a feeling that there maybe many different parts of the ascension process and I think what 8 was trying to convey, was that in order to move back up to the next level ("ascend to the next level") we need to collect together all of the parts of ourself we have here, and take them with us.

Basically from what I believe, we cannot do the ascension thing without our whole self being complete, and our whole being at this level consists of all the different parts of our larger self which are running around being 'humans'. That is why 8 said that we cannot leave any behind, because they represent some of the our energy, and we need all of that energy to have enough thrust and momentum to do the ascension process and get back up a level.

I think as a natural part of ascension, you get to experience the re-integration of all of the other parts of yourself at the particular level you are ascending out of, and you cannot go back up without exactly what you came in with. All the energy you brought in, present and accounted for.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:53 AM

If everything is one, and in order to ascend one must be together as a whole. But then, you have a contradiction where other people who want an unhappy world cannot be deprived of their ability to create. Then clearly you would have to leave them behind because they choose the unhappy world while I choose a happier one. This part confused me.

Why would anyone choose an unhappy life over a joyful one? Isn't it all a matter of arriving at the point of realisation that you will not create for yourself the unhappy moments but that you prefer to experience more and more joyful moments. Personally, I dont enjoy horror movies.

What level are we creating on? The first thing to do is to realise that you are "bigger" than you normally experience yourself. There are more parts to this being which is "you" than we are led to believe. Due to distortions and blocks in various energy fields that you move through to get into this reality, the real you is hidden from most people when they come into a body. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, to discover the bigger, multi-dimensional real you and experience all that you can do as it.

I depends on what you believe of course, but the conclusion that I have come to (from reading various books etc) is that we are all like giant movie projectors moving through existence in a large bubble with our 'holographic reality' being projected onto the inside of this bubble as a 3D movie screen.

As you become more aware of your larger self as the person who runs the movie, you are able to change the movie to one which shows happier scenes. Splice in scenes from happier movies for example.

To me, this would explain how time is not really linear too, because you, who are the actor in the movie which is your life, moves throught the scenes of the movie one at a time, like film shots running through the projector one after the other in linear time. However, the movie exists on a spool of film outside of the time it takes to run on the projector. So you see, it just depends on your perspective (actor in the movie, or projectionist) whether you think time is real or not.

One lifetime is one movie run through the projector and the actors in the film all may play different characters in different movie/lifetimes. One may be a lead in one movie yet have a bit-part in another. Some actors enjoy playing the villain, others enjoy being a hero, and some like exploring the pathos(?) of a hard life while others enjoy the pomp and ceremony of playing royalty. Some people enjoy horror films and others enjoy thrillers or romance.

Try reading "illusions" by Richard Bach

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Z: But I don’t understand…

8: Of course you don’t. You are a 3d consciousness and I have just given you a 5d perspective. Much about this will be beyond your comprehension no matter how hard we try. Until you experience it yourself it will elude you. But go ahead… tell me what bothers you.

So basically I imagine you are a 3D being living in a 3D consciousness because you wrote with a 3D keyboard, sitting on a 3D chair, using your 3D brain and 3D fingers looking at a 3D monitor...

How can you understand dimensions if you are a 3D being

You actually have an idea of what it could be. But you are not really sure ... The concept cannot be at full clarity to you as you are a 3D being.

Also there is 11 dimensions proven by science... Why do you say there is only 8. As there is 9 ascensions level, you cannot only have 8 dimensions.

Your theories makes sense, no doubt, but if Z cannot understand, then how can you?

Oneness and love to all.

reply to post by Zingdad

edit on 27-7-2011 by Blinded because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Malcram
reply to post by qmantoo

Perhaps the number of 'dimensions' are not 'real', but simply descriptive, an aid to understanding and so the number changes sometimes depending on who it is being explained to? Perhaps its actually a continuum without distinct borders? Like water pressure as you go deeper.

Hi Malcram

Yes, something very like that!

The dimensions are a description of an experience. But they do not limit the experience. So it is entirely possible to desicrbe them in another way that is equally true. Its a bit like having a map. The map describes the land but it isn't the land itself. And there is always the possibility of coming up with a different map that describes the same land in a different way.

