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*Please Read* Message to humanity *Please Read*

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posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by pikypiky
Somehow the "empowerment" of people doesn't seem to hold up too well when most citizens are unwilling to take up arms and die for a cause. Sure we can march on the streets, carry our pitch forks and torches, hold hands and sing of praises to the draconian executions of the "bad guys" but to what end? I fail to see why people are being "worked up" for nothing (an "empty philosophy", if you will).

Since the Revolutionary and Civil wars in America, there was a movement that made all the change in the world and it did not fire one shot. That was The Civil Rights Movement. The funny thing was, back then people felt the same way, that most Americans did not want change and wouldn't fight for it.
That was before change was not only fun, but made a badge of honor.
Anyone remember The Freedom Rides? I'm sure most of you are way too young, heck, I was a kid then. But I remember the excitment in people's eyes when they said they were joining the Freedom Ride! It was the first time in history blacks didn't mind going to jail.
But what people don't know is that The Freedom Ride was more than just getting people of all walks of life to participate, it was a financial weapon used against the states participating in the Jim Crow laws. See, they had to arrest and book (man power in overtime), then house and feed, and then bring to trial. Truth is, it was the financial disasters befalling the participating states because of the countless thousands beign thrown in jail daily that led to the cry of Uncle by state government that brought about the death throws of Jim Crow.
Now it seems tptb are using this methodology to their advantage against us - because we refuse to let their system go. That's where the brainwashing comes in. They have it so that we hold ourselves back being dependent on stupid things. No one needs a tv. Can you eat it? Does it go out, work and buy groceries for you? The reason you believe that the philosophy of "MOVEMENT" will do nothing is because you've never experienced it nor had the benefit of learning any of it first hand. How do I know? Easy, answer this question: Who was the architect of the Civil Rights Movement? If you said Martin Luther King, you are sadly mistaken and this is what tptb love - you being misinformed.
Your fear of being worked up is death. Its the fear of many Americans. But tptb don't need a full scale war to stop them - they only need a financial drain, the exact opposite of the Trifecta they hit on 911 (a G.Bush quote).
Waking up doesn't necessarily mean with a gun in your hand. We all have a brain. We all know when something is in our path that's dangerous to go around it.
It really is that simple.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Who was the architect of the Civil Rights Movement? If you said Martin Luther King, you are sadly mistaken and this is what tptb love - you being misinformed.
reply to post by DaWhiz

This statement rings so true for me. My 14 yr old son said the same thing just yesterday. Many people believe he did....but the Truth will set you free.

I also agree with everything else you stated. A star for YOU, my friend.

Peace and love to you and yours!!! xoxox


posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

You are so right, the real truth, hidden from us within our own history will set us free.
one hint:
Lay Bear the Heart
again, its that easy.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 02:53 PM
Well, well, well. I must admit, I fail to follow this young blood's logic. Preachers condemn the modern society. Say we are going to hell in a hand basket. Mostly because of social behavior. This, they say, is the down ridden society we find ourselves in and God will surely smite us for it. Well maybe. But, not too long ago it was legal to round up Indians, rape them, burn them, and kill them in any fashion we chose. In the 60's we still hung blacks for being black. Wars used to be a terrible thing, hand fought, took weeks to die from injuries. Today, we are more civil. Wars are fought by remote control, and the injured are rebuilt to function in society. I'd rather live those wanting to poke each other in the butt than to go back to the old days.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 02:54 PM
To hell with living off the grid , I love my ac, tv , and computer , you can go live in a cave with your buddies , and when you go march in the streets with your guns you can go to jail with your buddies......God Bless America

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by

Not trying to shoot the messenger but this just seems like the same obvious message.

Everyone knows it and hears the message and thinks about this day to day.

So yeah, we aren't stupid and we are not really poisoned. The truth is we have ourselves and our children to think about everyday.

How to get to work?
How to make money?
How to pay for bills.?
How to take care of family?
Rinse and repeat.

We've become dependant on the society we now hate and there is not a lot we can do about it.

There is never a true awakening until SHTF and by then it will be almost too late.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by

Originally posted by
The sad truth, is that there is something wrong with the entire world in which we live. I was born October 4th 1986, and have watched this family called human kind spiral downward at an ever quickening pace.

