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Humans CAN win a war against ET's!!!

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posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by HumansRuleTheGalaxy

The aliens will NOT "nuke" the planet or engage in any other environmental destruction on a massive scale because that would destroy the very thing they came after

HUMANS RULE THE GALAXY (or we will soon enough)

How can you EVER know what an alien race would want from us? Consider this: Alien race is heading towards Earth to ensure that human beings will never be a threat to them. What you wrote at the very end of your post ("HUMANS RULE THE GALAXY (or we will soon enough)") might be the very reason of them getting rid of us.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by HumansRuleTheGalaxy
1) No matter how many UFO warships come here, there will only be a few thousands, maybe a few hundred thousand, individual alien conbatants. There are over 6 billion humans on this world,. If they killed us at a ration of 1,000 for every one of them we killed, humany would still prevail based upon sheer numbers alone.

Sources for this info that "there will only be a few thousands, maybe a few hundred thousand, individual alien conbatants."? You're telling me that the think tanks and military minds that this supposed nefarious alien race has placed in responsibility of preparing the logistics for invading an entire planet HADN'T checked ahead of time and studied the target planet's military prowess, numbers of soldiers and computed / simulated the outcome of what you've just described?? I'm sure their higher-ups would not be very pleased in their results hadn't they prepared in that respect. I mean even humans - who (as far as the public know) haven't traveled to the nearest planet.

i would hope that any race intelligent enough to cross vast distances of interstellar space and spend the time, money and energy in preparing massive starships and military strike forces... would have at least eyeballed the chances and odds in favor or against them... and made the descision to strike based off of overwhelming odds in their favor.

There's nowhere that says (to my knowledge) that there is a limit to how many 'alien soldiers' are capable of attack... and there's no logic that points to soldier cloning biotechnology, or drone robotic remote controlled soldier technology NOT evolving alongside interstellar travel technology. With those technologies one could prepare an army of almost infinite size for a planetary invasion.

I disagree with your first point 100%, as it has zero facts behind it, and it's speculation uses very poor logic, if any.

Originally posted by HumansRuleTheGalaxy
2) The aliens will NOT "nuke" the planet or engage in any other environmental destruction on a massive scale because that would destroy the very thing they came after, a pristine cosmic jewel with near limitless biodiversity. They will not burn down the house but must take this world from the ground.

The U.S. Military already has nuclear warheads that leave zero residual radioactivity. Why do you think an advanced race would not have come up with the idea such as a Neutron Bomb, which merely destroys all living biological material in an area and leaves the infrastructure intact?

Originally posted by HumansRuleTheGalaxy
3) We should not fight the aliens on their terms, i.e. in the air. We will get swatted out of the sky. I am guessing if they have the technology to fly to our planet, then they have not engaged in a good old fashioned ground war for many thousands of years. In essence, they are rusty as hell when it comes to ground fighting tactics and I would assume they would be scared out of their wits to fight us head to head. Hence, we MUST draw them into ground combat, to fight on our own terms, just as the Afghans drew the soviets into the mountains to engage that greater force on thewir own turf and under their rules.

So, again, according to you, they wouldn't have observed us and our military skill from afar before attacking.. they just jumped into the game like an anxious amateur, and tried to pummel us from above, and (WOOPS!) forgot all about the pesky ground forces. They just compleeetely forgot about that one. You seem to have this idea that a force of technologically superior beings that could very well be advanced millions of years past us, somehow 'think' like us? Somehow are privvy to making ridiculously simple-minded amateur mistakes? That somehow they have zero experience in invading planets, then all of a sudden try to invade us on their first try?

IN MY OPINION, if these beings were technologically advanced thousands of years ahead of us, if anything, they'd get here before we evolve to our current level of technological advancement, which, only 100 yrs ago was quite primitive...and infiltrate and control our economic and military centers in order to use those agencies against us... or use some method of time-warping to travel back into our history and do so. And/OR they could silently (without our knowledge) slowly dumb us down until we have zero idea that they are invading... OR use some sort of biological method like a virus that would cause us to turn on each other and kill one another.. and make our heads of state blame it on muslim extremists... what.. you think a superior advanced technological society wouldn't have biological and social sciences perfected beyond us either?

