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Herman Cain: Communities have right to ban mosques

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posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

So according to you and all the people who support your side of the argument, people don't have the right to defend themselves from an invading force, as long as it is done in the name of religion.

A Mosque isn't just a church, it is a community center, and even a school, where all too often Muslims like to preach hate against non-Muslims, and plan attacks on the local community.

It is kinda like a guy creating a religion where services require girls to dance naked, and swing around a brass pole on a stage. They open church nightly, from 6PM to 2AM, and drinking beer is a part of their religious practices.

It is a religion, so the local community can't say a thing. Gee, I think I should start that religion. Should be tax free as well. Hmmm.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
A Mosque isn't just a church, it is a community center, and even a school, where all too often Muslims like to preach hate against non-Muslims, and plan attacks on the local community.

You guys really know how to ratchet of the straw man fear mongering dontcha.
Can back that up with anything? Consider the number of mosques in the US and then see what kinds of numbers you come up with.

It is like reality does not even exist with some people anymore. If that were even a little true, there would be more than one attack long has it been now?

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 08:07 PM

Thank God I'm an Atheist.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Kitilani

Um, yo might want to get better informed. There are several threads where it is shows Imams preaching hate here in the U.S..

Oh, and here is a site that encourages you to write your congressional rep..

And in Europe, Muslim rape or non-Muslim women is epidemic.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by ollncasino

Muslims always look to live under Islamic Shariah not under the American constitution.

I am one of them, trust me. I know them. I was very involved with my Muslim community for the first 10 years here in the United States.

I heard them a million times saying that we are here to eventually replace the American Constitution with Islamic Shariah.

Wafa Sultan

would this violate

"separation of church and state" ?

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by poet1b

people don't have the right to defend themselves from an invading force

What invading force? Americans attempting to build a Mosque in order to exercise their religion are not invaders. But of course to the xenophobic and paranoid there are communists... oops I mean terrorists... everywhere.

and plan attacks on the local community.

This isn't Iran, this is the United States, you show me one Mosque that's planning attacks I'll show you a hundred that are peacefully exercising religion. By this logic we should also be banning the building of Catholic Churches at all costs, because a handful of priests like to molest people. I'd rather have people speaking hate than molesting children. Islam, however, is not a hate group, this isn't the KKK we're dealing with and attitudes like yours and Mr. Cains will only make Muslim-Americans feel more ostracized and hated.

Christian terrorists have committed more acts of violence on US soil than Muslim terrorists ever have. So once again I ask, will you also be for the banning of Christian churches?

It is kinda like a guy creating a religion where services require girls to dance naked, and swing around a brass pole on a stage. They open church nightly, from 6PM to 2AM, and drinking beer is a part of their religious practices.

Umm... no it isn't. I have no idea what you're talking about. Is that what you think happens in Mosques? I've actually been to a Mosque and seen a religious prayer service carried out there. I sat down and talked to the folks who worshiped there as part of a college assignment but also on a mission to broaden my horizons. I didn't find any terrorists, just ordinary people with different beliefs than my own. Likening their religion to a strip club and calling them invaders is pretty low and yet you have the gall to accuse THEM of hate speech

It is a religion, so the local community can't say a thing.

Because the rights of the minority must be protected from the will of the majority. It's one of the founding principles of this country along with freedom of religion and freedom of assembly. It's nice that when you are trading the liberty of others for your own safety you don't feel a damn thing, but if it was your religious liberty at stake my guess is this would be a different story.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 09:34 PM
I'm sure it's already been said, but if we can ban mosques we should be able to ban churches. Of course I don't think sharia law should injected into America. But it's wrong to ban one religion and not another.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Christianity also strives to take over its communities and lock them under three thousand year old law written by barbarians. As evidenced by Herman Cain and his supporters.

Now, the trouble is... if I own a plot of land... I can build what the hell I want on it. That's free enterprise. if I want to build a mosque, that's my concern. if I want to build a chicken shack, that's my business. if I just want to grow a two-by-five plot of potatoes in the middle of my land that is my business.

Don't like it? Go take a piss, I couldn't care.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:07 PM
islam is the single biggest threat that exists on the planet to ANYONE who is not a "believer"

Herman Cain got my vote and support on that one issue alone. Finally someone who had the guts to come out and tell the truth.

