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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by biggkatt
reply to post by don rumsfeld

This whole thing is confusing

It's interesting because so many are coming to different conclusions
& running down so many rabbit holes. Forevever has a link to a recap
in her sig. That will help tremendously.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by don rumsfeld

I am aware of this. Weve been at it for a few days now, and i dont feel like I know anything more now than wehn this whole thing started. It will probably only get worse

Thank you by the way
edit on 23-7-2011 by biggkatt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by don rumsfeld

Originally posted by notquiteright

Originally posted by plewis51
How come there are no new sightings pictures on their website?

I was wondering that, too. And with the insane amount of buzz this thing has going on the internet, you know they are receiving pictures, but not posting them. This makes me think they made all of the pics in the sightings area. I asked earlier today if anyone has actually seen any of these in your cities? I haven't seen a single one in Houston.

Is there a way to see if they came from the same camera??

I wouldn't know how, but even if it can be done, there are at least 5 of them, so they could still be different cameras? Seriously, though, have any of you seen these flyers outside of your computer screen?

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:37 PM

It will probably only get worse

Oh I'm sure it will! The time is almost upon us.
Personally, I think it's a social experiment put
up by some college students, but another part
of me thinks Anon.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by potential_problem, really, you still cannot see, that thing's over?
..cannot believe this.

They were toying with us all, lol, it was already said by thefourwinds(with very flattering words, OF course, something like god talking to lambs, you know, that tone..).

Bye, it was nice to meet few good people, and less nice to meet toymasters.
rather (trust)damaging experience, never again.

to moderator: please, i'd like to know how to remove account on ATS.
Site lost credibility, as high stated members may play gods here.
edit on 23-7-2011 by potential_problem because: (no reason given)


Full Stop! ... please.

They were toying with us all, lol, it was already said by thefourwinds(with very flattering words, OF course, something like god talking to lambs, you know, that tone..).

Goodness gracious, we sincerely hope and trust you do not make any reference to us (thorfourwinds) in the above quote.

Never, never did we state nor imply that "us all" is being "toyed with."

After all, we are a part of "us all."

While we appreciate (we think) the part about "god talking to lambs," we think we have only expressed comfort and joy and reveled in the fact that this has been the most harmonious thread we have ever been involved in and still consider this an experiment that is wildly successful and enabled participants to actually experience the joy and uplifting experience of the "collective" working together - all the while not knowing what they are working on.

We certainly are not "toymasters" (puppetmasters?) and would never consider a travesty such as that.

We, personally, appreciate your posts and insight and would like you to reconsider your interest in removing an account from ATS, especially if it is yours.

We did not mean any disrespect and never meant to mislead you or step on any feelings.

We believe that this thread is really about sharing and integration and out-of-the-box thought processes that bring people together - something that will be crucial in the near future.

BTW, way back somewhere in this magnificent thread, we identified who "we" are - just one of "us all."

We are in no way connected to 8-3-11, 4chan or anything else having to do with the (to our way of thinking - brilliant) "experiment."

We sincerely are happy and feel well-served by all of the excellent participants and look forward to further communication.

As we stated before, Forevever is doing an incredible job with the updates. We appreciate the hard work and the evident love in the production of same.

Again, star & applause!

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:39 PM
I don't know how to manipulate photos but would this be Belle in her eighties?

Ana Marie will be 86 years this week. She is a famous writer and her quote is,
"Do not go where the children do not die? "

Her dad owned an umbrella factory but lost it during the civil war in Spain where she was born. She lives in the US now but grew up at her grandparents home where the movie Atrosious takes place and where Spain has a huge solar power plant like here:
The weird diagrams seem to fit and the letters would correspond to an aconym of some kind. Couldn't figure that out.

I believe the 8-3-11 people use numbers and symbols for their names because it is suppose to represent some kind of legend on a map or staticial source key like in web page stats.

Other than that I don't know what kind of message they are trying to send.
I sent them what I thought this morning but didn't hear back so I could be way off base. Will have to wait and see.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by bftroop

Yes, the diagrams are all over.