Originally posted by HumansRuleTheGalaxy
4) Most inportantly of all, the ALIENS ARE DEATHLY AFRAID OF US!!!

Fear is a relatively primitive emotional state based on ignorance and animal instinct.
By ignorance, i mean lack of information. The more information one has of a specific experience, then the more one is able to navigate through said experience, the more one is able to rationalize and think one's self out of a specific situation, the more one has preeminent knowledge of the next similar situation, and the more one can modulate the circumstances surrounding said situation, to benefit the outcome in favor of ones self interest.

Fear is a flight or fight response naturally necessary as a means to biological survival.
I hope, as much as anyone, that superior advanced races in the galaxy would put removing fear from their experience before all else, as it clouds judgement, and interferes with logical, reasonable decision making.

Any advanced race, intending to invade a planet of humans, an alien race who are unprepared for ground battle, and knowingly outnumbered by humans, with zero background in biological warfare, and who are deathly afraid of humans'.. is completely screwed... I for one would only wish to see this stupidity in action for a good laugh, a comical documentary could be made of it. i do not think said type of alien race exists.. if they do .. they are very inept, and probably would not have the technology enough to travel here.

Originally posted by HumansRuleTheGalaxy
Simply put, aliens have depended on technology and telepathy for so long, that their muscles have atrophied to the point where they have very minimal body strength.

First off, you're saying that 'aliens' are all 'Greys' ... In an infinite universe, I can't see why there wouldn't be infinite types of intelligent life forms. To group all 'aliens' under one species is absurd.

Just because their arms and legs look thin to you, doesn't mean that the biological technology that they have applied to their own bodies ISN'T a thousand times more able and tensile. Whitley Strieber (a foremost authority on experiencing 'Greys'.. makes it known that on several occasions, they have grappled onto his back while attempting to subdue him, and their grip was like that of steel.. unflinching.. completely solid.

You're suggesting that they have completely omitted biological optimization of their own bodies, and left an achilles heel open somewhere in their safety net. Somehow humans can just grab them and slap them silly and therefor they need to make big machines do it for them, and they're incapable of changing their own bodies through genetic modification, into being small and efficient yet full of ability and strength to use when needed.. they just somehow left that out of the 'to do list' when dealing with a dangerous species such as the human being...

Originally posted by HumansRuleTheGalaxy
HUMANS RULE THE GALAXY (or we will soon enough)

That is the most frightening thought I could imagine.

I think you view life through the eyes of a first person shooter junkie.
Or you've played too many x-box war games, and haven't the capacity to imagine the extrapolated broader view of things.

I wish you did, because then there would be brighter, more clever minds on our side, forming legions against the massive intellectual hive-mind that seems to be the greys.

but alas, you can be a ground-grunt and go pow-pow-pow and unknowingly inhale their invisible biological extermination spray they would crop-dust you with... but wait, 'aliens' aren't smart enough to come up with that military technique right? they're just going to send a few thousand ground troops in first...

you wish!.


posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by highfreq
If an alien race is advanced enough to bring Thousands of starships from the far reaches of the galaxy, then they would be able to conquer us , or eliminate us without a "shot" fired. Biological weapons come to mind.

The thing about biological weapons is that after a while, the human condition adapts. That's why we are so many, while other species are so few. I am with the Op on this one. Whatever the "Aliens" be, they are proven cowards (abduction scenarios alone prove this), which means they fear us for good reason.
In some cases the technology to incapacitate a victim is known to fail or at least not be as effective as it should be so they are far from infallible.
According to victims the game is about perception, shaping and altering it. Some have the clarity to pierce the veil of deception to see the truth. On our plane, in our reality, if they take us on they may very well end up with a whole lot more than they bargained for.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by MollyStewart
The thing about biological weapons is that after a while, the human condition adapts. That's why we are so many, while other species are so few. I am with the Op on this one.