Nothing else in the world is more important than stopping the spread of the islamic cult.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Not so fast. Congress shall make no law to ban mosques. And I'm pretty sure that extends to lower orders as well. Ban certain kinds of imams? Yes indeed. You cannot deny the right to peacefully gather and worship.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:34 PM
If it infringes on the tranquility of a sensitive area such as close to ground zero then I I'm with him on this. But If you say that people can't do it at all you take away their personal freedom It's very circumstantial; If the community is ok with it s a whole via a Democratic vote then by all means build it. Keep in mind though that if people don't want it around you should not be able to impose it on them.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:42 PM
Garbage pure and simple. I have never heard, and doubt I will, a convincing argument that this is legal, a good idea, or liberty-minded. Shoot, I haven't even heard an even slightly intelligent or decent one yet.

If any candidate said towns have the right to ban churches or synagogs, regardless of whether they are Christian Identity or another hate group, there would be hell to pay and I would be equally against it.

I feel like Islam is as foolish a religion as it gets, but it's the culture that is more of a problem.


posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by disasternaut

The people do not have that right. The constitution, and our legal system, is antimajoritarian by nature. We Americans still can't seem to stop being stupid bigots as a whole.

And by the way, I'd let them build a mosque across the street from the old world trade center cause it would really annoy some of the lower lifeforms in this country. If they are hyper sensitive, tough.
edit on 18-7-2011 by KrazyJethro because: additions

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by fooks
cool, now i can open

my aztec, heart pulling, sun god, alien worship religion.

it does include a giant pyramid and hooded robes for all followers.

Sure, sounds cool

yeah and just a little human sacrifice.

Against the law, that won't happen.

chanting, lots of chanting and torches,

after dark.

there is only 13 of us now but we have the funding and wanting to bring more into the flock.

i have the "law" behind me.

screw the community, btw, i am looking at dearborn, MI for our base.

that ok with everyone?

Everything is fine except for the human sacrifice, sorry...the rest sound pretty neat though

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

I believe the voice of the people should listened to at all times; If people disagree with something they should be listened to or at least their opinions considered. If it became rule that a church couldn't be in a city I would just worship in my own home with friends or something to that effect. [though I doubt this would happen; we're still a Christian nation].

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 10:57 PM
I wonder
If the people whom are for this clear violation of the constitution are even in america..

The most basic rights being discussed like it is possible to simply remove em on groups of people they don't like...
See, this is exactly how liberty is lost..and consider it...its all fear (omg, the muslims are coming).
Those whom surrender liberty in the name of safety deserve neither -Ben Franklin

If you are a citizen of the united states and all for removing peoples freedom of speech and religion...please don't vote. ktksbie

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by disasternaut
reply to post by KrazyJethro

I believe the voice of the people should listened to at all times; If people disagree with something they should be listened to or at least their opinions considered. If it became rule that a church couldn't be in a city I would just worship in my own home with friends or something to that effect. [though I doubt this would happen; we're still a Christian nation].

At the onset of every war, nationalism takes over and the pro-war types always outnumber the anti-war types

Perhaps they can simply make a law stating no protests against the war is allowed in public, considering the majority are for it (initially)...that should make the majority happy.

In my podunk backwoods southern town, you could probably get enough of a majority to reinstall slavery (would be a vote of pro, or simply apathetic and uncaring).

This is not a democracy...democracys are horrible designs for governments..the people -are- idiotic and mob rule is not how any civilization can possibly function

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Just another TeaBagging bigot. Imagine how he would react if it was suggested they have a right to ban Christian Churches. It would take up Faux News' entire broadcast day.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by disasternaut
If it infringes on the tranquility of a sensitive area such as close to ground zero then I I'm with him on this.

Makes you wonder how many churches are nearby abortion about insensitivity

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

War is a horrible thing, but it is inescapable/needed at times. And I support the democratic process, it counters possible chaotic outcomes in my view. One more thing: it doesn't matter how many times you "throw flowers" at an enemy, so to speak, if they simply want your destruction. America isn't the powerhouse that is because we shy away from conflict; we are so because,if the need arises, we take charge and defend ourselves to preserve our free way of life.

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