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Possible link to autoimmune diseases and RH negative blood type

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posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

No worries friend.
And thank you for your kind words.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:41 PM
No probs

reply to post by seeker11

Weird! was checking out this thread yesterday

Buford2 from that thread posted this...

sounds like similar stuff to my uneducated mind...
Interesting coincidence?

edit on 18-7-2011 by AussieAmandaC because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by seeker11

When the previous thread went down (when you did your photo bucket did anyone notice Amalgam170 signed off on emails with
Amalgam NORAD
(North American Aerospace Defence Command) ?

He was in America now he is in Russia...
His username being Amalgam170 he referred to switching to or listening to 170.20 MHZ for the warning.
Interested neg blood group asking...

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:46 PM
I am RH Neg and have autoimmune disorders sarcoidosis.RLS, fibromyalgia, neuropathy and eczema.

Sarcoidosis is only part genetic and part infectious.

The three common occupational risk factors are being in the US navy. working in the medical field and firefighters.

I was in the Navy I worked as a firefighter/EMT.
So i have work in all three high risk groups.

The navy tight living quarters on ships for infectious spread.
Firefighters/EMTs work at accident scenes around blood and body fluids.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by ANNED

I'm 0+ but I know my dad has a rather rare blood type, I think b negative?. Mom was 0+.
I'm allergic to my own blood. Something in my blood serum triggers it. I have to take steriods and drugs like cyclosporin for transplant patients. Nothing's worse. Just started one day a few years back and it's my contant friend. They thought I had fibro & I was getting nerve damage like neuropathy then it was discovered when I started going anaphaltic over and over. Once on steriods and a lot of antihistamines everything went away. Doc says if I had true fibro and all it would never have responded to steriods, he says it was all autoimmune and it does seem so - I am well as long as I keep m y immune system tamped down as much as possible.
Weird thing is I never, ever get sick. When I do - like I was around strep throat and everyone was sick for weeks and I was sick for a few hours, went to bed and was fine. I seem to heal really, really fast, I guess b/c my immune system is constantly in overdrive.
I'm definitely 0 positive though, not a negative type. Autoimmune disease from hades, it is. One time I was just drinking some water and it activated - pressure urticaria is part of it - and bloop - I had really huge swollen lips. It's scary sometimes.
edit on 18-7-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Guess I should dad is really well though, he's older but he's healthy, and my aunt is really well too.
No auto-immunity in either of them.
I don't know everyone else's types.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by AussieAmandaC
reply to post by seeker11

When the previous thread went down (when you did your photo bucket did anyone notice Amalgam170 signed off on emails with
Amalgam NORAD
(North American Aerospace Defence Command) ?

He was in America now he is in Russia...
His username being Amalgam170 he referred to switching to or listening to 170.20 MHZ for the warning.
Interested neg blood group asking...

Yes, we discussed this at some length in the thread. I don't have time to find it but if I do I will post it here.

ETA 6th post up from the bottom.

Taken from NORAD's website

For the aerospace warning mission, the commander of NORAD provides an integrated tactical warning and attack assessment to the governments of Canada and the United States. To accomplish the aerospace control mission, NORAD uses a network of satellites, ground-based radar, airborne radar and fighters to detect, intercept and, if necessary, engage any air-breathing threat to Canada and the United States

NORAD AND NORTHCOM work closely together to protect and defend. As far as I can see NORAD would most definitely have access to scientific research. How else would they be prepared to counter potential biological attacks.

Let's review.

The commander of USNORTHCOM also commands the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), a bi-national command responsible for aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning for Canada, Alaska and the continental United States.

Taken from US NORTHCOM's website.

USNORTHCOM’s civil support mission includes domestic disaster relief operations that occur during fires, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. Support also includes counter-drug operations and managing the consequences of a terrorist event employing a weapon of mass destruction.

As for Norads access to scientific research. Please review just a couple of the following articles from NORAD-USNORTHCOM in regards to potential bio-weapon threats.