The point is not to limit us with a defined view of what is "out there". Rather it is to give us tools to make sense of our greater reality in such a way that we might explore it for ourselves as we awaken to our true nature.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
If I have understood sufficiently thus far, then perhaps you could elaborate on what I would like to call a "greater context" for it all.


The metaphor you (or 8) chose at this point was interesting. As this god finds him/her/itself at the "surface", an even greater vision emerges of an infinity of "universes/gods", as you invoked images of sand on a beach. This beach then perhaps being what an advanced being might consider as an even greater universe (perhaps we could capitalize, Universe), which might ultimately be a kind of "community" of gods/universes.

A "big question", left unanswered, is exactly what happens at this "highest" level. The "answer" in your story is a bit of a dodge perhaps, since it was "everything" and/or "nothing". Not exactly satisfying!

Not that satisfaction is to be had, but it brings me back to my question: What exactly forms the "greater context" for the whole of the system you have described?

Let me say it a different way. Let's imagine that we are this "god/universe" for a moment. Within us, is all. We need, nothing at all. Indeed, why would we do anything, at all, when in the most real sense, it has all been "done". Obviously, the use of the past tense isn't quite right, but hopefully you see what I'm saying.

In essence, the basic problem that has vexed humanity forever, remains unsolved: "Why is there something, rather than nothing?"


Yes, indeed. When we have work our way though all of the spiritual/ metaphysical/ philosophical questions we are still left with the final question... "BUT WHY?!?" :-)

Why any of this?

I have spent a little time with my higher-self on this question. And the answer is a little hard to make sense of. It seems it is hard for a finite mind to understand the infinite. So my higher-self has provided me with a useful little fiction that helps me to understand this issue. It goes like this:

In the beginning there was nothing. Then the nothingness became conscious of itself. We can paraphrase that dawning awareness as It saying "here I am". And with that first light of self-awareness these arose curiosity, which we can paraphrase as that being asking, "what am I?"

So, "here I am, what am I?" is where the story begins. That being quests to find the answer to the question by creating itself in every possible way that it can. It is everything It can be. It becomes everything It can become. It experiences everything It can experience. And thus it answers the question: "I am THIS".

It is a very simplistic explanation because, of course, there really is no beginning to The Oneness. And The Oneness is too great to be reduced to such simple conceptions. But it helps me to understand the point to all of this. It really is about The One being all that it really is. Which is everything. Eternal unfoldment and self-discovery.

We are The One experiencing Itself through us as the many.

And each of the grains on that metaphorical beach is some Big Question being asked and answered by The One. Our grain of sand is the question of "What if I was not-One?" We are experiencing for ourselves the very powerful and compelling illusion of separation so that we may know what not-oneness is like. Each of us is an answer bearer as each of us has one part of the picture of what it is like.

The other grains of sand are other questions altogether and I have no way to even begin comprehending what those realities might be like.

This what I understand in relation to your question. What do you think?

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by RisenAngel77

reply to post by Zingdad Gaining access to this universe requires of you that you must “split yourself up” in a particular way. You must disintegrate the unity of your soul so that you can experience this universe as it is.

This is the only part im having difficulty with, would you explain further?

Hello RisenAngel

I'm not sure what your difficult with that excerpt is but I'll take a guess. We, here on planet earth, usually think we are "it". We think we are the whole of the "self". We often imagine that our soul is something we have - like some kind of ghostly appendix or something. But the reality is that we are each just one part of a much, much greater whole. The wholeness of you is a magnificent being of wondrous complexity that is engaged in many, many creations at many levels of the reality. But in order to experience this reality that being has had to be willing to fragment itself so that it can experience itself as many, many "separate bits".

This is such a "normal" experience for us that we don't ever think about it or question it.

Lets take, as s imple example, you as a child. Can you remember everything that happened to you on your 4th birthday? And what about the 10th day of school? This is you we are talking about and yet, if you are a normal person, you probably can't remember these events. They are almost like events that happened to someone else. And yet, the whole of you, from birth to death is all you. From a higher perspective, it is all RIGHT NOW. No separation, No fragmentation into "before" and "now" and "later". And the same thing is also so for "alternate lifetimes". From one perspective you have had numerous incarnations, one after another. But from a higher perspective all of the lifetimes you have ever and will ever have inside this system of reality are RIGHT NOW. It's all "you". And all of that is only at 3D. You are similarly "fragmented" across many dimensional realities, as explained in my original post.

