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Brain War 1. Skeptics VS Reality. Its bigger then utubing and snippets.

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:11 PM

I do not want to see an utube video on this thread.

I do not want to hear about what Alex Jones has to say.

I do not want to hear about the 911-commissioner phony as report.

I do not want to see a freaking snippet from some body else and there tired lil opinion.

I do not want to hear about airplane pilots and how many flight hours they have.

I do not care about metals melting, why lil bo peep lost her bloody sheep.

I do not care about humpty…freaking dumpty; and why he fell off the bloody wall.

I do not want to see simulations of why and why not.

Can the ‘ATS POSTERS’ stay inside the ats for once!

I just want to ask one question and one question only.

Can you tell me …in your own words, and what your brain thinks, about what really happened on 911?

Will some of you say, or was scared to say, that our beloved George Bush had something to do with it, or the republicans?

Will you say that it was a black ops mission with out mentioning who the black ops member was or whom you think ran the show to commit this horrible act?

Is this the reason why you skeptics hide behind snippets and u-tube videos to hide what you really want to say?

After hearing a lot of good information only pertaining to what I thought people said out there very own brain,had me thinking.

The pentagon.

In my belief, an airplane hit the pentagon, not a missile…but did that airplane actually leave that round hole in the wall???????
Why didn’t the wings leave an imprint on the two sides of the wall?
Could it have flipped inside?

The twin towers.

Two airplanes that day caused two towers to collapse, people can talk about how strong the beams was and how It is impossible for the beams to collapse or melt.
However, in reality no one ever talked about the weight that the average ‘office building floor’ can withstand under pressure and heat.

50,000 tons of weight was in the middle of the floor that day, let alone fire. The middle of both buildings collapsed from the very inside, which led the airplane to crash through every floor going straight down which led to the entire building collapsing.

The steel frame had nothing to do with the 'middle' of the 'fragile floor design' that all office building in the world have, there is no such floor that can with stand that much weight or pressure.

Building seven. Is very suspect.
Building 7 shows that our beloved government had something to do with the whole 911 agenda, to me building 7 was their ultimate mistake, I do not know how yet, but what ever was in building seven could ultimately lead to what really and who was behind it all.

I do not understand what building seven was so I will not even try to front, I have no knowledge.

The last airplane was simply shot down… no if and or buts in my opinion.

This is what I think happened in all scenarios, what do you think happened in your own belief?

My conclusion is that George w bush Jr and the republicans had knowledge or something to do with 911.

Dick Cheney maSter minded the whole 911 agenda and used George bush and a one time allie 'AND FRIEND' of the USA …' Osama Bin laden' to do his bid for evil behind 'George bush back'

When bush found out, he just simply had to role with it, but because he was friends with the ladens, he gave bin laden that time window to escape, not only the rhetoric after 911, but even going to war with Iraq.

Bush could not find it in his heart to kill another mans son that he broke bread with and was friends with.

edit on 27-6-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-6-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:22 PM
Well the thing about this site is everybody is always asking for proof or source.. So maybe you should calm down a bit Im sure people would be more than happy to throw around some opinions

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by mb2591
Well the thing about this site is everybody is always asking for proof or source.. So maybe you should calm down a bit Im sure people would be more than happy to throw around some opinions

It is over 1trillion threads on 911 and all 1 trillion of them have other people opinions from other web sites that they religiously go by.
I know it will be hard for them to do this with out utube and other essentials used to power up the brain, but it’s well deserved just to hear their opinions only.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

I don't understand the purpose of gathering these opinions.. You will not find any answers..

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:48 PM
My opinion?

Building 7 is highly suspect and the answers lie there. If 7 is suspect, that makes the entire event suspect IMO.

Do I believe Bush knew about it? Yes. Did he plan it? No...not intelligent enough. He wouldn't have been able to stop it even if he tried. Puppet that he was (is)


posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:58 PM
I think:

The trade centers were hit by planes.

The trade centers did not fall because the planes hit them.

The trade centers did not fall in a conventional controlled demolition.

9/11 happened to justify NWO and WWIII.

Proof? There is no proof. The proof is in the pudding, look around you.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

Here is my opinion:

On 9/11, 19 Muslim extremists, motivated by a deadly mix of extremist ideologies and perceived injustices at the hands of western civilization, hijacked four airplanes in a coordinated attack on the United States of America. Due at least partially to the drastic failure of the intelligence and military bureaucracy, nearly 3,000 innocent individuals lost their lives. While aspects of the United States government ultimately failed in protecting its citizens, they were not directly involved in any way, shape, or form.

The Twin Towers:

Two of the four planes flew into towers 1 and 2 of the WTC. The ensuing damage caused by two Boeing 767's slamming into the buildings at an excess of 450 miles per hour, coupled with out of control fires from over 10,000 gallons of jet fuel, were directly responsible for the collapse of the two buildings.