Brucellosis Information Sheet NORAD-USNORTHCOM/SG
Why are we concerned with brucellosis as a bio-weapon?
Considering the damage done by the infection in animals-decreased milk production, weight loss in animals, loss of
young, infertility, and lameness, it is one of the most serious diseases of livestock. The rapidity with which it
spreads and the fact that it is transmissible to humans makes it all the more serious. Intentional exposure by
terrorists would most likely involve aerosolization but could involve contamination of foodstuffs.


Botulinum Toxin as a Biological Weapon NORAD-USNORTHCOM/SG
Why is botulinum toxin considered a bioweapons threat?
Botulinum toxin is extremely potent, easy to manufacture and transport, as well as being
colorless, odorless, and tasteless when in solution. In addition, affected persons require
protracted care. Furthermore, several states are known to have produced botulinum toxin as a
biological weapon. For example, the Soviet Union and Iraq produced botulinum toxin as a
weapon. Finally, the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo tried to use botulinum toxin as a weapon in
the early 1990s.

How could botulinum toxin be used as a bioweapon?
Botulinum toxin could be released as an aerosol or as a food-borne contaminent. To generate
aerosols for inhalation, Iraq produced both missiles and bombs filled with botulinum toxin. The
Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo used aerosol-generating equipment during its attacks. However,
it’s unlikely botulinum toxin would be used to contaminate municipal water supplies because it
would require large amounts of toxin, and standard water treatments inactivate the toxin anyway.

What does this mean? If Amalgam's story is legit then while working for NORAD for 12 years he could very well have come across information such as what he shared.

edit on 19-7-2011 by seeker11 because: adding requested information. keeping it all to one post.

edit on 19-7-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
reply to post by ANNED

I'm 0+ but I know my dad has a rather rare blood type, I think b negative?. Mom was 0+.
I'm allergic to my own blood. Something in my blood serum triggers it. I have to take steriods and drugs like cyclosporin for transplant patients. Nothing's worse. Just started one day a few years back and it's my contant friend. They thought I had fibro & I was getting nerve damage like neuropathy then it was discovered when I started going anaphaltic over and over. Once on steriods and a lot of antihistamines everything went away. Doc says if I had true fibro and all it would never have responded to steriods, he says it was all autoimmune and it does seem so - I am well as long as I keep m y immune system tamped down as much as possible.
Weird thing is I never, ever get sick. When I do - like I was around strep throat and everyone was sick for weeks and I was sick for a few hours, went to bed and was fine. I seem to heal really, really fast, I guess b/c my immune system is constantly in overdrive.
I'm definitely 0 positive though, not a negative type. Autoimmune disease from hades, it is. One time I was just drinking some water and it activated - pressure urticaria is part of it - and bloop - I had really huge swollen lips. It's scary sometimes.
edit on 18-7-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

That is one strange thing about being autoimmune i have not had a cold or flu since 1992.
nothing yet i had been around many people that were sick with colds or flu.

The thing that gets me is the sun with sarcoidosis the granulomas produce vitamin D the sun also produces vitamin D and to much sunlight on my skin leaves me feeling tired and weak.
But the heat from the sun helps the fibro and i feel better in the summer.
I have to wear long sleeve shirts and a hat so i cover as much skin as possible but thin so the heat soaks through.

Doc says if I had true fibro and all it would never have responded to steriods,

Your doctor is only half right.
Non fibro pain caused by inflammation can and does increase fibro pain.
Control the non fibro pain and the fibro pain will decrease.
My sarcoidosis is in remission but i still have inflammation that does not cause the granulomas but can trigger a flare of fibro.

You have neuropathy, That shows the damage from the immune antibodies to the nerves. This damages the neurochemical receptors at the nerve junctions.
Without the proper "working"receptors there is a lack of proper action by inhibitory neurotransmitter chemicals like γ-aminobutyric acid GABA .
Two of the drugs for fibro and neuropathy act by enhancing the effects of GABA. on the damaged receptors.
these are Gabapentin and Pregabalin

This action is very similar to the oral diabetes drug Metformin on the insulin receptors of type 2 diabetics.

