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"Tea Party GOP Drives US Towards Catastrophic Default, World Panic"

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posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by inforeal

I agree, the moneyed rich love it both ways: to get richer and to not be taxed. It would be really great
if tax equity was restored before Bush slashed taxes for the elite:

This is the world today: as Bush made it:

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:08 PM
Hey one more thing.

Maybe they do want a Constitutional Crisis?
Maybe that would end the Presidency?
And if so, how about before He decides to get out of Dodge he signs EXO 12919. I would for then a defacto Government of a New Order will take all of these in Congress and Senate out of the picture and the KOCK brothers would have all their assets, like the mines taken for the Security of the USA.

Remember this could very well usher in a Financial National Emergency and the Tea Party Freshmen don't realize what that would constitute do they.

If OBAMA goes down, he will have a Penalty Shot as in basket ball anyone.

Shall we play a game professor?

One more thing again.
Who will pay the Programmers to re-program HAL from automatically cutting all the checks. I here that it will take 3 weeks to re-program HAL. But that's if he lets us.
Hal is set in such a way that only the President and head of FEMA can give the order.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by inforeal

The blame being shifted to the Tea Party is just another try at a diversion for the Liberals who want to have their cake and eat it too. If you look closely, they will always try to throw the blame or issue to someone else, when they should be looking in the mirror for the honest answer. They are all or for the most part, happy spending others money, but when it comes down to spending theirs, it is a horse of a different color. This fact really chaps their collective a$$. They want to spread their "collectiveness" but always with someone else's money or with someone else's sweat. In the entire history of our world Socialism, whenever tried, has always failed so they constantly try to re-invent it whenever and wherever.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Almost all of the debt this country owes was created under free market politicians, Reagan, Bush, and Bush....

You are falling for the "change the words meaning" game the elite like to play.

Poet, you and I had a discussion on that elsewhere. Often it is not a matter of "ideas" but a matter of the Politically Correct" aka the Elite redefining of words and concepts to promote "lets you and he fight"

As usual the Elite are calling black white when speaking of "Free Market." For example they are selling "Free Trade Agreements" as "Free Market Economy" when they are no such thing. (typical bankster move used to blacken a good idea)

If my neighbors and I get together and swap eggs, milk, veggies and lambs then that is a "Free Market" The buyer and seller agree on the relative values of the different foods (labor) and swap either directly or through the use of money.

With the "Free Trade Agreements" (Clinton) the central bankers set the relative values of various currencies and the Corporations set the wages they will pay in one currency and the prices for the goods in another currency.

To make sure they have plenty of customers and plenty of cheap labor the bankers/corporate cartels embarked on a decades long program that intentionally BANKRUPTED farmers and destroyed local economies thereby driving potential cheap labor into the cities. Link On top of that they used their buddies in government to added over-regulation for small business and made sure it only was applied to the competition by packing the cabinet with their puppets.

THIS IS A CAPTIVE MARKET not a FREE MARKET! People are boxed into one choice, work and buy from the "company" the only difference is instead of one "company" it is an interlocking set of cartels other wise known as the World Trade Organization. It is nothing more than the new improved version of the "company store" of the Robber Baron era.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by inforeal

While I agree with you that most of those elected under the tea party banner but to say that the tea party is a creation of some group is somewhat naive...

The original tea party was founded by people with very good intentions who were then pushed out and it was taken over by the shills.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by robyn

Your long post, with all due respect, doesn’t deal with the reality that the Tea Party fanatics (RIGHT NOW) are trying to methodically, through their votes in congress, allow FOR THE DEFAULT OF THE AMERICAN DEBT, by not raising the debt ceiling based on fanatic dogma that will cause pain and suffering NOW!

They are forcing, through the threat of not raising the debt ceiling, the president and the senate to cater to their fanatic beliefs, or they WILL CAUSE THE COUNTRY TO DEFAULT and this is what is called BLACKMAIL!

That is what Tarpley is saying. Its not complex it is very simple.

With all due are completely incorrect.

The cut, cap and balance act included a 2.4 trillion dollar increase of the debt ceiling.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by robyn

The more I read your posts, the more I think we are worlds apart.

Try this one on for size:

The next link I will post is about the economy shrinking (drastically) if the CUT benefits, except for the elite,
CAP Spending - to an untenable amount - sure to trigger another great depression, and (IM)balance the budget.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by inforeal

Blaming the Tea Party for the financial mess we're in is about as effective as blaming the fork and spoon for a lousy meal.