What if they invented some ultimate form of biological weapon which essentially re-animated the corpses of the recently deceased, and caused any further infected living people to become similarly puppeteered by hijacking the central nervous system, with the base reptilian stem of the brain given the signal to actively, determinedly, seek out non-infected humans? essentially creating a nightmarish zombie apocalypse? are we talking fiction? or are we talking the ultimate biological weapon?... not some mere virus that humans retreat from infected zones and save themselves.. but a complete hijacking of fleets of aircraft to preeminently crop dust the nations with said agent?
even if you had some sort of unique mutation that made you immune to the disease... or took some type of cure-all (created years after studying the infected)... you'd still have to deal with the onslaught of marauding hordes of undead... do you think that 'grey aliens' .. after studying our DNA for decades if not hundreds/thousands of years... wouldn't have put two and two together to whittle down to the very exact method of exterminating an intelligent species they attack?

Originally posted by MollyStewart
Whatever the "Aliens" be, they are proven cowards (abduction scenarios alone prove this), which means they fear us for good reason.

proven cowards... this is opinion. your opinion based IMO, on the idea that they somehow think / feel like us.. and have the same decision making processes and emotional factors involved in their behavior.
you're giving a human face to an alien race of supposedly super intelligent hive-minded scientists... where they somehow factor in our value of what we consider to be "right/wrong"...

They may be cowards in your book based off of the limited knowledge you actually have of them, But the broader picture may lead them to have no such judgment of their 'character'.... to fear us would mean to think that they somehow haven't played all the cards they have.. and somehow haven't simulated out every possible scenario of outcome using super quantum computers. if these outcomes show them exactly what metholodical path to follow in order to ensure sucess, then what is to fear by their measure?

Originally posted by MollyStewart
In some cases the technology to incapacitate a victim is known to fail or at least not be as effective as it should be so they are far from infallible.
According to victims the game is about perception, shaping and altering it. Some have the clarity to pierce the veil of deception to see the truth. On our plane, in our reality, if they take us on they may very well end up with a whole lot more than they bargained for.

who's to say they are going to take us 'on'? what IF what they're doing is a very necessary step in our biological evolution towards a spiritual superhuman utopia type world of unimaginable biological powers......and the human "Powers That Be", who may wish to retain the 'status quo' of economic slavery...have implanted in the culture..the very one thing that would TRICK the populace into aiding in their discrediting of the grey's destruction (or hatred of)..... a preeminent underground mythology of UFO culture completely fabricated dynamically with user content from false-flag abductions including abusive scenarios in order to demonize them, and in the end, a complete deception false flag invasion of humans masquerading as 'them' with nazi-developed saucers, via controlled, groomed, brainwashed 'humans' who have been genetically bred to look like them, just as every domesticated dog was genetically 'bred' from original native wild wolves?

who's to say that, that isn't the wheels within wheels base truth of this all? after all.. your emotions and behavior related to the matter are all based on the information you've consumed on the topic.. and who's to say that that very information isn't a veil over a veil.... i'm not saying that that's what's happening.. im just saying that you can't put it past this strange reality we live in... to not consider it... would be foolish , naive even.. remember just like you said.. it's all about perception.. perception is reality.. get people believing one thing and tug their heartstrings.. they'll follow you into battle... 9/11 got us into Iraq ... could 'grey abduction scenarios' get us into a war with them? problem-reaction-solution.... or what if humans invented the zombie-bug and blamed it on the greys....

the media .. mainstream and underground.. is easily manipulated and sways the way we think and form our decisions and opinions... the UFO/Alien underground media could be just as easily manipulated to garner support for or against certain species.

i say don't judge till you know 100%.

what if the powers that be.. WANT us to think just like the OP does?? that humans are 'war-prone' .. sorry i haven't been in a war.. neither has anyone i know. war and gang-violence is based off of scarcity, fear, lack of survival means, greed, poverty, domination - all quotients that can be relieved through human cooperation and compassionate directives!.... so we should follow those fear based concepts and think that we should just kill the greys and hate them.?.. when we don't have all the info we need to make a decision like that. I've always heard that even though people feel terrorized while being ' examined' or having samples taken from them.. they've been told that it is very necessary that they do this.. and that if it was not necessary.. they would not do it.

to the OP i think the greys are so sufficiently advanced.. that I speculate they have geo-engineering under their belt as one of the top most important sciences. thus, they could just invent new worlds with new life if that's what they wanted.

also...i think the end all be all of the popularized idea of 'greys' is either one of two things...

