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British Firms urged to hire UK jobless not foreign workers

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posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:38 AM

I have no care for the ethnic background of the workforce as long as they were born in the UK or have become British Nationals and can therefore command the same pay structures as the rest of the naturalised workorce then they should be included in the 60%.

Yer,regardless of their background, if they are a offical citizen they should be included with the rest of the workforce.

My problem is with the cheap outsourcing of labour to places such as India, Poland, China etc or the large influx of workers from these or simialr countries for two years at a time or however long their visa is that is keeping the figure at 90% when there is the possibility of giving a national with the same skill set the role instead.

Still doesnt make sense to me why they go out fo their way to do these kinds of things, its as simple as a decent initiative or such from the government to give the citizens a chance, yet because they see they can save money they would rather do so, its so silly.

It's a bit too late for that after the UK goverment has allowed the place to be flooded by immigrants in an effort to force wages down.

I feel the same way about Australia, and its getting worse.

People may forget we are an island nation but all three main parties are controled by zionists so don't go thinking that voting is going to change a damm thing because corporate profit comes even if they pay no tax. welcome to globalization, Zionist style.

One thing people seem to forget, you vote means nothing lol,yet people still vote as if they have a choice in the matter.
If everyone just stopped voting and demanded a fresh government and/or new system we might just get somewhere as a species.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:38 AM

I have no care for the ethnic background of the workforce as long as they were born in the UK or have become British Nationals and can therefore command the same pay structures as the rest of the naturalised workorce then they should be included in the 60%.

Yer,regardless of their background, if they are a offical citizen they should be included with the rest of the workforce.

My problem is with the cheap outsourcing of labour to places such as India, Poland, China etc or the large influx of workers from these or simialr countries for two years at a time or however long their visa is that is keeping the figure at 90% when there is the possibility of giving a national with the same skill set the role instead.

Still doesnt make sense to me why they go out fo their way to do these kinds of things, its as simple as a decent initiative or such from the government to give the citizens a chance, yet because they see they can save money they would rather do so, its so silly.

It's a bit too late for that after the UK goverment has allowed the place to be flooded by immigrants in an effort to force wages down.

I feel the same way about Australia, and its getting worse.

People may forget we are an island nation but all three main parties are controled by zionists so don't go thinking that voting is going to change a damm thing because corporate profit comes even if they pay no tax. welcome to globalization, Zionist style.

One thing people seem to forget,is that your vote means nothing lol,yet people still vote as if they have a choice in the matter,or any matter.
If everyone just stopped voting and demanded a fresh government and/or new system we might just get somewhere as a species.

edit on 1-7-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:39 AM
Urge not order.

Good luck you dumbass politician. Obviously this one does not know that businesses want max profit and are not going to step down from their maximum profit margin because she "asked nicely". Or did she think the owners of these companies would become teary eyed and apologize and fix the mess.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth

My problem is with the cheap outsourcing of labour to places such as India, Poland, China etc or the large influx of workers from these or simialr countries for two years at a time or however long their visa is that is keeping the figure at 90% when there is the possibility of giving a national with the same skill set the role instead.

Still doesnt make sense to me why they go out fo their way to do these kinds of things, its as simple as a decent initiative or such from the government to give the citizens a chance, yet because they see they can save money they would rather do so, its so silly.

It makes perfect sense and if I was a CEO of a company or such like I would probably make the same decision for the good of the business. It's all about the £££

From my stance as a citizen however I think it's a bloody disgrace and to bring the UK economy up and put the unemployment rates down some legislation I feel needs to be put in place...

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Wow - this sounds more like National Front talk than an actual policy of the sitting Government.

And wow, that sounds totally ignorant.

For starters, a country is only going to stay afloat if their populace is working and paying taxes. If jobs go overseas, and even if the actual company pays it's taxes in the U.K., the people are out of a job and must rely on social benefits that come from, you guessed it, the taxes paid by the company.

But if you force companies to hire Britons, you get more money via taxes and the government won't have to break it's back paying out social welfare to Britons who can't work because all the low level jobs are overseas.

