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'Gender-neutral' pre-school accused of mind control

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 07:48 PM

'Gender-neutral' pre-school accused of mind control

Many pre-schools have hired "gender pedagogues" to help staff identify language and behaviour that risk reinforcing stereotypes. Some parents, however, worry that things have gone too far. An obsession with obliterating gender roles, they say, could make the children confused and ill-prepared to face the world outside kindergarten. Egalia's methods are controversial; some say they amount to mind control. "So gender neutrality at its worst is emasculating maleness."
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 07:48 PM
What the Heck! Oh god, Dr Henry Makow is beginning to sound right about the elites using feminist as a front to destroy society. Although I believe we should not blame true feminist who are promoting a better and just world. Feminism is just an idea or social construct, the truth is that men and women deserve to know their real gender so that they won't be confused about their sexes. The world is already moving into a more equal world but that takes a new generation to create. We do not need gender neutrality because men are already participating in jobs women do and women take part in jobs men do. Gender neutral school is only going to confused children and make them vulnerable to mind manipulation and control. Our eduction system is already the institution to indoctrinate children into believing the system they live in as if there isn't any other. A good example of gender confusion is described by Daughter of a Feminist Speaks Out:

I am the daughter of a Feminist (3rd generation), so in my world it was normal that mother had a career and control over her reproduction. When I asked why she would ever have a child, my mother would get a far away look in her eye and say, "I normally hate children, but I love you. One thing you must know is that your life totally ends when you have kids." I was told this over and over and since I had a pretty good life, I didn't want it to change; so naturally, I never wanted children.

As I said the words, "No kids for me!" I could feel an ache in my heart. I knew it was a lie. I told myself I was strong enough to be single, however I knew that I craved to be loved and cared for by a man. In my opinion, the type of man I needed was a myth, at least that's what I was brought up to believe. My work as a technical project manager found me working against women more than with them. During my twenties, I probably uttered, "I hate women" hundreds, if not thousands of times. I befriended women who shared my views and we received great pleasure by tormenting flighty, clueless, co-dependent women all around us.
Hatred towards women seemed to emanate from within pop culture. It became hip to hate women, and cool to be associated with effeminate men. I joked that if women were only more intelligent and goal driven, I'd be willing to "change teams," thinking this must be the next logical step.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 3-7-2011 by MIDNIGHTSUN because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 07:51 PM
S&F from me. This just goes to illustrate my point about people wanting us to all act, think and behave the same. Guess what... WE'RE NOT!

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by MIDNIGHTSUN

This "Gender Neutrality" thing is just Political correctness run amok in my opinion. It just serves to confuse and alienate these poor children. I hate how it seems that social engineering is always tested on innocent children. Hopefully this school is shut down before they irreparably damage some of these kids.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 07:59 PM
I'm all for teaching kids about gender equality but this whole gender neutral phenomenon is BS. Why the hell should a child this young even be thinking about this kind of crap? Let kids be kids and have some carefree happy times before they get soul crushed by the PC police.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by MIDNIGHTSUN

You got a star and flag, but you then mentioned FEMINISM. Feminism, and nwo issues of neturality and gender bending are NOT THE SAME THING. Feminism means EQUALTY! Very good thing. My sons are feminists by choice, and quoted the dictionary definition. My grandfather was a feminist and understood what it meant. Shame on you for putting apples and oranges together in this discussion, not in juice.

This issue is one that needs attention. Its very wrong and confusing to the children.

edit on 3-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:20 PM
So, we are teaching pre-school age children that they are neither boys or girls, and then throwing them out into the world of men and women?

What a twisted and cruel plot.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:36 PM
It is mind control, they can't change all of us us so they start with the next generation and there is nothing we can do about it because our children are latch key kids, they get home from school and sit in front of the TV and computer being fed lies. We are told how to act, and shame us into the social norm, our gods are Lady gaga, Neil Patrick Harris and Elton John.

Watching Anonymous's favorite move "V For Vendetta" its subject is not free speech but gay rights, not putting down what they are trying to do but time to stop and think, could this movie be created by and payed for by those with a lot of money the same people who want to control the masses.

Most all of the TV, movies and video games are highly sexualized and violent, if that is all you feed your brain what else do you expect to get back out.

Yes it could happen, someone could be born with the wrong parts, but not always, and that is my business to discuss with my children, no one else.
edit on 3-7-2011 by Tygart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:53 PM
Is it "mind-control" when it works the other way? When I started school in the late-50's it was all about boys vs. girls and making sure we knew and lived our "proper" roles. I never had any ambiguity about my sexuality, knew my attraction was to the opposite sex and all that, but I took a lot of flak for being a boy who didn't especially care about sports and playing ball.

