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How many of you hear voices, not necessarly in your head but around you as well?

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posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

I've heard demonic entities, and seen them. Two as matter of fact, scary stuff.

Would you please describe what these demons looked like? What did they say? I think a friend of mine may have experienced something very similar.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:01 PM
because this thread is inevitably turning away from your question of 'do you hear voices' and towards 'lets help the thread poster with some unsolicited advice...." I would suggest you watch this documentary for some interesting & less conventional ideas about 'voices'


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by lightmere

I have often heard my name called right prior to falling asleep. It's annoying.
Usually, I'll ignore it unless it was very clear. Then I'll scope the house out, just in case.

One of the weird things I have been experiencing lately as I hit the hay though, is I will hear a explosion type sound in my head and it'll actually make my body do a quick spasm/jump. Now that, I find odd.

Might wanna check out: Exploding head syndrome...I'm serious.

On topic: I've never heard audible voices outside of a half-sleep/meditative state except once. It was about 2am and I was getting ready for bed. I had a foreign language exam in the morning and so I was running through the new vocabulary in my head. Then I heard, over my own thoughts, the distinct sound of a male voice. I couldn't make out the words, but the voice was VERY real. So real in fact that I bolted straight out of bed. Needless to say, I did not sleep well that night.

I've also thought I've heard my name called on several occasions, but I think most everyone experiences that at some point.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:27 PM
I have paranoid schizophrenia. I've had visual and auditory hallucinations. Right now I hear one voice in my head and it's me thinking. I haven't had hallucinations in 10 years thanks to modern day medicine.

When I was in a psychosis I only heard voices inside my head. The hallucinations were never from an external source (hearing them with my ears).

My hallucinations manifested and evolved. At first I thought the voices were the cia talking to me through radio waves in the fillings of my teeth. As my illness progressed I then thought the hallucinations were god. Then lastly I thought the voices were aliens talking to me telepathically.

One injection Haldol brought me out of it.
edit on 26-6-2011 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-6-2011 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by TNMockingbird

I am beginning to wonder if I should say anything at all, but I will anyway. I have always heard voices. I can't remember when I couldn't.
What your daughter says is how I hear them sometimes, like under water and can't hear what they are saying. I try really hard to hear. Some times I can hear a few words though. I have had 3 other people who have been with me and heard what I heard. But only 3 out of hundreds of people I have known in my life time. It is not common and when you tell people about it, they give you a strange look.
Except for here, I haven't told anyone in years. A girl I worked with 11 years ago was one of the people who heard the voices with me. Believe me, I nearly hugged that girl to death when she ask me....Did you hear that!!!? Someone was calling for help when there was no one there.!!?
I have never been to any doctors for it. It started when I was too young to remember when it wasn't happening, so I thought it was normal until I got to be about 6 and so even today, I do still hear them ever so often.

edit on 26-6-2011 by ellieN because: leaving out words and spelling

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by lightmere

Used to hear voices when i was a kid callling my name and I finally answered them one day and it freaked me out, until i had priests pray on me and tell them to leave me alone

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:03 PM
If I did, I wouldn't admit to it to a shrink. You can be diagnosed as a schizo just for hearing "voices". If you have no other symptoms, perhaps it is just you mistaking normal sounds for actual speech, sort of like an auditory version of facial matrixing.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by jerryznv
reply to post by lightmere

Oh I assure you I did read about your doc's...I read every single word you typed into your keyboard and sent to this thread....please don't assume I didn't!

What I said was do you hear voices in your head or around you? please dont make assumptions this is a very serious matter to me.

What makes you think this is not a very serious matter to me? Are you assuming that...looks to me like your making a whole lot more assumptions than I am...please don't try to be condescending to's embarrassing and does not help me help you with your problem now does it?

As for your question...if you are only concerned with whether I hear voices in my head or around me...well then yes...all the most normal folks do. Now we could discuss what hearing voices in your head really means...but I think, no I am certain that we all have an internal voice that guides far as hearing in my head...of course...where else would I hear my hands?

Also mentionable...if this is such a serious matter to you then you would have clearly seen that my suggestions where very serious and not meant to be taken lightly either....perhaps you misunderstood...and in that case I accept you apology. Hallucinating is very serious...if that is indeed what it is...and should be handled professionals, and while there are a few professionals that frequent should not be your first choice for professional analysis.

I was not asking for a proffessional analysis, I was asking who hears voices. I certainly would not expect ATS users to diagnose me based on a question I asked. At least not without some back ground information first.
edit on 26-6-2011 by lightmere because: Hit enter before i typed my reply

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:35 PM
have you ever tried recording the voices. if so can you here them in the recordings. can any1 else here them?

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Thats very interesting. I will definetly check it out.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by B.Morrison

Thanks for bringing back the topic I origianly started!
I found that video interesting.
I really did not start this thread to be diagnosed or analized.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by lightmere

Please edit your post it does not look like you are quoting me when you say this:

I was not asking for a proffessional analysis, I was asking who hears voices. I certainly would not expect ATS users to diagnose me based on a question I asked. At least not without some back ground information first.