You're right. We shouldn't blame the Republicans even though it was the Republican Party who drove this country's economy straight into the ground. But that's ok. No need to blame them for anything, right? After all, Republicans are about "responsibility" and American values...which means Same Sex Marriage is wrong and women's rights aren't important. Yep. The Republicans sure are responsible adults.

..... The Republican Party fu*ked America.

And as an INDEPENDENT I am supposed to want to vote DEMOCRATIC after reading what YOU said and what robyn said???

From the Tea Party types and Poet1b I get reasoned arguments laced with facts and links. From you all I get is a very narrow focused hatred.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:04 PM
Silver jumped up a bit since my last post but do remember i'm calling a black monday for the USA today.

reply to post by RevRay

So they were bailed out to bail us out, yet they sat that money back into the Fed where it came from and now collect interest on these American Tax dollars.

No they didn't, they did the same thing as what got us into this mess and went gambling and the best game in town was credit default swaps.

It's been double or quits for this gambler and he took bets on european debt being paid and collected a hansom preimium for a little time but you know how it goes with CDS where you don't need direct exposer to the asset or risk so effectivly a greek bank that was only worth $2bn ends up haveing $200bn worth of CDS against it and in the case of Greece this is where the problom realy is.

Tool me some time to work out who was holding the bad side to these CDS but i have it on good authority that it's Wall street and yes i know China is chucking money into europe so god only knows their game plan

The cut, cap and balance act included a 2.4 trillion dollar increase of the debt ceiling.

Well if they think that $2.4tr is a cut, cap or balance then we are totaly f@%K%$ don't you think and thats about the same size as the amount that congress was told had gone missing the day before buildings started falling over and the one that didn't get hit by a plane (Building 7) happen to have a lot of paper work related to this isue and other criminal investigations
edit on 24-7-2011 by Master_007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:08 PM

People don’t realize the utter recklessness and ignorance of this creature called the Tea Party

its interesting you say that, as studies have shown that tea party members are more educated and aware about politics than their peers.

Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public

in essence, you're blaming the honor students for the low average of grades at school.

obama said he doesn't want to play the blame game, but it looks like those who support him do.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:16 PM
Still can't find the one I want, but here are a couple of others:

The one I am looking for is an analysis of where we would be fiscally if the Cut, Cap, and Balance ever passed.
Answer: In the toilet.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by wrkn4livn

The steadfast determination of the Tea Party to cut government spending is a sham. Our system (through taxes) generates a ton of money every year. More than enough to fund social services and medicare. Unfortunately, a good portion of our tax dollars has been syphoned off over the last decade to prop up banking systems, both our own and foreign. Also, a bunch has been funneled into security and defense in the name of fighting terrorists. The Tea Party are mouth pieces for the ultra-rich and business interests (they want a constitutional amendment to keep corporate tax levels below what everyone else pays). The revenue increases are created by closing loop holds where business pay reduced tax rates, and by increasing the tax on those making more than 250K. They say raising taxes destroys lob growth but how? If a company is going to expand, they are going to expand. Are you saying that a company owner wont hire a new employee so they can spend that money on a new boat? A trip to Spain? I don't think someone growing a new company thinks like that. That's very selfish. These politicians are acting like children (Dem and Rep) and they all should be fired. Is there a way to send them all home? Legally?

The tea Party is a loose group of fed up Americans. The title has been grabbed by the GOP and the elite to bring it under control. That is why they tossed Sara Palin into the mix to negate Ron Paul and other independents.

"These politicians are acting like children (Dem and Rep) and they all should be fired. Is there a way to send them all home? Legally? "

Yes join another actual grass roots movement:

A weapon, one every single one of us should be pushing for, is state law allowing voters to recall federal Senators and Representatives as well as state officials.
Recall Congress Now Org they are now known as a bit catcher name and easy to remember.

However this will be a bitterly fought battle. The last thing TPTB wants is their pet legislators worried about what the voters want instead of what they have been bribed to do.

While 18 of the 50 United States offer their citizens an opportunity to recall their elected officials, it is a fact that in our nation’s history, no federal legislator has yet been recalled.

It has not been for lack of interest. Rather, the process has languished in part due to debates on whether or not legal authority exists for recall of U.S. Senators and Congressmen; and, in the case of Idaho, interference by a state court prevented recall of a federal legislator....