As a grade-schooler I just didn't quite fit the mold intended for me. I never got excited like a dog any time someone picked up a ball. I was more studious, liked sciences, dabbled with music, and shame of all shames was even interested in cooking. The male authorities around me were overly concerned that I just might become that unmentionable-then-but-common-now "gay." That just didn't happen even though I just didn't display the proper amount of "machismo" in my day.

At 58 years of age it seems entirely unlikely I might "switch sides" as I am fairly much retired from the game, but role-playing was all-important then. I still don't follow sports and I still enjoy cooking. I never had issues about equality with male/female societal or work roles, and I have no strong feelings on gay-rights issues except to think that we all have our own preferrences and are entitled to them.

Some time later I was to find out "the truth" about some of the male authority figures of my childhood. My step-father's brother was gay and there were some similar revelations about others from that time. It appears it was just all-important in that time to at a very young age to mask any "ambiguities" one might be pre-disposed to and might later develop. Much emphasis was placed on boys acting like boys.

Perhaps sexual roles are less important now that there is much more openness about one's inclinations. Not naturally possessing or developing the quality of machismo, my lack of ambiguity never required it. "Gender-neutral" may be just as pointed as the type of "gender-specific" pressures I grew-up with. Any time I hear anyone ranting about male/female roles I casually dismiss it as someone who may have unconfronted ambiguity issues. Seems we're still not very liberated in some regards.

edit on 3-7-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 05:04 AM
the way i see it, in about 200 years the children will be learning algebra from the age of 5, they would be told having a natural born family could be fatal therefore you should enter a hospital and be fertilized the proper and safe way, you should not exchange bodily fluids as it may contain fatal diseases, you should not be in open spaces as the sun has harmful u.v. ray's, you should not cultivate vegetables as the atmosphere has become to polluted, you should only consume 1 liter of water as that is more than enough, you should chip yourself in the event a medical problem arises in the future as we will know exactly how to treat your illness since we will have your records from birth allowing us more positive response to your health problem, you should report any suspicious activity either from the virtual world or physical world, you should listen to your elders as they are wise, you should stay home as it is a safer environment than outside due to a rise in crime and last but not least, family is there help you, we are here to protect you.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by MIDNIGHTSUN

'Gender-neutral' pre-school accused of mind control

"So gender neutrality at its worst is emasculating maleness."

I don't think this is accidental at all. TPTB have been working patiently for decades to destroy the nuclear family. I suspect one reason is depopulation and the other is to raise people without strong bonds to their parents. About half the families in the US have had the real father "deleted" from them.

The natural desire for a "father" figure then can be more easily transferred to "Big Brother" or the State, etc.
Instead of "belonging" to one's father or family, one belongs to an organization, a military unit or the State.

On another thread, there was discussion of how much feminizing hormones are found in our plastic containers, food and water. These hormones not only decrease sperm count (depopulation), but are emasculating males. All the better for TPTB to create males who are more passive and obedient. Effeminate males are generally less sexually attractive to females too, as a bonus.

Another thing that's been happening is the glamorization of and promotion of homosexuality -- the young see this as being "kewl." (I could care less what consenting adults do with their genitals, so don't brand with the "homophobe" label.) Someone had suggested that this may also have a depopulation agenda as well.

But I think the real goal is to create more passive male citizens who can be more easily controlled by the State.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:38 AM
I think this is much ado about nothing. Not referring to a child's gender while he or she is at preschool will do NOTHING to harm or change the children in any way. They are referred to by their gender in all other parts of their lives and they would probably never notice. They would just know that their teacher calls them "friends" instead of boys and girls.

People are paranoid and suspicious of anything new and this little tidbit got everyone's panties in a bunch because they're afraid of some unseen and unknown monster (feminism, I guess!)

The preschool administrators should have just kept it to themselves and not publicized it for the world's approval. It wouldn't have hurt a thing.

The estrogen in the environment is totally another story and it is an important issue, but this one... It's nothing.
edit on 7/4/2011 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:00 AM
Midnightsun - I am completely disturbed by your example. I wonder while you read it, how it never occurred to you that this girl turned out the way she did because her mother told her things like "I hate kids" and "Your life totally ends when you have kids"...

I don't even need to read the rest of that article to see the abuse the author suffered. I'm absolutely positive that wasn't the least of it, no matter what she does or doesn't admit to.

No child is confused when they look down and see whats there. One is an inny, one is an outty (to put it politely).

Beyond that, I do agree that schools often leave many, many children unprepared for the "outside world", and I highly doubt that gender nuetrality is the answer for it. In fact, I don't think the SCHOOL should be answering for those children at all, THEIR PARENTS should be the ones preparing them for the system.

And its all brainwashing.

As a parent, with generally motivated children, who are highly intelligent, with an extremely obvious empathic nature towards their fellow man, shown clearly in their respect for others and willingness to help (and yeah, they even obey, I say jump, they jump then ask "was that high enough?") - I totally brainwashed them to be that way from birth.