...and for goodness sakes please refer to your own posts where you clearly said that you have given a solid explanation of your past experiences by medical professionals...who prescribed you medications and made diagnosis of your condition...I would consider this to be you divulging some background information first...wouldn't you? Then carry on with your condescending remarks to me...thanks!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by ellieN

Sometimes I cant make out what they are saying either.
Even when I try to concentrate very hard.
Other times its very audible.
I would like to add its not like they are talking to me, more like I am over hearing what their conversation is about.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:51 PM
Could you provide me with a link I tried to google it and all I get is facial reconition? Thanks![

quote]Originally posted by gnosticquasar
If I did, I wouldn't admit to it to a shrink. You can be diagnosed as a schizo just for hearing "voices". If you have no other symptoms, perhaps it is just you mistaking normal sounds for actual speech, sort of like an auditory version of facial matrixing.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by SpunGCake

No I havent tried to record them. I do have a small recorder that I just may try this with I will keep you posted if I come up with anything.
But once my Son told me he heard the radio playing in the wall. We have since changed houses, and he hasn't mentioned it again.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by jerryznv

What do you have against me buddy? My diagnosis not thats its any of your bussiness was psycotic disorder NOS meaning Not Otherwise Specified! Meaning they dont know!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by lightmere
reply to post by jerryznv

What do you have against me buddy? My diagnosis not thats its any of your bussiness was psycotic disorder NOS meaning Not Otherwise Specified! Meaning they dont know!

Please do not make this personal...I have nothing against you personally...I simply asked that you edit your post...and make sure your not misquoting that too much?

Twice now when I have posted to help you come to a conclusive answer you have belittled my responses and made me out to be picking on you...which is simply not the case...I am trying to understand what you mean...and why the events that your describing cannot be attributed to general psychology and why this has to be some mysterious phenomenon of some sort...can I do that?

If your insisting that your condition, or experiences are not of this world I would like you to exclude the possible explanations from things of this doctors and psychologists, psychiatrists, or other health care experts in the field...don't you think thats reasonable?

Or are you just comfortable labeling them yourself and leaving the opinion of the professionals excluded as they seem to not fit the agenda? Simple curiousity...that is what I am here learn...what about you?

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by Erowynn

Thank you, I never would have thought of this as a medical condition.

Usually, I go to the the Doc, and he asks me, "what's wrong?" and I tell him, "I'm getting old, gotta a pill for that?"

Maybe it's PTSD , though I myself doubt it. I usually give it, "Putting up with TDAWGs *snip* daily." so to speak. Get it?

It is weird when it happens. But thanks for the heads up.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by lightmere

I haven't but found this article and site that might be of interest to you that do.

Hearing Voices, Mind Reading, Secret Weapons, Media Crimes - Information & Articles by Paul Baird

This site contains information relating to advanced satellite surveillance and "harassment" technologies which are made available to covert government agencies and organised crime syndicates.

The secret technologies in question are covered by military/agency secrecy orders, mostly obtained under the US Inventions Secrecy Act, 1951. There are currently over 5,000 hidden devices, many computer - based and satellite facilitated, all with military / criminal applications. Neurophones, brain scanners and brain wave vocabulary software, directed energy and E-M weapons are amongst these as are technologies to affect the weather, cause earthquakes etc etc. Undemocratically, and to protect powerful criminals from scrutiny,various other Secrecy, National Security and Defamation legislation has been enhanced in recent years. The US Patriot Act, for example, protects governments and connected criminals from criticism and/or detection and prosecution. Under this act anyone whistleblowing or fighting the system on a major concern is arbitrarily deemed to be unpatriotic (when it's the criminals they criticise who betray us). They can then be listed (by a senior politician or at the request, through them, of a connected criminal) as a security risk and harassed covertly; using secret technologies. Over 20,000 satellites currently target and silence countless people worldwide (est. 500,000 plus) as a result of such bad laws. The victims are not openly confronted as that would remove any feigned excuses and leave the perpetrators open to all manner of accusation. Instead the methods used are covert; employing high tech' to remotely torment and deceive victims without leaving evidence. Often targets are tricked into believing they are having psychic, medical, psychiatric, religious or even alien experiences (which they are not). This leaves them discredited as they vainly seek help from ignorant or complicit authorities (police, MPs, doctors, media etc). This leaves them neutralised and possibly even silenced on the issue they originally raised. This, along with various research aspects, is the purpose of the exercise

Through this site the author seeks to provide a community service; to inform the general public and encourage forthright but peaceful protest against the corporate/military/government crimes outlined herein.

I should also add that whilst the topic of violence (as a sad reality) was addressed in my fictional novel, "In the year 2252", at no stage and in no way was it my intention to encourage violent responses to the real life criminal conduct of corrupt members of corporate/government/military organisations. Passive resistance to oppression is the only acceptable method ... but resist we must.

Source and contact information:

Again, the human brain is nothing more than a organic can be mucked with big time.

The question is by whom?

As crazy as it sounds, those at the very very top of the pyramid may not even be homosapien. Just speculation, but one must keep their minds open and think outside the box if they ever want to get out of the box (matrix).

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Wow, very very good reply..................and yes while I believe the world isn't going to end in 2012 the veil that separates dimensions is going to get pretty thin.

Maybe some of us are hooking into another dimension at this point and doctors only know to prescribe pills and what the AMA has taught them.

What is considered crazy or magic today can and will be explained by quantum physics or medical science in the future.

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