A)- a managerial force that monitors and upgrades the DNA of primate species on planets in order to farm intelligent species and spread consciousness throughout the universe...

B) an artificial man-made creation which will be used by humans to attack the globe - forcing all nations and religions to drop differences and join forces in a human-family type effort .. resulting in bonding us closer together as one world.. (the result of which i am a fan of) ...

either way I'm not going to "KNOW" anything them as "goodguy" or "badguy" until i have a personal experience face to face with one... and EVEN theN.. i'm not going to judge an entire SPECIES of beings by just one or two encounters with two individuals from their race.. positive experience or negative...

man ..more and more... people on this board seem like.. i don't know almost as if they're so brainwashed by movies, sports and news, where there's a "bunch of good guys" and "bunch of badguys" .. such primitive thinking... every individual being has their own mind and own personality... can't just stereotype one group into "one bag" .. saying "greys are EVIL" .. is like saying "whites are ALL pompous and greedy" or "blacks are ALL lazy" or "native americans are ALL alchoholics" or "italians are ALL mobsters" or "asian women are ALL submissive"

maybe you can't think otherwise.. or maybe you just LIKE thinking that way.. can you think otherwise? i challenge you to do so!

edit on 7/27/2011 by prevenge because: typos

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 09:15 PM
ET's and demons/fallen angels are one and the same. It took me a while to realize what was going on, but this is what they are.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by zodofthelight
ET's and demons/fallen angels are one and the same. It took me a while to realize what was going on, but this is what they are.

I do think it's possible that what the Bible, and other texts and traditions, refer to as "demons" or "angels" are in reality extraterrestrials, aka Star Beings/Sky People. When reading the Bible from the viewpoint of it describing technologically advanced beings, it does seem to make more sense. I'm still not sold on the idea that these are anything more than myths, but it's certainly possible.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by zodofthelight
ET's and demons/fallen angels are one and the same. It took me a while to realize what was going on, but this is what they are.

ET = EXTRA-terrestrial. so by you, ALL beings in the universe NOT of "Earth" are demons and fallen angels.

the banality of posters in this forum never cease to amaze me.... this thought process that took you "a while" to come to...rivals the fear-based, ignorant stereotyping and racism found in the armpits and crotches of our own planet...

excuse me fine sir, but could you please elucidate what exactly a "demon" is? As in.. a specific exact description of what that name infers? kthnx.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by prevenge

What many don't appear to grasp is the fact that we are still a primitive race. We run our machines on oil that contaminates everything, even our food supply. Our monetary-based economy requires greed and selfishness in order to sustain itself without regard to the surrounding environment. A technologically advanced civilization would likely have a science-based/resource-based economy (look up Zeitgeist Movement) since it is most efficient at managing resources.

As a technologically superior race they would have mastered many other things beyond space travel. Advanced materials science is one area we still need work on. Imagine materials forged in millions of degrees in heat and impervious to our primitive rockets and other projectiles. Like watching a war of Indians vs. today's military. There is no contest.

Since they have fusion technology, laser and plasma weapons are possible. However, a full frontal assault is brutish compared to biological weapons. As someone posted earlier; we wouldn't know what hit us. Even in a full frontal assault they could have weapons set to the same frequency as the human brain. These can be used to disrupt the mental processes. What good is an army when they turn into instant zombies?

Like it or not we are the primitives if an alien race ever decides to invade. What do you expect in a world where everyone CAN'T work together because of cultural programming. Last I checked 80% of the populace in the U.S still believe in mythological fables created thousands of years ago. People are too busy selfishly pursuing the accumulation of objects to worry about the starving / dying poor among them. Everything is driven by profit to the detriment of society, it is truly a corrupt system when we have the scientific capability to solve many basic human needs but don't because there is no profit involved.

How are we going to fight a technologically superior race when we can't take care of ourselves?
edit on 30-7-2011 by amagnus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by HumansRuleTheGalaxy

You also might want to consider that there are benevolent aliens but also consider the fact that you have to be careful on who you trust in the galaxy.