Frctured.Facade - I don't believe its about teaching them they are neither - I believe its about removing the importance of being either.
I personally think they're wasting their time, as roles are clearly more and more interchangeable today - I agree entirely with Erongaricuaro

cerebralassassins - you watch too many movies - LIFE is a sexually transmitted disease. As long as "sex sells" they'll never do away with it.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Forevever

Hey, lighten up, maybe I never understood the point of the story. I just used a bad example. My example was not to criticize feminism. It was to show how children can be easily confused or indoctrinated. At least that is what I was trying to convey.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
In fact, I don't think the SCHOOL should be answering for those children at all, THEIR PARENTS should be the ones preparing them for the system.

Excellent post.

Unfortunately, if the parents decide to be gender neutral in raising their kids, people also raise a fuss. Thread here.

I don't believe its about teaching them they are neither - I believe its about removing the importance of being either.


posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by MIDNIGHTSUN

My apologies if you thought YOU were what disturbed me, you did not, and I did agree with a portion of your sentiment. Perhaps I wasn't clear, thats my fault. It was the author blaming feminism for her troubles that disturbed me, when clearly she was emotionally abused and confused by the statements her mother made.

reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I agree, I starred both of your posts.

I think the sad thing, that no one is getting, is that BOTH extremes are bad.

You cannot divide male and female, and you cannot combine them completely. Our roles in society are interchangeable, as I said in the thread you reference, there's really very little that separate us today. Like if you want to give birth. Then it might become an issue. ♥ But of course, medical science is probably working on that as we speak

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 01:54 PM
The thing is that some children are going to naturally gravitate towards gender stereotypes. If they illicit those behaviors, then you shouldn't try to "correct" them because thats not actually giving them a choice.

It's the same thing that drives me crazy about feminism today. Women's empowerment and such was about having the choice to stay at home or have a career. Feminism these days scorns the women who choose to stay at home and embrace a traditional role. It's supposed to be about choice.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
The thing is that some children are going to naturally gravitate towards gender stereotypes. If they illicit those behaviors, then you shouldn't try to "correct" them because thats not actually giving them a choice.

It's the same thing that drives me crazy about feminism today. Women's empowerment and such was about having the choice to stay at home or have a career. Feminism these days scorns the women who choose to stay at home and embrace a traditional role. It's supposed to be about choice.

Your being to narrow in portraying feminism. There is actually various groups of feminism that fight for different causes. I don't think you can blame feminism for this. I think both parent would like time to be with their children. It is just that our society and system works against that. I really think that it is the media & corporation that scorns stay at home mothers because they are anti women having to take off in raising children.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by MIDNIGHTSUN

"So gender neutrality at its worst is emasculating maleness."

Ah, there we go. Jay Belsky is worried that his own definition of "manliness" - apparently involving hitting people with sticks - might not be getting indoctrinated into the children of other people living in another country.

Hi, folks. When I was four, I tried on my moms pumps and church hat and danced with my grandma to the Andrews Sisters. My four favorite cartoons were he-man, She-ra, Jem and the Holograms (guitar motorcycles, WTF) and Mighty Mouse. I owned a big pile of stuffed animals and, on more than one occasion, played "house" with them. The only time I played with G.I. Joes was when I took my older brother's little dudes and put them in the food processor (he sat on my head for this crime, so I learned my lesson)

I don't feel any less masculine for it all. Why? Because I was four freaking years old. My "maleness" would not have been "emasculated."

And the hilarious thing? When my little sister came into the world, she was the exact opposite. People kept giving her barbie dolls and such, and she turned them into kung fu action figures, the misshapen, towering beasts that her power rangers action figures fought to destroy. She demanded that my friend and I who, in our teens were making medieval weapons out of scrap, make her a sword so she could march through the woods killing goblins with us. She cusses louder and more often than I do, and has never worn a dress in her life. She wanted to be Jeremy Irons when she grew up. This is all in spite of my mother trying to raise the little girl she always wanted. And now, years later? She's no less feminine than any other computer nerd woman I know of.

As the first comment in reply to the article says, people who are upset about this school are basically admitting that their own preconceptions about gender roles - gender essentialism, as espoused by Dr. Belsky there - are wrong. I guarantee they all forget their own years in this period, when they were anything but lantern-jawed hairy macho testosterone factories who beat up alligators between meals of beef and iron filings.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Domo1

Yes indeed. Why the hell should kids be thinking about that sort of thing? They should be allowed to just be kids.

Which is exactly what this school is about. It's about not forcing kids into a preconceived role, and allowing them to be whatever way they wish to be. Just like you want.

Well, just like you say you want. I think you'd prefer forced indoctrination that tells these kids what they should think, feel, express, and do based on their genitals rather than their own personalities and interests. "You have a penis, so you MUST be like this. You have a vulva, so you are not allowed to play with those"

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