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Bring back the British Empire

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Adyta

Starred I don't get a woody over them, they should be abolished :-)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by triplemmm

You are very naive, there were movements in all of the parts of the British Empire by indigenous peoples to end British rule, some peaceful, some bloody. Foreign occupations always cause resentment and hatred, have we not learned from history? World War I still would've happened. The 1st World War was a war between the Empires of Europe. It started because, Nationalists in occupied territories Killed the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria Hungary. If it wasn't for European Empires, including the British, flexing their muscles with each other, it wouldn't have started, ergo World War II would still have happened as that was caused by a mad Vegetarian Racist, who resented the loss of the German Empire, after the First Word War, which gave him delusional aspirations to build a new German empire. As for Palestine, whilst under British Mandate, after the first World War, as before those territories belonged to the Ottoman Turks, the British had a lot of trouble with Jewish terrorists bombing and killing. The French also had similar problems in their Mandates of Syria and Lebanon, not to mention the uprisings they had in their North African Colonies. India was no different there were many who wanted the end of British rule, thankfully because of Gandhi they got it. What former Imperial colonies do with their countries now is up to them, as those are now independent sovereign nations, who for the most part don't want much to do with Britain. Britain may have brought the world a lot of valuable things, but for every good thing there were terrible things also. The British Empire may not have been the Nastiest Empire in History, but it certainly had it's moments and it still stole land that wasn't theirs in order to take the natural resources and control the trade to favour the British Crown.

Just to add what a thoroughly ludicrous post

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Shminkee Pinkee

Hitler wasn't a vegetarian.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Rob37n

Wasn't he? I always thought he was, my mistake

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Rob37n

He did only have one testicle though

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Shminkee Pinkee

you are entirely missing the point, the combined might of the British Empire WITH America would have ensured that the 1st world war (if it had started at all) would have been very short lived. Check your history, it was when the Americans joined forces with us in WW1 that we won. Having them from the begining would have made it a very one sided affair.

BTW the American revolution bankrupted France who sided with the renegades (as did the Dutch) this led to massive tax rises for the people of France which in turn led to the French Revolution. The list is almost endless of wars and revolutions that came about directly because of a few Traitorous, land grabbing people that the Americans call their founding fathers.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by BarmyBilly
reply to post by Rob37n

He did only have one testicle though

Nice one, apparently he put in the Albert Hall

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by triplemmm

the Allies, at the start of the war, (before the USA joined) had a combined total strength of 38,216024, 12,000000 alone were from Russia, just over 8,000000 a piece for the British Empire and the French Empire, against the Central powers combined strength of 25,248,321. When Russia left the War and the USA entered they brought with them 4,743,826. The Allies already had huge armies of men combined, much larger than the Central powers, the failings of the war were down to awful decisions and terrible military leadership, which basically led to a stale mate. An extra 4 million men, on the Allies side at the start would not have made any difference in the outcome as, like I said the Generals didn't seem to know how to fight the war, and it still would've been a senseless war of attrition. The first World War would still have happened as it was an Imperialistic War, the second world war happened because of the first world war. You could argue that both wars would not have taken place had it not been for the arrogance of European Empires and their sabre Rattling.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Shminkee Pinkee

you are still not getting it.............the population of the USA in 1914 was 99,111,000. Now assuming that half of those were of the male variety then we could have brought a lot more than 4,000,000 men over if we had to. We didn't have an army of 8,000,000 men in the UK, people volunteered.

No World War 1 then no World War 2.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:52 AM
The british empire was as evil as what we are seeing regarding plans for a NWO. any westerner who doesnt see that is only blind to it because he or she was raised on the propaganda of the kind of media that is playing a big part in raising the ignoramuses of tomorrow when the real NWO comes into proper effect.

And any non british person in current or former colonies, who wants the british empire back (such as the recent case of a tiny poll of 1000 jamaicans and majority saying they preferred being a brit colony) is only a very sad example of british or european or westrn brainwashing that has made them think that they were better off being ruled by someone else. The British empire was a succesful concentration camp, a successful dictatorship. The leaders were never elected, and the locals who were elected were selected by the foriegn leaders, to towcow to them as mouth pieces to pacify the people. Resources were mined without concern for the local people, and it was just a system of getting the brits fat while they leave the crumbs for the locals. The worst thing to Happen to Africa after the trans atlantic slave trade was the Colonial slave age... so im sorry for not waving your flag of patriotism when i say The British Empire should as it never ever will raise its ugly head under the sun again.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by triplemmm