We are already at war with a race here on Earth, the general public just don't know it. In fact, you wonder what the Cold war was about? It was a arms build-up. Against who? NOT OUR OWN KIND, I can tell you. Britain, USA, Russia, and other super nations were all brothers in this.

Who was the enemy? The MIEC, the Complex that saw Earth as a harvesting opportunity. But we were more defensive than they thought, so they tried another tactic, thin out the herd. So far they have infiltrated, claimed, and built DUMBs on our planet and good men and women have paid the price when they told the truth and some have lived on telling everyone they come in contact with about what is really going on. James Casbolt is one that has told the truth.

The choice is your on whether to believe this or not, we are already at war, whose side are you on? I am on the mortally good side.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by HumansRuleTheGalaxy

The aliens that currently rule us have no intention on causing harm to us, though harm is coming this year. They own a mother-ship so large if they came to earth with it, it would destroy our gravitation pull with our moon and possibly ruin our gravitation pull with the sun.

They don't need weapons of technology to harm us, but they wish us no harm anyways.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:09 PM
i hope hey dont send their 100,000 robot platoon

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by MollyStewart
The thing about biological weapons is that after a while, the human condition adapts. That's why we are so many, while other species are so few. I am with the Op on this one.

What if they invented some ultimate form of biological weapon which essentially re-animated the corpses of the recently deceased, and caused any further infected living people to become similarly puppeteered by hijacking the central nervous system, with the base reptilian stem of the brain given the signal to actively, determinedly, seek out non-infected humans? essentially creating a nightmarish zombie apocalypse? are we talking fiction? or are we talking the ultimate biological weapon?

My response above was to the question of a biological weapon attack, one would think an auto immune or dna based disease would suffice, but sure reanimating the dead is a theory like any other. I would not presume to know the motives or agenda of an alien species, only what I have collated from abductee reports. My opinions are just that and if I suggest the nature of the so called alien experience could be considered an act of aggression it is because that is what the word abduction means. Taken, without one's approval, forcefully removed.

I sincerely believe that a technologically advanced alien race would hardly need to keep repeating the same experiments year after year, as if despite their advancements, there is something about us they still don't get? It is a mystery as to why such a vastly technologically superior race must continue to operate in the wee hours of the night rather than openly doing their business in the light of day. If you look at the eyes of the grays it's not difficult to surmise that they have an aversion to sunlight.

You are right in that I was giving a human face to a so called alien race as that is my perspective and if I were to hypothesize about an alien perspective based on information of previous encounters It appears as though they simply do what they want when they want to.They operate under cover of darkness. They have a propensity to lie. They are not concerned it seems with their victims, their metal health or the impact the encounters has with their lives.
So If I were one of these I would be rather emotionless, and simply carrying out a task. Rather like a soulless automaton.

The above is just conjecture on my part much like yours below

A)- a managerial force that monitors and upgrades the DNA of primate species on planets in order to farm intelligent species and spread consciousness throughout the universe... B) an artificial man-made creation which will be used by humans to attack the globe - forcing all nations and religions to drop differences and join forces in a human-family type effort .. resulting in bonding us closer together as one world.. (the result of which i am a fan of) ... either way I'm not going to "KNOW" anything them as "goodguy" or "badguy" until i have a personal experience face to face with one... and EVEN theN.. i'm not going to judge an entire SPECIES of beings by just one or two encounters with two individuals from their race.. positive experience or negative...

You raise some very good points, I rather like B) in the above but for me, I reserve the right to be extremely skeptical, wary and angry with regard to alien; man made or other interference.

If a man decided to break into my home at night, I would consider this not only a hostile act, but consider him a threat to myself and my family. I would not hesitate to stop that threat. Any court of law would allow me that right. I assure you I would vigorously defend myself and family from any intrusion and abduction attempt regardless of the species of the perpetrator.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Well, how much time do you think the average ET civilization has on us? Probably millions of years.