Strange thing was when my diabetes started and i went on Metformin the level of my fibro pain went down.
Starved nerves that were not getting enough insulin/sugar because the insulin receptors were not working?????

If you want to understand fibro and its causes more go to

edit on 19-7-2011 by ANNED because: 439563

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 05:38 AM
I have no idea what my blood type is but as for the amalgam post when it was pulled my jaw dropped. Info just started disappearing before my eyes..
that was strange. ........... here's something related to it.

Extraterrestrial Threat to those with negative blood types?

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Heartisblack

why was that thread stopped?

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by letscit

I have no idea when stuff started disappearing before my eyes, it was like I was going crazy something wasn't right

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:44 AM
OP, great thread!! keep on this track, keep up this research.

I have a very detailed theory about how this is a piece of a puzzle that explains a LOT.

yes, i am rh -. A -, actually. and I have suffered from autoimmune disorders/diseases all of my life, including RA, celiac disease, ebstein-barr/chronic fatigue, vitiligo. numerous food/drug allergies, high sensitivity to the sunlight. very sensitive senses, including hearing even tho i have had three eardrum surgeries in one ear and one in the other.

theres a wayyy bigger story here than most want you to think.

be not 'afeared' and keep going with it...

theres also a really cool ufo encounter to go along with my story...not my encounter but my mother's and grandmother's.

connect the dots, my friend
edit on 19-7-2011 by pisces77 because: to add info

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:05 AM
Just a reply to keep dibbs on this thread, unless of course it gets 404'd

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by letscit
reply to post by Heartisblack

why was that thread stopped?

Mod determined it had strayed off topic.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:53 AM
great post OP

My Mom was RH negative and when she had my older brother in the early 60's she remembers them telling her that he's rejecting the blood and she believes they gave him a blood transfusion, this was in Scotland 1965.

She had some problems such as this eye problems that would cause a veil that would go over her eye and she would say it looked like half of her vision was black and white, she also got what she called zig zags, and star bursts in her vision and she was always afraid of the doctor so she never went. She passed at a young 62, she was a heavy smoker about 2 packs a day for atleast 10 years. All together she started smoking at 15 years old and quit at 59 when she became ill, unfortunately by that point her COPD was so far gone that there was nothing really anyone can do, but thats what they told us, my father was also ill so my Mom had to go on state aid and Im wondering if more could of been done but since it was state aid they didnt want to do more.

The reason why I am adding her history is that I wonder if the RH is what made her sick faster, she was really in shape and not an ounce of fat on her and all muscle, really active until my father became ill and thats when she seemed to give up and though continued to smoke she never moved from the house. but that was only 3 years before she caught pnemonia and they found the COPD, It just seems that the grade of COPD that happened to her happens to people in their 80's not late 50's.

I wish she were here to today so she can read your post, she was always curious about RH, she use to call them her wee monkey blood cells lmao.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:35 AM
I was reading some stuff about blood just last night, after having been inspired by the thread that shall remain nameless, and I was trying to discover something about whether the ph level varies from blood type to blood type,yet to no avail, I did however find something about copper, and about how important it is to our bodies, which is interesting, as I discovered the other week from a documentary that the element in perfect balance in the universe is iron, so I wonder how some of this may relate to autoimmune ? That is if it even does ?

Any thoughts ?

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 12:04 PM
I forgot about this till now, but this message was posted on GLP