Building Seven:

Building seven collapsed primarily due to the damage it suffered from falling debris as the two towers collapsed, the massive fires that resulted, and the systematic failure of numerous trusses within the building (which is evidenced by the penthouse falling about ten seconds before the collapse of the rest of the building... this is conveniently edited out of most YouTube videos).

The Pentagon:

Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. The debris, the eyewitness accounts, the recovered bodies, and the photographic evidence (yes, the photographic evidence) leaves absolutely no doubt in my mind.


Flight 93 crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, as a result of the courageous acts of the passengers inside. The "burnt hole" in the ground can be attributed to the fact that the plane was travelling at an upwards of 550 mph before slamming head-on into the ground.

That is my rather condensed opinion.

edit on 27-6-2011 by Judge_Holden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Judge_Holden

I still dont get how you can believe 2 planes could take down 3 WTC buildings. Also, you realize many veteran pilots testified that they could not even have pulled off the WTC crashes, right?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by jude11
My opinion?

Building 7 is highly suspect and the answers lie there. If 7 is suspect, that makes the entire event suspect IMO.

Do I believe Bush knew about it? Yes. Did he plan it? No...not intelligent enough. He wouldn't have been able to stop it even if he tried. Puppet that he was (is)


Thanks for your own replie.
What was in building 7 by chance?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by EmVeeFF
I think:

The trade centers were hit by planes.

The trade centers did not fall because the planes hit them.

The trade centers did not fall in a conventional controlled demolition.

9/11 happened to justify NWO and WWIII.

Proof? There is no proof. The proof is in the pudding, look around you.

Why the nwo?,
Who do you think is the master mind behind them?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527

Originally posted by jude11
My opinion?

Building 7 is highly suspect and the answers lie there. If 7 is suspect, that makes the entire event suspect IMO.

Do I believe Bush knew about it? Yes. Did he plan it? No...not intelligent enough. He wouldn't have been able to stop it even if he tried. Puppet that he was (is)


Thanks for your own replie.
What was in building 7 by chance?

Not much...just 100's of millions, up to a Billion (Depending on the source) in Gold & Silver...and not to mention a nice insurance policy to boot.

Alphabet offices etc.

This is all public knowledge tho. Actually I believe the CIA offices weren't disclosed until after the fact.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by EmVeeFF
reply to post by Judge_Holden

I still dont get how you can believe 2 planes could take down 3 WTC buildings. Also, you realize many veteran pilots testified that they could not even have pulled off the WTC crashes, right?

If a skeptic did a thread on building 7and said that it was brought down by demolition I couldn’t do nothing but agree on all points in the matter, you cant get around building 7,its just to obvious and so out of place in the whole situation.

As far as pilots, ‘until one of them tries the maneuver‘, then their words holds no water to what the flight simulations has taught them as far as the impossibilities of this actually succeeding…no water at all.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:27 PM
I am sorry friend, but you do not want people to post ideas that they have heard from other people. Ok, I get it. But the problem here is that ANY info that you receive from ANYONE here will be second hand info for YOU.

You will become the very person you request not participate here.

Isn't that a contradiction?

I am confused on the need for this thread.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by EmVeeFF

Nonsense. The WTC's were quite large targets. If I am not mistaken, they were over 200 feet wide. A normal runway at a commercial airport is anywhere from 150 to 200 feet wide. So how exactly would a professional pilot have a hard time hitting a vertical object that is more wide than the surface they are supposed to land on? That's like saying a pilot would have a hard time flying straight.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Some people cannot comprehend the concept of eliminating a negative.

Just because a negative is eliminated does not mean you know what the positive is.


posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by mb2591
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

I don't understand the purpose of gathering these opinions.. You will not find any answers..

For my studies, and me it is very essential for me to understand what the brain thinks about more then what the brain thinks about.

When you are on as many forums as im on, you just get tired of hearing people describe what they want to say through some utube or snippet from what some body else’s brain perceives the situation to be.

Just because somebody is on TV or has written a book or did some groovy utube video explaining something, does not make them more credible then you as to what you think might have happened..Hell no!

I am on 11 other forums and its just being played out as to the 'proof thing'.

Here is a video from tube >here is my proof!

Here is a snippet from a web site> here is my proof!

An author from the best selling book ‘how I swam with mermaids and flew with aliens>…here’s my proof.

Nothing in this world has 100% proof beyond the shadow of a doubt… nothing!

It would be nice just to hear what they personally think, that is all.
edit on 27-6-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Like many, I was glued to the T.V. that day.
I had the T.V. on before the second tower was hit. I saw a plane in the background, and while talking to my mom on the phone said, "wouldn't it be odd if that plane in the background hit..."

I remember thinking.."well, whoever has done this...this day is it. The beginning of the end of our world as we know it".