Imagine a war between WWII Germany, best military in the world at the time, vs. pretty much any well equipped military today. Less than a hundred years difference and they'd get completely destroyed. Try a million years ahead of us in tech.

edit on 31-7-2011 by Turq1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Aliens or ETs aren't archons, thought we went over this already.

We could always try the "Mars Attacks" route...try to reason with them.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 12:16 AM

This novel is about how the Culture deals with an Outside Context Problem (OCP), the kind of problem "most civilisations would encounter just once, and which they tended to encounter rather in the same way a sentence encountered a full stop."

This is a problem that is "outside the context" as it is generally not considered until it occurs, and the capacity to actually conceive of or consider the OCP in the first place may not be possible or very limited (i.e., the majority of the group's population may not have the knowledge or ability to realize that the OCP can arise, or assume it is extremely unlikely). An example of OCP is an event in which a civilization does not consider the possibility that a much more technologically advanced society can exist, and then encounters one. The term is coined by Banks for the purpose of this novel, and described as follows:

The usual example given to illustrate an Outside Context Problem was imagining you were a tribe on a largish, fertile island; you'd tamed the land, invented the wheel or writing or whatever, the neighbours were cooperative or enslaved but at any rate peaceful and you were busy raising temples to yourself with all the excess productive capacity you had, you were in a position of near-absolute power and control which your hallowed ancestors could hardly have dreamed of and the whole situation was just running along nicely like a canoe on wet grass... when suddenly this bristling lump of iron appears sailless and trailing steam in the bay and these guys carrying long funny-looking sticks come ashore and announce you've just been discovered, you're all subjects of the Emperor now, he's keen on presents called tax and these bright-eyed holy men would like a word with your priests.

Consider the high improbability that any two Earth-like planets will form and evolve to the exact and ideal conditions that develop and support carbon-based life.

Consider also the number of mass extinctions that have occurred in Earth's past. It is unlikely that the same number of these would occur on another Earth- like world at exactly the same time and with the exact same frequency.

Finally, consider the cultural developments in Earth's history, and apply a few "What Ifs." What if Democracy had never developed beyond the conceptual stage? What if Rome had never fallen? What if Columbus had never received any financial backing from the Spaniards? What if the Nazis had developed the atomic bomb first?


Would any of one of these events have delayed or advanced human development by as much as 0.001%? One value given for the age of the Earth is 4.567 billion years. A +/- 0.001% change would set human evolution back by 4.567 million years (Apes), or advance it by 4.567 million years (Angels).

Thus, by "Apes & Angels" one could say that any two worlds that formed at exactly the same time, and that have had billions of years to go from dust to sentient life, could differ by as much as 9.134 million years in evolution!

A divergence of only 0.000001% would still separate the two extremes by 9.134 thousand years. With this value, one alien world could have a bronze-age culture (year = 2560 BCE), while another could be far ahead of our own, both culturally and technologically (year = 6574 CE). Maybe not "Apes & Angels" but perhaps "Spearchuckers & Supermen"?

If we could BEAT them, they wouldn't be capable of getting here.

If they ARE capable of getting here, we would not really have a chance.

Furthermore, the technological requirements for crossing the mind boggling distances that span between the stars ALONE implies a level of sophistication and technological MASTERY that we are just now only beginning to comprehend.

There are 2 basic ways to cross the distances between the stars.

1. Mind bogglingly huge amounts of energy. (think of the total energy output of the entire human race since the invention of the steam turbine)

2. Hyperdimensional Physics

Furthermore, Launching a planetary assault from orbit is the equivalent of having the military or strategic high ground.

If we wanted to attack their ships, we have to put immense energy into our ordinance just to get it out of the earth's gravity well, while they can merely DROP ROCKS and destroy cities.

It wouldn't be that much of a stretch to imagine giant motherships in orbit of the earth, picking off individual people over a sustained bombardment campaign with x-ray lasers or something.

With the power requirements of making interstellar journeys, Titanic x-ray lasers would be childsplay.

They could obliterate our entire population, leaving all flora, fauna, and infrastructure in place, and undamaged.... having never even set foot on the planet.