7-21-22-6 26-18-6-6-14-20-18 10-14-6 18-1-16-5-12-3-7-18-17 7-2 20-22-9-18 26-18 14 16-21-14-1-16-18 15-18-19-2-5-18 7-21-18 20-2-9-18-5-1-26-18-1-7 17-22-6-16-2-9-18-5-18-17 22-7 15-12 7-21-18 7-22-26-18 12-2-8 17-18-16-22-3-21-18-5 7-21-22-6 22 10-22-25-25 15-18 20-2-1-18 16 11 10-22-25-25 15-5-22-1-20 8-1-17-18-6-22-5-14-15-25-18 16-21-14-1-20-18 7-2 6-2-26-18 15-8-7 1-2-7 17-18-6-7-5-8-16-7-22-2-1 10-2-5-25-17 20-2-9-18-5-1-26-18-1-7-6 14-5-18 1-2-7 5-18-25-18-14-6-22-1-20 7-21-22-6 22-1-19-2-5-26-14-7-22-2-1 22-1 19-18-14-5 7-21-14-7 14-1-14-5-16-21-12 10-22-25-25 18-1-6-8-18 22 5-18-25-18-14-6-18 7-21-22-6 22-1-19-2-5-26-14-7-22-2-1 22-1 21-2-3-18 7-21-14-7 6-2-26-18-15-2-17-12 10-22-25-25 7-14-24-18 1-2-7-22-16-18 14-1-17 15-18 3-5-18-3-14-5-18-17 10-21-14-7 17-2 22 26-18-14-1 15-12 3-5-18-3-14-5-18-17 22-19 12-2-8 14-5-18 14 5-18-25-22-20-2-8-6 15-18-25-22-18-9-18-5 15-18 3-5-18-3-14-5-18-17 7-2 21-14-9-18 12-2-8-5 15-18-25-22-18-19-6 16-21-14-25-25-18-1-20-18-17 22-19 12-2-8 14-5-18 15-25-2-2-17 7-12-3-18 2 14 15 2-5 14-15 15-18 3-5-18-3-14-5-18-17 19-2-5 16-21-14-1-20-18 6-2-26-18 10-22-25-25 6-18-18 7-21-22-6 14-6 14 3-2-6-22-7-22-9-18 16-21-14-1-20-18 2-7-21-18-5-6 10-22-25-25 15-18 14-19-5-14-22-17 18-9-18-5-12-2-1-18 15-18 3-5-18-3-14-5-18-17 7-2 15-18 6-18-3-14-5-14-7-18-17 22 17-2-1-7 1-18-18-17 7-2 7-18-25-25 12-2-8 10-21-18-1 7-21-22-6 10-22-25-25 21-14-3-3-18-1 12-2-8 14-25-5-18-14-17-12 24-1-2-10 ATS members quickly decrypted the code to reveal the message to be; THIS MESSAGE WAS ENCRYPTED TO GIVE ME A CHANCE BEFORE THE GOVERNMENT DISCOVERED IT BY THE TIME YOU DECIPHER THIS I WILL BE GONE C X WILL BRING UNDESIRABLE CHANGE TO SOME BUT NOT DESTRUCTION WORLD GOVERNMENTS ARE NOT RELEASING THIS INFORMATION IN FEAR THAT ANARCHY WILL ENSUE I RELEASE THIS INFORMATION IN HOPE THAT SOMEBODY WILL TAKE NOTICE AND BE PREPARED WHAT DO I MEAN BY PREPARED IF YOU ARE A RELIGOUS BELIEVER BE PREPARED TO HAVE YOUR BELIEFS CHALLENGED IF YOU ARE BLOOD TYPE O A B OR AB BE PREPARED FOR CHANGE SOME WILL SEE THIS AS A POSITIVE CHANGE OTHERS WILL BE AFRAID EVERYONE BE PREPARED TO BE SEPARATED I DONT NEED TO TELL YOU WHEN THIS WILL HAPPEN YOU ALREADY KNOW "

And then it was gone, they took it off GLP and they listen to anything and everything. I found that quite suspicious.

More food for thought, considering GLP is the home of the fruitcakes and land of the freakshow. It was gone in less than, five minutes. I'll post it again on GLP if it's gone and I'm banned I will be back.

edit on 19-7-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Here's the link as I said I'd post it, if it's gone I don't know what to tell you

Maybe somebody doesn't want this out.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Heartisblack

Can you get a post removed for bumping it constantly? I ask because I don't want to find a conspiracy where there isn't one. Something is awry and I want to compare apples to apples if you know what I mean.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Zippidee

No, on GLP ? Please, i've seen some posts with a twenty or thirty bumps but other than that nope.

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