There is no way to enter this reality without doing this. You have to "dis-integrate" yourself to get in here. And you have to re-integrate yourself again to leave.

Does this help?

Originally posted by RisenAngel77
also another question. If everything is one, and in order to ascend one must be together as a whole. But then, you have a contradiction where other people who want an unhappy world cannot be deprived of their ability to create. Then clearly you would have to leave them behind because they choose the unhappy world while I choose a happier one. This part confused me.

It's a perspective issue.

YOU ascend by healing yourself and re-integrating your own soul. You only have to worry about yourself. As you find your way to wholeness so you change your perspective. As you change your perspective so the world around you changes. If you change your perspective sufficiently to ascend then you have come to a whole new level of awareness and the reality around you reflects that. That is YOUR ascension.

Now let us leap forward and pretend we can talk to that ascended being. If we were to ask that being if it had created any lives that were filled with fear, anger, hatred and violence within itself, what would it answer? It would say yes, it had. And had it created also liftimes filled with love, joy, peace, kindness and beauty? Yes, it had done that also. All of these things are within that beings experince. It had created all of this. And is there anything wrong with any of this? No, of course not. This is just how this being experienced itself when it was deeply buried in the illusion of separation.

And so it is for everyone else on this planet right now. Some are creating great pain for themselves. Some are working hard on expressing love, joy and kindness. None of what they are doing is your problem. If you make their creations your problem you simply bind yourself to them and their creations. Your only problem (if I can call it that) is what YOU create. And surely you would rather have love, peace and happiness?

And those that would like something else?

Not your problem.

So HOW do you become whole then? This is a whole very long topic of conversation. Engaging your own soul in the process of re-integration is not something I can do any justice to in a forum posting. I have written a book on the subject and even the whole book just scratches the surface.

I wish I could give you a better answer here.

Originally posted by RisenAngel77

8d At this final level you come to what might be quite a startling revelation. You come to see that there is no universe at all outside of you.

This is the part I am both scared and somewhat reject, because this represents my greatest fear of them all, ending up alone.

Oh but my dear friend! I think you perhaps make the mistake think that it would still be the same "you" as you currently experience yourself to be. It will not! It will be the "you" you will be once you have awoken to ALL that you can possibly be. You will first awaken to discover your unbelievable, unending magnificence. You will BE the whole universe... and then some! Imagine knowing yourself to be the sunrise in the morning as seen from every perspective. Imagine knowing yourself to be the Life that courses though every being that has ever slithered/ crawled/ walked/ flown over planet earth! Now imagine being THAT for every planet in the whole universe that has ever borne life! Imagine knowing yourself to have BEEN every single star that ever shone. Can you imagine that?

I can't.

But it does help me to understand that there is quite some journey for me to go before I know myself to be THAT being. Before you and I both know ourselves to be One. Before you remember typing these words to yourself. Y'know? :-)

Originally posted by RisenAngel77Perhaps the creators grand design is Genius after all. I can somewhat imagine what it would be like to be all alone in the universe, I guess thats why he did the levels of dimentions, and placed barriers, so that he/she or I or we, can experience things as if we were born anew without the knowledge.

Yes, I think the veil of unknowing that allows us to forget who and what we really are is a work of genius. It allows true delight of discovery that would not be possible if we remembered making all of it. But I honestly don't think this is about The One dealing with a severe case of loneliness! :-)

I hope I have given you a useful perspective?

Much peace and joy to you!

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Brainwashedteen
At the moment, I am awestruck. The concepts that you conveyed were very abstract and difficult to grasp in nature, but you were able to lay them out in simple, easy to understand terms. Thank you for giving me further insight into the ascension process. However, I am still left with one question: when do you believe that the ascension process will occur? Peace and love be with you, thank you for this wonderful thread.

Hello Brainwashedteen

Thank you for your kind words.

When will the ascension occur?

When would you like it to occur!

We are here in a reality in which we experience ourselves to be victims of our circumstance. We think things happen to us. But this is an illusion. We are, in truth, creator beings of magnificent power. We create our reality. But we have used our creative powers to create that we are victims! :-) And so... it is so!