I do get it, I'm afraid you can't seem to be able to grasp that world war one was inevitable, because Imperialist sabre rattling and expansion, the fact the combinded Allied forces strength didn't put off the Central powers, another 4 million men at the start was highly unlikely to either. You are just trying to justify 'Empire', when there are no justifications for them, perhaps if we stop gazing back in time with rose tinted glasses and looked to the future we might be able to make Britain a rather decent place to be for all, instead we hang on the coat tails of the American Empire trying to reclaim some 'Former Glory' that was unjustly earned in the first place.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by triplemmm

The royal family is one of the most corrupt eugenic's family's in the world, they are no benefit to england whats so ever we'd probably be better of without them.

i think you should look up why their royal in the first place.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by pandapowerjamie

Originally posted by David291

Originally posted by Adyta
I have nothing to say to that hilarious post except.

Originally posted by triplemmm
At least you would have a Royal Family again.

Why would we WANT one? I never understood why the Brits get a rock-hard woody about worshiping some ancient bloodline, as if they we're Gods. I stick with equality, thanks.

You sir, deserve a star because I have no idea why we do it either

I second this.


That's what Jews want, to get rid of all religious Monarchies in order to set up fake democracies, oligarchies, wish they can control. Do some more research on Jews and this subject and you will find everything is interconnected.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:17 AM
Here, here.... much better grammar, manners, and gotta love those british gals....

Bring it back, oh, and could you please make a colony close to the States, as those airfares to the UK are killer...

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by freetree64

Isn't Canada close enough?

And we know you guy's really want to be part of the family again and if you ask nicely, promise not to act like petulent children and to listen to what your elders advise you we may just welcome you back with open arms.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by triplemmm

Just imagine for a moment a world where the USA did not gain it's independence from Britain.

There would have been no World Wars 1 or 2, Hitler for instance would have been slapped down, unable to match the might of the combined armies from the begining, as it was America only came in for the last 18 months (Shame on you USA).

Imagine India, still in one piece without the creation of Pakistan, how much better would that be?

Africa, all those countries that were better under British rule.

The middle east, British Palestine, no wars with Israel.

The Far East peaceful with no one able to wage war on it's neighbour due to the presence of the British. No Korean conflict.

It's not too late is it? Given the mess created by successive Presidents maybe you in the USA should start a campaign to give over your sovereignty to Great Britain. At least you would have a Royal Family again, then maybe Prince William would come to you first instead of Canada.

All the peoples of the different countries in Africa suffering under the yoke of Dictators should be crying out, Bring back the British!

"Rule Britania, britania rules the waves........."

What do you think? Yes or No ( Under the US system all No votes will be counted as Yes votes in order to better reflect the will of the people)

Look up world war 2. Weather American and British soldiers even mattered was decided in Russia. If the casualities the Whermacht inflicted would be an army in its own right it would be the second largest army fielded ever. If Russia would have gone down easily and all those troops would have gone to Africa and England, it all would have fallen as easily as poland. I just dont see Americans and British willing to write off 5 10 15 Million soldiers.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 08:15 AM
Great Britain can bring back its empire, I do not mind, in some places of it formerly occupied an enlightened rule may be a positive thing to remove the natives from the shackles of their autocratic overlords. But do not ever expect us to be subservient to your nation again, we tried that and it did not go over well. It would be my preference that the United States had never become the superpower of the world. Those in foreign lands would not be constantly angry at us and we would not be wasting trillions of dollars waging war, supporting puppets, maintaining bases, and feeding ingrates, all of that money would be focused on building our nation and our people.

In regards to the United States becoming a colony of the Crown again, or a colony to any foreign occupier, I will let the noble statesman Daniel Webster speak on our behalf:

It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment — Independence now and Independence forever.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: triplemmm
reply to post by BarmyBilly

..Never have we tried to invade a country and wipe out the people who lived there at the time..

What about the Australian Aboriginals? Their names were changed, and art destroyed to eliminate their culture, all of this before they were essentially wiped out. It seems that this is a recurring theme with Britain.
edit on 30-9-2014 by bighomie because: edited quoted quote

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: BarmyBilly
reply to post by Rob37n

He did only have one testicle though

He did indeed (any excuse to laugh at this sketch again)

Oh yes and the days of building empires has not disappeared, nations have been replaced by transnational corporations in the battle to control the planet's resources. I would include the people of earth as one of those resources.
edit on 30/9/14 by mirageman because: typo

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