And if you pay foreign workers, where do you think that money ends up? Sure, they'll pay taxes like everyone else but the majority of that money earned will go overseas. And you still have the problem with unemployed Britons seeking welfare.

It's common sense.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Frontkjemper because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:01 AM

It makes perfect sense and if I was a CEO of a company or such like I would probably make the same decision for the good of the business. It's all about the £££

Yer in a CEO view point maybe its makes sense, but its the average citizen its affects, not a CEO of a corporation...

But if you force companies to hire Britons, you get more money via taxes and the government won't have to break it's back paying out social welfare to Britons who can't work because all the low level jobs are overseas.

That sounds correct and makes sense to me.
edit on 1-7-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by BillyBoBBizWorth

Unfortunately the people making the decision couldn't give a monkeys about the average citizen on the street hence why I think, as per my previous posts, legislation should be in place to temper the percentage of offshore / cheap labour workers that each company is allowed.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:20 AM
At least a politician can say that in public there.......he'd be crucified by the MSM and the racist organizations set up here to help illegals screw the rest of us over. Good for him for speaking the truth.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Unfortunately the people making the decision couldn't give a monkeys about the average citizen on the street hence why I think, as per my previous posts, legislation should be in place to temper the percentage of offshore / cheap labour workers that each company is allowed.

Yer there should be a legislation that controls how much companys are aloud to have when it comes to foreign workers.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:48 AM
The problem in Britain is twofold, in my opinion. Firstly the immigration situation IS out of control - how can anybody dispute this? I'm definitely not a "send them all home" type of person - actually I'm now an immigrant myself now that I've moved away from the UK! I think it's fantastic that other cultures can bring something of their own to a country. However, for me, there is a line - and I think that line has been crossed. On a recent hiking trip through the Yorkshire Dales, for example, every pub/inn had eastern European staff. It comes to something when you have to repeat "fish & chips" about 10 times in an English pub before the server understands

The second issue is that it seems the vast majority of the British working-class youth just aren't interested in working. One of the reasons I left the UK was because I was absolutely fed up with the British kids. They're more interested in collecting their Jobseekers Allowance and using it to by cheap jewelry and mods for their cars. This has left a vacuum in the job market that the immigrant workers are more than happy to fill.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Curio because: Clarification

edit on 1-7-2011 by Curio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Truth_Hz
...legislation should be in place to temper the percentage of offshore / cheap labour workers that each company is allowed.

This is a good idea and a fair trade off. When you allow corporations to hire "fly by workers" and ship a lot of work overseas (like call centers), you're not only hurting the U.K., but Britons as well. It's the same deal in Norway. A lot of people thought it was a good idea to ship jobs overseas to "save money". Well, the government isn't laughing any more as billions of Norwegian Kroner are being spent on social welfare programs because virtually no low level jobs are available.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:24 AM
Let's not kid ourselves, this is a nanny state. When you can not work and still live a relatively good life on benefits, where's the incentive. I've never known a place with so many "disabled" people. You can get away with back talking teachers in school, majority of kids don't bring home school books to study. Parents don't put money aside for their kids to go to College, and College and Universities have become money making institutions instead of empowering our youth. The majority of jobs taken by immigrants are Hotels and Restaurants and other low paid crappy jobs that people here are basically too lazy to do, because they claim to be better off on benefits. It's laughable ! People think they are above doing certain jobs even though they have zero qualifications. This is no new issue here in the UK !

If you find yourself at the bottom, work a crappy job and earn the certificates you need to get something better. It's never too late to make a change in your life !! Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. I blame Eastenders and Corrie

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

This is something I've been saying for years now.
Alas it was the very laws the Tory's passed in yesteryear actually began this rot of corporations who have no loyalty to the UK or it's people.
The Liebor lot finished off what little British Industry we have left!

It may too little too late what the Con-Dem lot are now trying for.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:16 PM
I really don't care what colour or creed is working what pisses me off is how much money is spent on benefits that enable a lot of people, not all I grant you to do nothing. If after six months of benefits and not finding a job to their liking then lets have them picking litter, helping out wherever needed but at least keep them busy so they don't just fall into the coma of been paid benefits and sitting on their arses

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth

if you think about it,having people of the country doing the jobs of the country(how it should still be),even if it does cost more, you will end up finding you get quality produce!, or you can get foreigners from somewhere else and pay them less for more work,but the quality isnt there.

