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The Elements of Oppression

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posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Okay, first of all, wow,
I'm impressed by the amount of research done by you,
not many people go out of their way to spread the truth like that,
unless they're crazy like me and have a ton of time to waste

I'm in agreement with both, but I would change oil for energy and resources,
Whoever controls Energy sources and resources controls industry, and consequently the economy.
Whoever controls food controls people's growth.
Whoever controls mass media and education shapes people's minds.
Whoever controls currency controls governments.


The reason why you have a duality in this country, where there is a portrait
of the "forbidden fruit", is because it goes hand in hand with Neo-Malthusian
Philosophy of population reduction. If sex was portrayed as a normal thing
people would be more open, and hence reproduce at an exponential rate.
Sure, you would have gotten rid of inter-relationship problems, but you'd also have
a problem with resource scarcity. The people in control preferred to use a sociological
approach to population reduction rather than mass starvation and mass murders,
albeit they do tend do go towards that direction when it comes to third world countries.

Regarding the Ghetto trash comment, I believe in free education for all
willing to specialize in certain fields of labor. Schools should be surrounded
by free student habitation areas, can't have someone work and study at the same time,
I'm doing it, it's not pleasant, it's affecting me psychologically in a negative way,
which in turn affects my grades in a negative way. A good way for government to
pay this would be through nationalization of energy sources and resources,
along with taking back control of printing currency. Another seemingly humane thing to do
would be to have two sectors of health-care, private and public.
Government profit redistribution proportionally to income would eliminate poverty
and make the lowest class that of middle income group.
This would affect the economy in a positive way since people would consume more,
and hence spend more, which in turn would increase local jobs in both the service
as well as manufacturing sectors. With rise in consumption would be the rise
in demand for resources, space exploration and exploitation would become
a natural permanent solution.

If I could run North America (US and Canada) without interruption for 10 years,
I would create a technological and economical powerhouse that
would dwarf the rest of the world combined.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Radekus

Originally posted by wildoracle13
reply to post by Radekus

Again, you have only stated more ways that we are inundated with control from the "elite" or those with more money than us. I agree with all of your statements about the church. I too was raised Roman Catholic and know better than most the power that religion holds over people. But the motive is still lacking. Some say it's for the purpose of power and money and control. But all of those things come with a HUGE price. Look at the state of the world's economy. Now all those mind controlled sheep will be jumping the fence. No matter how much preaching, drugging, social reformation, cultural expectaions are placed the people will not conform when faced with hunger, poverty, deprivation, fear, depression, and ultimately hate... I guess I am overly pessimistic about the state of the world but can you blame me?

You seem to be unable to accept the fact that humans are inherently selfish.
Furthermore, that they know fully consciously the end effects of their direct or indirect actions.
Most people are driven by the idea of comfort, stability, others seek power and domination,
they don't care who gets the short end of the stick, locally or across the ocean.
Besides, the super rich in control have a multitude of personal philosophies that also
directly impact the choices that they make, they overly use justification;
The means justify the end kind of mentality.

What you have there is a conglomeration of multiple philosophies,
most based off of a deluded life perspective that only a very wealthy existence can provide.
I'd go on to say that they have a very schitzoid and self centered approach to life,
most probably because they have "knowledge" most people don't have,
this makes them feel superior, better, morally righteous, whatever.
You seem to believe that people are inherently decent, unfortunately that is not the case.
If I can't convince you, then there's always the belief that aliens run the whole show.

They may be schitzoid and self centered but it still doesn't explain why they would want to breathe polluted air (chemtrails) survive earthquakes (HAARP), live in a desert/ice age (deforestation and global warming), drink polluted water (flouride etc), have to avoid world wars (collapse the US economy), find a new food source (once all animals and crops are genetically destroyed (Monsanto) only to live in an underground bunker? Help me out here.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by wildoracle13

Because they own land that is not going to be affected by these changes.
These changes affect you, not them. Besides, to them it's a giant
game of Risk, unfortunately they don't realize that they're playing with
real people, real governments, real economics. I foresee a total collapse
of the monetary system along with a world war 3 that will make
the combination of the two preceding ones look like a walk in the park.
Like I keep saying, the world is going to go through multiple
wars and revolutions, new nations will be created out of the ashes,
the only nation in my opinion that can gain something out of all this,
and this is mainly due to supply lines considering that most of ww3 will be fought in Asia,
is unequivocally China. If I was a paid strategic adviser to China
I would make them own the world in the pawn of their hands by eliminating,
quite easily, all of their opponents, only India would remain a potential threat.
But at that point, you just deploy mobile anti-ballistic missile systems around
India, surround it in the sea and air with ships and carriers, infiltrate and sabotage
key industries, and cut it off from the world economy, the stagnation and poverty would either result in
1) war which they would loose
2) a civil war in the country they could not contain,
in which case you wait till the fighting stops and come in to
clean up the mess.