Part of the ascension journey is relinquishing your attachment to yourself as a victim and claiming your own creator-status. So... your ascension will not happen to you... you will happen to it! If you so choose. Ascension if not so much an event as something you do for yourself. Think of it as a journey that you can undertake.

But there is, possibly, an answer to your question anyhow. And it is that the ascension process is busy happening right now and will reach a critical threshold quite soon. This is because we humans are all co-creating this reality. And a great many have come to the planet right now to experience and co-create a COLLECTIVE shift in consciousness. By each of us engaging with our own journey of awakening now so we are creating an environment that is conducive to a more general awakening. We are making it possible for others to also awaken. And as the consciousness increases so a moment of "critical mass" becomes possible. This is what is intended by the idea of a planetary ascension and this is what we are headed towards at this time.

But I must admit I am far more interested in actively undertaking a journey of awakening than waiting to see what currents of consciousness might sweep we along as this collective awakening occurs!

But... bottom line... ascension is a process not an event and the process is very much under-way right now.

I hope my answer is of use to you.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by qmantoo

when do you believe that the ascension process will occur?

Yes, that's an interesting question because it suggests that we sit back and wait for it to happen at some point in 'time'. The problem I have with that assumption is that it releases us from all responsibility for our own spiritual progression. Like someone else will come down and wave a magic wand and suddenly we will all be ascended.

I think as a natural part of ascension, you get to experience the re-integration of all of the other parts of yourself at the particular level you are ascending out of, and you cannot go back up without exactly what you came in with. All the energy you brought in, present and accounted for.

Qmantoo, I almost applauded as I read this post of yours (I only quote a bit of it but all of it is spot on for me!) I absolutely concur that we are responsible for our own journey all the way Home. And yes, absolutely, the is a whole system of reality that is ascending and all of it is making its way Home. And the stuff about gathering the bits before you go Home... yep... that exactly what I am saying too.


posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Blinded
So basically I imagine you are a 3D being living in a 3D consciousness because you wrote with a 3D keyboard, sitting on a 3D chair, using your 3D brain and 3D fingers looking at a 3D monitor...

How can you understand dimensions if you are a 3D being

You actually have an idea of what it could be. But you are not really sure ... The concept cannot be at full clarity to you as you are a 3D being.

Hello Blinded

I think it is possible that you missed the basic contention of my original post. Yes... I am very obviously a 3D being. But I find myself able to communicate notions with beings that are not of 3D consciousness. The point is that I am transcribing one such conversation.

My contention is that these ideas are not my own. They come through me, not from me. So you are right. I have no idea what is in the dimensions beyond. However I am able to have a conversation with a being that is willing to relate all this to me in a way that is, to me, quite congruent and interesting. Or so I thought.

Originally posted by BlindedAlso there is 11 dimensions proven by science... Why do you say there is only 8.

Correction... science currently theorises 11 dimensions. "Proven" is not a word that should be used lightly. What it means is that science uses a certain tool called mathematics to try to make sense of certain sets of experimental data. At this juncture many physicists agree that the numbers best add up if you factor 11 dimensions into the equation. There are also other physicists that disagree with this model. So it's very much not a "scientific fact" (not that there is ever actually such a thing).

So it's not exactly proven.

But that doesn't mean there AREN'T 11 dimensions either. All I am saying is that the 11-dimension view of reality works from one perspective. There are others. My spirit-guide, in this conversation, offered me a view of reality that is not limited to what science knows. He speaks from the perspective of unity-consciousness. I think you'll agree that physics doesn't usually factor consciousness into it's equations, no? :p

Originally posted by BlindedAs there is 9 ascensions level, you cannot only have 8 dimensions.

I don't know about the 9 ascension levels. There is no universal rule about such things. But if you wish to do it in 9 steps then I'm sure you will be allowed to!

But maybe I should ask you to look back in this thread a little. There has already been quite some discussion about the number of dimensions and that it is not a dogmatic thing that I cling to.

Originally posted by BlindedYour theories makes sense, no doubt, but if Z cannot understand, then how can you?

Again, maybe you missed this but... I am the "Z" in the piece. "Z" is for Zingdad. That's me. I am the one with the questions. 8 is my spirit guide who is offering me his answers.

I hope that clears it up a little?

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