I was asking about the fact that it is a communication set-up, I have only seen this in your post.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by CunninGStuntS

I like your theory, except it is not non-violent. I mean really, WWIII? Plus 8-3-11 said it wasn't something to fear. But I think you are on the right track with it being more symbolic than anything else.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:54 PM
Anyone see what i see within all this

Picture of belle from 8 - 3 - 11 showing the hidden symbols

Picture of Alex Mason of of Call Of Duty

Close look at the cheeks and how they bare similar symbols

The same vague squared look in the same area

A link to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 listen to the womans voice at 14 seconds

Also it would explain the use of the german appearence along with the military read outs playing in the background on 8-3-11 website

Fixxing to shower will return to post more

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by BeyondTheFold

Sorry I don't know what you mean. I don't think there is violence at all. I used the clues from the movie site.

I don't read Spanish and got sick of translating pages but my guess is there will be some kind of parallel to characters and/or stories she writes. She is a traveling professor. The people who made the movie sold their right to some kind of company a few month ago. My guess is this is some kind of viral marketing promoting web links, social media, advertising, etc. Something like that associated with that web site, whatever they are selling. I think the reason they are answering questions wrong or inconsistencies on the springboard is for some kind of randomness or error that can happen that when we figure what their name means will make some kind of sense.
edit on 24-7-2011 by LOST2still because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by don rumsfeld

Anonymous leaks like a sieve. We would have heard. I suppose there is a chance, I remember a similar troll attempt back in the day. Does not strike me as chantard though.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:12 AM

Somebody mentioned that a website had several mathematical meanings for 8 3 11, among them spherical coordinates

Which brings me to our infamous binary code:
000000001011111111111111111101111111111111111110100100000000000000000000000010101000000000000000000000000000000000001001000000000000000000000000000001 0011110000000000000000000001111111111111111111100000000000000000001111111

this translates to the following text: ¿ÿ÷ÿþ�
� ðÿø

If you look up spherical coordinate systems in Wikipedia (where else) under the applications it states:

"A sphere that has the Cartesian equation x2 + y2 + z2 = c2 has the simple equation r = c in spherical coordinates."

The equation and the decoded binary code look somewhat similar. Clearly it's not the same, but maybe it's a clue. Also, did someone ever look into the possibility that the icon we see as a star of David, with the #s 8 3 11 strategically placed may be a top down view of the virtual umbrella? I know that we have excellent mathematicians, so could we actually extrapolate 8 3 11 into a location?

PS, Please be kind, I am a little obsessed at this point and may very well be reaching ...
edit on 24-7-2011 by pivilu because: I slept four hours last night...enough said.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:16 AM
FYI: I sent a question this morning. Basically it was something on the lines of....

"Do you think most people following this will be disappointed when you unveil what this is all you expect more people to be interested in your cause after the reveal, or do you expect to loose people's interest?"

The purpose of the question was to see if this was all BS or something stupid, without giving an easy option to answer "no" or "maybe".

No answer. My guess...something stupid or BS.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:30 AM
i still think its a bunch of "artistic" hipsters, living in aloft space or something. But I'll have my fun brainstorming with it.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by JustinSee
i still think its a bunch of "artistic" hipsters, living in aloft space or something. But I'll have my fun brainstorming with it.

Looks like a social experiment to exemplify the human psyche and how it manufactures certain images to portray a conclusion with clues that are or are not meaningless in the sense of actually having any literal meaning in the real world.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:45 AM
The coordinates I obtained with the Cartesian equation were: 40.32, 69.79

Then I loaded them into 000;69.790000 and this is what came up:

I think their equation is different, but I don't have enough skills, so if anybody wants to humor me, I'd really appreciate it.

I am so going to sleep right now. This may all be pointless, but it is very, very fun,

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by antmax21

As I said, its a bunch of hipsters pretending to be smart. Lol. Yeah, I don't really see anything in the image of the girl, I do enjoy messing with it though. The other pics look like an Indiana Jones booby trap.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by LazerTron
A few other things:

1. The people who are running this game, while making it fun, have also been kind of sloppy at it. They seem to be making up some details as they go along to keep the game going. That is hardly the markings of a group planning to announce something world changing.

