posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 07:22 PM
I realize that I am in no position to judge anyone because I am rather new here, but why has M@STERBL@STER spewed all of this garbage about his Yahoo!
message board being shut down by the NWO, and suppossedly (sp?) the creator of the board was "taken out" by the NWO. What info could they have
possibly had that the govt would want to take such extreme measures to stop a bunch of kids exchanging theorys? I am sounding over critical here and I
do apologize, but people who take up space on this message board and have no informative or interesting input shouldnt even be here. Now, I'm not
trying to cause a commotion or offend anyone here but if any mods are reading this, please, for the good of the site ban M@STER and his friends so
people with useful info can join? Plus, how did M.B. and his friend (-RKBA-) become Administrators? Could they be behind the McQueen Scion attacks?
If I am wrong I sincerely apologize to all parties.
[Edited on 31-3-2003 by Tetsuo-51]