I wasn't so far off. The world did change that day. When the towers fell, I thought they were strong enough to withstand plane crashes, but wondered how the hell they would repair them if they hadn't fallen. I thought about the ballistics of a bullet. How such a tiny object can do so much damage to things, and chalked up as such an event.

Then the other events took place, and something wasn't sitting right.

Two planes caused devastating damage to three strong buildings for all to see. Then two more dissipated into nothing, leaving the pentagon with a bit of damage and a crater in the forest. Not really as spectacular, or destructive.

Then they replayed the towers and buildings falling all day. The more I watched the more I felt like I was being duped. Bless the lives that were lost that day, but it felt like a crappy movie scenario...where the stunts and stuff didn't fit the know?

I don't know what was in building 7. I didn't really know what was in the others either. Then a few years later that damn Zeitgeist movie claimed it was the storage or something for the cia/fbi stuff. But that is the only thing I had heard.

But that week I started hearing the whispers of government involvement. My only words were "Well, wouldn't surprise me". I figured the Americans would strike back with nukes, or something. The fact that the wait was six months or something, for the "retaliation" or war to start was very odd. Again, something did not sit right.
But I knew it had something to do with an oil wielding nation. Then I was slowly building a bit of a conspiracy in my own head, on how it was all about oil, and greed.
I didn't spend too much harboring those thoughts, as being in law enforcement at the time, my main goals were to remain focused on my work and family. Whatever was coming...

Honestly, minus the lives lost, the whole thing seemed sorta fake. Like I said earlier about the movie with the bad effects not matching the events. And the other was all just fishy. The MSM and even smaller press has never really been a fully trusted source with our family, as you can imagine how often we saw the press slightly manipulate stories related to our work, to suit a need.

Anyways, sorry man, for the block text. Just tried to give you MY thoughts on those they may seem kinda jumbled and lack a bit of articulation, due to the fishing style used to find the memories. haha.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:53 PM
I wasn’t complicit in orchestrating 9/11 and have not been confided in by anyone that was. However, I probably have put more time and thought into it than most college students do in four years of school. I also don’t have time right now to write an essay. That being said…

The twin towers: All smart people have to do is watch the videos of the buildings fall enough times while asking themselves “Is gravity the only thing at work here”, why are things flying out laterally. The furthest Squib I’ve found is 60 floors below the collapse zone, there is no working theory how that is possible by gravity alone, and you won’t find one. Liquefied metal poured out of the corners, and Molten metal was pooled under the rubble for months, try that at home with fire. Close your eyes and try to image 8 floors per second crushing and ejecting the debris, that’s 8 floors per second yet the building held fine up to that point then BAM!, it just let go. And a million other observations, bla bla bla…

Pentagon could have been hit by a plane with a POD attached which fired the missile. Hence no videos released because they show a flash before impact just as the tower planes did. Or not. I’m not as interested in the front HOLE as I am with the holes it punched through all the way to the C RING. That’s several walls. And the photos I’ve looked over seem to show debris that seems to have been thrown OUT of the building onto the lawn AFTER the initial blast. Also, the fires seem to be in parts of the building further to the left and up from the impact as if they were set by something else.

Shanksville crash: I believe it was shot down or blown up from within. I mean please, look at the neat little mark in the ground and tell me a plane crashed straight into the earth there, nuff said.

At least three of the planes needed to be remotely flown to guarantee accuracy, PERIOD.

And if Building seven doesn’t make your hair stand on end, crawl back in your hole because buildings like that don’t just suddenly fall into itself in 7 seconds. PERIOD. Building seven was imploded almost conventionally, making the whole day staged. Controlled demolition equals inside job period.

I’m missing like three days worth of writing but that’s some of my brain thoughts. And I don’t care WHO did it, let’s agree it couldn’t have been the who and the way we were told.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:53 PM
I think the country got a shock far deeper and more costly than Pearl Harbor.
The tin foil hatters got a new reason to look under their beds. Not that the needed another one.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by azbowhunter
I am sorry friend, but you do not want people to post ideas that they have heard from other people. Ok, I get it. But the problem here is that ANY info that you receive from ANYONE here will be second hand info for YOU.

You will become the very person you request not participate here.

Isn't that a contradiction?

I am confused on the need for this thread.

No info to me is second hand; all info is welcomed, as long as it is coming from their own opinion as to the conclusion of this matter.
This is a simple thread, I doubt if there will be debate.
Its just straight up opinions with out bringing dr… whom ever or some video explaining. I don’t even want to debate, its about asking questions, every body’s opinions or facts are welcomed.

'Im denying ignorance out side the ats today'

i just want to stay inside..just one day

‘You see, we are not debating on what we say and what we perceive things to be.’

We are debating on what other people have said and what other people bring to the table.
People get violations, banned, and get in there feelings arguing over what’s outside the ats and what some snippet and utube video or what some body else said in their perspective.

‘How can you allow your brain to keep letting every one else do the talking for you’

'is that a rule or is that mind controle'
edit on 27-6-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

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