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Weather Control My ***

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posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Today will go down as strong evidence to counteract the idea of weather control. Our government definitely doesnt have it and people need to stop pointing the finger at the government accusing it of everything. This was one of the worst hurricanes with some strong nasty winds. The after effects left everyone in a state of emergency. Florida right now is like a 3rd world nation. We obviously dont have the technology to stop hurricanes.

So you say, "they probably have it, but dont want to use it at this moment." Thats a pill thats hard to swallow. This hurricane would have been the best place to test such a device. Testing it on hurricanes would have been alot better than testing it on some weak thunderstorm, then having to wait 30 min. when the thunderstorm dies down, then postulating, "Yes it does work."

I'm a strong believer of conspiracies, but even at times I have to draw the line. There is a lot of misinformation out there and you should take it with a grain of salt unless you were there and you helped build the damn thing. Many people that spread lies are either subversive toward government, want attension, or want to make money off the paranormal industry. Thats really disappointing seeing as how you cant make an honest living.

So now we have a storm causing a mass amount of damage and a state of florida in need of federal aid. To think in terms of high ranking military officials, I think they would want that money towards their black ops projects rather then going to florida. So why not use a weather control device? Unfortunately, they dont have one.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 01:51 PM
Welcome to the real world, kyateLaBoca. I hope you were not affected by this storm. There is a huge difference between a healthy skepticism and paranoid delusions and knowing that difference is hugely important.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 02:01 PM
I was always in the real world Grady. I never believed in weather control, but I was trying to make a point to all those that do, showing them that there are too many lies spreading among the internet.

My main idea is, if you can falsify government weather control, theres no telling what else you can falsify. Most of the stuff other people publish is just mearly public consumption, but they try to get you to put that idea in your personal belief system. That is why sites like these thrive, mainly becuase of our curiousity.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
I was always in the real world Grady.

I figured you were, Kyate. My response was rhetorical, also. It's good to wake up and smell the coffee, sometimes, and share a cup with a friend.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
I was always in the real world Grady. I never believed in weather control, but I was trying to make a point to all those that do, showing them that there are too many lies spreading among the internet.

My main idea is, if you can falsify government weather control, theres no telling what else you can falsify. Most of the stuff other people publish is just mearly public consumption, but they try to get you to put that idea in your personal belief system. That is why sites like these thrive, mainly becuase of our curiousity.

There is much disinformation spread around the internet by attention starved civilians and even high ranked officials who in turn give us an unclear image of the outside world. Now, you have a mind of your own, don't you? Well, if so your suppose to use it. You have to think for yourselve and not believe everything everyone says. Use commen sence to decide what is and what isn't.



posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 04:48 PM
Weather control is not always stopping natural weather, but it can be actually creating a form of weather.

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