After reviewing the body of law and opinion concerning recall, it is apparent that if recall of federal legislators is to succeed, it will likely only be after an intense battle in the federal court system as to the degree to which the courts will go to allow the literal meaning of the Tenth Amendment to be in force and effect.

As this author reads this language, it appears clear that " the States ‘ and " the people " living with in them, should be recognized to have the right of recall.

But in order to implement a strategy that will enable recall petitions to result in actual removal of errant Senators and Congressmen, considerable legal and political obstacles will present themselves and can only be overcome by understanding the lengths to which those opposed to recall can be expected to go...

Eighteen states have recall provisions. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin all have recall of some kind available to their voters. Only seven of these states require any grounds.

There is another carefully "Hidden Right" that can be used to protect citizens.

We have a RIGHT to a trial by jury in criminal matters or in civil matters over $20. Jurors have the RIGHT to NULLIFY laws. That is what "case law" is all about.

The fully informed jury movement:

FIJA seeks to require that juries be informed of their nullification rights. Informed jury amendments have been filed as an initiative in seven states and legislation has been introduced in the Alaska state legislature....

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Master_007

It's human to want to belong to a tribe and served us well in the past but today it's replaced with football teams and political parties but can you not see that you can vote for the left hand or the right but you still get the same puppet master.

God even Obama acts more like GW-Bottom Feeding Bush than the man himself.

Follow the money it all leads to one place.

Oh MY! the voice of reason SPEAKS

For those who steadfastly cling to THEIR party, I suggest you read this Follow the Money Post and read the LINKED articles.

99.99% of the entities in the District of Criminals should be tossed out. The are bought and paid for by K street and K street DOES NOT give two hoots about the USA. Heck K Street in many cases represents FOREIGN interests!!!

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:46 PM

from the Montana Budget and Policy Center : There are no magic bullets for solving our nation’s fiscal imbalance. These policies would force devastating cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and likely Social Security. These proposals would also force huge cuts in important areas like education, environmental protection, basic research, and veterans programs and could make recessions longer and deeper.
The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act would force huge cuts to anti-poverty programs like Medicaid, food stamps, and Pell grants. These programs help millions of Americans make ends meet and should be shielded from huge cuts.
Deficit reduction without new revenue would protect tax cuts for millionaires and special-interest tax breaks for powerful corporations -at the expense of the majority of Americans. No new revenue would also mean cuts - rather than investment - for our schools, research, and other areas important for our economic growth.

From the above:

A) bars new tax revenue - ie: like restoring tax equity

B)exempts military expenditures in the budget (Is it 60% of our budget now?) balancing act.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by debbrown

I'm feeling a little hinky about the "Montana Budget and Policy Center".

Apparently they are "made possible by the generous support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation".

Mmmmmmmm GMO cereal for all those poor unfortunate children they claim to care so much about.

Montana Budget and Policy Center

edit on 24-7-2011 by robyn because: typo

edit on 24-7-2011 by robyn because: add link

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by robyn

Yikes. I guess this is the good twin?

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet
Excellent post. I would like to add something about the big Republican push towards outsourcing.
Outsourcing is an excellent way for private corporations to suck money from the government. Outsourcing is
ALWAYS more expensive that if a government provides the services. It is easy to see why. Private companies include a little something called PROFIT in their bids. So by outsourcing, the government pays more, sometimes
way more - for less. The government provides services without that little thing called profit included in their

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
its interesting you say that, as studies have shown that tea party members are more educated and aware about politics than their peers.

This might be just a tad off topic but I would really really really love to see thos studies.
Have any of them?

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Crapspackle

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
its interesting you say that, as studies have shown that tea party members are more educated and aware about politics than their peers.

This might be just a tad off topic but I would really really really love to see thos studies.
Have any of them?

edit on 25-7-2011 by robyn because: add cite

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 03:47 AM
The TEA party could very well initiate the "one world government" take over TEA partiers project
on the progressives... Interesting, allegedly the progressives have been plotting to create a cataclysms
that would signal a new era, a take over under the guise of fixing the "catastrophe". Well... IF one can
take off their hats they could fathom that this take over, would be the work of private individuals utilizing
government, organizations and some corporations. The TEA party reckons "government" will swoop in and
take over... I submit that the narrow TEA party notion of what government actually is; certainly includes
private individuals and entities.
edit on 25-7-2011 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

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