[Data has disabled the aqueduct with his phaser]
Lt. Cmdr. Data:I can reduce this pumping station to a pile of debris. But I trust my point is clear. I am but one android, with a single weapon. There are hundreds of Sheliak on the way; and their weapons are far more powerful. They may not offer you a target. They can obliterate you from orbit. You will die - never having seen the faces of your killers. The choice is yours.

-Data, "Ensigns of Command", Star Trek the Next Generation.

No, my friend... Winning a war against ET is not a thing that you can state to be even a remote possibility.
edit on 1-8-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by HumansRuleTheGalaxy

If they have the power to go from one galaxy to another, they have the power to wipe us off the face of the earth.

Even with human technology - if they wanted - they could find us all.

Not to mention if they wanted us gone in a clean way they'd release a biological weapon into the atmosphere that targets humans, and only humans. Leaving the rest of the planet intact. Then go back to the satelites or whatever their equivilant is to find the remaining humans that have isolated themselves from the bilogical threat. Exterminate them manualy.

I'm sorry - but if a higher intelligence wanted us gone. We;d be gone. None of this V 2009, or Falling Skies stuff. We'd be gone. End of story.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

The U.S. Military already has nuclear warheads that leave zero residual radioactivity. Why do you think an advanced race would not have come up with the idea such as a Neutron Bomb, which merely destroys all living biological material in an area and leaves the infrastructure intact?

Neutron bombs, by no means, leave zero residual radioactivity. They simply leave less radioactivity than a conventional thermonuclear bomb with a given neutron pulse (but much higher fission yield) would give.

They still may well have a 5 kt fission primary (considered small) which would "only" leave about a third as much radioactive fallout as the Hiroshima weapon.

In practice nuclear weapons come in "dirty (Hiroshima), very dirty (bigger), and very very dirty (strategic thermonuclear weapons).

Most modern weapons loaded on missiles get most of their yield from fission (primary or tertiary). They are extremely dirty by any current pre-nuclear war standard.

Check this out:

Chernobyl's radiation release was much less in harm than a 15kt ground burst. There are differences in half lifes and time doses.

In conclusion, it has been too long since Hiroshima for the essential fact: even 'small' nuclear weapons are disgusting and disgustingly dirty if close to people.
edit on 6-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 07:15 AM
Being that humanity is pretty much planetbound and stuck to one solar system at this point, we're not much of a threat. With that in mind, any alien presence that may be out there doesn't have much reason to dispose of us. If you have interstellar travel, then resources in space are practically free for the taking, and can be found in much more vast quantities than here on Earth.

If they're out there, they'll only show up in a big way when we start doing stuff where we're actually able to reach other star systems. And things will be lopsided in their favor. They'll probably explain the rules at that point, and things could go badly if we don't behave. (Probably something about not acting like weeds or parasites from a species standpoint when it comes to other planets with life.) Essentially, they'd be the ones carrying the reset button and whether or not they'll use it depends on how dangerous they perceive us to be.

As things appear now, any advanced extraterrestrials which may exist don't have much more regard for us than animals studied during a scientific expedition and probably with no more intent for harm. Waging war on the humans of Earth makes no more sense than waging war against bison, lions, and zebra on the plains of Africa. (But then again, if there was a war between aliens we could get attacked if may have some impact on the morale or livelihood of one of the warring factions. This would be more comparable to attacking the Buffalo in order to impact the Native American tribes.)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:56 PM
I believe your opinion lacks insight.

Any beings capable of traveling between stars, would would have technology hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of us. Not only would their tech be ahead of ours but their knowledge of the universe would greatly surpass us as well. If they wanted our planet without us on it, there would be nothing we could do to stop them. I really don't think it would go down all Hollywood style. First, there would be no declaration of war, they would just do whatever they needed to do to kill us all. It could be some sort of virus or biological agent. It could be some sort of energy or frequency weapon, who knows?

Aside from the genetic diversity on this planet, I believe the resource the ETs would be most interested in would be us. We are a huge work force and every once and a while, our collective intelligence does come up with good ideas. Plus! we are easily trained. They would find ways to use us to benefit their needs.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 06:26 PM
of course we can.

We already beat them once when we got rid of Hitler. We will beat the Nazis"ET's" again.

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