I'd say it is a fairly normal rant by somebody that young, likely recently coming from a liberal academic environment. Hard to distinguish it from things said by young people every generation.

It's also telling the writer implies wisdom of the ages at the ripe old age of 25 having only seen the world through an adults eyes for a couple of years.

There has always been "something wrong with the entire world in which we live". Young people are never satisfied with the world as it is and that is a positive thing; otherwise we would not grow.

The reference to the Aztecs is interesting considering the brutal nature of their society and religious practices. It kind of points out the youthful nature of the writer. This person has glamorized the Aztec culture into something it was not. They have invented a false history in their minds of the good old days that once were, which in fact never existed. It's plenty naive to tout a culture that engaged in ritual Human sacrifice as an example of a people who knew more about how we should live. I'm not sure what message to take from that. That we would be happier if we returned to a culture ruled over by Kings who routinely engaged in Human sacrifice as a means of controlling their subjects?
edit on 7/19/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Schkeptick
The biggest thing wrong with this plan is the idea of "unplugging" first.

Recent events in the middle east have shown that social media & the internet are powerful organizing tools for social change.

Why throw away your biggest tool for reaching people? It's like having a silent protest in your own living room, and not telling anyone. Why would anyone care?

Also, if you unplugged you would have never gotten the spam errr I mean e-mail in the first place. And how are you going to forward his message if they follow the instructions IN HIS MESSAGE????

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 03:57 PM
This message is no different than we have seen thousands of times before here on ATS, except for the recruitment part.

Yea, people like "The Messenger" think the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Guess what? It's not really. Yes, we have had shady people take control of things the last 50 years, but we had just as many shady people take control of things for centuries before hand! The kind of people that aspire to be in power do so with some sort of personal damage. They feel unloved as a child or shafted as a young adult and push to be in charge and change things to their liking. Either that or they are just deranged and crazy. Either way, people with personal vendettas/goals have always been in power because that is the type of person who pushes to get there.

We have people like "The Messenger" who want to lead the revolution in the way THEY want. This, in my opinion, is no different or better than what we have had since the down of time.

People like "The Messenger" always say the world is terrible, that we are heading for a massive downfall when we just aren't. They want it to happen for a sense of self importance. Society is a necessary "evil", if you want to call it evil. It's not. I hear of people who say we all just sit around and let bad things happen, but by and large, we don't. We just don't hear when a crowd stands up to a little punk because that doesn't make us angry. Angry sells.

So I have a counter offer for everyone:
Keep doing what you are doing. Keep posting on ATS, keep your TV, your cell phones, stay in contact with your friends, your family, random people on message boards that you share common interests with. Go to work every day, buy gas, buy food, buy processed food if that's what you want. Exercise or don't, whichever you want. When you pass people on the street, smile and nod; acknowledge your fellow man. When your politicians are doing something you don't like, write, email,call, or go down to their office and tell them so. When your news station is being stupid, call, write,email or go down there and tell them so. BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE.

Don't leave the society you have given up on, because the rest of us have not given up on you.

Man is a social creature. Hell, most of us animals are social creatures. Wild dogs run around in packs, wild cats live in prides, elephants in herds, ants in colonies. Life is meant to be together and have some sort of social order.

The only way to change things is from the inside. Be the change, don't run from it.

ps...why wait 90 days? No need to. If you are serious it gets done today.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by

Sounds like one hell of a dude, but I definitely agree with you, there are many in the world who yearn for mental freedom, however as a former post said, this is the society we live in. We cannot do much to change but bring about it one person at a time. 3 months? That's all you're giving? The Egyptians had their revolution in like 3 weeks, it should be even faster in my opinion. Amazing read.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by thenewguy1987

I think the thread header is doing this for attention, I couldn't agree with you more, it should not take 90 days, it should start today or tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Recognition of the problem facing humanity is the first step. However, there must be an organized plan to deal with the problems that will surface in lieu of this revolution. Marching in the streets will lead to arrests and possibly martial law. How are you going to enact all these reforms?What will you do when people dont obey you? Have them arrested for communicating via technology? How are you planning on getting your message across to millions ?You are using the same technology to start your movement that you would ban from the world. A wee bit hypocritical dont you think? Your dream is a good one .Back it up with viable solutions and hard fact. This country was founded on Freedom of Choice --------- Let the people choose.

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