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Video Games are Good for kids...

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posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:00 PM
Unlike many parents would like to believe, video games are actually good for children. Not only do they improve hand-eye coordination, but that also can promote problem-solving and team-building in children, according to games industry experts.

Children say that playing violent games is a way for them to get rid of their frustrations.

Dr Judy Robertson, of Edinburgh University, said some children had told her during computer games workshops that playing violent games did not result in violence in real life.

She said: "Children say that playing violent games is a way for them to get rid of their frustrations, they get rid of their anger and take things out on the characters in the computer games rather than people in the playground."

The video game industry has exploded over the last few years, and they are marketing their games to younger audiences, and will continue to grow.

In my opinion there has to be some limit to the violence in these video games. Games like Manhunt and the Doom series may have taken the violence way to far, and should be limited.

Of course, if you don't like what you see, don't play it...

Video games 'good for children'

[edit on 14-8-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:11 PM
I agree Video games can have a positive effect on people. I was reading a study alittle while ago that dealt with Doctors that preformed robotic surgery and the effect playing video games had on the performance. Playing the video games before made them work alot better. Ill try to find a link to the study it was pretty cool.

I think the Key is moderation as with all things too much video games could be a bad thing.

As for the violence thing Im a adult and I think I have the right to play a ultra violent game if I want.Video games are no longer just for kids many adults play them too. Do I think young kids should play those games No, But I think its up to the parent in that department.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:14 PM
Heres the study I was talking about

Video games can benefit surgeons: Study

All those years on the couch playing Nintendo and PlayStation appear to be paying off for surgeons.

Researchers found that doctors who spent at least three hours a week playing video games made about 37 per cent fewer mistakes in laparoscopic surgery and performed the task 27 per cent faster than their counterparts who did not play video games.

I use the same hand-eye co-ordination to play video games as I use for surgery," said Dr. James "Butch" Rosser, 49, who demonstrated the results of his study Tuesday at Beth Israel Medical Center. 20040407.gtsurgeryapr7/BNStory/Technology/

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:15 PM
I totally agree with everything about that.

The only thing I would question is if I had a 4 or 5 year old playing Grand Theft Auto... LOL

As long as the parents know what the child is playing, I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to play any game out there, within reason. There's a rating system for a reason.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:21 PM
i wonder why my reflexes are so fast.....ahhh yes i spen 10 hours on the computer everyday............some video games promote reading such as MMORPGs where you have to complete quests/stories/missions and they use hard words in games based on the medieval ages like smite and errr those ancient weapons 1st i never knew what endure meant but when i played that pokemon game it taught me what it mean (3rd grade).......and splinter cell promotes patience where you have to slowly move across no kill missions.......and counter strike where a lot of people just camp and waiting for people to might make your eyesight a little worse but thats ok

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by TheHeggy
I totally agree with everything about that.

The only thing I would question is if I had a 4 or 5 year old playing Grand Theft Auto... LOL

Lmao. My 7 year old cousin plays GTA Vice City all the time... It's like he's obsessed with it. Only think is he's too young to figure out how to do the missions, so I end up doing those for him. He just likes the killing part.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 02:07 AM
Darkcreation I had to beat the missions for my cousins husband and he is 28 some of those are hard.

His parents got that game for him knowing what it was about? If they did then your cousin must love them as I bet all his friends want to come over and play it

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 02:53 PM
Haha true, some of em are pretty hard lol. Yeah his friends all have it too... O_o. Theyre all trying to race each other to the end of the game to no avail. My grandparents bought him the game for xmas, along with GTA3. He was pretty thankful for that! He's seriously obsessed with it now though. It's too funny.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 04:21 PM
Video games encouraged me to learn how to use a computer... I learnt because of Star Wars Galaxies. I think that SWG really effected me as I was hanging out with an older and wiser crowed online which encouraged me to act as they do. It really made a difference in the way I now speak, read, and write..

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 06:36 PM
There are many documented benefits of playing computer games.

Now, the downside:

1) Kids who play games will probably do less sports. The child obesity problem is well documented. They'll do less reading etc.

2) I disagree with the thesis that violent games are inocuous. The Columbine gunmen were avid players of Doom. There is no direct connection, maybe, but common sense is telling me that it's like a flight simulator in relation to a real flight. You find it easy to pull the trigger in a game. You are prepared to die. You don't feel concern for the people you blow away. I can't help thinking that the mentality continues into the real life.

For the record, I'm a heavy player of first person shooters. But I'm 40 years old, with life experience, have respect to firearms and safe handling thereof and not as easily impressed as a 15 yo. I feel it's not right for youngsters to play very violent games.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 08:41 AM
Videogames are not good for children. Letting a kid taking his/her frustration out in a video game is much worse than the kid learning self-control and not to get frustrated from other people's acts. In the end, the kid that plays lots of video games will have no idea how to move in the real world, with many negative consequences in the kid's life.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 02:05 PM
Yeah you're right. Let the kids bottle up their anger until it makes them explode and do something drastic. Good idea. Video games don't make you want to kill people more or anything, they are just there for fun. And if kids learn how to kill by playing video games or video games make them want to kill more or anything bad, then perhaps video games isnt the greatest of their problems. The ONLY bad thing about video games is that in large doses it can make a kid fat. Video games rule!!