To get back on topic, the only way to salvage the economic situation
in the western world is to adopt protectionism, nationalize all
natural resources and energy sources. Work towards renewable
energy. This money would enable governments to pay for
things like free education for all, with food and rent free while you study.
This in turn would build a specialized society, technology would
grow at an even higher rate, not to mention the economy would benefit.
Education system would have to be changed somewhat,
and I only mean elementary and high school. UNESCO's program is a failure
due to it teaching you how to be a dependent consumer rather than an independent
entrepreneur, and I thought we lived in a free capitalist society? They don't even
teach you where to get financing if you wanna build a company up from nothing.
Now a days it's about making yourself look good, work hard, and MAYBE
some company somewhere will notice you and hire you, fat chance with the
way the economy is going. Here's another idea, government redistribution
of profits, this would eliminate the poor class and put them on par with
the middle class, this in turn would increase consumption of goods and services,
in the end, a positive consequence on the economy of the country
due to increase in service and manufacturing jobs.
Keep in mind I said, redistribution of government profits,
not people's incomes, this is a big difference that should not be misunderstood.
One can have a positive effect, the other economic stagnation,
why you think Communist countries fail so badly? There's no incentives,
no motivation for workers to exceed in anything, work like a slave for a piece of bread?
Are you kidding me?
edit on 7-7-2011 by Radekus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Radekus
reply to post by wildoracle13

Because they own land that is not going to be affected by these changes.
These changes affect you, not them. Besides, to them it's a giant
game of Risk, unfortunately they don't realize that they're playing with
real people, real governments, real economics. I foresee a total collapse
of the monetary system along with a world war 3 that will make
the combination of the two preceding ones look like a walk in the park.
Like I keep saying, the world is going to go through multiple
wars and revolutions, new nations will be created out of the ashes,
the only nation in my opinion that can gain something out of all this,
and this is mainly due to supply lines considering that most of ww3 will be fought in Asia,
is unequivocally China. If I was a paid strategic adviser to China
I would make them own the world in the pawn of their hands by eliminating,
quite easily, all of their opponents, only India would remain a potential threat.
But at that point, you just deploy mobile anti-ballistic missile systems around
India, surround it in the sea and air with ships and carriers, infiltrate and sabotage
key industries, and cut it off from the world economy, the stagnation and poverty would either result in
1) war which they would loose
2) a civil war in the country they could not contain,
in which case you wait till the fighting stops and come in to
clean up the mess.

To get back on topic, the only way to salvage the economic situation
in the western world is to adopt protectionism, nationalize all
natural resources and energy sources. Work towards renewable
energy. This money would enable governments to pay for
things like free education for all, with food and rent free while you study.
This in turn would build a specialized society, technology would
grow at an even higher rate, not to mention the economy would benefit.
Education system would have to be changed somewhat,
and I only mean elementary and high school. UNESCO's program is a failure
due to it teaching you how to be a dependent consumer rather than an independent
entrepreneur, and I thought we lived in a free capitalist society? They don't even
teach you where to get financing if you wanna build a company up from nothing.
Now a days it's about making yourself look good, work hard, and MAYBE
some company somewhere will notice you and hire you, fat chance with the
way the economy is going. Here's another idea, government redistribution
of profits, this would eliminate the poor class and put them on par with
the middle class, this in turn would increase consumption of goods and services,
in the end, a positive consequence on the economy of the country
due to increase in service and manufacturing jobs.
Keep in mind I said, redistribution of government profits,
not people's incomes, this is a big difference that should not be misunderstood.
One can have a positive effect, the other economic stagnation,
why you think Communist countries fail so badly? There's no incentives,
no motivation for workers to exceed in anything, work like a slave for a piece of bread?
Are you kidding me?
edit on 7-7-2011 by Radekus because: (no reason given)

You say they own land huh? Does this land produce it's own air free of contamination from the rest of the planet? Besides, I just don't see the elite doing anything for themselves. They are used to someone taking their dry cleaning out for them, flying on private jets, and owning as much art, relics, fine fabrics, cars, and homes. They dine on the world's finest foods, travel by yacht... SO, if they were to quarantine themselves off on this land you speak of tell me: where are they going to get the gasoline for the jet? Where will they go? Who is going to produce for them the cars they wish to drive? Who will pave the roads? And you can't tell me they will be holed up together and forgo the usual 15 bedroom 10 bath home featuring a movie theatre, landing strip and mini mall. I still am not convinced the elite want to dessimate the earth and it's people.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by wildoracle13

They have land, technology, and an army of loyalists who will fight to regain control
of the earth once the dust settles. They will be the only ones with advanced
technology and weapons so retaking control of the planet is going to be cake walk.
I wouldn't be surprised if they also had a military industrial complex somewhere.
Ever hear of the underground military bases that were/are being built around the clock?

They're not stupid, just because you don't know what they're up to doesn't mean
that they don't either. They have a plan, it might be whacked out and twisted,
but it is a plan nevertheless.

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