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Sex In Education

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posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by ThunderCloud
I think that sex education should be taught in school districts where the majority of parents have no objection to it being taught -- sex, after all, is as much an essential part of the human experience as food, drink, and sleep are... however, 4th Grade is WAY too early!

I'd say, teach it in a 9th Grade Health class -- the kids are 13 years old there, about to enter puberty, and they're at that age where they're starting to naturally think about these things anyway. That way, you're addressing students' concerns, not forcing new ideas on little kids who aren't ready for them...

Just my $0.02!

9th grade...WOAW! Im going to 7th....and i already know everything there is

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 12:19 AM
Actually, theres a store near here that sells them to kids 12 and up. Condoms.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 05:58 AM
I definitely think sex education should be taught in schools; as to whether it should be taught as early as 4th grade, eh, that's where the line gets blurry. I'm thinking 6th grade would be a better time to start. I'm sure things have changed in even the past 10-15 years, but I know in 4th grade I didn't know a thing about sex. So yea, 15 years or so ago when I was in 4th grade, sex education probably would have given me some ideas, so it would have done more harm than good
But sex is alot more prevalent nowadays, so maybe 4th grades know alot about it already, shrug. But either way I would think that's a lil too early to start it.

6th grade seems reasonable enough. Usually by that age most kids are beginning to understand what sex is, so it's best to educate them then, especially about safe sex. And I also think safe sex should be taught in school, not just abstinence. You won't prevent kids from having sex if they want to, no matter how much you preach abstinence, so it's best just to educate them on how they can prevent pregnancy, STDs, etc.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 11:54 AM
why do kids need schools to teach them about sex, just turn on the tv and u will learn everything you need to know.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 06:27 PM
I think 4th grade is a tad early to learn about sex, but perhaps the kids should be introduced to facts about puberty?


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