[edit on 15-8-2004 by MrFace]


posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 09:44 PM
The kids who did the colimbine school shooting had lots of issues and i don't think doom had anything to do with it. Yeah they really liked it, but i don't think it was the cause for shooting people. From what i remember hearing, they were basicly social outcasts at there school and picked on a lot.

You find it easy to pull the trigger in a game. You are prepared to die. You don't feel concern for the people you blow away.

Well of course it's easy to pull the trigger... i mean it's just clicking a mouse button. You are prepared to die because... well your life really isn't in any danger what so ever. Of course one doesn't feel concern for the people (or in dooms case, the demons) for blowing them away because they arn't real, nor do they look the slightest bit real. I've been playing games for as long as i can remember. I first played wolfenstien3d back when i was 12 or 13 (i'm 23 now) and i have no desire to pick up a gun and shoot some one. I doubt i'd be able to hit anything with a gun as well, since i'm not used to holding a real one.

I'd also add that i think games help people to read. I think it's helped me to read faster. I sure know games have helped me to type faster that's for sure. I do agree that video games can be partly responsible for obesity, but i'd say it's a minor cause. I'd think it mostly has to do with what they eat. I mean i sit infront of my computer a lot every day and have done so for many years and i'm 150lbs, if that. I don't go to the gym or play sports. But yeah kids should go outside and eat right either way.

Violent video games, like GTA and Doom3 really arn't for little kids. There is a reason why there's a big 'M' for mature in the corner of the box. Most parents seem to make sure that there little kids don't watch violent/sexual movies. They should learn to do the same with video games. Or at least make sure they talk to there kids about violence and what not.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by darkcreation

Originally posted by TheHeggy
I totally agree with everything about that.

The only thing I would question is if I had a 4 or 5 year old playing Grand Theft Auto... LOL

Lmao. My 7 year old cousin plays GTA Vice City all the time... It's like he's obsessed with it. Only think is he's too young to figure out how to do the missions, so I end up doing those for him. He just likes the killing part.

I have my 5 and 4 yr old playing GTA, Unreal Tournement, and a few other games that are considered violent.
The 5 yr old has been playing GTA since about 3 yrs. he liked driving around, then he realized he can shoot people, then he started noticing hey Missions cool. So now he is about as good as me on playing.

The best way is to set them infront of a PS or computer and tell them have fun and dont teach them anything. The 5 yr old has been using the internet since he was about 18 months old. he plays kids games, he only went onto a porn site 1 time on accident I am still trying to figure out how he did that.(no he has his own computer to play games on.)

But yes I think kids who play games get to become more creative and such. THey have a better imagination and so on.

On the real world side of things the 5 yr old does know the diffrence between game and reality, for I ask him every once in a while.

I think people who blame games, movies, songs on them killing someone is just flat out BS, come on they are just not willing to take responsibility for thier actions. thats all.

[edit on 15-8-2004 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

I think people who blame games, movies, songs on them killing someone is just flat out BS, come on they are just not willing to take responsibility for thier actions. thats all.

Amen to that!

All in all, I would say video games are some good fun in moderation, and a dusruptive influence at worst. As long as the childs parent is aware of the content of the game and makes sure their child is doing their homework ad staying active, I'd say video games are great!

They also undisputedly, IMHO, improve problem solving skills - that is how you get better and progress in video games - by finding the "trick" to beat something or do something.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by MacKiller

Video Games are Good for kids...

Prolonged exposure to the screen also creates short sightedness. Are you wearing or in need of glasses? The probable ansewer is yes.


posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Aelita
...You don't feel concern for the people you blow away. I can't help thinking that the mentality continues into the real life.
In that case there's already some faulty connections in "upstairs"... or as I call it: That boil between shoulders doesn't have any other use than hat rack.

Originally posted by jra
I've been playing games for as long as i can remember. I first played wolfenstien3d back when i was 12 or 13 (i'm 23 now)...
Ahhh, that good old DOS age!

I'd also add that i think games help people to read. I think it's helped me to read faster. I sure know games have helped me to type faster that's for sure. I do agree that video games can be partly responsible for obesity, but i'd say it's a minor cause. I'd think it mostly has to do with what they eat. I mean i sit infront of my computer a lot every day and have done so for many years and i'm 150lbs, if that. I don't go to the gym or play sports. But yeah kids should go outside and eat right either way.

Some games are also really good for learning english (because they require understanding things). Here in Finland English and Swedish are mandatory in school but I think many doesn't remember pretty much anything from those because lack of use. Hell, I only remember only couple words in Swedish... but in English, I read more stuff in English than in Finnish.
Do you think it would be that way without using computer and playing games?
Actually I prefer English in some program like browser I use, Opera. If I change language to Finnish from settings I really have to learn to use it again because I'm so used to english.

And about obesity. It's just how much you eat compared to how much you consume. Actually I would rank PC games better than TV because when playing you can't eat same time. And even reading could cause overweight, you don't consume much when sitting in one place.

And if anyone is interested, I weight about 57 kg and other "strategic" measure 175 cm.
But if you think I'm just "bone and skin" try lifting and carrying something which weights 40 kg and say it after that, or maybe carrying (and turning those to entirely different direction) total of tons of wet lumber to distance of 5 meters while at it, and I mean continuously for time of five hours in row when there's enough room for turning only half of them easily to that other direction.

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