2. WHEN it turns out that this was a game, thought exercise, school project, movie or cd, or whatever it will be revealed as...I honestly think that THE VAST MAJORITY of us will applaud their efforts, thank them for the fun game, and if it is some sort of free download or whatever, possibly be interested in checking out the music/movie/game/whatever. Very, very few people will actually feel cheated or screwed over when this is revealed as a harmless game/experiment. Personally, I GUARANTEE that I would watch the movie or give a listen to the music if that is what it is (wouldn't play a video game because I dont play ANY video games). people aren't participating in this because they are convinced they are saving the world, they are participating because these things are interesting, regardless of what the end result is.

Well, they haven't been sloppy enough to allow easy access to their FTP server, and they haven't been sloppy enough to leak some vital clue to crack this thing open. People all over the interwebs are on this, and there hasn't been anything concrete to solve this. It's pretty tight, and I'm still scratching my head. The clue I remember is that it would change "your country", not the world. However, posters have been found all over the world, and why would they want people to "spread the word"?

I would also say IF this turns out to be an arg or whatever, we won't be upset. This IS a worldwide event. I personally like puzzles, so this has been enjoyable for me. I'll either say pretty cool or pretty lame when it's solved or 8/3/11 gets here (whichever comes first), but I can't agree with you that it is anything specific right now. There are still too many directions this thing can take.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by bftroop

Originally posted by BeyondTheFold

Originally posted by bftroop

The diagrams are depicting some kind of communication setup. (Maybe an alternate internet or shortwave radio network)

Where did you find this as a fact? If you can a link would be appreciated.

I have seen diagrams on ATS that came from 8.3.11 they are out there I don't have the link at the moment

They are on page 161. I compiled a list of all the codes, and the work I've done. Hang on.....

Here you go.

Originally posted by Druid42
All things coded: Please add this to the recap!

I've been working on the whole code part of this mystery. Here's a summary so far:
I've collected a bunch of images, and done a bit of translating. Please right click and "view" image to see the whole picture.

This is the original leak, in untouched form. Notice the extra text in the upper right hand corner? That was deleted on some of the other pics. I'm calling it Mannequin 1. (Mann 1)

Here's a diagram I found that I thought was interesting.

This is the best translation to date. Notice that d in DONT. was mistranslated, it's actually a c. This is a "stone throwing contraption". Nothing to do with "don't throw stones". Perhaps this has had us skewed for a while. We need a few more new theories here.

Here is the second leaked image, in untouched form. I'm calling him Mann 2.

Here's the best translation so far.

Here is a leaked message from 68000, and my partial translation is included. There are currently only 6 unexplained symbols. There is a substitution cipher used here as well. Working on it.....

Here is one key, mostly complete. The only thing I can add is that the letter Y is actually the 5th glyph from the left at the bottom.

Here is an earlier key, but it has all the symbols listed. We now know symbol 20 is a V, symbol 22 is a K, symbol 24 is an M, and symbol 28 is a Y. The six unknown symbols are most likely whole words.

Here is the mysterious belle pic with contrast applied. No one has come close to figuring it out yet. I do see several letters of their alphabet there, but I haven't started on it yet. I'm working on the 68000 message, and like a good boy, stepping away from it now and them to let my brain relax.

I'll offer a brief summary from my perspective:
There are four aspects to this mystery.

1) Codes/puzzles.
2) Audio clips.
3) Visual aids.
4) Q&A.

Each need to be blended together, the most important clues from each, and I think that is where the answer lies. The codes, sounds, pictures, and answers need sorted through, and the most significant aspects are the keys.

They said everything was already hosted. I agree, because all four aspects were in place when we started on this. Sure, we had to dig a bit for information, but everything was already there. The Q&A are like nudges in the right direction.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 01:09 AM
gah im new, how do i delete this post

edit on 24-7-2011 by Donkey89 because: (no reason given)

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