Ill tell you what, i know the feeling first hand being born and living here,and work in Australia, whilst all these foreigners take the jobs because of the government, not because "the foreigners get the jobs first and we are lazy", your governments make this stuff happen, again its all about growth,taxes and industry "booms" and probably other agendas.

Australian's should work in Australia
New Zealander's should work in New Zealand
Briton's should work in Britain

Exactly how things were before governments started the multiculturalization of countrys.
Getting foreigners creates a chain reaction of problems that will only get worse between races.

edit on 1-7-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

That is such a pathetic and ignorant statement! blaming foreigners taking jobs because of the government!
Any job that is taken by ANYONE is because they were see fit to be the best person to take it by it's employer. The government has nothing to do with it!
I've worked along side many foreigners and now into management level for the last 6 years and I can say with experience that majority of the foreigners are some of the best workers to work with. It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, as long as you're legally here and have the qualification that meets the position, you will have the opportunity to be hired.

I will not stand by and let someone like yourself spew lies and opinion as if it is facts when I have first hand experience working with foreigners on a daily basis.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:37 PM
I find it ridiculous that most of the jobs are going to migrants, don't get me wrong. I don't care that people from other countries are coming here, they are all extremely friend and nice but come on ... this is our country and most of the jobs go to people from over seas... it's just not right.

I wonder what it would take for me to find work in their corresponding country? Hell, they have it easier than actual british citizens and it's just not right.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:38 PM
AGREED: We should start firing all those BRITISH people working abroad.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:39 PM
I actually like the idea. I mean, I guess you would have to be careful to avoid claims of discrimination, but actively encouraging people to hire homeless, is a good thing and could do wonders for the homeless problem.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:32 PM
First thing's first, I don't blame immigrants for coming here and working. They can, so they do. This issue is down to the businesses and policies that allow the vast outsourcing of jobs and the imposition of ethnic quotas. I have worked with many immigrants, from many countries, and they are charming. Do they work any harder than us locals? I don't know, I work pretty hard myself and take pride in what I do when I'm employed, so I'll call that an even.

I left school in 2000 before the majority of this ethnic quota rubbish came in to play (it was still there, but it got progressively more idiotic as the noughties matured) and straight in the empowering world of work, and that's because someone saw fit to give me a chance to prove my worth. I was able to get work consistently through several house moves, then it started to get harder from 2005 onwards.

I've had a couple of temporary jobs since 2009, but aside from that I've been left on the scrapheap with the rest of the UK unemployed. I apply for jobs, and they simply don't get back to me. My CV is very good, and I have attempted every avenue of persual aside from camping outside potential employers offices/shops and begging for work. Hardly practical. When I see someone who can barely speak English behind a till, I'll admit, I get annoyed, but let me reiterate that they come here to work because our laws allow them to.

This is an issue, and unfortunately it is destined to be bogged down in PC nonsense for the forseeable future because people are either unwilling to see that there is a problem and happy to focus the need for migrant workers on our new generation of benefit scroungers (trust me, I see more people like me in our local job center than I do of the great unwashed), or people are too scared to approach the issue at all out of fear of being labelled.

Here's hoping more politicians recognise this and speak up about it.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by BillyBoBBizWorth

I can't really respond to the massive mess of a post that you've addressed to me and other people here, especially given how often you quote out of context, but I did want to respond to this -

Me - For example, I'm an immigrant. 9 times out of 10, I would say that I provide a better work product in everything that I do, than non-immigrant workers here.

You - Hmm, you ask me a question like the previous one to something that i didnt say, yet you say yourself exactly what you are saying i said except your saying the immigrant(yourself) makes better quality produce,i never said it, you said it, re-read you post and you will see what i mean,pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

You made a generalization, I gave a specific example that states my own personal experience in the workforce. I am neither saying that all citizen workers are bad, or all immigrant workers are bad. I just pointed out ONE instance where your generalization is wrong, in my opinion.

Hardly hypocritical.

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